House Party

House Party 0.19.0 Released to Alpha Testers

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Holy fucking mother of balls! Get ready for Alpha 0.19.0, dudes, because we have some sick Frank story coming!

In the newest Alpha, you can explore the party and chat with Frank to uncover key information about his godlike massive man berries. With enough clues, you will unlock his brand new story route, where trust is broken and genital sizes are called into question.

We don’t want to spoil too much of this sweet new story content, but there’s a huge steaming load of gameplay on the way, including five all new Original Story Opportunities: A “Ball” of Mystery, Cock-Ball Fight, The Penis Games, Nail the Coffin, and Budding Bromance. Yes, that’s right. You can romance Frank now.

As you make your way around the party, pay attention – because throughout the night you’ll hear brand new scrotal dialogue in the mix. Chatting with Frank directly will unlock even more secrets about the mysterious crotch-related storyline that awaits. From there, you can launch the greatest debate of the party. Through coercion, blood, sweat, tears, and destroyed friendships, you will determine once and for all who has the biggest package at the party!

Don’t miss out on all of the new shit in this update, and have a ball playing!

Happy Holidays!

-Eek Team

(Alpha 12/24/2020)


House Party 0.18.2 Stable Release

House Party Stable Release 0.18.2 is live!

We’ve ironed out a bunch of bugs and added a lot of polish in this update. We hope you all enjoy the extra smooth gameplay experience!

Two of the biggest changes we introduced are Brittney and Katherine’s outfit reworks. Brittney has an updated patriotic bathing suit, a cute new top for Date Night With Brittney, and her regular in-game shirt has also been reworked with a sexy new look! Katherine’s outfit rework includes a black tee, red skirt, choker, and fishnets! If you haven’t checked out any of the social media screenshots we’ve shared of those two yet, go take a look at them in-game and let us know what you think!

In addition to the usual load of bug fixes, this update also brings some great visual/UI changes such as a brand new radial menu for player choices. Now, when you click on an NPC in the game, it’ll have a new look when selecting your interactions. We also reworked and updated intimacy rewards for several characters, updated the House Party loading screen, and improved our save and load system.

The changes included with this release greatly improve the look, feel, and quality of life of House Party. We’ll catch up on unvoiced lines and translations in our next content update sometime soon after the new year. 

There is so much more exciting stuff we’re working on that we can’t wait to share with all of you. For now, enjoy the polish release, check out the hot new Brittney and Katherine outfits, enjoy those new repeatable intimacy rewards, and get hyped for our upcoming updates!

Reminder Note: Though we try our best to preserve them, sometimes it’s inevitable that we have to make changes to the save system, so old saves are not compatible with this update


-Eek Team

0.18.2 (Stable Release)


  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s intimacy reward has been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: Rachael’s intimacy rewards have been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: Madison’s intimacy reward from “The Muse” has been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: Leah’s intimacy reward from “Broken Code” has been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie’s intimacy reward from “Special Tutoring” has been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: Leah’s Hellion/”evil” intimacy reward is now repeatable…but the Player won’t exactly be in control of such fortuitous second, third, fourth, or seventieth rounds…
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s photo shoot (part of “Look at this Photograph!”) has been ‘modernized’ with the option to use a radial menu to control her poses, and expanded upon to include many more pose options
  • In Date Night With Brittney: Brittney has selected a slightly different outfit for her date with the Player…
  • In the Original Story: * BEEP BOOP * Compubrah can now scan Katherine…
  • In the Original Story: * BEEP BOOP * Compubrah can now scan Rachael outside of her involvement in “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” and “Benedict Brahrnold”…
  • In the Original Story: Lety’s (solo) intimacy reward has had a little additional polish and modernization added to it, and can now make use of the Wall Sex positions
  • The Intimacy Console Command will now let you know you are wasting your time if you try to make a Character that is Asexual be sexual. It won’t go as far as to make you feel bad, per se. It will leave that to you
  • Updated Brittney’s clothing
  • Updated Katherine’s clothing
  • Added new model for frank’s popcorn
  • Frank’s Popcorn can now be thrown around. You know where you’re gonna throw it first
  • Updated combat and orgasm UI
  • Added loading tooltip UI
  • Added tool tips to the load window to show recent memories and opportunities in progress for the save file under the mouse. Will only work with newer save files.
  • Added new radial menu UI
  • Updated the radial for the main menu to use a new visual style and support up to 12 elements on screen at one time.
  • Updated memories window and save data to differentiate between narrations and thought bubbles.
  • Updated the loading screen to support cycling randomly through a list of background image.s
  • Updated the orgasm status bar to support use of a different icon for charging vs depleting.
  • Added a continue game button which is enabled when there is a valid auto save to recall.
  • Updated auto save conditions to perform an auto save whenever you return to the main menu.
  • Synchronized time across all clocks in the universe
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will not interrupt the Player nearly getting their teeth kicked in or while other events of “global” importance are occurring just to help Katherine with her wittle bitty tummy ache
  • In the Original Story: cleanup of events that can fail out of the “Meltdown” Opportunity while Katherine is still in the downstairs bathroom
  • In the Original Story: general cleanup of events related to Stephanie’s intimacy sequences
  • In the Original Story: fixed a Derek Alternate Dialogue setting so that it will not show up if Derek is mad at the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of confusing or unnecessary behaviors and restrictions that had been caused by the tying together of Ashley changing in her room as part of “Change of Heart/Humiliate Ashley” Opportunities and the Player having upset Ashley by untying her top or groping her
  • In the Original Story: cleanup of some of Derek’s behaviors related to him divulging his “girl-friend” problems to the Player at various times
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that let the Player ask Katherine to start her Photo Shoot even after Katherine had gotten what she wanted (the Rum)
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would prevent the initial Derek Smash!-related response option for Derek from showing up again if the Player had initially asked for Derek’s help when Derek was pissed off at them. Still gotta earn your way back into buddy-ship, though!
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Ashley’s behavior so that she’s not as talkative immediately after being humiliated by the Player and Madison
  • In the Original Story: Madison’s Phone will now only use one set of Radial Menu options
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause redundant thought bubbles to appear when selecting a Vickie response while pursuing “The Muse” and “Sibling Warfare” at roughly the same time
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Lety’s behavior so that she won’t be remain visibly plastered for the remainder of the party after her core content is Completed or Failed
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of events related to getting several Characters into Compubrah VR Land A.K.A DongVR A.K.A Patrick’s Fuckbox
  • In the Original Story: added additional temporary position transition protections for many of the intimacy scenes in the game that should help mitigate situations in which a Character the Player was hooking up with could be rendered briefly unable to Orgasm, potentially for the remainder of an entire intimacy scene
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety to use her generic reaction to the Player exposing themselves just as they were getting intimate together
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from being able to send Lety to Derek just before the main events of “Hunt the Hunk” if Derek was occupied when the Player first tells Lety about Derek and Madison
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent certain story-critical events from various NPCs from unfolding during some of the more “idle” moments of the Game Grumps’ “painting scene”
  • In the Original Story: slightly loosened restrictions on two Patrick responses related to sending him to Brittney to ask about his phone so that they would not be locked out for the entirety of Madison’s “art show”, even if the Player takes their sweet time getting to it
  • In the Original Story: refusing to be Stephanie’s prostitute is now a permanent decision. Fixed a repeat response issue related to this as well
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to try and be intimate with Stephanie even if their Orgasm meter was recharging just before her intimacy reward for “Special Tutoring” was started
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow duplicate pre-“Special Tutoring” intimacy dialogues for Stephanie to appear
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause a confusing shift in dialogue and tone when giving Ashley her 2nd beer for her “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity, if the Player was close to recovering from negative social values with her
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Derek’s alternate lines for his default greeting/Dialogue 0 to be a bit more reliant on social meters, in the case that the Player completed “The Muse” and slept with Madison
  • In the Original Story: Frank can now be looted for this marijuana, provided your not-omniscient avatar has need of such a thing
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie can now be looted for her moneys, provided your not-omniscient avatar has need of such a thing
  • In the Original Story: minor miscellaneous improvements to a couple looting mechanics
  • In the Original Story: slightly loosened criteria restrictions on an Ashley response regarding her best bud, Julius Squeezer
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Vickie to walk to a hot tub seat just after she invited the Player to take her Panties off in the hot tub
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer start a game of beer pong if they are being intimate with another Character or in combat
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with Russian translations that could prevent Background Chatter for Amy, Ashley, and Derek from translating properly
  • In the Original Story: slightly tweaked the restrictions on telling Stephanie about Katherine being sick, if “High and Dry” was in progress, and also add a thought bubble response in case a restriction still applies
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to get stuck on the roof after his “Memory Lane” scene with the Player, if the Player had previously reminded him to go to the roof in addition to the original request to do roof stuff
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could inexplicably lock out the finale of Ashley’s “Smooth Operator – Ashley” Opportunity if a specific pre-“Sibling Warfare” line was seen
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to the availability of a couple Derek default greeting responses
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Patrick to potentially be erroneously flagged as Not Occupied during niche moments during the Derek and Pat vs. Frank fight in “Derek Smash!”
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer “Blaze” with the Vape if they are currently giving a Blowjob
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank to be sent after Patrick while he is still soothing his own ego just before spars with the Player for the “good” finale of “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: minor event cleanup, niche bug vector fixes, and emotive tweaks during Pat’s “Cloud of Mystery” and “Genie in a Brahttle” Opportunities
  • In the Original Story: added extra protection against Frank being able to be sent after Patrick just as Patrick was needed for some rather intimate moments during the finale of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”, which could cause…complications
  • In the Original Story: Pat and Rachael won’t aimlessly stand around, fully clothed, in the hot tub after Patrick nearly dies and gets soaking wet during the finale of “Palectrick Feel”. That’s just silly
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that caused the “Got Vaped” lines from most Characters to count as having met them, which could lead to some awkward and/or unintended introductions and behaviors
  • In the Original Story: added extra protections against Madison being able to be sent after Patrick at several points in the game that would be…unfortunate
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that caused Frank’s dialogue re: getting mad at Patrick for talking about hiding booze from him as having “met” the Player
  • In the Original Story: additional cleanup of Madison and Frank “GO GET PATRICK!” responses in order to provide somewhat consistent feedback as to why these may be unavailable
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of issues that allowed Compubrah VR/Dong VR-enabled Characters to react to certain Player actions as if they were their normal selves. Which they aren’t…
  • In the Original Story: spiced up Rachael’s grope reaction with an emote and…more interesting effects if she isn’t attracted to the Player and in the middle of Lety and Rachael’s “Easter Egg” ending
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Rachael could call for Frank’s help after being groped by the Player, but if Frank was technically unavailable…uh oh, Spaghetti-Os
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to ask other Characters about Derek’s “Memory Lane” stories if the Player had Failed the Opportunity before Discovering it
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could prevent Vickie from properly turning AND stepping back to let the Player by if it was requested via a dialogue response
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could allow Vickie to get prematurely mad at the Player for not meeting up with her quickly enough at the beginning of the story
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: cleaned up miscellaneous and old scripting issues that would cause problems with certain Action Items and Doors used in the story
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: cleaned up the Actions on the box. Oooohhhh yeah, THAT box
  • In the Original Story: tweaks and polish to a number of aspects of the “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” and “Benedict Brahrnold” finales, including a bug fix for an issue that could cause “Benedict Brahrnold” to “stall out” just as Rachael asked for you to give her Patrick’s “key” due to certain Opportunity dependencies
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to awkwardly remain on her knees at one point in the story instead of starting oral fun with the Player
  • In Date Night With Brittney: Brittney will now react to the Player peeing anywhere near her. It won’t go so well
  • In Date Night With Brittney: adjusted the “Top Off” Action for Brittney based on her new clothing style and how her top might be removed in different positions
  • In the Original Story: slightly buffed Brittney’s combat stats to better reflect her long, storied history as a wrestler and her intense study of the techniques of Gina, the Gynecological Goddess, and complete shunning of that uppity orphan-burning bitch, Hymenia
  • In the Original Story: sprinkled in some additional emotive behaviors throughout Katherine’s story in dialogues where strictly engine-driven conversation behaviors might not reflect the seriousness/hopelessness/eternal melancholy/lulz of whatever is going on with her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where a hint thoughtbubble about the Penguin would not appear after a certain Patrick line was used while the Player was working on “Artsy Fartsy”
  • In the Original Story: addressed a social meter inconsistency in Katherine’s reaction to the Player masturbating while waiting to be intimate as compared to her…other reactions during that period
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety (immediately after having been invited to the party) to follow Leah around during certain bits of content that notably occupy Leah
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety to get up from having sex with the Player just before crushing him during the intimate finale of the Lety-Rachael Easter Egg. Come Lety, that isn’t how you smush
  • Streamlined logging of automatically and periodically performed Event Triggers
  • Fixed an issue with the Vibrator item that could cause erroneous events to trigger on Characters that had nothing to do with the…vibrating
  • Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate and/or erroneous IsAttacked reactions/EventTriggers to fire when Characters were struck
  • Fixed an issue that could cause IsAttacked reactions/EventTriggers “owned” by a Character (the EventTrigger being in their story) to not fire if they were too far away from the an “Target” Character that was struck
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Camera item to erroneously count certain Characters as having had a “Naked” Photo taken, when no portion of their body was fully exposed. Characters will count as “Naked” for the Camera item if they have the Topless, Bottomless, or Naked State(s), which are already dictated by Clothing item presence on a per-character level. CSC users can further customize this behavior by manually decrementing relevant Camera-generated Photo values in the CSC via Game Events
  • Added a few colliders around the currently used kitchen cabinet to ensure neither Frank’s precious popcorn nor other items can suddenly clip/fall out or into it from the sides or bottom
  • Fixed a few floating objects in the kitchen cabinet
  • NPCs will not randomly choose another NPC to roam to if they currently have the WantsToBeAlone state. However, if an NPC was manually added to their Roaming AllowedLocations via story scripting, they may still roam to that NPC
  • Fixed a minor feedback error in the Roaming Console Command
  • Added the StopMyCurrentRoamingMotion and StopAllCurrentRoamingMotionTo options to the Roaming Console Command
  • Fixed a bug in Console Commands that could cause an exception and display bug in the Console if a result was not found by the somewhat-kinda-intelligent-object interpretation flux nozzle…thing. Shut up
  • Fixed issue where characters were less likely to hit each other in combat when the frame rate was low
  • Fixed issue with translating radial menu options
  • Updated memory interface to use a new icon for narration events
  • Fixed issues with reachtarget events not being triggered when a character was told to move to, warp to, or otherwise interact with an interactive item that they were already using
  • Fixed issue preventing the event to force an end to sex from working when characters were very close to climaxing
  • Fixed issue where certain radial options did not work when the game was translated to certain languages
  • Updated radial menu to allow the target/cursor to be hidden when it is near the center
  • Updated how Katherine’s and Stephanie’s cloth components behave to avoid them getting stuck in strange positions after the characters warp or move very rapidly
  • Slight modifications to the Distance feedback provided by the Charinfo Console Command to better separate values used by House Party vs. generic Vector3 Distances
  • Fixed an issue that could cause erroneous additions to NPC AllowLocation and ProhibitLocation Roaming Lists upon loading a saved game
  • Fixed a minor text feedback issue in the Social Console Command
  • Slight tweak to the position of the InFrontOfEasel movetarget, which will allow NPCs walking to it from outside SpareRoom2/the art room to get clear of the door more reliably if it closes just after they reach the movetarget
  • Updated the save/load manager to support translations for static menu elements.
  • Updated the save file metadata to include translations for all languages for recent memories and quests that are now shown in the load manager when hovering over a save.
  • Fixed issue where memories being displayed when hovering over a save file in the load manager were not the most recent in the metadata for that save.
  • Update Madison’s phone pictures to support censoring/uncensoring.
  • Updated Katherine’s character script to remove her accessory clothing item by default whenever she is loaded in the OS and custom stories.
  • Removed a sitting pose from Katherine’s sitting pose list that was revealing her underwear when seated/fully clothed.
  • CSC: added Started and StoppedUsingActionItem event triggers that will fire whenever a given Character either sits/lays down on/uses a specified (or any) Action Item, or when they get up from/stop using an Action Item
  • CSC: Frank’s Popcorn now has Item Functions enabled
  • CSC: Interactive items now have a toggle to avoid using the default radial options
  • CSC: Added advanced options to search for specific events
  • CSC: Added advanced option to search for specific criteria
  • CSC: Added advanced options to control how filters are resolved
  • CSC: Added advanced options to determine which types of results should be included in the final filtered results
  • CSC: Added advanced option to control how many results can be displayed
  • CSC: Added a reset button to clear the search fields to defaults
  • CSC: Made specific event/criteria searches case insensitive
  • CSC: Added the ability to use semi colons to force line breaks for radial menu options (interactive item actions)
  • Fixed gap in the kitchen cabinet model
  • Fixed light bleeding from the garage into the master bedroom in baked lighting
  • Optimized lightmapped objects
  • Improved radial menu UI
  • Updated avatar images for characters that have new outfits
  • Updated loading tooltip to be static in the loading UI
  • Reduced brightness on a few interactive objects
  • Improved lighting on the erotic prickly vegetation
  • Fixed Brittney’s hands deforming during sex and clipping through drinks
  • Added censored versions of all character texture maps
  • Improved skinning for Brittney and Katherine
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of the events between Madison walking out of the Art Room/Spare Room 2 up to waiting for the Player to approach her for “Magnum Opus”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to offer Vickie Madison’s nudes even if the “Sibling Warfare” Opportunity had been failed
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that prevented the “Military Precision” Opportunity from failing near the finale of Derek’s “Mission Impawsible” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank’s confrontation with the Player after stealing too much booze from his cabinet to offer two responses instead of one
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank and Derek to loop rather rapidly through their “I WANNA KILL THE PLAYER” and “I WANNA DEFEND THE PLAYER” lines if the Player is caught holding a booze item near Frank while Derek is able to use his Combat Perk to defend the Player from Frank
  • In the Original Story: fixed issues that prevented the Player from Grabbing a booze item in front of Frank if Frank was concussed or the Player had a “booze pass”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to sneak more than one beer away from Frank if they had a “booze pass” via a super sneaky grab and hold technique
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank to loop through some of his concussed reactions to the Player holding booze
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some events and dialogue around the time when the Player might want to listen to the voicemail from Hugo Hugehole during post-“Sibling Warfare” with Ashley. These tweaks should prevent higher “sensitivity” from making listening to the voicemail extremely hard to do
  • In the Original Story: once you listen to the Hugo Hugehole Voicemail, it’s kaput! No new voicemail!
  • In the Original Story: aesthetic improvements to Patrick’s little jump to retrieve his briefcase near the end of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: there is now a short window of a couple minutes after the “Derek Smash!” fight ends during which Leah will not magically sense that the alcohol in the liquor cabinet might be in danger when the Player Takes it into their inventory, and come waltzing over to guard it. This should make it easier to capitalize on Frank being KOd after “Derek Smash!” concludes
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Rachael to forcibly Change Location away from the Player if she caught the Player having sex during some rather sensitive points in her content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah and the Player to encounter…sexual issues if the Player had recently pleasured themselves and then immediately tried to launch into the finale intimacy reward in the “Hellion”/evil path of Leah’s “Broken Code” content
  • In the Original Story: fixed a minor inconsistency in flagging a Frank “Booze Warning” in one of Leah’s dialogues
  • In the Original Story: Giving Ashley’s clothes back to her after humiliating her will slightly boost her socials with the Player if the Player did not tell her to stay naked or request her Panties in return for the key
  • In the Original Story: after humiliating Ashley, the Player can choose to give her the key without asking for “more” in return, or back out entirely
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause a highly skilled, ultra bad-ass, Navy Seal-level Player to not successfully make it through the sparring session at the end of the “good” route of “Broken Code” after getting a confirmed kill on Frank
  • In the Original Story: it should be moderately more difficult for NPCs to interrupt Amy and the Player mid-intimacy now, as they will totes hear any throes of passion and generally avoid roaming to her. They can still roam around to places that may make them visible to Amy, causing her to get all bashful and stuffs
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow Players to exploit around Frank’s social mechanic after sneaking a booze item(s) from his liquor cabinet
  • In the Original Story: standardized Eat/Drink functionality for food items in the fridge and the soda to match those of other existing non-alcoholic items that can be consumed
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some Dialogue values for a few Characters that could lead to their formal introductions being skipped
  • In the Original Story: Derek will not congratulate the Player for getting in good with Ashley if the Player sufficiently lowered their friendship with Derek
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that allowed the Game Grumps to potentially perform their bathtub scene while KOd
  • In the Original Story: Improved the accuracy of the checks used to determine whether or not Stephanie actually witnesses someone get knocked out via combat
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up and slightly loosened the criteria that control whether or not Steph may check on Katherine of her own accord while Katherine is sick prior to Meltdown
  • In the Original Story: reduced the frequency at which Amy will stub her toe near Stephanie
  • In the Original Story: spruced up the process of getting dressed for a few Characters. This and undressing will continue to be worked on over time
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Katherine’s negative reaction to being “finished on” trigger a mismatching voice line and Dialogue Close reaction
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to remain in “photo shoot” mode after the Player…did things to her, when she should not
  • In the Original Story: a little clean-up added to Rachael’s post-dare intimacy behavior
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up additional events related to Stephanie and Amy behaviors that precede the beginning of the “Meltdown” Opportunity
  • Added a new wallsex spot in the master bedroom, near the standing lamp
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Ping Pong balls to magically levitate if held by the Player while Starting a game of forever-alone-pong. SPOOPY!
  • Beer pong cups will now reposition themselves whenever a new Practice session of beer pong is started
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Painkillers and Scorpion Tequila to initialize already flagged as being Held/Grabbed by the Player
  • Fixed some issues with the new radial menu
  • Fixed some issues with the new tool tips in the load manager
  • Various performance fixes related to the storing/retrieving character values, combat, and more
  • Updated the radial menu to support text renderers with higher fidelity
  • Updated tool tips in load manager to sort opportunities by those most recently updated or acquired
  • Fixed resolution based rendering issues in UI
  • Made the new radial menu center the cursor/target whenever it is activated
  • CSC: fixed an issue that was preventing the Practice Point for beer pong from appearing as an Item in the CSC
  • CSC: added an Item Function that can be used to manually reset beer pong cup and ball positions
  • CSC: Added ability to search by game event type and criteria type simultaneously in the CSC
  • Fixed weird specific reflection in the laundry room cabinet
  • Added an icon for narrator text in the memory log
  • Updated dialog UI to allow for slightly longer character names
  • Fixed issue where the “just chill” sign reflected into the house interior and reduced it’s brightness
  • Fixed issue with Patrick so he can take of his shoes again
  • Improved clipping of male idle animations in the hottub
  • Added censorship disclaimer to menu (if no dlc is installed)
  • Fixed visual bugs with translated UI
  • Fixed UI issues on non standard aspect ratios
  • Updated avatar images with new outfits
  • Optimized shadow casting for performance
  • Updated the control scheme UI
  • Improved loading screen
  • Reduced fuzzy text in input UI
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Charfunc Console Command issues for several characters
  • The Clothing Console Command’s “Change” clothing option can now be used without specifying a clothing set. When used in this way, the current Default Clothing Set for any affected Character(s) is used. In other words, you don’t need that extra ‘0’ in 99% of cases unless you or the game engine has been fucking with Default Clothing Sets
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to consider another Character target “reached” even if they were on uneven ground on the stairs, with the stair bannister between them, etc. This should help mitigate crowd control issues on or around the stairs
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to try and fight each other through the stairway bannister, which is a pretty hit or miss strategy. Literally. Now they will run all the way up the stairs to murder you. Greet you. You know what I mean
  • Fixed an issue that would allow Characters to struggle to fight through the immovable object that is the Refrigerator door. The door will now, in its wisdom, sense the martial showdown that’s set to occur, and close itself out of respect
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Player to enter into combat with a previously engaged combatant if the Player had successfully attacked that combatant, and then combat had been canceled via game event or Console Command, and then the Player had thrown a punch into the air without hitting another NPC directly in front of them
  • Fixed an issue that would occasionally allow Characters to attack each other through doors
  • Fixed an issue that could allow the Player Property IsBlocking to very briefly register as true if an NPC attacked the Player, even if the Player was not currently blocking
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Interaction Text to occasionally disappear/rapidly flash on and off if the Player was in combat and pointing their cursor at an item or Character. This also fixes an issue that could cause a backup method of calculating an attack hit to execute instead of attempting to attack the Character the Player’s cursor was on
  • Fixed an issue that prevented consistent selection of exact EventTrigger/Reaction matches when using the Events Console Command
  • Optimized Criteria handling and Periodic Event logging in order to reduce CPU usage and garbage allocation
  • Fixed an issue that could often prevent transitions to a Wall Sex intimacy act and even end intimacy entirely when two Characters were already on a Bed and making use of certain positions that could compromise their vision of a Wall Sex spot
  • Slightly adjusted the position of the two wallsex spots in Compubrah-world
  • Fixed the positioning and component values for a movement and navigation blocker inside the garage, to the left of the door, that was a bit oversized and clipped into the kitchen. This change also prevents players from placing items on top of the invisible collider. Sorry, no more floating penguin
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the Player being able to set their Crosshair focus on or even interact with NPCs through certain environmental layers or in unintended circumstances
  • Slightly increased the distance at which the Popper item can trigger Poppered reactions by Characters
  • Very slightly increased the distance at which the StarBomb will trigger Poppered reactions by Characters when it hits the FirePit
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Property Console Command to not apply Property changes to All Characters when the All subcommand was used
  • Improved Player auto-targeting of NPCs for attacks in situations where the Player did not have an NPC target focused with their crosshair. This will reduce the frequency with with a further-away NPC is hit instead of one closer to the “center” of an attack, and will prevent an attack from auto-targeting a KOd NPC if a non-KO’d NPC is within range
  • Characters in the LoadingDock cannot roam, cannot be roamed to, and cannot be invited to perform any roaming-initiated “hangouts” with NPCs they might have developed a relationship with
  • Cleaned up restrictions on “hangout”-based motion initiated by Change Locations and added a handful of additional safeguards
  • Simplified the Sociable personality trait-based modifier that affects the random Change Location roaming timer
  • Fixed an issue that could cause certain items to retain their “Highlight in Grass” texture even when they were mounted and/or no longer touching a grass surface
  • Added functionality to respect/enforce demo limitations and show feedback explaining them.
  • Updated main menu to exclude empty directories when determining language options for stories.
  • Fixed issue where switching languages after a game has already been saved and loaded didn’t translate some things.
  • Added support for the demo version to allow the player to play the game however they want for up to 10 minutes per play session, while restricting the ability to save/load games.
  • Added support for the graphics menu to be translated.
  • Improved performance for menu translations.
  • Updated status bar code to support new radial style.
  • Updated the radial menu to show default options for different types of interactions in the same positions/order, and disable them but still show them if they’re not enabled by the story.
  • Fixed issue where switching back to English didn’t re-translate the main menu if you already went into a game and returned to the main menu.
  • The hard coded behavior that opens up Madison’s Phone’s UI will now also work whenever the Player is holding the phone
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the “not sitting in hot tub” message the Player can receive so that it doesn’t appear if an NPC is already using that seat
  • In the Original Story: fixed a discrepancy in the Speed boost you get from scoring multiple times in Beer Pong; doing so will now give the intended, somewhat higher boost
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael to get partially dressed again during the Lety-Rachael Easter Egg intimacy scene, if the Player had already done certain Rachael dares first
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael to not be close-at-hand during the finale of “Palectrick Feel” if she is unoccupied
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to not get FlashScore credit (for Katherine’s “Express Yourself” Opportunity) as a result of certain possibilities that could unfold during Lety and Leah’s “Just in the Kick of Time” conversation
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause one or both Key items taken by Derek to reappear in front of the character when they had already been put back in the Player’s inventory
  • In the Original Story: fixed a number of VA-text mismatches
  • In the Original Story: added a couple Derek dialogues to make certain positioning possibilities when starting early “Memory Lane” content steps a bit less awkward
  • In the Original Story: fixed a couple confusing responses and thought bubbles that Ashley could generate that implied that her “prank was back on” even if the Player already failed “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Frank to warn the Player about taking booze from his cabinet, and Leah to come check on the safety of Frank’s liquor cabinet, even if the Player was given a “booze pass” by Frank
  • In the Original Story: it should be much harder for Patrick and Rachael to start their argument that starts “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” while Patrick is on/near the stairwell. That was just rude
  • In the Original Story: the Achievement credit/counter toward the “Duck and Weave” Achievement will not reset if the Upstairs Bathroom gets locked by Amy during her “Goodbye Kitty” selfie
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of some Compubrah/VR-entry-related events
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to prematurely walk away from a pending (repeatable) intimacy sequence
  • In the Original Story: if the Player is in the master bedroom zone (includes Madison’s closet and bathroom) but not in sight of Katherine when she reaches the bed for a repeatable intimacy reward, she will go ahead and strip down to wait for the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would temporarily prevent the Player from taking booze out of Frank’s cabinet if the Player first got Derek’s “Combat Perk” (where he can protect you from Frank), then pursued “Apply Pressure”/concussing Frank by locking the downstairs bathroom door and having him run into it, then tried to take said booze after Frank walked back to the Dining Room
  • In the Original Story: Amy’s intimacy reward from completing “Chasing Amy” has been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions. This includes the ‘full’ and ‘partial’ rewards
  • In the Original Story: pursuing Amy’s intimacy reward just before Madison’s “art show” for “The Muse” starts is now an option, but as expected that will prevent Amy from attending the art show
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Money Maker’s Monthly magazine to not properly trigger Patrick’s dialogue about the rainforest and environment such if he was KO’d
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley’s Top to become un-interactable after her initial “Sibling Warfare” intimacy reward
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow a Player to Untie Ashley’s Top at unintended times just before an intimacy reward
  • In the Original Story: Ashley’s intimacy rewards from both “Smooth Operator: Ashley” and “Sibling Warfare” have been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of aesthetic/emotive events before, during, and after Ashley’s intimacy rewards
  • In the Original Story: there is now a short window of a couple minutes after the “Derek Smash!” fight ends during which Leah will not instinctively come to take over Frank’s guard duties if the liquor cabinet doors are opened; this was making capitalizing on the Frank-less outcome of “Derek Smash!” a bit too difficult
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to encounter some movement issues if she approached the Player to listen in on the Vickie conversation prior to starting “Screw Like a Bee”
  • In the Original Story: Leah will only start zealously judging the Player’s distance from her during the “follow Leah” intro portion of “Screw Like a Bee” the moment she starts running to the Garage
  • In the Original Story: there is now a small social penalty to Madison’s friendship and romance if she catches the Player and Ashley in the closet after the doors were supposed to be closed during the “Sibling Warfare” finale
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the left Master Bedroom Closet Door to be openable before it should be during the finale of “Sibling Warfare”. This could occur if the Player had closely followed Ashley into the closet instead of manually closing the closet themselves, and would lead to a confusing failure of the content if the Player did as instructed and opened “one door only”
  • In the Original Story: made several tweaks to Leah’s approach prior to starting “Screw like a Bee” that should help prevent situations where she was not close enough to overhear and start the Opportunity after the Player lies to Vickie
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to a confusing sex-related dialogue from Vickie just before “Runner Runner” begins
  • In the Original Story: the Player needs to be fully “recharged” in order to see the “Fuck” action with various characters immediately prior to their intimacy scenes
  • In the Original Story: increased the number of intimacy positions available during Vickie’s intimacy reward and ‘modernized’ her intimacy reward interactions
  • In the Original Story: miscellaneous cleanup of events and addition of some emotive behaviors related to Katherine’s photo shoot
  • In the Original Story: getting caught by Amy when having sex with another NPC can now put “Chasing Amy” and its repeatable rewards in jeopardy if the Opportunity is In Progress or has been Completed, and Amy’s social meters are still high enough to warrant, well…giving a shit
  • In the Original Story: if the Player completes Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” Opportunity and remains friendly enough with her, she will be just as supportive of the Player’s desire to be nude as the Player was of hers. I.e., she won’t use her snarky nudity reaction
  • In the Original Story: handing the Goodbye Kitty underwear to Amy in front of Madison will result in Madison being…dissatisfied
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Patrick would immediately enable his Merlot in front of Leah…despite being prone to otherwise hide it in front of her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Patrick could be betrayed by the Player for telling Frank to beat him up, when Patrick could not see the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Patrick could be betrayed by the Player for telling Madison to beat him up, when Patrick could not see the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Inspecting Madison’s phone after holding it to use as a light source or dropping it would do nothing
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause unintended roaming and other behaviors right around the time that Leah goes to hide in the bushes during “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some behaviors related to the finale of the Game Grumps’ BWWAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOWWWAAAAOOOOO-sorry. Sorry. The Game Grumps’ paintBWWAAOO-FUCK. FIXED SOME PAINTING FUCKERY
  • In the Original Story: added a clarifying thought bubble for when the Player COULD ask Frank about what he did to Leah (after she leaves the party during “Broken Code”), but Frank is occupied
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Leah or Frank becoming occupied seemingly forever and without explanation if the Player let the Game Grumps just stand around near the painting. For whatever reason
  • In the Original Story: miscellaneous cleanup of extraneous NPC actions during the Game Grumps’ painting thing
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of Leah’s behaviors after her betrayal by Frank near the firepit that could cause awkward moments with a few other Characters
  • In the Original Story: the healing food items have been buffed after a most unforgivable typo was discovered. They can now heal a maximum of 69 health, up from 68. Heavens to fucksy!
  • In the Original Story: Vickie may indicate to the Player that he is a fucking weirdo for standing around in the hot tub
  • In the Original Story: Patrick will now attempt to go find his Merlot if he dropped it during the Derek Smash! fight and this was the only fight he had been in during the playthrough
  • CSC: fixed an issue that was preventing Character Functions from being usable for several characters
  • CSC: added a RandomizeIntValue Game Event that will allow users to specify a minimum and maximum range (-100 to 100), and a Character Value which will have a random integer within that range assigned to it
  • CSC: fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from being a selectable Character for a Social Criteria check
  • CSC: added two new Roaming event Options that can be used to stop Roaming-only motion for one Character, or, Roaming-only motion for any Character moving toward a given target
  • CSC: Global Responses will now be sorted by their Display Order, matching the existing sorting functionality for Dialogue Responses, Game Events, Criteria, etc.

House Party 0.16.5 Stable Release

Well, well, well. It’s about time. Arin Hanson, Dan Avidan, it’s time to PARTY. The Game Grumps update is here.

In this feature packed update, you’re going to see the Game Grumps in a brand new original adventure that changes with every playthrough. And every line of dialogue, all 300+ lines of it, has been voiced by the Grumps themselves.

As mentioned above, the GG storyline is dynamic and your playthroughs may contain interactions and experiences someone else has yet to see in their playthroughs. The Grumps serve in an extended cameo role, meaning you’ll see them pop in on existing content with that trademark commentary they’re so well known for.

There’s nothing you can’t try with these guys. Well, except for the sexier parts of House Party. We dare not sully the image of thy Grumps. Other than that, we’ve designed this experience to be really expansive. Dan and Arin will have something to say about a lot of things you can do in House Party.

And in addition to all of that, the Grumps have an actual storyline! Once you get the Grumps to the party, there are 2 major, unique routes of escape you can help them reach. There’s even a little mini shitty one too! Game development! While their primary storyline can be finished in a short amount of time, revel in the interactions the Grumps can have with you and other party guests while they’re desperately searching for a way to GTFO.

From a technical standpoint, this update has so many improvements, the changelog alone is gonna make your eyes melt. From animation tweaks to graphical enhancements, we’ve been in quarantine long before the rest of the world to make this update shiiiiiny. Want a few examples?

-Several previous storylines now have more pathways to add to more organic progression.
-The Custom Story Browser is now available in-game, allowing you to download and play user-created stories from directly within House Party.
-Intimacy animations and hand placement on objects now look more natural. Hold dem beers, boiiii.

Read the changelog for more, but remember to come up for air every once and awhile.

If you’re coming to House Party by way of Grumps fandom, we hope you feel we did your boys right. If you like what you see, perhaps mingle with the other party people and see what kind of ridiculous shit you can get yourselves into. And if you’ve been a HP player long before this content drop, thanks for playing as always. You guys are awesome. Don’t die from coronavirus, we would miss you all dearly.

0.16.5 (Stable Release)

  • Added new characters: Dan and Arin
  • Added six new achievements
  • Revamped the player inventory menu as well as the Give To/Use With window.  It should now be much easier to work with items.
  • Added Inventory thumbnails for most items that are able to be picked up in game
  • Inventory can now be sorted by Order picked up, reverse order picked up, or Alphabetically
  • Reduced polygon count in all characters’ hair, more than halving it in some cases (performance optimization)
  • Added hand “hot spots” and better aligned all sex animations
  • Paired Emotes system
  • Added usable bath tub seats in the Upstairs Bathroom and Master Bathroom
  • Fixed an issue with the Enters Zone functionality that could cause the Enters Zone reaction to break
  • Further optimization of the Debug Log. General memory management improvements and more aggressive pruning of old events from the UI interface. Debug Log should still provide visibility in-game to upwards of 760 events
  • The laugh emote will now affect NPC mood, depending on their Nice and Happy personality traits
  • The CharFunc command, when used with the ‘list’ subcommand, will show the number of alternate body or clothing textures available to a Character, if they allow the usage of either character function
  • The CharFunc command can now be used correctly with the SwitchToAlternateBodyTexture and SwitchToAlternateClothingTexture character functions
  • Additional uses of the ‘list’ subcommand within Commands like CharFunc, Item, etc. will not flag the Player as having Cheated (i.e. will not disable Achievements)
  • The CharFunc command also supports using ‘list’ with a Character name, which will show just that Character’s character functions, as well as any supporting function info like texture IDs and their names
  • The Player will now only have the State “Running” if: they are not held in place by game mechanics or UI, if they are actually visibly using a movement animation, AND are holding the Run key. This should ensure that the “Running” state is far more usable via the CSC
  • Automatic/backend Emotes should be more expressive outside of TriggerBGC and Dialogues
  • Emotes triggered via Game Events/CSC or Console Command can now blend simultaneously with other emotes, and can be given an
  • Emote Strength to manually set how strong the facial component of the Emote should be when executed
  • The SendEvent console command can now make use of the Point event
  • Added Character Stand Spots to the game, for now in the basket of the hot air balloon only. These spots function similarly to chairs in that they are “used” by Characters and impose certain restrictions and behaviors, but do not pose them
  • Added the WarpOverTime Game Event to the game and CSC. This will allow you to move a Character, with very much magic, through the game world towards a MoveTarget or Item at a speed (in seconds) of your choosing
  • Added the WarpOverTime Console Command
  • Added various new SendEvent options to the SendEvent Console Command
  • Falling Characters will no longer “teleport” directly to the ground, and will now fall with grace, aplomb, and humility
  • An error in the CSC that could appear when the stars aligned and Unity’s EditorUpdate noticed you were mousing over Window with no title or not mousing over any Window will no longer appear
  • NPCs will now accept a wider array of emotes via CSC Game Events (PuckeredLips, ClosedEyes, Eyebrows Up/In). If an NPC does not have an emote/expression (BlendShape) available for the event, it will not process
  • Fixed an issue that could cause disabled Characters to erroneously receive Game Events and SaveLoad behaviors
  • The SendEvent console command will now accept many more events for the Player, such as jumping, drinking, etc.
  • Emote Console Command can once again trigger puckered lips, closed eyes, and eyebrows up or eyebrows in emotes
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Phone4 and the Chili Pepper items to register as being “held” by the Player upon Game Start, which could prevent them from being used with the WarpItemTo event
  • Improved minor aspects of default naming conventions within the CSC for Event Triggers
  • The State Console Command will no longer automatically apply/remove States from the Player when used with the ‘all’ subcommand
  • Fixed an issue in the CSC that could cause the BGC Responses interface to break if the user selected a Character Responder first, then swapped back to ‘Anybody’
  • Background Chatter can now have emotes attached to them. These emotes will behave similarly to back-end/automatic emotes in that they are for “flavor” only and cannot have a defined emotive strength
  • If a CSC user has renamed a Character, that Character’s Display Name (new name) will appear in the Combat UI when they are struck, instead of their default Original Story name
  • The Charfunc Console Command will no longer seemingly omit newly added character functions
  • CSC users can now call events against environmental impacts via the ImpactsGround and ImpactsWall Event Trigger types
  • Responses to Important Background Chatters that have specific SpeakingTo targets are now automatically treated as ImportantBGCs as well. This should allow easy configuration of “chained” TriggerBGC conversations or sequences
  • Background Chatter that does not have an associated voice clip (i.e. would be seen via text only) will now display, terminate, and transition to another response properly. This will ensure that custom, unvoiced BGCs can be used in custom stories
  • The loading of .character files will now properly show the Character name for these .character files, instead of the Story Name for every file
  • Characters that fall from a certain height or more will automatically enter an “idle falling” animation
  • Important/Triggered BGC audio and text will be audible/remain visible at longer ranges than standard BGC audio and text
  • Fixed a minor formatting issue in the Roaming Console Command
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing the Debug Log to include line breaks or new lines instead of properly truncating them
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the full selection of Move Targets from appearing in the CSC
  • When the MP3 Player is freed from the shitty ceiling light/glorious chandelier of victory, it will now do a graceful little tumble so that it doesn’t land in an awkward, hard-to-see vertical position
  • Fixed a null reference issue that can be triggered if a CSC user uses the Combat.Die event (CSC users: use “Pass Out” instead…always)
  • Fixed an issue in the CSC that could allow recursive event protection to take effect on events that were not of type “Event Trigger”
  • Fixed an issue in the CSC that could prevent WarpItemTo from functioning correctly
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Player to enter combat mode and be unable to leave if the Player was attacked while the Property
  • DoesNotFightBack was enabled
  • The Camera item will now play the shutter close effect, shutter SFX, and register via story values that a picture was taken and if that picture is a naked picture of an NPC, all BEFORE it attempts to perform any screenshot saving or I/O operations. This should further minimize issues when using the Camera item
  • Added the AddForce Console Command. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • Fixed an issue in the CSC that was adding an erroneous string to Item : ItemFunction Game Event names
  • The Values Console Command will now properly accept “None” as a Value for the specified Key (e.g. CombatTarget = None)
  • Fixed Leah’s teeth
  • Fixed Katherine bra skin mask
  • Created extra emotes for all characters (Laugh, Ecstatic, Scared and Surprised)
  • Optimized Stephanie model
  • Fixed Vickie’s clipping nipple rings
  • Updated Combat UI
  • Changed sizes of some UI elements
  • Fixed offset on the flamingo LOD
  • Remake of the main menu scene
  • Added starbomb model
  • Added a big balloon model
  • Added multiple colored particles for several occasions
  • Added some phoenicopterus ruber animations
  • Added sound effects to ‘ finale’ scene
  • Avatar images for Dan and Arin
  • New story quest images
  • More optimized method for realtime mirrors
  • Fixed fridge discoloration
  • Fine-tuned and polished NPC eye-contact, facial expressions, and awareness of the player when the player is in conversation with them, and when they are in conversations with other NPCs.
  • Added support for Completed, Failed, and Step-Based Opportunity descriptions to help guide the players more
  • Changed the look and feel of Opportunity notifications
  • Added censored versions of Madison’s photos on her phone for when the player has the censor nudity option checked
  • Revamped the Opportunity Window (More changes coming)
  • Added a couple of new states to put characters in a very basic idle with no fidgeting
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the speakers to lose sync
  • Implemented new logic around the way Dialogues are processed which should prevent the game ever getting “stuck” in rare circumstances
  • Tweaked alignment of certain anatomy in some intimacy positions
  • Implemented a new clothing system that can support multiple outfits better
  • All females are now equipped with “Strap Ons” that can be enabled via clothing commands
  • Minor tweaks to size and position of UpstairsBathroomZone collider
  • Set up right hand mounting and misc item settings for the Toaster
  • Criteria Groups can now be re-ordered in the CSC via up and down arrows, similar to the re-ordering functionality recently added to Event Triggers
  • The “throw” animation no longer rotates the character
  • Fixed an issue that was disabling Dialogue Only Characters on loaded games
  • Added a highway billboard + sound
  • New credits entries
  • New design for opportunity pop-ups
  • New design for opportunity log
  • Added “small versions” of avatars
  • Added censored versions of madison’s phone pictures (for when censorship is enabled)
  • Fixed discoloration between LOD versions of characters
  • Updated Amy’s clothing
  • Fixed Rachael’s LOD2 skinning
  • Improved allignment and clipping all strapon’s
  • Add Arin and Dan to the main menu
  • Fixed clothing skipping on main menu
  • Fixed LOD flickering, objects disappearing and lighting artifacts on several objects
  • Fixed Ashley LOD sandals and Arin LOD spikes
  • CSC: Criteria within Criteria Group sets will now automatically sort based on their Order, like they do in Game Events, Event Triggers, etc.
  • When adding new Criteria within the CSC, Criteria are no longer auto-ordered by the total count of Criteria that exist in the collection/list of Criteria. They will now automatically be given an order number that is one greater than the order of the previous/last Criteria shown. Anyone else OCD much? How are your fingernails?
  • When moving Event Triggers up or down in the CSC, the name of the event being moved will now properly be displayed even if it was not given a custom name
  • Fixed two null reference exceptions that could occur in the CSC and cause the interface to break when copy pasting an event that had “Player” as its Character, and then swapping to an event type that did not support a Player-type character
  • Added a second Move Target behind the table in the Garage
  • For those CSC users who really, really love Event Triggers (you should) but didn’t think the Move Up/Down arrows were enough, you can now insert Event Triggers at a specific place in the Event Trigger list
  • Background Chatter criteria in the CSC will now auto-sort based on their order number
  • The Search functionality within the CSC will now properly return event and criteria search results from within Character Story Item Interactions (On Accept and On Refuse)
  • The Search functionality within the CSC will now return Criteria results from within Criteria Groups
  • Shrunk the size of the outside No Loiter colliders so that they do not encroach as much on a handful of outside Zoning colliders or several more recently added MoveTargets
  • The dildo (DoubleDildo) from Ashley’s room will now look appropriate when mounted to either of an NPC’s hands. Dildo. Dildo hands. Sorry, I just like putting ‘dildo’ in updildate notes. HAH. Adaptdildification
  • Corrected inventory offsets for various food items
  • The Achievement ID (not the name) will now be logged in the Debug Log when an Achievement is earned
  • “Export Pending” in the CSC will now correctly export Story Item DisplayGameMessage events
  • Forward lunge-type combat attacks (default W + Attack) now have a slightly longer range than other attacks
  • Attacks by the Player at the outer edge of their combat radius and swings made to the far sides of an NPC will not be as likely to accidentally trigger combat with said NPC
  • Added the OnAnyItemAcceptFallback and OnAnyItemRefuseFallback Event Trigger/Reaction types in the CSC. These can be used to assign an Event Trigger to execute when any item is refused or accepted by an NPC, IF no other item was refused or accepted first
  • Reconfigured the sizing of the Foam Finger and set up “optimal” mounting offsets for left and right hand mounting to Characters
  • The Tablet (tab_2) item will now be highlighted if it falls into the grass
  • Added the ApplyForceTowardCharacter ItemAction for use with the Item Event in the CSC and Item Command in the Command Console. Will apply a physics force to an item that moves said item toward where the target Character’s Head is at the moment the event is called
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the List subcommand to not show all of a Character’s values when used with the Values console command
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to fail to ChangeLocation due to an unnecessary and redundant distance check
  • Fixed an issue in the CSC that was preventing Compubrah and PhoneCall from appearing in the Character dropdown for the Dialogue Criteria/CompareType
  • NPCs will no longer receive a ChangeLocation request if they are executing any Important/Very Important animation(s) or events while standing in a NoLoitering area
  • Forced ChangeLocations (via Game Events, for example) will cause the target NPC to initiate movement more consistently, instead of waiting a random period of time between 2-5 seconds before moving
  • Dialogue Overhear events will now follow the same height rules as every other height check in the game
  • CSC: started adding tooltips to various smaller buttons
  • CSC: the Copy button will no longer only be shown when an event is fully expanded
  • CSC: users can now Paste an Event using a button that will appear in-line with the events using one of two methods: Paste Using Same Order (the event will appear just below the copied event), or Paste as Last in Order (the event will become the last event in the collection of events)
  • CSC: to improve readability, a couple of pixels are added after each event in a collection of events, unless that event is the last in the collection
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent DialogueOnly Characters like PhoneCall and Compubrah not to make use of On Dialogue Start Dialogue events
  • The BGC text UI will now prioritize NPCs playing Important BGC (Trigger BGC or direct responses to Trigger BGCs) over NPCs casually using conversational BGC
  • Fixed an issue that could cause smaller items like Phones, Natty Lites, and more to get stuck under the Dirt Mound/Rockpile. The Player should now have a much easier time grabbing items “through” the dirt. Get in there…oink oink!
  • Fixed an issue that could allow items to roll underneath the cushions of the outside patio furniture. All that’s under there now is loose change. And our tertiary dildo storage
  • Added two more AddForwardMomentum-type ItemFunctions that will be usable for any physics-enabled Interactive Item
  • Fixed doors clipping when player camera was too close
  • Added “UnableToEmote” and “UnableToAnimateEmotes” states
  • Tweaks to NPC Navigation to stop them from sometimes stuttering, and to prioritize important targets
  • Revamped the mirrors to look a bit more realistic
  • Fixed an issue with clothing change commands in the CSC
  • NoLoitering ChangeLocation behaviors will not be applied to NPCs that have a pending Important/Triggered Background Chatter
  • The Paper Bag (Crunched) can now be properly mounted to a Character’s hand
  • Text within brackets ( [ and ] ) will also be automatically pruned from response texts to match the automatic behavior of dialogue texts
  • Fixed left and right hand mounting offsets for the Penguin
  • Made slight adjustments to the GarageZone in order to more accurately reflect when a Character enters the zone
  • The ApplyForceTowardCharacter ItemAction is no longer a brainlet, and is now “ApplyForceToward”. Now with 200 more IQ, it can apply a force to an item towards a Character, MoveTarget, OR another interactive item. We knew you could do it, ApplyForceTowardCha-…you!
  • For CSC users: Patrick no longer has any hardcoding in his own Character Script to force his drunk level to 10
  • The body (not specific body part) Shrink, Grow, and Reset Character Functions that were previously only available to Patrick and Lety are now available to use for all Characters
  • For CSC users: CriteriaGroups now have a True/False attached to their usage within a Criteria. This will ensure maximum flexibility and prevent the need to make a “returned true” and “returned false” version of the same CriteriaGroup
  • In the CSC, you can no longer assign a CriteriaGroup to be a Criteria for itself within one of its Criteria Sets
  • Intimacy will be able to occur in the Laundry Room now
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the score from showing when playing Beer Pong
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing beer pong balls from self-limiting their spawn quantity
  • For the CSC: there is now an Event Trigger/reaction that can fire when a Character scores a point in Beer Pong
  • The Player Inventory Add command/subcommand will now also accept the ‘All’ subcommand, which will add every single non-door, non-chair, etc. item to your inventory. With zero grace. TLDR: we pack you full of dildos and break your game
  • Fixed an issue that would cause “Anybody : Is Attacked by : <Character>” Event Triggers to fire any time any Character was attacked
  • Player “Photo” values modified by the Camera item will now be treated as Game Events, and will also be logged in the Debug Log accordingly(edited)
  • Lots of tweaks and polish to Background Chatter and audio volumes
  • Speakers now adhere to audio obstruction logic
  • Emoted no longer interrupt important chatter
  • Fixed an issue with NPCs talking to themselves or a conversation getting “stuck”
  • The Player now has 19.6969% (repeating, of course) increased hand-eye coordination, as we fixed an issue that could occasionally cause the Player to be the colliding object that forced them to drop an item they were currently holding
  • Improved lighting in gazebo area
  • Tweaks to Dancing behaviors in order to standardize Dance Badly vs. Dance animations/events, as well as prevent seemingly unexplained, long gaps between attempts to Dance
  • Characters will not attempt to Dance the moment they wake up from being passed out, and will also very briefly wait to begin dancing once they arrive at a Motion/WalkTo target
  • Improved Goodbye Kitty underwear clipping through Amy’s shirt
  • Fixed Leah and Rachael LOD1 and LOD2 skinning issue
  • Improved Frank shirt clipping and Arin having transparency issue in his neck
  • Changed Starbomb packaging and bathbomb for better story consistency
  • Improved light probes in living room
  • Tweaked drinking animation for all characters
  • Changed cowgirl animation
  • Fixed all discoloration for drawers and cabinets
  • Added custom stories menu
  • Increased texture size for characters close to the player
  • Fixed green flickering near the firepit on low settings
  • The Vape item will now be properly aligned to the Player’s hand if picked up
  • Using the Vape will no longer close ALL UI elements when the Player Blazes with it, just the inventory UI
  • Grabbing an Item from your Inventory will now also close only the Inventory UI
  • Added extra protections to prevent the Command Console from breaking Unity’s text render limitations
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Background Chatter onscreen text to not update if a Character was using casual/”non-important” BGC and then, while still speaking, fired a
  • TriggerBGC/”important” BGC
  • The Pose console command will no longer require that the user provide a pose ID in order to disable a Character’s pose
  • The Values console command will now only accept Keys (value names) that are already defined in the specified Character’s story data or that were populated into the Character’s value list by the engine, but is also no longer case sensitive. The second input for the command (the value string, integer, or float) itself is still case sensitive
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to have an unintendedly long cooldown timer before dancing again if they were recently in combat, engaging in intimacy, or had been knocked out
  • Aligned certain Pause Socialize behaviors to be more granular in how random they are, but also conform to set ranges of randomness. I am using random words
  • NPCs will briefly Pause Socializing when they reach a motion/MoveTarget, which will prevent certain odd occurrences of NPCs rolling up on another NPC and talking before their movement animation stops
  • The Command Console will now be more forgiving towards using either commas or periods for floating number separators
  • Characters will no longer try to Change Location due to having the WantsToBeAlone state if they have a combat target or if they have been knocked out
  • Roaming – Change Locations triggered by a Game Event or the Command Console will now always fire after 1 second, instead a slightly random range between 2-3s
  • Fixed an issue that could cause thin/tiny items like phones to be uninteractable/unable to be grabbed if they were dropped near the front of the beer pong table
  • Tightened the collider sizing and positioning on the two downstairs couches/sofas so that it is harder (but still not impossible) for small items to be thrown, dropped, or kicked underneath them in a way that prevents them from being grabbed or interacted with
  • Fixed an issue that could cause characters to teleport into the garage when transitioning from a wall sex position to a non-wall sex position while against the rear-left side of the house (near the A/C unit)
  • Fixed various additional issues with the speaker system
  • CSC Users: Speaker2 (the speaker to the right of the fireplace) is no longer hardcoded to start playing upon game start. You may need to account for this in your stories
  • The speaker system will now remember which track the Player was playing when saving, as well as the music loop setting, and when loading that game will play the appropriate track and maintain the music loop mode
  • Player will drop it to the ground using minimal forward force
  • Fixed an issue that would allow Players to pick up/grab the Popper or Starbomb after they had thrown it to the ground
  • For CSC Users: the AddPhysicsRigidBody itemfunction will work on items that do not have a rigidbody, and will ALSO now work on items that have a rigidbody, but whose rigidbody has been set to kinematic (i.e. floating in the air or unable to be affected by collisions or force)
  • The Starbomb and Popper will now correctly collide with/pop when hitting another Interactive Item/Action Item/etc.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause certain Phones to be misaligned in a Character’s hand after loading a game
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the Player to partially go through with an attack while they were stunned (lose energy points, prompt an NPC to attempt a block, etc.)
  • Added two more valid WallSexSpots: one in the Laundry Room, and another on the opposite side of the Master Bedroom from where the existing WallSexSpot is in that room
  • Added thin sightblockers roughly the height and width of the Player against the far edge of each of the smaller shelves of bins in the garage, which prevents NPCs from seeing the Player if they are directly obstructed by the shelf framing and bins themselves (TLDR: no more getting punished for taking the cell jammer if Madison or Derek are all the way in the dining room or kitchen)
  • Forced movement of an NPC to a Mandatory Move/Motion Target due to that Target being formerly inaccessible will now be logged in the Debug Log
  • Standardized the timing for the execution or execution limitations of various pre-game start behaviors
  • Fixed an issue with the Speaker/Music system that could result in a KeyNotFoundException and would cause Music in-game to be completely disabled
  • General cleanup and optimization of Speaker code and transition of track loading to external script
  • Fixed Arin’s eyes and Dan’s blendshapes
  • Changed all characters animation update mode
  • Fixed Arin, Brittney, Lety and Madison using wrong clothing material on Main Menu
  • Tweaked sex offset data and made Derek’s balls a bit more floppy
  • Added more missing inventory icons
  • Improved flamingo animations
  • Improved particle effects
  • Added ingame achievement images
  • Added voice acting for most characters and partial voice acting for some.
  • Added a base system for “hot spots” in sex scenes for better syncing (not live in this build, but coming soon)
  • Fixed an issue where event delays were not firing appropriately on loaded games
  • Set up a system so Interactive Items can now support “hand hot spots”.
  • Fixed an issue with some interactive states not correctly suppressing emotes
  • Tweaked the inventory hover functionality for cosmetic enhancements
  • Fixed an issue where mandatory targets would not be cycled through until the first one was reached
  • Reworked seat/chair/bed/action items system for better internal setup-Fixed failed opportunities not showing up correctly in the Opportunity window
  • Tweaked the physics of some new content animations so they work better
  • Updated IK functionality in some sex acts
  • Changed NPC movement to move on FixedUpdate to better sync with animations and other movement
  • Fixed an issue with null ref exceptions in navmesh obstacles
  • Added a “thrusting” mechanic to sex animations where appropriate
  • NPCs should be less likely to try to open doors that are not in their way
  • Fixed an issue with “drifting characters” while DontMoveForOthers state was on
  • Added code to better sync hip movements during sexual acts
  • Fixed an issue where some UI audio was not playing correctly
  • Reworked the pacing of the display of “Obtain on Start” Opportunities so they don’t pop up before the fade in
  • Fixed an issue with characters sometimes “stuttering” when walking
  • Fix for some stories not correctly showing up in the dropdown
  • Fixed an issue with weird-looking skin on the main menu on the lowest quality settings
  • In the Original Story: reconfigured all existing Background Chatter, where appropriate, to make use of the new Background Chatter
  • In the Original Story: Ashley’s reaction to a shirtless Player will now be restricted by the universal time buffer set up in 0.15.x so that it does not trigger alongside other “interruptions”
  • In the Original Story: added the proper punctuation to Panic! at the Disco, cause we wouldn’t want the Grumps to make fun of us again.
  • For old reasons, at least…
  • In the Original Story: fixed various typos
  • In the Original Story: minor mechanics changes to prevent delays in progress during Stephanie’s Meltdown content, after Stephanie asks the Player to get water and gut grip
  • In the Original Story: fixed a couple VA-text mismatches in Frank’s Background Chatters
  • In the Original Story: added minor thought bubble assistance to clarify Stephanie’s request for a big ol’ cup of water for the “Meltdown” opportunity, for those players that actually believed us when we used words like ‘cup’. Silly you!
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will briefly be unable to socialize with other NPCs immediately after the Player unties her top
  • In the Original Story: changed Ashley’s “find a place to change” behavior after her top is untied to rely on a customized event trigger rather than a hard coded item function, which could have resulted in her going to places that were…temporarily inadvisable
  • In the Original Story: Kat will actually make use of the laptop when texting Vickie to come to the party, just like she does when the Player starts sending dares to Rachael. This may only be noticeable if the Player got Katherine out of the study prior to making the request
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to walk away from the Player and cause a number of issues with the ensuing conversation with Patrick, the Player, Ashley, and
  • Madison, if the Player gave Ashley the “Lit Joint” item and THEN asked her about Madison’s “sky animals”
  • In the Original Story: if Stephanie attempts to get to Madison but Madison is locked in the Master Bathroom for any reason, she will stop trying to get to Madison solely based upon the back-end motion control system
  • In the Original Story: Madison will not go with Stephanie to reset the downstairs music if Madison is occupied with important content
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will also now put a few key pieces of content before her need to go to Madison to fix the music situation
  • In the Original Story: standardized formatting of “Continue”-type response texts across the game. Yeah I had time for this, fuck you
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to become “un-lootable” when he ran into the downstairs bathroom door to let Katherine in; if he got nudged inside that bathroom, he’ll be “freed” shortly after
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to attack the Player erroneously when giving Ashley one specific Natty Lite bottle
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from being able to obtain Madison’s “Smooth Operator” opportunity if Madison hadn’t met the Player yet and won the fight against Ashley during Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly”
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from seeing an intended Leah reaction to Ashley and Madison’s fight during Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly” finale
  • In the Original Story: added some additional protections that should prevent the Ashley and Madison fight during Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly” from playing out before the girls get outside
  • In the Original Story: made minor tweaks and improvements to Frank/Leah’s behavior immediately prior to them meeting up to discuss the snake at the beginning of “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: clarified some thought bubbles related to untying Ashley’s Top, groping her, and Player progress through “Humiliate Ashley”. The Player will also now be able to untie
  • Ashley’s Top after completing “Humiliate Ashley” as intended
  • In the Original Story: Ashley and the Player must now both actually be IN her room (spare room) in order for the Player to prompt her about removing her clothes prior to moving forward with “Change of Heart” or “Humiliate Ashley”
  • In the Original Story: if the Player approaches Ashley while she is not sick and waiting for her clothes during “Change of Heart”/”Humiliate Ashley”, she will confront him about having heard Lety showed up at the party
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up minor dialogue order issues with a couple other NPCs that could lead to some initial reactions when speaking to the Player that weren’t quite what was expected given recent events
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will now also accept the Cabernet as a valid wine option
  • In the Original Story: the Player will have to wait a bit longer to send Ashley directly to Madison if Madison and Lety are about to bond over Sancho the Sleazy Suckerfish
  • In the Original Story: made minor criteria tweaks to Lety and Derek’s conversation starter that should make their ‘groping’ sequence start a bit more smoothly
  • In the Original Story: Lety and Patrick starting their conversation for “Disrupt the Disruptor” should be a bit smoother
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety to become unresponsive after Patrick was attacked at a specific time early on in “Disrupt the Disruptor”
  • In the Original Story: general cleanup of some dialogue and emote timing throughout Lety’s content
  • In the Original Story: if the Player unties Ashley’s top in front of Madison before speaking to Madison in any way, they will no longer be flagged as having “met” Madison, which was locking off some content that depending on what actions the Player took next
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will wait to beg for her clothes back from the Player until any currently open dialogue from her is closed
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will now always attempt to walk to the sofa in her room after being given her clothes back after “Humiliate Ashley” is completed, instead of sometimes doing a little half-juke movement towards the master bedroom and walking back to her room anyway. Decisiveness + 100!
  • In the Original Story: Ashley’s “Untie” top action has a bit more freedom to it now, but she will also react much more…aggressively to it being untied if the Player has greatly upset her over the course of the party
  • In the Original Story: fixed some dialogue and criteria issues related to Lety and Brittney’s possible threesome scene with the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to not be on top of the roof (albeit otherwise functional) during the “nice”/”honorbound” finale of Leah’s “Broken Code” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could occur if Frank was KOd at specific moments before or during the Lety/Rachael “easter egg”
  • In the Original Story: general cleanup of minor NPC behaviors during the Lety/Rachael “easter egg”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael to continue pleasuring herself AFTER the Player caught her, if the Player saved, loaded, and then surprised Rachael at a specific time during one of her dares
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael, upon load of save games with specific timing, to not properly catch the Player if she sees them while pleasuring herself, and to not unlock the door after her self-pleasuring ends
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will no longer get her panties back if the Player took them during “Change of Heart”/”Humiliate Ashley” or during one of her intimacy rewards
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow Players to give Ashley her clean clothing while she was sick from the Tampered Soda, which could cause a wide variety of scripted AI issues
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow fast Players to get Ashley’s top off again immediately after an oral encounter, which would result in Ashley behaving otherwise normally…minus her top
  • In the Original Story: Vickie will have a bit more help getting up to the Master Bedroom closet area prior to the finale of “Sibling Warfare”; it was a bit too easy for pathing or NPC blockages to prevent her from making it up in time, which could cause the Player to inadvertently fail “Runner Runner” and the subsequent content
  • In the Original Story: to more accurately portray their ongoing drama, Madison and Ashley will no longer directly Roam to each other, although they will still be able to end up in close proximity due to other Roaming events or random Change Locations
  • In the Original Story: fixed some Madison Dialogue : Overhear events so that she would not overhear and punish the Player if she was not In Vision of the participants in the conversation
  • In the Original Story: there is now a minor social meter penalty for throwing beer on Madison’s top
  • In the Original Story: Madison will get the Angry state (affects NPC-NPC interactions and emotes only) in a few additional key content moments
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to permanently carry the Upset state (affects NPC-NPC interactions and emotes only) if the Madison got Ashley’s top wet (“Ashley’s Wet” opportunity) but the Player skipped that content and instead finished “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: there is now a moderate social meter penalty for embarrassing Madison via Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare” finale
  • In the Original Story: Madison will need to be over 40% closer to the Player to catch them inspecting her Phone, and the Player will need to be in front of her (so…no more being caught nearly halfway across the yard while walking away)…HOWEVER, she will catch the player faster when the new conditions ARE met, and looking at her contacts (to get Vickie’s number) or her Calendar will now also count as inspecting her Phone
  • In the Original Story: there is now a heavy social meter penalty for being caught plotting against Madison with Ashley
  • In the Original Story: there is now a heavy social meter penalty for being caught inspecting Madison’s Phone…not that it’ll matter, even if you survive her minions…
  • In the Original Story: getting caught inspecting Madison’s Phone incurs many of the same Opportunity penalties as getting caught plotting against her with Ashley
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was preventing Ashley’s rejection of a certain Player “proposition” from reducing both friendship AND romance socials
  • In the Original Story: the Player must have at least a small modicum of friendship socials built with Madison before she’ll feel like congratulating you on meeting everyone and acknowledging what a swell, social, and not-at-all terrible Player you are
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to not be…present, exactly, for his special participation during one ending of “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: if the Player goes off the deep end and pisses off Madison (lowering her socials) before they prompt the finale of her “Smooth Operator” opportunity, her reaction during the finale will be…a bit different
  • In the Original Story: there is now a minor social meters boost for the Player when successfully completing Madison’s “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: the Player will not be able to ask Madison for her phone back if the Player is currently holding it in their hand. Because you aren’t stupid. …We think
  • In the Original Story: made improvements to Leah and Frank’s confrontation on the roof as part of “Broken Code”m when the Player opts to negotiate with/distract Frank so Leah can flank him
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that can cause Frank to lose his ability to socialize and return to his chair, should the Player fail the negotiate with/distract Frank ending of “Broken Code” in a certain way
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to take off Stephanie’s panties very late into a purely oral intimacy act with her, when there was no longer any gameplay benefit to doing so (i.e. seconds before she put them back on)
  • In the Original Story: clarified the “Panties Off” option with Stephanie so that Players know that it is not a means of obtaining panties for Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: made minor tweaks to the “Throw One” Actions for the PopperBox and StarbombBox to prevent minor bugs
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Spare Room 2/Art Room closet doors to repeatedly and rapidly close in the face of a Player who rushed in and grabbed the Spray Paint Can
  • In the Original Story: fast Players who grab the Spray Paint can before Leah can catch up with them can opt to give it to her immediately, skipping literal seconds of dialogue. Was it really worth it? Really?
  • In the Original Story: Madison walking to Ashley in order to finish up the Opportunity “Humiliate Ashley” will not be interfered with as much by other events involving Madison
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to lose his AbleToRoam state after certain choices were made in VR with him
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that allowed the Player to Rummage through the Orange Bin in the garage again, even after giving the only relevant item in the Orange Bin away
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to activate the intimacy reward from Ashley’s “Smooth Operator” opportunity while she was waiting on the Player to help her with cleaning her clothes. This could cause a wide variety of dialogue, clothing, and behavioral issues. The reward will open back up once the Player actually helps her (not Humiliating her)
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could occur if the Player got the appropriate “Trust”/prerequisites to start Ashley’s prank against Madison, gave Ashley Madison’s Phone but NOT Madison’s Diary, then went and got Patrick beat up or otherwise occupied, and then returned to Ashley and gave her the diary before Patrick could become unoccupied, which could prevent the Player from being able to advance in Ashley’s prank later on…can’t you people just play the game the way we intended and splooge on everyone?!
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some very old state handling for Amy that was tied to Derek-Ashley dialogues used towards the end of Ashley’s “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now get a very minor social boost for successfully asking Madison about the Goodbye Kitty underwear, and a minor penalty for asking or saying stupid things about it
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause a confusing thought bubble to pop up when the Player did certainly Ashley content in a certain order; this was suggesting that the Player was at fault for undoing Ashley’s top, when in fact the Player had never done so
  • In the Original Story: removed old distance checks from Amy’s “Where can I hook up with the Player?” logic; she will now no longer reject the Player in corners or odd niche spots of the “allowed areas”, and as long as both she and the Player are in the same room/space, they can get down
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to remain unable to roam for large periods of time if the Player had Derek congratulate them for getting Ashley to trust them (“Smooth Operator – Ashley”) but the Player did not follow up with Ashley
  • In the Original Story: throwing the dildo at the Closed Briefcase now rewards your athletic sacrifice with a small combat strength boost
  • In the Original Story: Frank will be a more considerate dood and lock the front door when he leaves the house to confront the carnies. If you didn’t understand this patch note, L2P
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue in which the Ashley prank quest line could stall if the Player managed to get Patrick Knocked Out at a very specific time while progressing through dialogues prior to Family Time without giving Madison’s Phone back to Madison
  • In the Original Story: mitigated an issue that could cause Patrick to walk away from Ashley during their pre-Family Time dialogues
  • In the Original Story: at various points after Family Time (Ashley’s Prank content path) it will now be possible for Madison to overhear Ashley and the Player plotting against her. This will cause the Player to fail out of that content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick’s positioning to break if the Player was doing any content that occupied Patrick and then pursued the finale of Ashley’s “Sibling
  • Warfare” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison’s “art show” (during “The Muse”) to break if the Player managed to KO/attack Patrick as NPCs were walking up to the master bedroom to start the show
  • In the Original Story: Mitigated an issue that could cause Rachael’s phone to knock objects out of the Player’s hand while she slapped Patrick around
  • In the Original Story: Cleaned up minor Frank and Leah behaviors related to Ashley and Madison’s fight during Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity. Leah and Frank now have their priorities straight
  • In the Original Story: if the Player helps Brittney out by getting Stephanie naked without ever meeting Ashley, Ashley’s subsequent approach and dialogue to the Player will start her “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s “cell jammed” reaction will no longer play if the Player is being actively spoken to via main dialogue, but in turn the reaction will attempt to trigger a teensy bit faster
  • In the Original Story: Frank will no longer attempt to socialize with other NPCs while he is doing his bestest to headbutt down the bathroom door when Katherine is sick
  • In the Original Story: fixed availability of minor Stephanie and Katherine-based responses and thought bubbles towards the end of “Meltdown” based on prior Player decisions or actions
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to indefinitely let Steph hang out in the spare room 2/art room during “Meltdown” AFTER giving her all the items she needed and being told to leave her alone. She will now eventually get high and fail the content just like all the other possible routes through the finale of “Meltdown”
  • In the Original Story: minor adjustments to existing unimportant/”casual” Background Chatter criteria
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to claim that the Player saw her naked for her photo shoot…when in fact the Player did no such thing
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Katherine to potentially remain in Madison’s bedroom while the Madison-Derek intimacy scene went down during the finale of Ashley’s prank
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could break one of Patrick’s “masochism test” choices and cause much of the following dialogue to be thrown off, toward the finale of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Patrick to keep a couple inconvenient States if the Player convinced him to hug Rachael during “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: looting beers back from an unconscious Frank is now possible assuming the Player has given Frank three (down from 6) beers or more. The Player is guaranteed one beer back, but can receive up to three
  • In the Original Story: general cleanup of events related to Patrick sobering up once given the hot coffee
  • In the Original Story: if the Player sobers Patrick up with the Hot Coffee before doing any of his Phonegate/Fuck Tuesday content, they will be able to skip ahead to Patrick simply getting his phone back from Brittney instead of having to go through redundant dialogues and Walk To events
  • In the Original Story: if Patrick is walking to Brittney and sobers up on the way, the ensuing conversation will skip to simply being given his phone back by Brittney
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael and Patrick to be unable to Talk with the Player if Frank KO’d Patrick right as Rachael was confronting Patrick and opening her dialogue with him
  • In the Original Story: Madison will react to the Player untying Ashley’s top somewhat faster, however, she must also be able to SEE Ashley instead of just be relatively close to her
  • In the Original Story: corrected an issue that would cause Amy to use a confusing line about “getting Steph to help Katherine” when in fact it was mostly the Player’s doing. Amy will only use this line in the niche situations where Steph automatically goes to help Katherine in the bathroom after some time
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause certain Patrick alternate dialogues and minor behaviors related to losing his Merlot to be ignored
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to stand up and approach the Player after being flashed at times she should not do so
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause an Amy response related to the hot tub finale of her “Scavenger Hunt” opportunity to become available a little bit too early
  • In the Original Story: the Player is no longer trapped in oral with Amy once they start oral with her, assuming they did not ask her to take her pants off
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah, in niche situations, to not attack the Player should the Player grope her more than once. When called for, she will now ALWAYS attempt to ruin your shit
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would prevent the Player from getting “FlashScore” credit (counting towards Katherine’s ‘flash everyone’ request) from Leah if “Snake in the Grass” was started but had not reached a certain progression point yet
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to be unable to return to the Master Bedroom/Bed if the Player got to the finale of Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” while
  • Katherine was already waiting on the bed for the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to lose her Glasses temporarily if the Player combined her intimacy finale with Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine’s phone to be temporarily invisible (especially while in Stephanie’s hand) if the Player combined her intimacy finale with Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to get stuck in an immobile state and both he AND Rachael to be unable to talk to the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Amy being warped to the Player at inopportune times if the Player combined certain content and then rapidly failed out of Stephanie’s “Meltdown” opportunity by failing to give her her…”breathing apparatus”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to retain some minor behavior-altering states if the Player completed Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity while
  • Katherine was sick in the downstairs bathroom
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to some out of order responses from Frank regarding Rachael’s thermos, if the Player gave Frank all of the beers before starting “Hunt for
  • Red’s Thermos”, then obtained the opportunity, then spoke to Frank
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to never approach the Player and stall out his “sober up and get his phone” content if he was knocked out in the middle of talking to Brittney about being given his phone back
  • In the Original Story: Madison will attempt to change her location immediately after the Player completes her “Smooth Operator” opportunity, which should help free up the Master Bedroom/Bathroom more quickly for certain other pieces of content
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer give items to Leah during a brief window in which she is running away from the party after being “Poppered” during her conversation with Lety
  • In the Original Story: added an extra, minor protection against Leah roaming away during the “Garage Search” during “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to briefly continue to follow the Player after they arrived in the yard and started the “fence search” during “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: fixed other minor behavioral issues for a few NPCs within “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to keep his phone in his hand if he was knocked out during “Broken Code” at certain times
  • In the Original Story: Lety will now try to be a little more respectful of what the Player has going on in their life when she approaches them after the events of “Queen in the North”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to walk away from pending intimacy with the Player and be unable to resume
  • In the Original Story: if the Player has deeply angered Madison and she’s sent Frank or Derek after them, she won’t be as easily deterred from…ejecting you from the party
  • In the Original Story: added the Achievements: I Know Grump-Fu, Do Not Burn, IRL Let’s Player, D-Club Certified, Casanova, Casabrova
  • In the Original Story: Rachael is no longer absolutely guaranteed to approach Patrick at hard-coded intervals when a new game is started. The encounter will now happen somewhat more randomly
  • In the Original Story: Amy is no longer absolutely guaranteed to approach Stephanie at hard-coded intervals when a new game is started. The encounter will now happen somewhat more randomly
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the “Unlock” action on the Bathroom Door to do nothing while Katherine was sick
  • In the Original Story: mitigated an issue that could cause Madison to walk away from Derek and the Player during her intro dialogue to “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: Lety will no longer try to avoid Leah if their conversation during “Just in the KICK of Time” goes poorly, IF Leah is knocked out
  • In the Original Story: added a single hint for the Player to reinforce that Stephanie needs a LOT of water in order to progress through Meltdown and that the Player might have to get creative…
  • In the Original Story: fixed another issue that could cause Stephanie to not be in the Spare Room2/art room if the Player was doing Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly” at the same time as the finale of “Meltdown”
  • In the Original Story: Rachael and Patrick’s pre-“Patty’s Striking Resemblance” fight will not unfold on its own if the Player is far enough away from both of them
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some labeling for the music control buttons on the downstairs TV
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to repeatedly attempt to walk to Madison after the finale of “Sibling Warfare”, which could potentially interrupt other content involving him
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to be “occupied” and unavailable for certain pieces of content if the Player was in the introductory stages of the “Sibling Warfare” Opportunity. He will still be “occupied” once he is actually needed for that content
  • In the Original Story: added various emotive events across the story where appropriate
  • In the Original Story: Madison, Ashley, and Patrick are far less likely to casually talk to other NPCs while the drama of Madison’s Smooth Operator (pre-finale) is unfolding
  • In the Original Story: mitigated/reduced the chance of a niche issue occurring that could cause Madison to briefly roam away from the Player towards the end of her “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: refactored the “emotive dialogue minigame” at the finale of Madison’s “Smooth Operator” opportunity to simply make use of the Player’s thought bubble replies as responses, bringing this sequence in-line with all other dialogue mechanics in the story
  • In the Original Story: asking Madison to use the perk gained from her “Smooth Operator” opportunity (relationship ‘fix’) will now at least partially resolve certain penalties incurred by the Player if the Player deeply offended Derek
  • In the Original Story: asking Madison to use the perk gained from her “Smooth Operator” opportunity (relationship ‘fix’) will now at least partially resolve certain penalties incurred by the Player if the Player deeply offended Patrick
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could result in Stephanie immediately getting high and running downstairs, with main dialogue still on the screen, during her “Meltdown” opportunity, if the Player left her field of vision after talking with her about the ingredients in the art room
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will not use certain BGCs that directly reference her dancing if she is laying down
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will no longer infinitely stay outside in the yard once she gets over her “Stargazing” moment, should the Player not speak to her. She will eventually understand that other NPCs need to make use of that area and decide that dancing is better than getting walked all over
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie won’t be interested in being given Items during the time she starts approaching Katherine to grab her phone, until after she wakes up after the finale of her “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will no longer appear to be on her phone after Stephanie grabs it from her
  • In the Original Story: Katherine won’t have any interest in casually BGC while Stephanie has her phone during Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: if Stephanie still has the crunched Paper Bag in her hands during her “Drunk and Disorderly” finale, she’ll move it to the other hand so that she can really give it to Mort on the phone without looking like a weirdo
  • In the Original Story: added one more intimacy position to Stephanie’s radial choices as part of her “Special Tutoring” reward
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to accuse the Player of untying her top when progressing through her “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity, even if the Player had never done so
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to deliver a confusing line about having just spoke to the Player about a certain substance, when in fact Derek and the Player had never had that conversation
  • In the Original Story: in the event that the Player gives Ashley the Lit Joint when the “Redemption” opportunity has not been started, her dialogue will not reference being “square” with the Player
  • In the Original Story: improved control over Madison and Ashley’s socialization during the finale of Madison’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Madison will now wait 60 seconds between each “beer given” dialogue before accepting another beer during her “Drunk and Disorderly”, rather than 60 seconds between each individual GiveTo action in the radial menu
  • In the Original Story: mitigated an issue that could sometimes cause Madison to run into the slider door without passing out in a timely fashion during the finale of her “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed a canon discrepancy between one of Brittney’s answers given in the hot tub with Amy and a Brittney-Stephanie Background Chatter exchange
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up the arrival of Madison into the Art Room prior to “Like a French Girl” so that she will not need to abruptly warp into position, unless you (yes, YOU) did something crazy to break her positioning
  • In the Original Story: fixed a couple issues that could cause Derek and Madison to both react in a rather over the top manner to the Player’s predictable nudity during the opening sequences of “Like a French Girl”
  • In the Original Story: the Player will be briefly locked in place while posing during “Like a French Girl”, so that they may fully enjoy kneeling majestically, or displaying their star fish without risk of accidentally ruining the pose
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Amy to try and discuss Stephanie’s potential and behavior far after any relevant “Apply Pressure” or “Meltdown” opportunity content was completed or failed
  • In the Original Story: clarified a couple alt dialogues/dialogue criteria in a few Ashley lines that led to confusing responses in niche situations
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the events leading up to the Lety/Leah conversation to spam the Debug Log unnecessarily
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Madison and Lety’s ability to fidget, be distracted by items, and animate conversation during their garage conversation, in order to clean up some clipping/item issues that can occur
  • In the Original Story: Derek will now at some point attempt to actually eat some Sweeties at a certain point in the story. NOMNOMNOM
  • In the Original Story: Derek will also Change Location after stuffing his face, if he is able to, to avoid causing Kitchen traffic jams
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Brittney’s throw of Sancho the Sleazy Suckerfish so that it appears to be more like an actual throw
  • In the Original Story: Amy will not attempt to socialize with other NPCs while walking to the upstairs bathroom for her “new underwear” selfie, nor will other NPCs attempt to talk to her or roam/hangout with her
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will no longer awkwardly try to cover up prior to or immediately after her intimacy scene with the Player
  • In the Original Story: removed an erroneous/duplicate VA for a Derek DLG related to the Player asking for his shirt during Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: slightly tweaked Amy’s “cover self”/exhibitionism behavior during the hot tub-finale of her “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: Brittney and Amy will no longer react to each other in quite so awkward a fashion when they start taking clothes off near each other during the hot tub-finale of Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: Lety and Rachael will be considerably stronger during their “Easter Egg” romp, which should help to prevent combat against Derek and Leah from taking too long
  • In the Original Story: during Lety and Rachael’s “Easter Egg” romp/finale, Lety will not be quite as animated with her hands during conversation or standing around, which should cut down on the handsanity
  • In the Original Story: added one new, non-violent way to get the Camera item back from Frank, and tweaked minor behaviors related to that and related to getting Frank to “trust” the Player
  • In the Original Story: attacking Frank outside of Leah’s “Broken Code” combat finale(s) will now incur a social penalty
  • In the Original Story: repeatedly annoying Frank via various dialogue/action choices can now lead to a minor penalty to his social meters
  • In the Original Story: telling Frank the truth about Rachael’s thermos will no longer automatically fail “Hunt for Red’s Thermos”…although of course, you’ll have to find another way to get the thermos
  • In the Original Story: began refactoring certain events around the use of CriteriaGroups instead of “evaluator” events
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Ashley to use her “Threw Beer On Madison” dialogue with the Player twice, which could cause various issues related to her “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now get a one-time Combat Stat (speed) boost if they score two points in any one beer pong game
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to the event that has Madison walk to the Player to talk about her Sky Animals after meeting the other party goers; she will not wait until the player is a certain minimum distance away before trying to approach him, but also is less likely to bug the Player during other “Global NPC Events” or if the Player is about to fight another Character
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to Throw Beer on Madison at a few highly inopportune, unintended times
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to fill up the empty flask, give it to Patrick, and start the Derek Smash! fight without Derek Smash! being In Progress, which could bug out several characters
  • In the Original Story: the Player has to know Amy/know a bit more about Amy before he has any reason to ask Amy for info about Derek
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was preventing a select few Inspect Texts for Patrick to not show up during “Palectrick Feel”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could permanently prevent Patrick and Rachael from roaming to each other, even if the Player got them to bond as a result of the events of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to become visibly drunk again after the events of Madison’s “art show” via a Social event, even if he had already sobered up
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now choose to opt back into the “nude Frank” ending of “The Muse” if they opted out once, while Derek is still blocking the door to Madison’s bedroom. This will provide a choice so that players can continue completely unrelated content (character/plot-wise) that required an item from the bathroom
  • In the Original Story: Derek’s walk to the kitchen while searching for Purgalicious during “High and Dry” will now take a tiny bit longer
  • In the Original Story: adjustment to an Amy-Derek overhear Dialogue regarding Derek’s brother, if Derek is blocking the door during “High and Dry”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause duplicate dialogue to Play after kicking open the Spare Room 2/Art Room door to stop Stephanie from huffing if the Player was fast and ALSO used the “Take Bag” option. Will prevent accidental duplication of the Meltdown ending
  • In the Original Story: mitigated additional minor walkto/positioning issues associated with niche Player decisions during the finale of Stephanie’s “Meltdown” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: sprinkled a few more emotes where appropriate throughout Stephanie’s “Meltdown”-related content
  • In the Original Story: slightly tweaked how long the Derek Smash! fight involving Patrick and Derek vs. Frank can take, as it was taking a bit too long most of the time
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from seeing Ashley’s commentary about getting Brittney “out of her cave”
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will not break away from certain other critical story moments in order to talk to the Player about getting Brittney “out of her cave”
  • In the Original Story: Amy will no longer be forced to interact with Stephanie, Katherine, and the Player during the events that precede “Meltdown”
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will no longer be restricted from helping Katherine for her “Meltdown” content just because Madison’s art show is ongoing
  • In the Original Story: if Stephanie is in the art room/Spare Room2 as the Player is about to use the Voice Recorder on the Window, the Player will need to deal with Stephanie’s presence first
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Rachael’s “Occupied” behaviors during the finale of “Palectrick Feel”
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some behaviors related to Katherine’s auto-failing of “Meltdown” if the Player already got Steph drunk/naked and THEN gave Katherine the Tampered Rum
  • In the Original Story: miscellaneous cleanup of minor behaviors related to the events of “Palectrick Feel”
  • In the Original Story: made behavioral tweaks related to Frank’s return to his chair in relation to his “sting operation” and reaching the player, getting into fights, being knocked out, etc. This should somewhat help to minimize incidents in which Frank reaches the Player, but then quickly walks away back to his chair
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to become stuck behind the gazebo towards the end of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” if the Player decided to betray him at that time
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that affected Patrick’s AbleToBeDistracted state and behavior with other NPCs if the Player failed out of his “masochism test” behind the gazebo near the finale of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to keep her “RunWhenCloseToTarget” state after the Player completed or failed the “Meltdown” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: after the “Meltdown” Opportunity is completed or is failed, Katherine will move back to the Kitchen or Study, depending on what previous actions the Player had taken with her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Stephanie to not reach the Art Room/Spare Room 2 in a very specific situation within the “Meltdown” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Frank repeatedly trying to get to the Downstairs Bathroom after headbutting it for Katherine
  • In the Original Story: Various optimizations and minor tweaks to common place events like Patrick being KO’d, the Player stealing items (added a missing distance check or two, etc.)
  • In the Original Story: fixed a Character ownership mixup for the StephFollow criteria
  • In the Original Story: cleanup of minor events in Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity, and added some emotive events to various dialogues in the finale of that Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that caused Patrick to talk about hiding his wine from Frank as if he still had it, even when he no longer possesses his wine
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Stephanie to walk to Katherine, then walk back to the Living Room or Outside Speaker at least once instead of following her intended route to the Hot Tub during the finale of her “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: various minor tweaks to Stephanie’s dialogue and response behavior(s) related to her “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed various minor text mismatches between dialogues and their VA/SFX
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Stephanie to imply that she might take more beer after her “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity is completed
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will sober up a bit faster after her “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity is completed
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will no longer react to the Cell Jammer if she is topless, currently displaying a main dialogue, or in combat
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the warning the Player gets if they leave the Cell Jammer on for too long after jamming Katherine successfully
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now “Take” additional food items into their inventory
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s behavior is more in line with her willingness to do the photo shoot and will therefore no longer attempt to cover up during it
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to bump into the downstairs bathroom door repeatedly when she’s clearly, obviously, and indubitably supposed to be sick
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will no longer permanently chill, awkwardly, outside the bathroom where Katherine marked her territory after the Player completes her “Meltdown” opportunity. She’ll remember that she likes music, and if not busy, will return to said music
  • In the Original Story: NPCs won’t roam to Ashley while she is waiting for the Player to get down with her during the finale of her “Smooth Operator” opportunity, and Ashley will not socialize with any NPCs that walk in on her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to become unresponsive in the finale of her “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will not socialize with NPCs while getting sick after receiving the Tampered Rum
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to become stuck in the downstairs bathroom and leave Stephanie in the art room, if the Player groped Stephanie during Meltdown
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a few VA-text mismatches
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a few issues that could cause the Player to not be warped to Brittney after the Player chooses what to do with the Stove/Brittney’s meal
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to get up from a couch/be unable to “Talk” after the Player chooses what to do with the Stove/Brittney’s meal
  • In Date Night With Brittney: addressed an issue that could allow Brittney to get stuck, just a little, inside an outdoor patio chair before being intimate with the Player
  • In Date Night With Brittney: Patrick will no longer laugh like an insane person right before waking up with a raging headache should he be close to the Player and Brittney being intimate
  • In Date Night With Brittney: patient Players who want to start pleasuring themselves between Brittney’s closing dialogues and the Game Over screen(s) will no longer be punished for doing so. They won’t be rewarded either. They just won’t see a dumb dialogue that makes no sense, given the liberal usage of floppy bits that recently occurred
  • In Date Night With Brittney: sprinkled some extra emotes throughout the story, where appropriate
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: general cleanup to comply with recent engine changes and tighten certain old behavior timings up
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: sprinkled some emotes throughout the story, where appropriate
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue where very, very fast Players could turn the corner to trigger Vickie’s intro dialogue BEFORE her “intro texts” played, potentially breaking their playthrough
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Players to get temporarily stuck at zero “O” sensitivity until they took another intimacy action or saw a dialogue under specific circumstances
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: prevented a dialogue spam issue that could occur if the Player for some reason clicked the Play radial option multiple times prior to playing “Never Have I Ever” with Vickie
  • CSC Users: there are now “MusicTrackNum” and “LoopAllMusic” Player values you may use within stories to create NPC events/behaviors based on a song that is playing. These values are directly controlled by the speaker system
  • CSC Users: the total number of criteria for an event trigger will now be shown, similar to how it is currently shown for individual game events
  • CSC Users: fixed a couple typos in the UI
  • CSC Users: the total number of game events within an event trigger will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of game events within an item’s Use With interactions will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of game events performed for an Item Action will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of game events for item On Accept and On Refuse interactions will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of criteria for a character to accept an item will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of criteria needed for an Item Action to become visible will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of criteria needed to enable an item’s Use With interaction(s) will now be shown
  • CSC Users: we standardized a bunch of criteria and game event text displays. HMU if you want more copy-pasted shit
  • CSC Users: fixed an issue that could cause an ArgumentException if a Character did not a valid BGC count as high as a previously selected Character
  • Turn game events (Turn Around, Left, Right, Toward) and equivalent console commands will now be more responsive, with the exception being if another game-event driven, animation-centric event was very recently used or is already “playing out”
  • CSC Users: the InvisAudioPlayer can now also play a zipper (the player “unzip to expose”) sound
  • Fixed an issue that could allow emote sound effects to very briefly play right before the VA/voice for a dialogue that called the emote using an On Start Dialogue event
  • CSC Users: Background Chatters will still show their number/ID when fully collapsed
  • CSC Users: you can now check if two Characters are in the same zone
  • Added the ‘Cheer’ SendEventOption to the SendEvent console command
  • CSC Users: added the IsInHouse criteria, which uses the Zoning system to quickly determine if a Character is inside the house or not
  • CSC Users: added an Item Comparison to the Item criteria, “IsVisibleTo”, which will allow you to determine if a Character can see an InteractiveItem. In addition to doing a line of sight check, the InteractiveItem must be active and not hidden via any ItemFunctions
  • CSC Users: fixed an Argument Exception that could occur when a user typed in a string for a “Value” criteria check and then swapped that criteria CompareType to “State”
  • CSC Users: fixed an Argument Exception that could occur when you selected a game event event and assigned the Character as Player, Compubrah, or Phone Call, and then changed the game event type to TriggerBGC
  • CSC Users: added a warning message when changing from a game event that allowed the selection of the Player as the Character to the game event type “Event Trigger” to prevent the trigger dropdown from populating with triggers for an NPC
  • CSC Users: you can now either add a new Game Event to the beginning (Order 0) of a set of Game Events, or at the very end, which should help somewhat when adding to large sets of Game Events
  • CSC Users: when adding a new Game Event via the two “Add Game Event” buttons, they will now automatically be expanded, instead of being defaulted to a collapsed state
  • CSC Users: you can now either add a new Criteria to the beginning (Order 0) of a set of Criteria, or at the very end, which should help somewhat when adding to large Criteria sets
  • CSC Users: when adding a new Criteria via the two “Add Criteria” buttons, they will now automatically be expanded, instead of being defaulted to a collapsed state
  • CSC Users: standardized certain commonly adjacent button sizes across the UI
  • For CSC Users: you can now check if the Player is holding (via right-click/grab) an item via a new Item-based criteria, “IsHeldByPlayer”
  • For CSC Users: the GrabFromInventory game event has had its functionality moved to the Player game event – via the GrabFromInventory option. If it helps to find and update this in your stories, search your script files for: “EventType”: 165
  • For CSC Users: you can now force the Player to drop the item they are currently holding via the Player game event using the DropCurrentlyHeldItem option. If currently holding an item, the Player will drop it to the ground using minimal forward force

Play House Party on DLive


As many of you may know, House Party and a certain streaming site *ahem* don’t mix well. However, a new contender approaches!

DLive is a streaming platform that’s really making a name for itself with the streaming folk, what with their phones and their fancy-man gaming chairs. Streamers are finding and building a community on DLive, and from what we’ve seen, it’s a pretty killer place to be!

We wouldn’t be shining a light on them if it wasn’t good for us too, right? Right. House Party is totally legit to be streamed on DLive! Our game has always shined on-stream, letting streamers enjoy House Party surprises along with their audience. It’s kinda like…the perfect fucking game for that, if you don’t mind us saying so.

So streamers, check out DLive and stream our shit! Shout us out on Twitter when you’re going live so our team has a chance to tune in. We wanna showcase you guys and girls!

They say proof is in the pudding, but our fat asses don’t need any more sweets so we’ll just show you NeverSurrendr’s hilarious . This had us rolling, and we gotta have more of it.

So get to it, streamers! And…while you’re at it…someone explain to us what the hell streaming is, or what a emote is…or a “wee-fee” connection? You kids…


Eek Team

House Party 0.14.1 Released to Alpha Testers

If you are already an Alpha Patron or would like to learn how to become one click here.

Hey everyone!

House Party 0.14.1 is now in the hands of our Alpha testers. This Alpha has brought Lety’s story to full completion with only a few more fun,extra additions needed before it’s time for Beta!

We think you guys are really going to like what’s headed your way soon.

For a changelog of what’s been added, check out below!

-Eek Team


  • In the Original Story: corrected additional possible placement and state issues that could affect Derek or Madison during the ending of the High and Dry and Like a French Girl opportunities
  • In the Original Story: fixed a response from the Player to Derek re: Stephanie that was available a bit earlier than it should have been
  • In the Original Story: fixed a response from the Player to Derek re: Amy that was available a bit earlier than it should have been
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Amy to always have her phone in her hand after asking her about Scavenger Hunt items
  • In the Original Story: Amy will now check her phone when asked about all Scavenger Hunt items, instead of just the first few
  • In the Original Story: resolved an issue that could cause Rachael to confront the Player about Patrick a bit prematurely
  • In the Original Story: the distance check that fails the Player out of Screw Like a Bee during the Player’s pursuit of Leah is a bit more forgiving
  • In the Original Story: Patrick and Rachael should not dance as much prior to and immediately after their fight that starts the “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” Opportunity
  • Fixed an issue with the CharInfo command that could prevent it from showing a character’s list of inaccessible mandatory targets
  • Charinfo command will now also show combat-related information
  • CSC users will no longer be prompted to choose a 2nd character when selecting the End or StartMasturbation sexual acts within an intimacy event, as a 2nd character is not needed for these choices
  • The Debug Log and CSC will no longer attempt to show a 2nd character when displaying event name of the Intimacy StartMasturbation and End sex events
  • Added an event usable by Story Creators that opens the radial menu for an NPC or item without the Player having to directly interact with the target(edited)
  • Updated Pose console command to work with some newly added poses
  • The Debug Window will no longer show a duplicate event entry when a system warning, error, or exception occurs. System issues will now properly be timestamped and logged in the Debug Window
  • The Debug Log will now also log System Warnings
  • Added Lety’s satchel
  • Added Lety to Main Menu
  • Added chili pepper bottle model
  • Added scorpion tequila model
  • Added talking fish model
  • Added avatar image for Lety
  • Created front yard exterior
  • Fixed weird shine effect on the wrong side of the gazebo
  • Fixed Lety wearing double jackets in game and main menu

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