House Party 0.14.1 Released to Alpha Testers

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Hey everyone!
House Party 0.14.1 is now in the hands of our Alpha testers. This Alpha has brought Lety’s story to full completion with only a few more fun,extra additions needed before it’s time for Beta!
We think you guys are really going to like what’s headed your way soon.
For a changelog of what’s been added, check out below!
-Eek Team
- In the Original Story: corrected additional possible placement and state issues that could affect Derek or Madison during the ending of the High and Dry and Like a French Girl opportunities
- In the Original Story: fixed a response from the Player to Derek re: Stephanie that was available a bit earlier than it should have been
- In the Original Story: fixed a response from the Player to Derek re: Amy that was available a bit earlier than it should have been
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Amy to always have her phone in her hand after asking her about Scavenger Hunt items
- In the Original Story: Amy will now check her phone when asked about all Scavenger Hunt items, instead of just the first few
- In the Original Story: resolved an issue that could cause Rachael to confront the Player about Patrick a bit prematurely
- In the Original Story: the distance check that fails the Player out of Screw Like a Bee during the Player’s pursuit of Leah is a bit more forgiving
- In the Original Story: Patrick and Rachael should not dance as much prior to and immediately after their fight that starts the “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” Opportunity
- Fixed an issue with the CharInfo command that could prevent it from showing a character’s list of inaccessible mandatory targets
- Charinfo command will now also show combat-related information
- CSC users will no longer be prompted to choose a 2nd character when selecting the End or StartMasturbation sexual acts within an intimacy event, as a 2nd character is not needed for these choices
- The Debug Log and CSC will no longer attempt to show a 2nd character when displaying event name of the Intimacy StartMasturbation and End sex events
- Added an event usable by Story Creators that opens the radial menu for an NPC or item without the Player having to directly interact with the target(edited)
- Updated Pose console command to work with some newly added poses
- The Debug Window will no longer show a duplicate event entry when a system warning, error, or exception occurs. System issues will now properly be timestamped and logged in the Debug Window
- The Debug Log will now also log System Warnings
- Added Lety’s satchel
- Added Lety to Main Menu
- Added chili pepper bottle model
- Added scorpion tequila model
- Added talking fish model
- Added avatar image for Lety
- Created front yard exterior
- Fixed weird shine effect on the wrong side of the gazebo
- Fixed Lety wearing double jackets in game and main menu