House Party

House Party 0.14.2 Released to Beta Testers

If you are already a Beta Patron or would like to learn how to become one click here.

Hey guys!

The Beta release for Lety’s content is dropping TODAY! As always, our beta-access Patrons will be the first to dip their wicks into this new iteration of Lety’s feature-packed story. So let’s talk about it!

Lety’s new content started as a simple cameo-like appearance, but as much as we’ve enjoyed working directly with Lety herself to bring this story to life, this story just continued to grow. This story is now similar to the size of Stephanie’s update from a few months ago.

Lety’s not showing up to the party empty-handed–our newest member brings with her a whole bag full of new items that both play a part of her story, but will also add to the interactivity of every NPC at the party down the line. These items include throwables, a new type of alcohol, and…we don’t know how else to say this…a shit-talking novelty toy. It’s gonna get weird.

In addition to the new items, we’ve added new mechanics to House Party in this newest content update. In what we’re calling the “Eavesdrop” mechanic, players will be able to listen in on pivotal conversations that they can then influence through ways besides just talking. Some of these interactions will require the player to act fast to steer Lety safely through the booze-filled waters of her first party experience ever.

We’ve also doubled down on intimacy interactions for this content drop, quite literally.

While of course there’s some 1-on-1 intimacy action with Lety, there are also 2 different experiences where Lety and the player can find themselves in a threesome! Let me do the math here…2 threesomes with 2 different characters besides Lety…carry the 4…Fuck it–this is a lot of threesomeing. Both of these experiences are made to be a fun challenge, so don’t expect there to be a light-up sign that says “THREESOME THIS WAY!” Although, now we really want our artists to make that sign…It would probably be neon…

Currently, only half of the VAs have voiced the new lines for Lety’s update, so you may have to use your imagination until we get our final submissions from our lovely actors. This includes Lety’s dialogue as well. But, it’ll be added very soon!

We’re really looking forward to sharing Lety’s story with our beta-access Patrons, as always. Please let us know what you think of this new content via our forums or on Discord!

-Eek Team


  • Added voice acting for Rachael, Patrick, Derek and Ashley
  • Added new front door
  • Added graphics to throw meter
  • Added (upstairs) laptop login screen and desktop
  • New design for thought bubbles
  • Condensed dialog UI
  • Added BGC UI
  • Added Leah’s sound effects
  • Tweaked various animations
  • Fixed offset on narrator UI
  • Painkillers can now be grabbed
  • Tweaked and enhanced navigation system
  • Tweaked and enhanced combat system
  • Tweaked and enhanced lighting and post processing
  • Fixed an issue where characters could receive PassOut events when they were already passed out
  • Added a system to prevent NPCs from being able to get stuck anywhere on the map.  This should now auto-correct itself in most cases
  • Characters will no longer roam to NPCs in the hot tub, which would cause them to stand around the hot tub clothed
  • Characters should no longer be able to lock NPCs in the closet in Ashley’s room
  • Characters no longer dance if they are not in the same room as the speaker
  • Characters now react to WalkTo and ChangeLocation events much more quickly
  • Untagged the armchairs as movetargets.  This was causing NPCs to walk into them until they were issued another directive
  • NPCs can no longer have their orgasm meter go past 100 while in sixty-nine position
  • Fixed Lety’s shirt/jacket clipping and transparency issue in doggie style
  • Fixed Lety jacket disappearing from a distance
  • Shrunk several colliders associated with the No Loitering system to further prevent accidental changelocations. NPCs will also no longer count as “Loitering” if they are currently being groped, currently speaking, currently posing, or have an inaccessible/queued mandatory target they are trying to reach.
  • Added CharacterFunction mechanic. Will function similarly to Interactive Item ItemFunctions, but are triggered from Characters rather than Items
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to select a non-roaming-enabled Action Item, such as the Toilet(s) if they were invited to hang with another NPC and the Action Item in question was in range of the hangout spot
  • Slightly increased verbosity, viscosity, duplicity, and luminosity of logging for NPC changes of location when they are invited to hang out with a BFF
  • Minor tweaks to Debug Log formatting to prevent text from being cut off
  • NPCs that have been renamed in the CSC will now show their customized name over their Orgasm meter when having filthy relations with the Player
  • Addressed an issue that could cause collisions against characters and ragdolls for some items to not be re-enabled properly after being Unmounted
  • Addressed an issue that could cause collisions against characters and ragdolls for some items to bug out and be ignored after being thrown or dropped by the “grab hand”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to permanently have the Upset state enabled
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer opt out of Vickie’s first Hot Tub HJ and then pleasure himself near her in order to continue along her Opportunity. Yeah that’s right, how you like that 8″ nerf bat?
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick and Rachael to go hang out together (via roaming Invite To Hang) after they fought
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to no longer stay near Stephanie if the Player fails out of Amy’s Scavenger Hunt in a specific fashion
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to use his “recently concussed” dialogue after the player uses the Slap Awake option on him, when Frank had not actually recently been concussed
  • In the Original Story: Amy will now use the new Front Door + yard exit mechanic(s) if the Player drives her away from the party
  • In the Original Story: swapped Frank’s throw of the closed briefcase to the new Throw SendEvent
  • In the Original Story: NPCs will no longer try to roam to Katherine while she is sick in the downstairs bathroom
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer use the gutter while being intimate with another character, as this can break the intimacy act

House Party 0.14.3 Released to Beta Testers

If you are already a Beta Patron or would like to learn how to become one click here.

Hey House Partiers!

We’ve got another beta release for you. Great things have happened since our last release.

First, all of our VA is implemented, with the exception of Brittney. Lety herself has recorded over 200 lines for this story.

In addition to VA, we’ve got new animations and polish, polish, polish. Not of our knobs–like, getting rid of bugs and stuff. We’ll include a full changelog of what’s been enhanced since our first beta of 0.14.3.

Thanks as always for doing what you do. Peace!

-Eek Team


  • Added voice acting for Madison, Frank, Lety, Leah
  • All sex animations are now synced better
  • Merged the thought bubble and system messages into one compact HUD
  • Added icons to distinguish thoughts from system messages
  • Lighting tweaks and adjustments
  • Fixed an issue with NPCs trying to navigate to items that the player may have picked up or put in his inventoty
  • Fixed an issue with Display messages sometimes breaking the radial menu
  • Added low level “headlight” light to camera for better viewing in dark areas
  • Aligned the grab hand for a few items around the house that were not implemented yet
  • Increased the camera speed for transitioning to sex acts
  • Orgasm meter now “cools down” during making out
  • Fixed an issue with items sometimes being able to fall through the floor
  • Loading games now preserve NPC movetargets more gracefully
  • AllowLocation and ProhibitLocation can no longer have duplicate items added to them
  • Warping now takes precidence over Action Items
  • NPCs can no longer be “distracted” when making out
  • Fix for Gamma slider not working correctly
  • Lowered fence colliders so players can throw items outside the fence
  • Fixed an issue where characters wouldn’t swing if they were too close to each other in combat
  • NPCs will no longer randomly pick another NPC as a roaming target if that NPC is currently headed towards a hot tub seat. Should help mitigate seeing NPCs randomly standing knee-deep in the hot tub
  • Added the ForcedToDance state, which will allow characters to dance while away from a music source. This new and non-consensual (bool false MEANS FALSE DAMMIT) form of dancing can only be interrupted by movement-related events, intimacy, and a few other story-driven events
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Stephanie to trip while approaching the downstairs bathroom to talk to Katherine (if the Player got high with her), and afterwards become unable to speak to Katherine or continue her story
  • In the Original Story: Rachael and Patrick’s fight (precursor to “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”) can no longer initiate if the Player is knocked out, or if Rachael and/or Patrick are Currently Displaying Dialogue
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s inspect text is no longer a thought bubble. More important news at 11!
  • In the Original Story: fixed a double-inspect text that could appear when the Player inspected Ashley at the start of a new game
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that allowed the Player to be able to send Rachael away to while they were being intimate with Patrick in the corner of the yard during “Benedict Brahrnold”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to hang around near the outside corner of the yard after the conclusion of “Benedict Brahrnold”

0.14.4 Stable Release

The time has come…House Party 0.14.4 is HERE!

For those of you who haven’t heard, 0.14.4 is centered around LetyDoesStuff, who was the winner of our “Be in the Game” contest along with the Game Grumps. We worked really closely with Lety to tell an awesome, fully-fleshed story that adds a crap-load of new content.

Expect hundreds and hundreds of new dialogues split between 10 characters, several new interactive items, a UI redesign (that looks sharp as shit), and new animations–both in and out of the bedroom.

One other awesome addition to this update is that saves between versions of House Party will no longer be deleted, meaning you can load and continue your previous playthroughs. However, for the most stable experience, and to gain future Steam Achievements, a new save is still recommended.

And to that end… HUZZAH! Steam Achievements are working again! Rejoice, you completionist weirdos!

Seriously, we’re real damn proud of this new House Party chapter. For a full list of changes and additions, check out our changelog below. If you’ve got questions or feedback, you can find us at the usual spots–Discord[], Official Forum[], or Steam boards!

Alright, it’s Miller Time. Enjoy this new content drop while we take a breath. Then, party people, it’s right back to working on Leah’s upcoming story!

-Eek Team


  • New updated “selfie” pictures for Madison’s phone
  • Lighting improvements and color corrections
  • NPCs can no longer be shoved into closets and left for dead
  • Adjusted some areas of the map so NPCs can’t get stuck in select areas
  • Removed lamp colliders on stairs
  • Fixed an issue with non-important move targets getting set as important when an NPC runs into a locked door
  • MakingOut can now always be started regardless of orgasm state
  • Sexual acts and roles that do not increase the orgasm meter now cool it down
  • Starting a sexual act no longer cuts off main dialogues
  • Fixed Madison LOD2 shirt clipping with her body
  • Tweaked Lety’s reflectiveness
  • Fixed Lety’s eyelids clipping and improved skinning shirt right shoulder
  • Tweaked Amy’s hair highlights
  • Fixed main menu Lety clothing disappearing
  • Improved Ashley’s hair, less clipping
  • Tweaked the automatic closing of the Fridge Door: will now only automatically close when the player is too far away or on a different floor for more than approximately 12 seconds
  • NPCs will now not be as likely to choose a new Roaming ChangeLocation object within the same room, most notably in the larger rooms like Madison’s/Master Bedroom, and the Living Room-Dining Room-Kitchen area
  • The Item command’s “itemfunction list” functionality will no longer list items for which itemfunctions are not enabled/cannot be used
  • The Item command’s “itemfunction list” functionality will no longer duplicate list entries, and the formatting of the list has been cleaned up slightly
  • Added the CharFunc console command in order to allow testing/use of Character Functions
  • Fixed an issue with the CharInfo command that was preventing the correct distance to a character’s closest movetarget from being displayed correctly
  • Added the DontReleasePoseAfterSex state, which will prevent characters from automatically releasing their pose the moment an intimacy act is ended
  • Changes to the help and example feedback text of the Achievements console command, to better reflect the potentially disastrous consequences of using it correctly
  • Fixed the height of a handful of outside move targets, which was causing characters to float if they were used as sex spots
  • Other very minor tweaks to move target or sex spot heights
  • Added two wall sex spots in the Compubrah environment/DongVR FUCKDOME V3.Blazeit
  • Very, very slightly relaxed a few specific character limitations when saving a game
  • You can now have up to 69 save games. Heh.
  • In the Original Story: Rachael and Patrick’s fight (intro to “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”) and associated dialogue sequence will not play out while the Player is enjoying a thorough, thorough stroking by Vickie in the Hot Tub
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause redundant events to occur if the Player tried to take the Thermos while Frank was knocked out
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow a “Scavenger Hunt” related response to continue appearing for Amy, even if the Player had voluntarily opted out of the Hunt by starting “Chasing Amy”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie’s roaming to remain disabled if the Player opted out of her first Hot Tub “test”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to become unavailable for Madison’s Art Show (during “The Muse”) if certain events within “Derek Smash!” were performed at inopportune times
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to initiate intimacy with the Player in very unintended, very compromising spots
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: minor miscellaneous event timing/polishing tweaks
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: disabled a handful of items that should have been cleaned up after Madison’s party
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause duplicate dialogues to appear when Vickie is waiting for the Player in Ashley’s room, prior to giving the Player the phone or finding the stashbox key
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause a temporary loss of intimacy options if the Player saved a game during Vickie’s “cuddle break” and loaded back into it
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a handful of issues related to Game Over event handling
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a few instances where the Player being out of vision of Brittney would cause her to walk toward the Player, putting her in, frankly, ludicrous positions
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to exit the bathroom while naked, become “stuck”, and repeatedly warp the Player to Frank’s chair in a never ending cycle of disappointment and misery
  • In Date Night With Brittney: disabled a number of newer items to prevent them from being visible in “Brittney’s house that is no shape way or form Madison’s house so do not even fucking ask us about it”
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to encounter a blank dialogue with Brittney that essentially “froze” their current playthrough
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause incorrect narration messages to appear if the Player ate Brittney’s food but did not protect their tummy tum tum
  • In Date Night With Brittney: numerous small fixes to intimacy event timing and related radial option issues
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue where the Flower item would not show an inspect text
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that would prevent Brittney from being properly interactable if the Player had saved and loaded a game immediately prior to her master bedroom intimacy scene
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to kneel and simply look at the Player after he approached her, rather than get all oral on his junk
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to be out of place after turning off the speaker in the living room
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a handful of other spots where save/loading of games could cause
  • continuity/flexibility/fuckability/suckability/stability issues
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to be out of place for her “room tour” finale during “Smooth Operator: Ashley”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause a response to Ashley’s mid-oral dialogue to be lost after using it once
  • In the Original Story: made adjustments to Amy’s stub toe event so that it plays out a little more smoothly
  • In the Original Story: a few more of the ‘help’ responses Derek offers the player will require the Player to talk to him slightly more before they become available; aligning with other ‘help’ responses he offers
  • In the Original Story: fixed a thought bubble conflict that could occur when choosing certain response options while talking to Madison about getting Vickie’s phone number
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer give Ashley Madison’s phone when she is topless. Let’s be real, at this point she is either way, way too busy with you…or she hates you and your face
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now try to give Madison’s phone to Ashley as long as they know about the drama between Ashley and Madison, rather than ONLY after seeing one specific dialogue
  • In the Original Story: telling Patrick to go check under the sofa for booze will no longer interfere with his approaching Brittney, talking to her about getting his phone, and then returning to the Player with the good (or bad) news
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Rachael to cover herself up when flashing the Player…’cause doesn’t that defeat the purpose?
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Rachael to walk off when flashing the Player in the outside yard corner; applies to partial and full nudity “flashes”
  • In the Original Story: Rachael will now be immobile the moment she reaches the Spare Room 2/Art Room for her self-pleasuring, and will release this state when she finishes, or is caught doing her thing. Should cut down on any chance of her moving awkwardly before/after
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up Rachael’s sequence of self-pleasure in the Spare Room 2/Art Room to prevent many duplicate events from being fired off while she fires one off
  • In the Original Story: addressed a potential save/load issue with Rachael’s solo-pleasure dare that could cause the Spare Room 2/Art Room door to become locked forever
  • In the Original Story: the Player will no longer be able to give Patrick anything while being intimate with him. Believe us, it wasn’t worth your time anyway
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Patrick to cover up when he gets super drunk and naked during “Benedict Brahrnold”
  • In the Original Story: made tweaks to a save/load event that can cause Patrick to not be properly posed when loading a game in which he was laying down naked on the ground during Benedict Brahrnold (more improvements pending)
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to walk away to a semi-random spot instead of staying in the study if she caught the Player pleasuring Patrick in a specific location during “Benedict Brahrnold”
  • In the Original Story: Rachael will no longer use a negative dialogue line if the Player begins “warming themselves up” in front of her once they are about to get intimate with her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to re-use his “Benedict Brahrnold” finale-intro dialogue, even if the Player had already seen the dialogue
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to warp to Ashley and the Player in the middle of the “Benedict Brahrnold” finale, should the Player have asked Ashley about Madison’s Sky Animals at a certain point
  • In the Original Story: added an additional help/hint thoughtbubble or two towards the finale of “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up minor save/load events for a few characters
  • In the Original Story: loosened the criteria for Madison being “occupied” during the events of “Sibling Warfare” just a bit, so that certain content is not cut off during the “free moments” of the opportunity
  • In the Original Story: restricted the use of a dialogue that would send Derek to Amy during “Runner Runner”, which could cause issues during the finale of “Sibling Warfare” and also forcibly cut off this WalkTo event at a couple points
  • In the Original Story: made a number of small tweaks that should speed up Ashley’s behavior right before she and the Player need to get into the closet during the finale of “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause parts of the “Sibling Warfare closet content” to play out even if the Player failed “Runner Runner” and/or “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow the player to get into the bathroom while Derek and Madison were dealing with the fallout from “Sibling Warfare”…and while Ashley was waiting to hook up with you. Priorities!
  • In the Original Story: added a brief sensitivity toggle that should make getting through the Ashley -> Phone Call sequence during “Voicemail Vengeance” a little more manageable
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that, when the Gastronomy Book and Paper were used together, could cause Madison to walk to the MasterBedroomClosetArea when she was otherwise occupied
  • In All Stories: removed “Faster”/”Slower”-type events to align with new animation sync system; these no longer have any effect and are now obsolete
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to become stuck in a pose and permanently lose his ability to socialize with NPCs if the Player misses out on meeting Madison when starting “Like a French Girl”
  • In the Original Story: added additional response and dialogue handling for Ashley’s Family Time sequence, should Patrick already be occupied
  • In the Original Story: fixed a few missing state issues that could occur if the Player failed “Sibling Warfare” during its finale
  • In the Original Story: reduced the change Vickie would act as a movement blocker when trying to get into the closet during the finale of “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison and/or Derek to become briefly embroiled in background chatter while/after they went to the master bedroom for the finale of “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause silly oral nonsense to continue if the Player failed the finale of “Sibling Warfare” while Ashley was…busy
  • In the Original Story: if the Player pranked Madison and Derek by completing “Sibling Rivalry”, Madison will no longer feel like congratulating the Player about meeting everyone and will not approach him about that or sky animals
  • In the Original Story: various minor corrections to align dialogue text with certain voice lines
  • In the Original Story: made minor modifications to a few NPC’s “get outta here”-type responses (that change their location) to make more sense or make them more readily available
  • In the Original Story: Frank will no longer try to give the Player the condom twice, if he caught the Player getting intimate with another NPC, and THEN was prompted to hook up with the Player
  • In the Original Story: polished a few events across the story that could cause unnecessary debug log spam or that executed a bit too often
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to no longer go near Steph when she should, unless the Player pushed her out of vision of Steph or managed to get her VERY far away
  • In the Original Story: while being intimate with Patrick in DongVR, there is now a “nevermind” option so that the Player is not arbitrarily forced into a new intimacy act
  • Added voice acting for Madison, Frank, Lety, Leah
  • All sex animations are now synced better
  • Merged the thought bubble and system messages into one compact HUD
  • Added icons to distinguish thoughts from system messages
  • Lighting tweaks and adjustments
  • Fixed an issue with NPCs trying to navigate to items that the player may have picked up or put in his inventoty
  • Fixed an issue with Display messages sometimes breaking the radial menu
  • Added low level “headlight” light to camera for better viewing in dark areas
  • Aligned the grab hand for a few items around the house that were not implemented yet
  • Increased the camera speed for transitioning to sex acts
  • Orgasm meter now “cools down” during making out
  • Fixed an issue with items sometimes being able to fall through the floor
  • Loading games now preserve NPC movetargets more gracefully
  • AllowLocation and ProhibitLocation can no longer have duplicate items added to them
  • Warping now takes precidence over Action Items
  • NPCs can no longer be “distracted” when making out
  • Fix for Gamma slider not working correctly
  • Lowered fence colliders so players can throw items outside the fence
  • Fixed an issue where characters wouldn’t swing if they were too close to each other in combat
  • NPCs will no longer randomly pick another NPC as a roaming target if that NPC is currently headed towards a hot tub seat. Should help mitigate seeing NPCs randomly standing knee-deep in the hot tub
  • Added the ForcedToDance state, which will allow characters to dance while away from a music source. This new and non-consensual (bool false MEANS FALSE DAMMIT) form of dancing can only be interrupted by movement-related events, intimacy, and a few other story-driven events
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Stephanie to trip while approaching the downstairs bathroom to talk to Katherine (if the Player got high with her), and afterwards become unable to speak to Katherine or continue her story
  • In the Original Story: Rachael and Patrick’s fight (precursor to “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”) can no longer initiate if the Player is knocked out, or if Rachael and/or Patrick are Currently Displaying Dialogue
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s inspect text is no longer a thought bubble. More important news at 11!
  • In the Original Story: fixed a double-inspect text that could appear when the Player inspected Ashley at the start of a new game
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that allowed the Player to be able to send Rachael away to while they were being intimate with Patrick in the corner of the yard during “Benedict Brahrnold”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to hang around near the outside corner of the yard after the conclusion of “Benedict Brahrnold”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause talking to Rachael at a specific time and leaving that dialogue open while the Player goes down on Patrick to break Patrick’s “climactic dialogue”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause talking to Patrick while the Player goes down on him as part of “Benedict Brahrnold” to break his “climactic dialogue”
  • In the Original Story: NPCs will not be as likely to roam to Rachael while she is going down on Patrick as part of the events of “Benedict Brahrnold”
  • In the Original Story: added new Achievements: La Coochadora, Derezzed, Te Amo Lety, The Elder Brahs, and Simple Geometry
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to wander outside the bedroom if she warps the Player out of it (after running upstairs) and therefore repeatedly warp the Player to the Kitchen any time sees him
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: added an event trigger/reaction to handle the Player being KO’d
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: cleaned up a few minor inconsistencies with item interactions or inspect texts
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to NOT be warped to the kitchen by Vickie if he was pleasuring himself at a certain moment
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to become unresponsive after playing Never Have I Ever with the Player
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed other Warp To events that could be compromised by the Player’s ravenous need to self-pleasure
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: made additional tweaks to Vickie’s “bend over and pose” behavior (after the Player climbs the gutter) to avoid positioning issues if the Player is racing through the content. There’s a pod racing joke in here, but I dropped it
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to not be in the armchair when playing Never Have I Ever with the Player
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: added some additional emotive behaviors to Vickie as part of a few of her conversations with the Player
  • Added voice acting for Rachael, Patrick, Derek and Ashley
  • Added new front door
  • Added graphics to throw meter
  • Added (upstairs) laptop login screen and desktop
  • New design for thought bubbles
  • Condensed dialog UI
  • Added BGC UI
  • Added Leah’s sound effects
  • Tweaked various animations
  • Fixed offset on narrator UI
  • Painkillers can now be grabbed
  • Tweaked and enhanced navigation system
  • Tweaked and enhanced combat system
  • Tweaked and enhanced lighting and post processing
  • Fixed an issue where characters could receive PassOut events when they were already passed out
  • Added a system to prevent NPCs from being able to get stuck anywhere on the map.  This should now auto-correct itself in most cases
  • Characters will no longer roam to NPCs in the hot tub, which would cause them to stand around the hot tub clothed
  • Characters should no longer be able to lock NPCs in the closet in Ashley’s room
  • Characters no longer dance if they are not in the same room as the speaker
  • Characters now react to WalkTo and ChangeLocation events much more quickly
  • Untagged the armchairs as movetargets.  This was causing NPCs to walk into them until they were issued another directive
  • NPCs can no longer have their orgasm meter go past 100 while in sixty-nine position
  • Fixed Lety’s shirt/jacket clipping and transparency issue in doggie style
  • Fixed Lety jacket disappearing from a distance
  • Shrunk several colliders associated with the No Loitering system to further prevent accidental changelocations. NPCs will also no longer count as “Loitering” if they are currently being groped, currently speaking, currently posing, or have an inaccessible/queued mandatory target they are trying to reach.
  • Added CharacterFunction mechanic. Will function similarly to Interactive Item ItemFunctions, but are triggered from Characters rather than Items
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to select a non-roaming-enabled Action Item, such as the Toilet(s) if they were invited to hang with another NPC and the Action Item in question was in range of the hangout spot
  • Slightly increased verbosity, viscosity, duplicity, and luminosity of logging for NPC changes of location when they are invited to hang out with a BFF
  • Minor tweaks to Debug Log formatting to prevent text from being cut off
  • NPCs that have been renamed in the CSC will now show their customized name over their Orgasm meter when having filthy relations with the Player
  • Addressed an issue that could cause collisions against characters and ragdolls for some items to not be re-enabled properly after being Unmounted
  • Addressed an issue that could cause collisions against characters and ragdolls for some items to bug out and be ignored after being thrown or dropped by the “grab hand”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to permanently have the Upset state enabled
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer opt out of Vickie’s first Hot Tub HJ and then pleasure himself near her in order to continue along her Opportunity. Yeah that’s right, how you like that 8″ nerf bat?
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick and Rachael to go hang out together (via roaming Invite To Hang) after they fought
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to no longer stay near Stephanie if the Player fails out of Amy’s Scavenger Hunt in a specific fashion
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to use his “recently concussed” dialogue after the player uses the Slap Awake option on him, when Frank had not actually recently been concussed
  • In the Original Story: Amy will now use the new Front Door + yard exit mechanic(s) if the Player drives her away from the party
  • In the Original Story: swapped Frank’s throw of the closed briefcase to the new Throw SendEvent
  • In the Original Story: NPCs will no longer try to roam to Katherine while she is sick in the downstairs bathroom
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer use the gutter while being intimate with another character, as this can break the intimacy act
  • Implemented the remainder of Lety’s story (will still be polished)
  • Implemented two new sex positions: Wall Sex and Wall Sex 2
  • Added front yard and navigation areas for NPCs
  • Player can now grope male chests
  • Created and added a new female main character model (not yet playable)
  • Restructured Lety’s story with dialogues instead of background chatter for a smoother experience
  • Added talking fish with animations
  • Added Scorpion Tequila bottle
  • Added Lety to the main menu
  • Added Chili Pepper Bottle
  • Characters no longer play conversational animations when they are standing, posed, and have an item mounted to either of their hands
  • Added Game Menu option for Chatter Subtitles
  • Tweaked and polished door-opening mechanics
  • Aligned the grab-hand for new items
  • Added measures to prevent items from being lost and characters getting stuck trying to navigate to items off the navigable area
  • Fixed an issue with synchronization between the two speakers
  • Updated and added several new animations
  • Fixed some issues with the intro timing before input becomes available to the user
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would not navigate through a door unless they were on camera
  • Improvements on getting on and off the bed
  • Added DoesNotUseIKToOpenDoors NPC Property
  • Fixed weird shine effect on the wrong side of the gazebo
  • Fixed Lety wearing double jackets in game and main menu
  • Fixed an issue with non-important move-targets being saved as important after loading a save game
  • Fixed an issue with NPCs still having an “In Combat” flag after they’ve been knocked out
  • Fixed some issues with moving between different sex positions with different NPCs
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a character being warped to another character to get stuck on surrounding geometry
  • Slightly modified default (non-scripted) reactions to gropes
  • Improved and general quality of life enhancements to the CSC export system
  • NPCs now move to important move-targets more promptly
  • Updated navigation AI to consider items that may be being held by the player or in the player’s inventory
  • Fixed an issue with the CharInfo command that could prevent it from showing a character’s list of inaccessible mandatory targets
  • Charinfo command will now also show combat-related information
  • CSC users will no longer be prompted to choose a 2nd character when selecting the End or StartMasturbation sexual acts within an intimacy event, as a 2nd character is not needed for these choices
  • The Debug Log and CSC will no longer attempt to show a 2nd character when displaying event name of the Intimacy StartMasturbation and End sex events
  • Added an event usable by Story Creators that opens the radial menu for an NPC or item without the Player having to directly interact with the target
  • Updated Pose console command to work with some newly added poses
  • The Debug Window will no longer show a duplicate event entry when a system warning, error, or exception occurs. System issues will now properly be timestamped and logged in the Debug Window
  • The Debug Log will now also log System Warnings
  • In the Original Story: corrected additional possible placement and state issues that could affect Derek or Madison during the ending of the High and Dry and Like a French Girl opportunities
  • In the Original Story: fixed a response from the Player to Derek re: Stephanie that was available a bit earlier than it should have been
  • In the Original Story: fixed a response from the Player to Derek re: Amy that was available a bit earlier than it should have been
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Amy to always have her phone in her hand after asking her about Scavenger Hunt items
  • In the Original Story: Amy will now check her phone when asked about all Scavenger Hunt items, instead of just the first few
  • In the Original Story: resolved an issue that could cause Rachael to confront the Player about Patrick a bit prematurely
  • In the Original Story: the distance check that fails the Player out of Screw Like a Bee during the Player’s pursuit of Leah is a bit more forgiving
  • In the Original Story: Patrick and Rachael should not dance as much prior to and immediately after their fight that starts the “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” Opportunity
  • Added new character: Lety
  • Added a new IK animation where NPCs will open doors before walking through them instead of the awkward “bump into the door and step backwards” mechanic
  • Added some temporary background chatter lines as placeholders that will be replaced with actual character voice acting
  • Added new lighting situation for better character rendering and better performance.
  • Revamped disclaimer screen
  • Revamped credits screen
  • Added Whizbanger Firecracker Poppers box
  • Added Popper model
  • Added Popper explosion effect + SFX
  • The WhereIs console command has been changed to the CharInfo console command. It now shows the same info as the “WhereIs” command did, but also queued Mandatory move targets, if a pose is being used, if an NPC has an intimacy partner, and additional real-time info about the specified character
  • Debug Logs will now be saved automatically when quitting to the main menu, restarting a game, or loading a game from the in-game ESC menu
  • Added in new SendEvent game event that will animate a character to turn towards and then reach for an item (best used with items at knee height or lower)
  • Fixed issues that were preventing beer pong practice from working as intended with the newly revamped Grab functionality and/or preventing the Player’s practice score from appearing
  • Added new global Item Function: AddPhysicsRigidBody, which will allow story creators to make any item “physics enabled” (can be pushed, etc.) but not necessarily grabbable
  • Fixed an issue where the inventory no longer displayed properly after a combat event
  • Added door sounds that were missing from some doors
  • Fixed an issue with some of Ashley’s intimacy sounds being too queit
  • NPCs are now allowed to freely roam and changelocations while they are speaking a main dialogue if the dialogue is targeted at themselves
  • Optimized and improved the Lighting Manager for better performance
  • Added new animations for picking items up off the ground with either hand
  • Fixed an issue where intimacy sounds could sometimes play after an act has finished
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to react aggressively to the Player when talking to Rachael about her Thermos, even when Frank is concussed after running into the downstairs bathroom door
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to Loot the condom from Frank’s unconscious body even if they hadn’t discovered that step in the Scavenger Hunt. The player must now be on the “condom step” of the Scavenger Hunt while looting Frank’s body to obtain it. Why else would you just take a pocket-condom, you fucking savage?
  • In the Original Story: fixes an issue that would cause conversation options about the condom to still appear when talking to Frank, even if the Player had the condom/passed that point in Amy’s Scavenger Hunt
  • In the Original Story: groping Rachael while in “VR Mode” as part of the new content will no longer result in any negative consequences
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael to harass the Player about his intentions more than once after you grab the painkillers for Patrick
  • In the Original Story: Frank wasn’t reacting to Katherine being given the Tampered Rum right in front of him. He cares now
  • In the Original Story: tweaked how Derek and Madison are able to see the Player when you take the Credit Card from the computer desk. They can now see you still if they are very close to the window, but NOT if they are further out in the yard or in/near the gazebo
  • In the Original Story: the Player no longer has to have met Leah to trigger the intro events of “Screw Like a Bee”. Alternate dialogue added to handle both situations
  • In the Original Story: added provisions to greatly reduce the chance that Rachael first confronts Patrick about his website in the middle of Madison’s Art Show
  • In the Original Story: Frank will try a bit harder to actually look at the art the Player is showing off during Madison’s Art Show, if he is in attendance
  • In the Original Story: Derek will no longer attempt to socialize with other NPCs while he is guarding Madison after locking her in the bathroom, and for the remainder of the “The Muse” and its sub-Opportunities, until the Player either completes or fails out of them
  • In the Original Story: adjustments to minor story events during Madison’s “Like a French Girl” Paint-and-Pose sequence
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer move around after Madison invites them to “entertain” themselves in front of her. Meaning no more running into the closet and fapping in the shadows, you deviant
  • In the Original Story: Madison will no longer attempt to socialize with other NPCs during the events of her “art show” and up through the finale of “The Muse”. I mean, it’s all about the art anyway, amirite?
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to story events across Madison’s “Magnum Opus” opportunity/content
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer use the “Set Free” option on the Penguin if they are mid-Intimacy, as this could cause the Penguin to fall through the ground or into other objects rather easily
  • In the Original Story: fixed a VA-Dialogue mismatch in one of Derek’s “Art Show” lines
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison’s “Magnum Opus” finale to break if the player pleasured themselves to a crescendo near her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to keep walking in the direction of the Player (and possibly ruin his positioning, etc.) once he makes it onto the roof prior to “Like a French Girl”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with a repeatable dialogue response of Derek’s that is used during “High and Dry” that could cause the Player to only be able to see a helpful hint once, instead of multiple times
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could inappropriately restrict several locations from Leah’s roaming table based upon certain events in “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to roam towards the Player or Madison just before “Magnum Opus” was initiated
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison to be out of position/away from the easel during “Like a French Girl”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison to use an Angry emote if the Player “finished” on her while “Magnum Opus” was In Progress
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to Save/Load behaviors specific to “Magnum Opus” and the finale of “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: fixed a few minor typos
  • In the Original Story: fixed several issues that could cause the Player, Patrick, and Rachael to encounter some wacky and potentially game-breaking issues if they gave pursued Benedict Brahrnold, gave Patrick the thermos, and then also attempted to continue parts of Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare”/prank content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to walk away from the Gazebo area towards the end of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” (“Cloud of Mystery” path) and engage in “antics” anywhere
  • In the Original Story: much like how Patrick can overhear the Player telling Frank to beat him up and voice a line about being “betrayed”, Patrick can now also overhear the Player lying to Madison about him stealing things
  • In the Original Story: ensured that Patrick has to be able to actually see the betrayal (via Frank or Madison being sent to beat him up) take place in order to react, as opposed to only needing to overhear it
  • In the Original Story: additional minor tweaks (event timing, order of operations, etc.) to ensure certain niche combinations of Patrick-Rachael and pre 0.13.3 content do not lead to cosmetic/awkward interactions
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to prematurely leave the master bedroom, breaking the story
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to be out of position after the Player sneaks into the house
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause a break in Vickie’s sex finale under very specific circumstances
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to leave Ashley’s room prematurely when she and the Player are looking for edibles
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: made sure the Compubrah briefcase items were disabled
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause the Painkillers (Allergy Meds) to bug out AFTER Vickie “takes them” from the Player. This does NOT fix the issue with the Painkillers/Allergy Meds hanging in midair after opening the kitchen cabinet door
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that was causing the Painkillers/Allergy Meds to float in midair after opening the kitchen cabinet
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that was causing the Painkillers/Allergy Meds to potentially fall through the floor after falling out of the kitchen cabinet
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to request that Rachael sign the Petition for Derek’s Shirt multiple times
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to request that Rachael sign the Petition for Derek’s Shirt multiple times
  • In the Original Story: added additional preventative measures to keep Stephanie from leaving the “art room” before the finale to her Meltdown opportunity
  • In the Original Story: addressed an issue that could cause Patrick to become stuck in combat with Rachael after their initial confrontation
  • In the Original Story: addressed an issue in the Original Story that could cause Frank to recover from his concussion while the Player was in the midst of conversation with a seemingly concussed Frank
  • In the Original Story: fixed issues that could cause dialogues in Ashley’s Drunk and Disorderly to become available before they were intended to be, and cleaned up several minor event inconsistencies
  • In the Original Story: added and implemented the “Vida La Lety”, “Just in the Kick of Time”, and “Queen in the North” opportunities for Lety. Started adding in “Hunt the Hunk”, “Try Anything Once” and “Disrupt the Disruptor” opportunities, also for Lety

House Party 0.15.0 Released to Alpha Testers

We figured hump day was a good day to release our next Alpha for you lovely folks. We think you’re gonna like it. With Leah being the main focus of this story, there was no better time to introduce a mechanic we’ve been dying to add to House Party for a long time: PLAYER COMBAT.
Since the early days of HP, fists have been flying but never from the player. This Alpha is our first step towards building out the player’s combat abilities against other NPCs. This includes punching and blocking, meaning you’ll be able to finally go toe-to-toe with Frank!

Now, we’re not Skyrim, but we did introduce a strength system. Each partygoer has their own strength that determines how hard of a punch they can throw, and they also have other stats that factor in like speed and stamina. That means there are a couple of “Boss-tier” fighters in the house. We’ll…let you figure out who those people are. You probably have a good idea.

Keep in mind, you’re not Mike Tyson. Don’t expect to come in swinging and dominate the house. You’ll need to practice fighting to take down even the lower strength NPCs. Shit, maybe we are Skyrim…

You can toggle “Combat Mode” by pressing the space bar.

This Alpha lays the foundation of Leah’s epic story. You’ll only get a taste of the new story content to come, but it should get you excited for Leah’s journey ahead. We had a lot of fun with this one.

All items related to this story have been implemented, so you should see some pretty neat additions around the house. There are several very unique things to find, so a little exploration could do you some good. *Ahem* Ashley’s room *Ahem*

Lastly, you may notice from these screenshots that we’re implementing different visual filters. These have a reason to exist in Leah’s story (not yet explored in this Alpha) but they also add a very cool aesthetic to HP.

We’re really pleased with how Leah’s story is growing and we’ve got much more to show you in a few week’s time. Enjoy these new features in the meantime!

-Eek Team

(Alpha 8/7/19)

  • Added new player combat mechanic
  • Upgraded Leah to have some kick-ass fighting animations
  • Added Katana and Spray Paint Can interactive items
  • Added Terrarium as a usable Interactive Item
  • Added Red, Grayscale, and DisableAll visual filter Character Functions; will allow users to enable/disable red or gray (black and white) post processing filters mid-game
  • Added bike lock and bike lock key as usable interactive items
  • Fixed an issue that was causing beer pong to be unplayable, especially if the Player grabbed the “starter” ball first and then tried to Practice
  • Fixed the alignment of the vibrator item when viewed in the Player’s inventory
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Turn console command from turning characters toward a move target
  • Added several new move targets around the outside fence, and further standardized height positioning of some outside move targets
  • Aligned the Player’s hand and fingers to better grip the joint item. You know, for inhaling the leaves on most of the days
  • Aligned the Player’s hand and fingers with the Box of Poppers/PopperBox item
  • Aligned and adjusted a number of indoor colliders in order to better prevent niche cases of items falling through floors
  • All bathroom floor types should use the same footstep sound
  • Fixed an issue with the “Player” console command’s “inventory” subcommand that could also cause items to sometimes fall through certain floors
  • For CSC users: implemented a new ‘zoning’ system that allows you to check if a character is in a room or ‘zone’ inside or outside of the house, OR fire an event trigger/reaction if a character enters a zone/room
  • Adjusted the NoLoitering system so it will no longer try to fire whenever any and/or all of a character’s ragdoll colliders enter a NoLoiter/Redirect area; firing once per “character entry” now results in a more reliable NoLoitering changelocation
  • All phone-type items now have access to default item functions as well as the new EnablePhoneLight and DisablePhoneLight itemfunctions, with cellphone-style “flash lights” aligned to their rear camera flashes
  • All phone-type items now have a text message sound available as either their Sound Effect 1 or Sound Effect 2 sound, for more flexible usage in custom stories
  • All phone-type items now have the same starting physics/Rigid Body settings
  • All phone-type items now have the same sound effect when thrown or dropped
  • All phone-type items now use the same interaction distance value
  • All phone-type items have had their inventory positioning, carry/grab positioning, and rotations standardized
  • All phone-type items have had RaisePhone and LowerPhone itemfunctions added so that the phone lights can be aimed in front of the player and have their position reset
  • The charinfo console command will now show the specified character’s current zone
  • The CSC can now trigger events based on who was attacked
  • Re-adjusted all NPC combat stats
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to get stuck with a permanently increased “pleasure sensitivity” if they did Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare” and then Vickie’s content, and then followed up for more fun with Ashley afterwards
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to get stuck with a permanently increased “pleasure sensitivity” if they did Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare” and then Vickie’s content, and then followed up for more fun with Ashley afterwards
    In the Original Story: Ashley will not be as likely to use standard dialogue when in the closet during “Sibling Warfare” if the Player exposes themselves
  • In the Original Story: Amy will be very, very considerate about stubbing her toe, and will not do so if the Player is in combat or has an intimacy partner. She will also miraculously avoid injuring herself if she is being spoken to, or if Stephanie is being spoken to. Thanks Amy!
  • In the Original Story: Rachael will no longer confront Patrick and try to beat him up if the Player is already in combat. Who wouldn’t want to watch that?
  • In the Original Story: the Player can skip through the Rachael-Patrick fight/confrontation more reliably. Yawwwwnnnn…amirite?
  • In the Original Story: added new Opportunities for Leah: “Causing a Ruckus”, “Guiding Light”, and “Snake in the Grass”

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