House Party

House Party 0.22.0 Stable Release

Controller Support, UI and QOL Improvements…and the First Look at House Party’s Female Player!

The female player’s first look is here, doods!

Since adding her is a huge task, and because we want as much feedback as possible, this update will be a little different than what we’ve done in the past. Here is how we’re doing that:


On Patreon: this will be released as a Stable update, with all its features. In order to get as much feedback from our Patrons as possible, and because we’ve been super busy and might’ve dropped the ball on delivering certain perks to them ( <3 !! ), this update will be made available to all Beta-tier Patrons and up.


On Steam: We’ll be offering two versions of this update: First, a “live” or “no branch” version, which will offer many controller support improvements, UI tweaks, bug and quality of life fixes. Steam users who just want access to this version need to ensure that they do not have a beta branch selected in the game’s properties (“None”). The second version is identical to the first, but will also include the female character first look. To access this, Steam users will need to:

  1. Click the gear icon on the House Party game’s landing page (or right-click House Party in their Steam Library) and click “Properties”
  2. Navigate to the “BETAS” tab
  3. Use the “Select the beta” drop-down menu to select the “testing – Testing Branch” option
  4. Close the Properties window

On GOG: enter into the game’s Configuration menu (next to the Play button) in the GOG Galaxy client. Select “Manage Installation”. Then “Configure”. Then in the “Beta channels” dropdown, select “Change private channel password” and input the password ‘testing’ to opt into the testing version.

On there will be two downloads available for the product you purchased. One will have no subtitle or special labeling. The other will be marked “(Testing Build – Female Player…)“. That one. Download that one.


On all Other Distribution Sites/Platforms: unfortunately, these do not support branch/version switching as conveniently, and therefore will only be getting the controller support, UI, bug, and QOL-improvement version for now. Eventually we will roll out the female player to all sites/platforms as soon as it is more fleshed out, so please be patient! It’s coming! She’s c…yeah!


So, why treat the female player first look all special-like? In short, she ain’t done yet. But we also wanted to show as many customers as possible our progress (as opposed to waiting and waiting the entire time we worked on her!), and give them ample time to provide us with feedback. While her Original Story content is not done, those with access to the female first look can choose to Start a New Game of the Original Story with her on the Main Menu. In terms of content, we’ve done a thorough first pass through the existing story lines and made a bunch of tone, pronoun, and wording tweaks to make you feel at home in the party as the female player! Unfortunately, we have not had the time to get voiced lines for much of this alternate content or fully convert all intimacy sequences, but bear with us! We’re working on it, and will continue to do so up until (and if needed, after) we exit Early Access!

Controller support is also fully functional, and we added some general House Party polish and UI improvements to this update. You can play the game without any major hang-ups on all supported controllers and the Steam Deck. We still plan on adding some quality of life features and fixes in the future to fine-tune how everything feels, but, as it is now, it’s completely playable.

If you’re curious about the polish we added, some notable changes are that we adjusted the colors for most of the interactable UI elements so they’re easier to see and fixed some cutscene issues that could cause them to get stuck. We also added a garage cutscene and a Frank mini oral scene in the yard.

Leading up to our release from Early Access later this year, we’ll be adding some quality of life features to controller support, polishing and bug fixing the hell out of the base game, and adding a lot more Original Story content, voice acting, and intimacy-specific tweaks and fixes for the female player.

Thanks for being the coolest partiers ever and staying patient as we worked through the hurdle of uncensoring Lety’s content in our last update. We’re sorry for the delay, and we hope you have fun playing as a female! We’re excited to add more of her story as we get closer to House Party’s exit from Early Access!

-Eek! Team


Note: Updates labeled as “Testing”, “Beta”, and/or “First Look” contain unfinished and untested content. Placeholders may be present for dialogue and various assets. Older save files may no longer be compatible. Custom stories may no longer function as intended. Translations may also be incomplete. Controller support is nearly finished, but if you do run into issues, you may need to temporarily use your keyboard/mouse to restore normal functionality.

House Party 0.21.2 Stable Release

Lety’s Original Textures Are Back In The 0.21.2 Mini Stable Release Maintenance Update!

What’s up, totally cool-muy bueno-fellow party persons? We just wrapped up House Party version 0.21.2, which is a fairly small but much-needed maintenance update that brings the party closer to our ultimate goal of being…dope sickness…on fleek…lit…

Alright, we’ll keep it together and give you a quick rundown: We’re making good progress toward getting full controller support and an initial version of the female player beta ready for you guys to check out in our next big stable release, so it won’t be much longer until you can officially play as House Party’s female protagonist! We know you’re stoked to test the waters of muy caliente girl-on-girl love gameplay, so we’re working hard to get her into the party as soon as possible!

Speaking of hotness at the party, you may have realized your favorite sultry Spanish teacher has been looking a little…well, covered in black bars for the last couple of updates. Unfortunately, Steam updated the rules policy regarding depicting real people in video games, which raised some concerns about Lety’s content. To stay on the safe side and not risk having the game or any major part of it completely removed, we were forced to censor her for a short time while we got everything figured out and learned more about the new rules.

If you’ve read House Party’s title screen or any of our interviews, you already know we’re not fans of censorship. We weren’t happy to censor Lety’s content all of the sudden on you guys, so we prioritized getting this fixed as soon as we could. Thankfully, we were able to discuss the content directly with Steam’s team and made adjustments to get Lety uncensored again! In this update, she’s no longer restricted by those ugly black bars so, as long as you own the Explicit Content DLC, you can now see her again in all of her sexy cool kid extraordinaire glory with this update!

We also have some bonus good news on the anti-censorship side of things. Before this update, we had to censor everything body-wise, at all times, in the non-explicit version of the game. However, in this update, we’ll no longer have upper body mosaic censors on characters regardless of explicit DLC ownership or installation. This is a huge win for House Party!

We hope you’re looking forward to these changes and thanks for being patient while we fixed this, dudes. We know it was probably shocking and frustrating to have her content unexpectedly blacked out, and we weren’t expecting the rules to change on us like that. As a mature game we always have to tread carefully with our content, and as a small development team we appreciate you guys allowing us extra time to get it fixed.

Anyway, onward to the next update! We’re running a bit behind on our original timeline estimate, so we’ve gotta cruise. In the meantime, enjoy the maintenance changes and having your passionate times with Lety back to normal. Remember…no grabbing, guys, NO GRABBING!

Adiós for now, party animals.

– Eek! Team


Note: Older save files may no longer be compatible. Custom stories may no longer function as intended.
Note on Controller Support: Controller support is still not yet fully complete in its current state. If you run into significant trouble while using a controller, you may need to temporarily use your keyboard/mouse. Sorry for any inconveniences, doods!

House Party 0.21.1 Stable Release

To become a Patron and get early access to new House Party versions click here.

You remember all those fixes we said we wanted to get done before we added the much-awaited female playable character? Well, they’re DONE, doods! January’s polish update is complete and Stable Release 0.21.1 is officially here, brahs!

We added several new cutscenes, a ton of polish, fixed a bunch of bugs, and laid out the preliminary framework for controller support. There isn’t a bunch of new story content, but we took care of quality of life changes and crucial fixes – particularly with the new input system.

With the framework in place, we’ve been able to expand controller support to a basic state that we should have fully functional by the time we release our female playthrough first look. Controllers that will work will be most XInput controllers (which includes Xbox), as well as the Logitech F301 and Playstation 4 (Dual Shock) controllers. Soon you guys can play one-handed if you want to, y’know…um, eat a burrito or something. Yeah…that.

Speaking of controllers, part of the reason why we are working so hard to implement controller support is because Valve’s Steam Deck will release this February. Not only have you brahs been asking for controller support a lot recently, but we know several of you are getting Steam Decks and we thought it’d be awesome for you to be able to enjoy the party as soon as you’ve got the Deck in your hands…er, hand.

You’re wondering about those new cutscenes, too, aren’t you? We added a cool new Original Story intro cutscene, cutscenes for Derek and Ashley’s finales, and an absolutely ludicrous Lety cutscene! Be sure to check them out the next time you explore the party.

Awesome! So…what’s coming next? Our update after this one will introduce character selection and the highly anticipated female player. She’ll have some exciting new story content for you to explore soon. Oh, yes. It’s time, doods. Onward to working on the female playable character!

– Eek! Team


House Party 0.20.2 Released to Beta Testers

To become a Patron and get early access to new House Party versions click here.

We’re crossing the battlefield, cadets!

Beta 0.20.2 is ready for you doods to bug test the hell out of. Thanks for your patience and awesomeness as we’ve worked through these last few updates to get the bugs with Vickie’s new content sorted out. At this point, Vickie’s finale is looking very close to where we’d like it to be, and we’re just one final march away from wrapping up her stable release.

In addition to adding almost all of the voice acting, we targeted a major issue with the Achievements log that interfered with loading Story Data. Now that this is resolved, fewer of you should have issues starting a game only to find that the house is…whoops, empty!

We tweaked and added a number of text hints in older content to hopefully help you doods stay on track and not get “stuck” as easily while exploring the party. Based on ongoing feedback we’ve also decided to remove in-game advertising from the game world (TVs, billboards, etc.).

We’ve started to integrate the in-game options into the title screen, so players can control settings without having to be in-game. The UI for this isn’t fully functional yet, but we’re laying down the framework. We’ve improved UI alignment for Ultra Wide monitors, too.

There’s also a sweet new Achievement called “The Magic Number” for all of our completionist partiers to work toward.

We know you guys are looking forward to the stable release for Vickie’s ending, and we are hyped to share it with you. Once that’s done, we have a roadmap of cool shit leading up to House Party’s release from Early Access. We can’t thank you dudes enough for all of the support and testing feedback you’ve given us throughout our development journey.

Enjoy the Vickie content and check out the patch notes below.

  • Eek Team

Note: Older save files may no longer be compatible. Custom stories may no longer function as intended. No translations for this version have been completed at this time.


House Party Early Access Exit and Roadmap

After a long and incredible journey, we are getting ready to pull House Party out of Early Access!

After our stable build of the latest update goes live in the coming weeks, there will only be one more content update before we officially leave Early Access.  Vickie’s finale coming to a close marks the completion of all of the content we have planned for our male protagonist, and the next couple of updates are going to be mostly polish, alongside the long-awaited ability to play as a female main character.

We’re sure you have questions, but we have answers!  So strap in.  Here we go!

When is House Party leaving Early Access?

We’re glad you asked!  Here’s our tentative timeline of what we currently have planned (updated after 0.22.0 release on 4/14/22):

That said, we want to thank everyone who has purchased, played, and supported House Party throughout these years of development. We can’t stress enough how none of this would have been possible without you.  The biggest thing that kept us going through all of the journalist negativity and attempted censorship we’ve had to deal with over the years, was our overly positive player review scores and feedback.  Today, House Party has supportive press reviews, a steady player base, and is accepted in both censored and uncensored forms across various streaming platforms.  Additionally, if you’ve been paying any attention to our latest teasers, you’ll know that we’re about to take things to a whole other level, all thanks to your support, feedback and encouragement.  House Party’s graphics have been improved.  We’ve added globalization and translation.  We fleshed out the storyline and even added extra things we never planned for like the combat system, cutscenes and controller support.  We’ve taken your suggestions to heart throughout this whole process, and we’re always trying to make House Party the best it can be for all players.

What’s going to change now that House Party is leaving Early Access?

Part of this process involved making changes to the game, the most significant of which, is that we now have a base game with a Steam “Mature” rating, and we have a Steam “Adult Only” rated DLC patch.  Initially, the DLC patch’s purpose was simply to uncensor any nudity or sexual content in the game, but since then a lot of the mature content has been moved from the base game to the Explicit DLC patch.  We are also now developing bigger, longer, and explicit cutscenes specifically for that content patch.

Because of this, and because we plan to add more content specifically to the Explicit DLC patch, we will soon be adding a small charge for the DLC patch.  We wanted to let you know ahead of time, since if you already own the game, you can still (at the time of this writing) download the patch for free, and if you downloaded it at any point while it is free, it will remain free permanently.  This price increase will only affect new players, and the base game price will remain unchanged even after we exit Early Access.

We will continue to maintain this optional AO rated patch as a counter to the changes the “powers that be” require us to make to allow the base game to maintain an “M” rating. It’s a necessary thing so that this game and our future games can continue to thrive both in and out of the mainstream, ensuring the stability of our company, which in turn means much more cool stuff to come down the line! House Party is all about choice, and we are committed to delivering the choice of adult content to our 18+ players, and to combat the regulations surrounding this type of content in video games as opposed to gratuitous violence, and exposing the hypocrisy and discrimination of creators of this type of content by the people who make these silly rules.

What happens after House Party leaves Early Access?

Even though we’re ready to call the base game “finished”, this is only the beginning for House Party.  We have some wild stuff planned post release!  We will continue releasing “quality of life” updates after the game leaves Early Access, and we have plans for exciting DLC packs in the future to add more content to the game, and to give players more options.  We’ve already hinted at what the first one will be. Shortly after House Party’s full release and exit from Early Access, we will drop our first-ever DLC pack featuring the “mystery character” we’ve been teasing!  We think your minds will be blown when we drop our full reveal on that.  It’s coming soon!

Other than that, we will also be working on porting House Party to a VR version, as well as shifting more of our staff to working on our sequel game, Office Party.  Expect to see a lot more of Eek! Games in the future!

It’s an exciting time for us and we’re happy to be sharing it with all of you.  We’re so thankful you all have come on this development journey with us, and we’re stoked for everything in store for the future!

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