Yearly Archives: 2023

Get Early Access To “Detective Liz Katz In A Gritty Kitty Murder Mystery” Alphas & Betas!


Want an early look at the House Party – Detective Liz Katz In A Gritty Kitty Murder Mystery Expansion Pack?


If you’re excited to meet Liz Katz and solve a crazy murder mystery, you don’t need to sit on the edge of your seat waiting for the DLC to release!


We’ve gotten a ton of questions these past few months asking what the Liz Katz DLC will be like, but did you know you can get the best first inside looks right on our Patreon?


Curious what her character model looks like? Want to see her various outfits? Want to know what teasers are on the way? Want to know the inside scoop behind certain House Party posts? Wondering where we’re at in development? Unsure what the gameplay will be like? Or just want faster and more frequent news updates?


We share all of the above and more on our Patreon. It’s the first place we drop progress check-ins, teasers, screenshots of assets we’re working on, and, best of all, early playable builds!



Seriously. Did you know there are actually 5 Alpha Builds (and 4 Beta Versions) on our Patreon right now, where we’ve released portions of the Liz Katz DLC for early testing?


Whether you just want to meet Liz for the first time in-game (“Look What The Cat Dragged In” Beta), or you want to see the party get a little darker with a taste of mystery (“Blackout” Beta), there’s something for you to check out! More interested in a bit of shock value? Check out “Stop It Step Bro.” Like it hot? Playtest “Too Hot To Handle.” Or check out the most recent content in “Will & Testament” and put your decoding skills to the test!


To playtest early versions of House Party, be sure to subscribe to the corresponding Beta or Alpha supporter tier. Or, if you just want to stay updated on news (yes, that includes Office Party news, too), supporting at the lowest tier is also always appreciated! 🤘

Winter & Halloween: Limited-Time Events vs. Permanent DLCs

We’re nearing the end of a long road of development with turning the 2022 Halloween and Winter limited-time events into permanent House Party seasonal DLCs!


Soon, we’ll share an official roadmap with the exciting news that both of our seasonal DLCs should (fingers crossed!) be releasing by the end of May to all players! These are free DLCs made to enrich the base game experience with holiday themes, so we hope you pick them up and enjoy the seasonal aesthetics!


We want to thank everybody for being so patient. These took longer than expected to get ready, but, thanks to moving a bit slower on getting them ready, we’ve actually been able to work on them these past few months without sacrificing too much time on our regular development schedule – which is awesome for those of you who are excited about the big things (like Liz Katz) coming soon to the party!



So, what took so long, anyway, Eek? Weren’t these events pretty much done already? 


To really answer this question, we have to look back at last year. We decided, right before Halloween, to drop a couple of fun things into the game with the intention that they would be removed after the event. They weren’t built to stay in the game long-term, both because of base game bloat and because there was no framework in place to actually support their existence.


When you doods loved the Halloween event, we decided to try to squeeze in some Winter content, too. Winter was even bigger, since we tried to fit in more of your feedback from the Holiday Feedback Form, and it also wasn’t built to be in the game long-term. Instead of just cosmetics, we added in a snowball throwing mechanic, voice line reactions for characters being hit by snowballs, new shirts, new headbands, falling snow, new decorations, an achievement, and an entire Frank side-quest.


And that was awesome! So awesome that a bunch of you wanted both the Halloween and Winter holiday content to be permanent, which we definitely weren’t prepared for. But we thought that was a great idea, and we really wanted to make that happen for everyone – but we wanted to make sure we were doing that the right way.



What IS the right way? And will these events look any different?


Both the Halloween and Winter permanent DLCs will look exactly like the seasonal events you remember from 2022, but they are actually very different on the inside.


We know this isn’t super exciting from a player standpoint, but we hope that you’re excited for the future: Since we built these events properly for permanent use as DLCs, we’ll be able to add more content to them easier, and it’ll bring you a better gameplay experience long-term!


House Party Stable Release 1.0.3 - Halloween Update

So, what’s been restructured, exactly? 

  • We made it so the event won’t bloat your base game if you don’t want it added!
  • We made it so you can toggle the DLC on and off if you don’t feel like seeing the Halloween (or Winter) aesthetic during a certain play session!
  • We made it so the content won’t cause any foreseeable major bugs/issues with the base game long-term by being added!
  • And, best of all, we future-proofed this baby! 🤘



What does “future-proofed” mean?

First, it means we made it so we can add extra content (cosmetics, decorations, side-quests, achievements, etc.) to the Halloween (or Winter) Holiday Pack as time permits!

They’re built to support more content updates, brahs! But, even better, it means we can add some exciting new features to the DLCs in the future.



While we don’t want to spoil everything, we’ve also started running an invisible framework beneath this DLC for something really exciting.


You shouldn’t see a difference, but it’s there. We’ll share more info on this soon!


In the meantime, remember, the permanent seasonal DLCs won’t “look” much different from the original limited time 2022 events (besides a toggle on/off DLC button)!


Still, we hope those of you who have been waiting for them to return again! Thanks a ton for your patience. You won’t have to wait much longer, partiers!

Something Strange Is Going Down At The Party!

Ready for another taste of what’s coming in the new expansion?

Yet another appliance seems to have gone haywire at the party. What’s up with that? 

Given how not cool (pun intended) this is, Madison and Ashley head out to figure out what’s wrong with the damn thing.

Once they get there, though, both party hosts get a nasty surprise…

But, wait, did you think that was the only teaser we had for you, brahs?

We also wanted to share a picture from Liz Katz’s social media. Showing off her monday mood, it displays a bathtub equipped with giant tentacles. And, wait, what’s that on the ground beside it? Is that the House Party logo?

Let’s just say there’s something exciting on the way for everyone soon. 😉

Speaking of House Party merch, if it’s been a while since you’ve stopped by the Eek! Games merch store in a while, there’s some awesome new stuff in there to check out!

For example, if you ever wanted to bee as cute as Amy is, you can own your very own version of her classic in-game t-shirt. If you’ve ever wanted to support Patrick’s business endeavors, you can grab a “Brahzzers” shirt as well.

That’s all we’ve got for you this week, partiers, but there’s much more on the way very soon. We hope you enjoyed our latest teaser video and everything else that we shared with you today. Catch you later, doods and lady-doods!

Our Most Gruesome Murder Mystery Teaser Yet!

We’ve got another exciting (and messy) teaser ready for you to watch, dudes!


…Ready to take a look?



It seems like something strange is going on with Madison’s microwave… Is it malfunctioning on its own, or is that something you’re responsible for? 👀


Either way, the old thing is sparking up a storm, and seems pretty dangerous! Seriously, does that atrocious appliance EVER work properly? You ought to step in and stop that thing before someone gets hurt!


Plus, it looks like someone is cooking tomato soup in there…or something. Yuck, it smells. And it looks like they left it in for a little too long… What a mess! 💥



Eager to learn more about the shocking stuff coming in the Detective Liz Katz in a Gritty Kitty Murder Mystery Expansion Pack? Summer’s coming up fast, but we know the suspense is probably killer. 🔪


We’ve tried to share teasers and sneak peaks to give you an idea of what to expect, without giving away too many spoiler-y details, but here’s some confirmed stuff coming to get hyped about:


    • THE SEXY LIZ KATZ: Meet a fun & flirty cosplayer in a hilarious new original storyline!
    • HOTTER THAN THE DOJA CAT DLC: Nothing’s held back in Liz Katz’s intimacy scene!
    • A SHOCKING MURDER MYSTERY: A new flavor of House Party storytelling with a wild plot!
    • SENSUAL COSPLAY COSTUMES: See Liz dressed in a variety of cute and sultry signature outfits!
    • NEW DRUNK & DISORDERLY: Get steamy and bubbly in a crazy new cutscene!
    • CONSOLE COMMANDS: Use your favorite console commands on Liz’s character!
    • 🌶️ and much more…! 🌶️


For those of you who are looking for more specifics, we also have some new information about the DLC coming – including first looks at some of Liz’s in-game outfits and maybe even some quick peeks of early alpha gameplay! 🎉



For those of you that have been wanting the Halloween and Winter holiday packs to return, they’ll both be available to play very soon – and we have exciting news to share soon about some awesome features we have planned for them, too!


Don’t forget that the recently announced New Content Pack will also drop later this year (bringing two new original characters from the House Party universe to the party)! If you’ve been looking for more original House Party characters and content, we’ve got you covered, brah! 


There’s so much exciting stuff coming to House Party in 2023, and we can’t wait to share it all with you. We’re curious to know what you’re most excited for from all the new things coming, so let us know below! Until next time, party people!


Naughty New Drunk & Disorderly Confirmed For Liz Katz!

Congrats to the doods and lady-doods who found all the secret codes in our Steam News Posts and were able to unlock our secret early sneak peek DLC teaser!

A ton of you super sleuths unlocked the early reveal, and it was cool to see that so many of you are basically professional detectives already. Well…at least professional enough to solve a House Party murder mystery. 🕵️

Now that it’s been over a month since the early teaser video was released to you code-seekers, we figured it’s a good time to publicly share it for anyone who missed out on the initial secret showcase. Leave no doods behind, right? 💪

If you’ve played more than a couple hours of House Party, you probably already know that each Original Story character (and that will soon include the awesome Liz Katz, too), has their own unique Drunk & Disorderly Opportunity in the game. 

If so, you may have guessed that the House Party – Detective Liz Katz in a Gritty Kitty Murder Mystery Expansion Pack will have a Drunk & Disorderly scene, too. And we have worked hand-in-hand with her to create one that fits in perfectly with Liz Katz’s tastes, vibe, and personality! 

What is Liz’s personality, exactly? She’s fun, playful, sexy, and adventurous…especially when it comes to certain bedroom activities. If you’ve visited her official website or followed her on social media, you’ll have seen that she has a bit of an interest in… Well, you know… 😉



Let’s just say that the thing featured in the video should look pretty familiar if you know Liz. And, if you were wondering, yes, it will be part of her new Drunk and Disorderly Opportunity! 🍻

But, uh, what exactly can you expect when you plunder the depths of the upcoming murder mystery DLC (besides a wild crime and House Party’s signature humor)? We won’t say here, but definitely check out the secret trailer if you’re curious about what happens if you give Liz a few drinks. Just remember, enter these waters at your own risk!

Once you’ve had the chance to watch the teaser, let us know how you feel about it! We’re curious what you think about it! Are you stoked, shocked, confused, terrified, aroused…or terrified AND aroused? 👀

Let us know below if you’re ready to watch Liz get hot, bothered, and bubbly in the next DLC!

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