(Beta Release 3/14/2025)

  • Fixed an issue that caused the player’s hair shadow to be hidden.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to only be able to share 21 designs with the in game design sharing tool.

Supporter Pack Updates:

  • Added new underwear and shoes to go with the 2nd female outfit.
  • Added tuxedo shirt for all customizable male characters (unlockable by achievement).
  • Added two new sets of glasses for all customizable characters.  One set of taped nerdy glasses is unlockable by achievement.
  • Improved Derek’s new story arc.
  • Polished Ashley’s new story arc.
(Alpha Release 3/7/2025)

  • Fixed an issue that caused some hairstyles to not show up in the mirror.

Supporter Pack Updates:

  • Added first Alpha version of Derek’s new story arc.
  • YouTool instructional cartoon now had audio.
  • Improved Ashley cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Ashley’s new cutscene to crash
(Beta Release 2/28/2025)

  • Added new Ashley Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause skin to get discolored in some places when changing tint.
  • Fixed some characters missing new alternate clothing options.
  • Added water main handles.
  • Added 2nd new female outfit.
  • Added wrench models.
  • Added wrench interactive item.
  • Added “Floor Towel” interactive item.
  • Added various sounds for new interactive items.
  • Moved the duct tape from the Doja Cat DLC to the base game.
  • Added pondering pose for all characters.
  • Added YouTool interactive item.
(Alpha Release 2/07/2025)

  • First Alpha Build including the Supporter Pack
  • New Ashley Story Arc
  • New Male and Female Outfits
(Stable Release 10/25/2024)

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused player controls to freeze after cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause House Party to freeze when designs were saved with the name “Default”.
  • A few other minor bug fixes.
(Stable Release 9/20/2024)

  • Minor graphical and clipping bug fixes.
(Stable Release 9/13/2024)

  • Small bug fixes.
  • Improved skinning and reduced clipping for some clothing items.Note: For already created designs, some of these clothing improvements are only implemented after selecting the character and the design in the main menu or customizer menu.
(Stable Release 8/26/2024)

  • Fixed an issue that caused the graphics menu to crash for some players.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Download button on the Shared Design Browser to sometimes get stuck disabled.
(Stable Release 8/23/2024)

  • Complete Main Menu/Customizer/Sharing Translations for Chinese, Russian, and French. More languages coming soon.
  • Downloaded Tab added to the Shared Designs Browser.
  • Added new short and long stocking options to Business and Pleasure Style Pack.
  • Fixed Amy bra skin issue.
  • Reordered items in the customizer, grouping similar type items together.
  • Fixed misalignment issues for piercings.
  • Improved clipping issues for some clothing items.
  • Designs now continue to load when scrolling all the way down.
  • Fixed an issue that lead to body changes causing clipping with some items.
  • Fixed decal placement on work shirt.
  • Fixed some cutscene bugs.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from earning the DnD achievement in the Doja Cat DLC.
  • Probably fixed a few other things that aren’t in this list. 🙂
(Stable Release 8/2/2024)

One more pre-patch for Business and Pleasure DLC.

  • Last minute tweaks on some of the new clothing items.
(Stable Release 8/2/2024)

Pre-Patch for Business and Pleasure

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the register checkmark to not expand the login popup window the way it is supposed to (missing confirm password field).
  • Fixed an issue that caused some Halloween accessories to be set to black by default.
(Stable Release 7/29/2024)

  • Fixed an issue that caused changing nail color in the customizer to also change skin color.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some designs to freeze the design browser.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the design browser to sometimes lose connection with the server during longer idle times.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused characters to be put on bottoms when wearing a dress that covers top and bottom.
(Stable Release 7/27/2024)

  • Added Character Design Sharing
  • Improved the Customizer, making character customization more enjoyable and more user friendly
  • Fixed some bugs!
(Stable Release 5/17/2024)

  • Small patch to improve save/load function.This patch is a potential fix for corrupted save files (empty house) being generated sometimes for some players. We haven’t been able to reproduce the issue in our testing environment, but we have been analyzing our code closely to identify what could be causing the issue. This patch will not fix save files that have already been corrupted, but it we hope it will prevent the creation of corrupted save files going forward. This patch may also improve performance of some older saves (pre 1.3.0), although saves from 1.3.0 forward are still recommended for the best experience with the new system.
(Stable Release 4/12/2024)

  • Fixed an issue that caused Liz Katz to become unresponsive after the Laundry Room cutscene for some players.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Liz Katz to not have hair when inside Compubrah.
(Stable Release 4/4/2024)

  • Fixed an issue that caused the all.change v2 console command to not work.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the nails on Leah’s left hand to not be customizable.
  • Fixed a bug that caused House Party to freeze on loading on the main menu for players with a + in there House Party path.
  • Readded missing Chinese Translations for the Liz Katz DLC.
(Stable Release 4/2/2024)

  • Rolled back Unity to version 2022.3.16f1.
  • Fixed an issue that caused hair shadows to not work correctly for the player character.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Katherine’s Choke Collar to not show up.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nails section to not collapse when Fun Stuff was clicked.
  • Added safeguards to prevent a potential issue of a hairstyle getting assigned more than once.
(Stable Release 3/29/2024)

  • Upgraded to Unity 2022.3.20f1.
  • Dinolicious Hat now available for male and female player characters.
  • Detective Dress removed from Ashley and female player character.
  • Clothing commands now work in the console on the main menu.
(Patreon Beta Release 3/27/2024)

  • Dinolicious Hat Customizable.
  • Secondary colors added to the customizer for several items.
  • Liz Katz elf outfit now available for all characters.
  • Liz Katz detective dress now available for all female characters.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing hair color to revert back when selecting the hair button.
  • Added validation check for customization groups. If a customization group is empty, or missing characters, the default preset will be added to the selectedoutfit for each missing character.
  • Changed hairstyles to be assigned instead of added to prevent a key already exists error.
  • Added another popup error message for documents folder access issues.
(Patreon Beta Release 3/6/2024)

  • New Hairstyle Picker
  • Items from the Doja Cat DLC added to the customizer (Dinolicious Hat, Doja Cat Fuzzy Bootz, Doja Cat Earrings)
(Stable Release 2/26/2024)

  • Fixed an issue that caused characters to still react when they were knocked out.
  • Fixed an issue that caused characters to not react correctly when the walked in on a private event.
(Stable Release 2/24/2024)

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the head to fall through the floor after the freezer cutscene.
(Stable Release 2/23/2024)

Quick Hotfix to resolve an issue that caused characters lips to sometimes not move when they were talking for players with surround/spatial audio setups.
(Stable Release 2/23/2024)

  • Fixed various story issues (i.e. Frank not getting Katherine out of the bathroom).
  • Fixed an issue with incorrectly sized older skin texture mods. They are now automatically resized if incorrectly sized.
  • Fixed blocky lower resolution mirror reflections.
  • Improved the visibility of the starbomb box when it’s resting in the grass.
  • Added in-game achievement images for Valentine’s achievement.
  • Fix for Valentine’s Easter Egg not always showing up correctly when achievement occurs.
(Stable Release 2/14/2024)

Valentine’s Day Holiday Pack Pre-Patch for release at 1PM today 2/14/2024. Plus some fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused guests to show up to the party without appropriate attire.
  • Added reminder text in the customizer to create or select a preset when the Default preset is selected.
  • Only one Holiday Pack can be active at a time now. This only affects decorations and story content. All Holiday Pack clothing items will always be available in the customizer as long as the DLC is installed.
  • Improved main menu lighting and shadows.
  • GBK undershirt is now available for Derek in the customizer if you have the Solar Flare achievement.
  • Optimized story and texture memory usage, which in most cases will result in less memory usage, especially on Potato graphics settings. In some cases memory usage is decreased by 1GB+.
  • Improved loading of characters on the main menu. They now only appear after clothing and textures have been applied.
  • Fixed a couple of issues that would sometimes cause swapping customizer group presets to not work correctly.
(Alpha Patreon Release 2/3/2024)

  • Added Hairstyles to the customizer.

(Stable Release 12/22/2023)

  • Upgraded to Unity’s HDRP Engine (Huge graphics overall).
  • Added the Customizer to the game.

(Beta Patreon Release 12/1/2023)

  • Improved lighting issues in the apartment, in the intro cutscene.
  • Clothing clipping fixes.
  • vSync turned on, on loading/credit scenes.
  • Text boxes added to the graphics UI so that players can enter a number in manually if they’d like for FPS caps.
  • Fixed Loading Screen and Customizer Group popup menu to scale correctly with resolution changes.
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs.
  • Updated V-Sync and Max Foreground FPS to be usable at the same time.  If V-Sync is enabled, it will override a Max Foreground FPS cap.

(Beta Patreon Release 11/29/2023)

  • Added FPS cap support in the graphics settings
  • Reset default graphics settings
  • Fixed loads of bugs!

(Beta Patreon Release 11/23/2023)

  • Loads of bug fixes from previous testing and reports
  • Support for grouping of character customization sets into group presets
  • Boob and Butt slider added to customizer
  • Nail polish added to customizer
  • Improved shadow system that reduces noticeable pop in and increases quality
  • Memory and performance optimization
  • New cutscene reaching for MP3 player
  • New cutscene in the Liz Katz DLC when a head falls out of the freezer
  • New loading screen

(Beta Patreon Release 10/6/2023)

  • Patterns now have a bar slider that allows variation in sizes
  • You can now spin the characters by clicking and dragging left and right
  • Hex color codes are now displayed and copy/pasteable for easier color matching
  • You can now toggle zoom in and out when editing applicable regions
  • Customization menu slightly redesigned to fit everything on your screen better
  • Winter and Halloween Accessories are in the customization menu, but some items cannot be customized yet and others still need tweaking
  • Lot’s of bug fixes and overall increased smoothness of customization menu

(Alpha Patreon Release 09/12/2023)

  • Upgraded the engine to Unity 2022 and HDRP – Huge graphics and lighting and underling engine upgrades!
  • Added loads of character customization options – we’re excited to see what you all come up with!
  • Broke lots of things.  So many have been fixed, but many still need to be fixed.
(Stable Release 06/23/2023)

  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where players could become deadlocked when trying to open Liz Katz’s trunk and start Madison’s art show at the same time
  • In the Original Story: Fixed multiple bugs related to the tentacles not behaving correctly
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue where characters would talk over themselves during Blackout
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where the player could get into a fight with Liz Katz and become stuck in a dialogue loop
  • In the Original Story: Adjusted requirements for opening Liz Katz’s trunk to give the player more freedom to pursue other content before continuing the story
  • In the Original Story: Fixed multiple instances of written dialogue not matching the voiced dialogue
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug that would occur during the laundry room portion of Liz Katz’s content if Madison and Ashley were both occupied
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug with Patrick not handling his Merlot correctly
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue where Liz Katz would comment on certain quests as if they were in progress, even if they were already failed
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused underwear and bra sections of characters to disappear
  • Fixed an issue that caused Patrick’s notebook to be unreadable on lower graphic settings
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused characters to float in the hot tub.

(Stable Release 06/10/2023)

  • In the Original Story: Added a short new player-centric cutscene available after Liz Katz’s Drunk and Disorderly quest (Explicit version only)
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug that would occur when reviewing clues with Liz Katz, leading to incorrect progression
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where Liz Katz would get stuck in the laundry room and the story would not progress
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug with the air vent system in Madison’s house where vents would remain open even when they should be closed
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where the player would be able to enter VR when in VR
  • In the Original Story: Updated hints and inspect text throughout the story to make things clearer for the player
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where the player was not able to take the penguin after Liz Katz’s content is complete
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue where certain cutscenes would end and the story would not progress
  • In the Original Story: Fixed multiple lines of dialogue text that did not match the voiced dialogue
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where the player could break Compubrah’s code sequence if they went too fast
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where legacy POV would end and nothing would happen next
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where Liz Katz’s VR outfit would be censored even though she was clothed
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent OnAfterCutSceneEnds Event Triggers from firing for censored CutScenes when an Event Trigger was only created for the uncensored version of the Scene

(Stable Release 05/27/2023)

  • Fixed some clothing issues causing some disappearing body parts and/or weird/missing looking clothing/skin.
  • Fixed sinking appliances (washer, dryer, and microwave) on loading of some saves.
  • Made the Notebook, Blueprints and Magazine interactable items grabbable
  • Added Hanging Tentacle and Matchbox
  • Updated Trunk with clothing and items
  • Improved the kneeling animation for when Liz Katz gets in the dryer
  • Added hacking texture to the laptop screen
  • Improved Liz Katz cloth physics, skinning and masks
  • Fixed a penis seam for Frank and PlayerMale
  • Added Liz Katz DLC achievement images in game and for store pages
  • Fixed mask issue with Liz Katz bikini
(Beta Release 05/19/2023)

  • Resolved some Halloween DLC related null reference exceptions.
  • Updated autoimmersive dialogue system to show responses. Responses can now function as “Skip” buttons when the AutoImmersive system is in use and dialogues are continuously playing.
  • The camera can now be moved while listening to dialogues and before selecting responses by clicking and dragging with the left or right mouse buttons.
  • Added 3 Hammer swing sfx and impact and other sfx to various items.

(Beta Release 05/12/2023)

  • In the Original Story: Updated handling for certain objects so they can taken without consequence, depending on the story situation
  • In the Winter DLC: Updated story content to enable and disable with the DLC
  • Added changing cutscene
  • Added hotspots to Liz Katz to make her grab-able and be able to be used with the legacy sex system
  • Added a bra and panties for Liz Katz’s casual outfit
  • Added Tron outfit for Liz Katz
  • Added a new movetarget: SpareRoomMiddleNearWall
  • Added missing inventory icons for various images
  • Changed the hot tub tentacle water effect to have a slower color shift
  • Fixed the Liz Katz LOD issues
  • Re-added the Christmas clothing
  • Added the Snow Particle to the Main Menu for when the Winter DLC gets selected
  • Added some, but not all VA for the Liz Katz Murder Mystery Pack
  • Added a new model for Hammer2

(Alpha Release 05/05/2023)

  • Added mysterious masked killer
  • In the Original Story: Added new functionality for handling the vents throughout the house
  • In the Original Story: Added new items to be found around the house and Compubrah
  • Changed lighting in Compubrah environment
  • Added a virtual romantic interaction cutscene

(Beta Release 04/28/2023)

  • Added an elf outfit for Liz Katz
  • In the Original Story: Updated handling for unlocking Compubrah
  • In the Combat Training Story: Fixed an issue with the radial that was affecting translations
  • The Penguin can access a new appearance via its ItemFunction EnableMaterial1
  • InteractiveItems can now be flagged internally for use as 1H Weapons. As of now only the Hammer2 Item is flagged as such. When a Weapon Item is Mounted to the RightHand of a Character and that Character attempts to use an attack that would normally utilize their hands, they will instead swing the Weapon. Higher skill/kick based attacks will still function as normal. Attacks with a weapon will always break the Block of a CombatTarget, and will always deal maximum damage based on the attacking Character’s Strength. NOTE: the Player “carrying” a Weapon will not make use of this mechanic. The Weapon Item must be Mounted
  • The Broom can now be set to lean against…a thing
  • Added notepad model
  • Added Blueprint model
  • Added 3D printer ad model
  • CSC: Added the ability for the CSC to check if the ScreenFade effect is active or not. “Active” meaning that the screen is in the process of fading in or fading out, or is already completely faded out)
  • CSC: Added two new event triggers based on ScreenFade behavior: one each for determining when the ScreenFade effect is done Fading In, and when it is done Fading Out

(Alpha and Beta Release 04/21/2023)

  • In the Liz Katz DLC: Started implementation for a new opportunity: “Smoke ‘Em and You Got ‘Em”
  • In the Original Story: Updated handling for when Stephanie loses her top during the party
  • The Chocolate Syrup Item…sorry, I meant “Choclate Syrup”, now auto-highlights when dropped in the grass
  • The Tablet Item now has a collision sound effect
  • Added an Airvent System, which can be used to do stuff with… well, Airvents
  • A certain digital device, one that was definitely not mentioned in prior release notes, can now be used to view the real-time status of the Airvent System
  • Added a new type of InteractiveItem that can take multiple forms/appearances, and can auto-adjust its Inventory Icon based on its current form. These behavior(s) persists through save/loads without the need for handling via the CSC
  • Various Items around the house are now of the type “Burnable”. The main ItemFunction-based behaviors of this new type persist through save/loads without the need for handling via the CSC
  • Additional Items can be mounted to the Broom. This behavior for these Items persists through save/loads without the need for handling via the CSC
  • The Chicken will now be highlighted if it falls into the outside grass
  • The FoamFinger now has access to ItemFunctions
  • The FoamFinger now has a collision sound
  • Added new and improved chocolate syrup model
  • Added models for some mysterious clues
  • Fixed the dent on the fridge door by moving it to the freezer door
  • Added a burnt version of the penguin
  • Added a splishy splashy cutscene for an AC unit interaction

(Alpha Release 04/14/2023)

  • In the Liz Katz DLC: Started implementation for a new opportunity: “Will and Testament”
  • In the Liz Katz DLC: Started implementation for a new opportunity: “Invitation”
  • Added a new laundry room Cut Scene
  • Added a new “stuck in an object we can’t really divulge because spoilers” animation
  • Added a new hole and shaft to the house
  • Added blood appearance for the aforementioned hole. And shaft. Yeah we added a bloody hole and shaft, you heard us
  • Added WIP UI elements for a previously rarely used digital device…
  • Doors that can be set to Partially Open via ItemFunction can now also be set to Partially Open slowly, instead of immediately
  • Added a new movetarget: OutsideNearAirConditioner3
  • The Airvents in the house are now InteractiveItems, and have some special ItemFunctions/behaviors assigned to them
  • The AC Unit, upon demand, can now exert some automatic control over the Airvents in the house
  • The effects of an Item’s SwitchToAlternateTexture ItemFunction(s) will persist through save/loads without the need for handling via the CSC
  • The volume level of the Eek! Games Intro/”splash” scene has been slightly reduced, and now also takes into account the user’s Audio volume setting
  • Added HotTubSeat5
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent Amy from being able to make use of StartPeeing/pee-related behavior(s)
  • Updated project from Unity 2020.3.46f1 to Unity 2020.3.47f1

(Beta Release 04/07/2023)

  • In the Liz Katz DLC: Started implementation for a new opportunity: “Too Hot to Handle”
  • In the Original Story: Vickie Vixen will now arrive to the party through the front door instead of jumping over the fence
  • In the Original Story: Updated functionality for the microwave and dryer
  • In the Liz Katz DLC: Adjusted the arrival of Liz Katz to have more flourish
  • In the Liz Katz DLC: Added Liz Katz’s casual outfit
  • Added disembodied head
  • Added tentacle peeking animation
  • Added tentacle cutscene
  • Added new microwave model
  • Added super gross microwave interaction with disembodied head
  • Added a new bin in the Garage…and maybe the outline of something else?
  • Slightly tweaked the position of a beer so that it wouldn’t topple over as frequently on game start
  • Added a new movetarget: UpstairsHallwayNearLaundryRoom
  • The effects of SwitchClothingTexture CharacterFunctions will persist through save/loads without the need for handling via the CSC
  • The effects of SwitchBodyTexture CharacterFunctions will persist through save/loads without the need for handling via the CSC
  • Some previously broken/inaccessible AlternateBodyTextures are available for a few Characters (e.g. Ashley, Patrick)
  • SwitchToOriginalBodyTexture CharacterFunction will now correctly restore all texture settings when used (only relevant for newly exposed/added Alternate Textures)
  • Fixed a bug that could allow development notes or other specially-tagged text into Translation Templates
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Rule 34 Achievement to not be earnable for customers playing via the Epic Games client
  • Added a new movetarget: GarageNearWallVent
  • The Freezer Door now has a particle effect that can be triggered using ItemFunction EnableScriptObject2
  • The AddPhysicsRigidBody ItemFunction will ensure that collider detections are enabled, on the off chance they were ever disabled
  • InteractiveItems now have access to the ItemFunction: RemovePhysicsRigidBody, which can be used to disable their Physics behavior(s)
  • Various new ItemFunction integrations were added for the Microwave
  • Minor housekeeping (removal of long unused and disabled objects, etc.) and bundle rebuilds

(Alpha Release 04/02/2023)

  • In the Original Story: Updated the criteria for when certain rooms are available, preventing content from conflicting with other active content
  • In the Liz Katz DLC: Started laying the groundwork for a new opportunity: “Acts of Asspionage”
  • Added Liz Katz entry CutScene
  • Added new washer and dryer models
  • Added Liz Katz casual outfit
  • Minor cleanup of the AshleyTop InteractiveItem class. Removed an old AshleyFindChangeSpot ItemFunction that has long since been deprecated
  • AshleyTop will now adhere to the game engine’s Radial Interaction distance-based auto-close, and criteria-based auto-update behavior
  • Certain Doors will auto-correct their GameObject layering as-needed, for lighting/misc. purposes
  • Added Dryer Door
  • The Freezer Door can play its TryOpen when locked Sound Effect via ItemFunction
  • Disabled a repetitive debug message that could occur during certain CutScenes
  • Updated a few links on the MainMenu

(Beta Release 03/25/2023)

  • In the Original Story: Added reactions to all characters when hit with a beam of light
  • In the New Guest’s DLC: Started laying the groundwork for two new opportunities: “This Isn’t the Opportunity Name” and “No Spoilers 4 U” (TBD; names being workshopped and massaged by “the Committee”)
  • Fixed a couple issues with Character Motion that were introduced by 1.0.9’s CharacterManagerTick optimization
  • Fixed an issue with CharacterGroups that could cause delayed events using the system to not evaluate their Criteria correctly
  • As a result of some prefab updates, a few more InteractiveItems have had basic ItemFunctions exposed that may have been erroneously “hidden” in the past
  • Added a new particle effect and sound effect to the Microwave, accessible via EnableScriptObject1 and PlaySoundEffect2 ItemFunctions, respectively
  • Added a new movetarget to the Laundry Room
  • Added two new movetargets, KitchenNearSink and BetweenKitchenAndDiningRoom
  • Certain items can now use the EnableMaterial1, EnableMaterial2, and EnableOriginalMaterial ItemFunctions. The effects of these, like many other recent ItemFunction and CharacterFunction additions, carries over through (newly made) save/loads
  • Added UnableToPlayVoicedAudioTriggers InteractiveState, which can be used to prevent an NPC from playing their default voiced (moans, gasps, etc.) sound effects that may be tied to Emotes, Combat, etc.
  • Very minor cleanup of a few settings on decorative GameObjects inside the house
  • The AC Unit is now an Interactive Item

(Alpha/Beta Release 03/17/2023)

  • In the Original Story: Added new interactions and handling for new Interactive Items
  • In the Original Story: Updated the handling for Lety’s arrival at the house to make it more consistent with other characters
  • In the New Guest’s DLC: Started laying groundwork for a new opportunity, “Stop it Stepbro”
  • Added backend DLC bundle handling for our new guest
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Popper, Starbomb, and/or Snowball throwable items to reappear outside of the Player’s inventory/hand after loading a game in which they had been thrown and popped/poofed/whatever the hell a Starbomb does
  • The effects of ItemFunction : AddPhysicsRigidBody will now carry over between saves, and auto-apply when the game is loaded, provided that the item is enabled and not in use (not mounted, held, or inventoried)
  • Addressed a Steam policy compliance issue in the UI
  • Added avatar images for the new guest
  • Fixed an issue with the mysterious shadow human in the main menu and cutscene
  • Added magnifying glass model
  • Added head placeholder model
  • CSC: saving the game can now be temporarily prevented via the AllowPlayerSave Game Event. The ability to save the game is restored upon the start of every new game session

(Alpha Release 03/10/2023)

  • In the Original Story: Added preliminary handling for multiple characters approaching the front door at the same time
  • In the Original Story: Fixed typos across the original story
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue with Rachael in VR not ending correctly
  • In the New Guest’s DLC: Set up initial functionality for our new guest
  • In the New Guest’s DLC: Added a new opportunity “Look What the Guest Dragged In”
  • In the New Guest’s DLC: Added a new opportunity “Blackout”
  • Fixed an issue with Health Regeneration that was introduced by 1.0.9’s CharacterManagerTick optimization
  • Fixed the static flags on the flying yard birb so that it would not be treated as a static object for occlusion purposes, which was causing it to be invisible in 1.0.9. He deserves better, after all
  • Fixed issues with State IsOnFire particle and damage-related behavior(s) that were introduced by 1.0.9’s CharacterManagerTick optimization
  • Minor optimization of the code that calculates whether an NPC can Socialize
  • Fixed issues with time-based Roaming behaviors that were introduced by 1.0.9’s CharacterManagerTick optimization. These behaviors should now be nearly identical to those from 1.0.6 and prior
  • Characters having sex or that have any motion target will no longer even receive Roaming-based invitations to hang out with friends, which may avoid a niche untimely roam on occasion
  • Characters that are in non-roaming zones (LoadingDock, BehindFenceZone, etc.) will never increment their Roaming timer, even if they have State AbleToRoam
  • Minor optimization of the code that verifies if a Character should be forced to StopFalling
  • Minor optimization of the code that delays Dancing if an NPC was moving, being intimate, in combat, etc.
  • Re: the 1.0.8 change “Improved in-house supplemental occlusion culling support to ensure that doors specific to certain zones are taken into account when deciding to render Characters” – added more Zone-Door pairings to allow for performance boosts under certain conditions
  • Implemented a supplemental Zone-Occlusion Portal-based culling solution that, for many outside areas and a handful of indoor spaces, can reduce both CPU and GPU Rendering workloads
  • Updated project from Unity 2020.3.42f1 to Unity 2020.3.46f1, which includes an InputSystem package update to 1.5.0
  • Removed some old code that could cause issues when opening the Fridge door with the Door Console Command
  • Added two new CharacterFunctions for the Player related to Hot Tub water fanciness
  • Added two new MoveTargets near the Fridge
  • Added three new MoveTargets (one of which is a valid WallSexSpot) in the ArtRoom (SpareRoom2)
  • To take into account some minor environmental changes, performed a Lighting, Occlusion, and Navigation re-bake
  • Added two new MoveTargets in the DiningRoom
  • Implemented a supplemental Zone-Light pairing solution that for varying areas inside and outside of the house, can improve performance
  • Implemented a system to cull or completely disable specific objects when no longer needed, to further optimize performance
  • Fixed a long-standing issue that could allow a Character’s CurrentZone to get “stuck” with the wrong value until they tried to transition between zones again
  • Minor cleanup of a some unused Lighting-related objects
  • Added the SwingWeapon1HRight SendEvent
  • Added Trunk InteractiveItem and TrunkLid Door
  • The “PlayerKnockback” CharacterFunction has been fully replaced by the “Knockback” CharacterFunction
  • Cleanup and consolidation of underlying Character Class structure(s)
  • Characters will no longer retain the Crouching State when knocked out
  • Mostly mitigated an issue that could cause the InteractionManager/Crosshairs to fail to highlight/show the name of a Character while the Player is targeting them in Combat Mode
  • Fixed a long-standing bug with CharacterZoners that could result in a Character having their CurrentZone inadvertently changed due to Crouching or a small number of more niche behaviors. Such occurrences could result in issues ranging from slightly inaccurate Zone placement to a Character having a Zone assigned that was beyond an adjacent wall
  • The Freezer door (upper door of the refrigerator) can now be used independently. Interactions for it still need to be scripted into Stories that desire putting it to use
  • Minor cleanup and optimization of Door Auto Close-related behaviors
  • Fixed a couple sources of a minor Coroutine nuisance error that could occur when utilizing certain behaviors with disabled items
  • Fixed a bug with the Item Console Command that would allow for firing of any InteractiveItem public method, rather than just methods tagged as ItemFunctions
  • Fixed an issue that could cause minor inconsistencies in how long it took to begin Throwing an item after it was picked up and the Player started holding the Right Hand input key/button
  • Minor optimization of AudioManager to eliminate all garbage allocation and very slightly reduce CPU usage
  • The Front Door can now use ItemFunction PlaySoundEffect1 to play a doorbell sound
  • Minor optimization of misc. sound effect files
  • Another Hammer (Hammer2) has been added as an InteractiveItem. It is identical to, and just as Hammery as, the OG Hammer
  • When a carried InteractiveItem is Dropped, Thrown, or for some reason a Grab attempt is canceled, the “Throw”/Right Hand action strength will be forcibly reset to its minimum value
  • Added the functionality for specific InteractiveItems to override the default RightHand/Throw behavior
  • Added two new movetargets, NearGarageDoor1 and NearGarageDoor2
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the Player : TriggerRadialFor event from working when the Player was designated as its target. Note that the opening of the Player Action Radial for the Player via this method is subject to the same engine restrictions as trying to open it via the input keybinding
  • Added trunk model
  • Added trunk key
  • Added a hammer animation
  • Added alternative versions for doors, fridge, and thermostat
  • Added a shake flashlight model
  • Added an alternative version of the hot tub water effects
  • Animated the AC unit fans to make it operational and added sound
  • Added alternative body and clothing textures for ashley and madison in certain events
  • [WIP] Added new guest’s character model
  • [WIP] Added new guest’s detective outfit
  • [WIP] Setup cloth physics for our new guest
  • Setup hair physics for our new guest
  • Added red flickering effect for a certain doorbell event
  • Removed wristbands for our new guest and changed position of her hat
  • Added a new smile for our new guest
  • Added a mysterious shadow human with red eyes
  • CSC: When copying an entire Event Trigger and pasting it, any GameEvents within the new EventTrigger will get new GUIDs assigned to them, instead of carrying over the GUIDs used in the original Event Trigger
  • CSC: When exporting a story, built-in error correction will ensure that DisplayGameMessage GameEvents that have been duplicated (either via CSC copy-paste or manual script editing) but do not have identical text to other duplicates will be assigned a new GUID
  • CSC: Characters that cannot be enabled in Custom Stories will display a warning indicating as much within their Character Story entry
  • CSC: Dialogues can now be set to process as “AutoImmersive”. When a Dialogue has this setting enabled, the Response UI will be hidden from the Player and the first Response (or the default “…”/no response) that meets its criteria will be fired, allowing Players to sit back and relax while Dialogue unfolds. Standard Response and Dialogue Close Event behavior still applies. If the Player clicks on/interacts with the Dialogue UI while its text is still populating, this “AutoImmersive” behavior will be canceled and existing Dialogue-Response behavior will take over until a Response is chosen
  • CSC: Fixed a slight alignment issue related to Response entry foldouts
  • CSC: Very minor optimization of the Trigger New Dialogue/Next Dialogue selection code
  • CSC: The Add New Response button will be aligned more closely with the other Response-collection buttons such as Collapse, Expand etc.
  • CSC: The user can now view and manually input Response Order again (which will allow for order customization of Dialogue Response, Global, and Goodbye Responses), but note that Responses will still not auto-sort as they did prior to CSC 1.0.9
  • CSC: Various buttons/functionalities that should have sorted Responses on-demand, but were not, have had this issue addressed. Responses are now sorted any time Response collection order is modified, added to, subtracted from, etc.
  • CSC: A manual Sort Responses button has been added to Response collections for those that wish to play around with manual numbering and Sort later
  • CSC: When changing Response Order via the up/down arrows, the system will now allow for negative Response IDs
  • CSC: Global Response and Global Goodbye Response collections will no longer auto-sort on every Editor frame. They will use the same sorting mechanisms as standard Dialogue Responses. This will further increase performance when working with “Default Greeting”-type or otherwise complex Dialogues
  • CSC: Characters can now be renamed via the Item : Rename GameEvent. Such changes will carry over through saves, and will affect what name is shown for crosshair/interaction text, in the Dialogue UI, BGC UI text, Opportunity Log, Combat Target UI, etc.
  • CSC: Items and Items from ItemGroups can now use RotateItemToward, which will attempt to rotate them so that their “front” (typically Forward on their Z-axis; this may not always result in what is visually expected) points toward their target

(Stable Release 02/09/2023)

  • For all non-DLC content: updated Spanish (MX) translations
  • GameObject name for Key2 is now “key2” instead of “key4”. Should only matter for those cheaty cheats that use a lot of console commands
  • Implemented a system to prevent item repositioning based on load game data. This should help prevent the vast majority of issues that could be caused should we decide to…redecorate
  • Cleaned up some unused InteractiveItem code and members
  • Updated Spanish (MX) translations for the UI
  • A new Key item has made its way into the house
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Player to be unable to Interact with their POV/Legacy IntimacyPartner in the rare event that a physical obstruction created a line of sight block between them
  • Enabled ItemFunctions on a number of items that previously were unable to make use of them (pretty much every item that starts out in the Fridge, such as the Mayonnaise, Chicken Nuggets, etc.)

(Beta Release 02/03/2023)

  • CSC: major CPU and garbage allocation optimizations made that will notably reduce the UI “lag” experienced when manipulating many CSC elements, dropdowns, text fields, etc. Note that these optimizations required minor changes to the UI. Some functionalities like sorting/arranging elements are now controlled strictly through user-interactable elements like arrows, the copy/paste functions, and insert/remove
  • CSC: added “CharacterGroup” behaviors. This allows for the creation of targeted groups of Characters that can then have GameEvent, Criteria, Event Trigger, and/or CriteriaGroup behaviors executed upon them selectively or en masse. Note that not all GameEvents and Criteria are available for use with this system
  • In the Original Story: Updated Brittney’s behavior towards the player after they hook up
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue with Amala not being disabled properly after leaving the party
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue with Amala kicking the fence not firing correctly when loading a saved game
  • In the Original Story: Overhauled the intimacy mechanics in the CSC to utilize character groups
  • Increased size of LoadingDock slightly and adjusted LoadingDockZone accordingly
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Player motion to stutter excessively if no NPCs (or only DialogueCharacters like PhoneCall) were enabled
  • InteractiveItems can now internally (on our end) be flagged for automatic disabling upon start of a Custom Story game session, as can their ScriptObjects
  • The following InteractiveItem(s) have been flagged to get disabled entirely whenever a New Game of a Custom Story starts: Drone, FilmCamera, HotTubCoverUnfolded, PizzaBoxFortification, PlanksFortification, PlanksFortificationExtraNails, DeadSnake (in front yard), Firetrail, and GlassCover (for the hot tub). Note that the save/load system will be relied upon to maintain InteractiveItem state between sessions, so this will only ensure that these items are disabled upon the start of a new Custom Story session. This automatic behavior can be disabled by toggling on the new UseEekDefaultItemEnableBehavior property in the Story Collection object in the CSC
  • The following InteractiveItem(s) have been flagged to disable their ScriptObjects upon start of ANY Custom Story game (loaded games included): HotTubBase. Note that the save/load system does NOT maintain state of ScriptObjects. CSC scripting will be needed to address this. This automatic behavior can be disabled by toggling on the new UseEekDefaultItemEnableBehavior property in the Story Collection object in the CSC
  • The Front Yard Crowd will automatically be disabled upon start of ANY Custom Story game (loaded games included)
  • Minor redundancy and CPU/Memory optimization-related cleanup across a number of engine, data, Criteria evaluation, and UI-related scripts
  • Fixed an issue that could cause unintended and sporadic camera “bouncing” when simply running around the game world over flat surfaces
  • The Debug Log will begin logging slightly earlier than before, allowing it to catch more pre-session diagnostic info
  • Minor optimizations to Debug Log to reduce garbage allocation
  • Fixed an issue that was disabling the downstairs Window Blinds (against the front yard) on every game start. These have been the ScriptObject1 of the PlanksFortification for some time, and can be controlled via the CSC as needed
  • The Window_Broken object will no longer be enabled by default on every game session. This has been the ScriptObject2 of the PlanksFortification for some time, and can be controlled via the CSC as needed
  • Optimization pass on CharacterManagerTick loop CPU usage performance as well as performance for related methods
  • Slightly optimized GPU draw calls by removing several obscured/unused environmental objects within the house and disabling Cast Shadows on a number of indoor objects that were not creating noticeable shadows
  • Fixed an issue with Character/ItemGroup behavior that could allow a “shared” action to populate on the radial when a criteria check should have prevented it from doing so
  • Updated Volumetric Lighting plugin, which should confer minor performance benefits for some users
  • Minor optimization to FixedUpdate code that handles door rotation or position change
  • Improved in-house supplemental occlusion culling support to ensure that doors specific to certain zones are taken into account when deciding to render Characters
  • Rebaked lighting with slightly tweaked Ambient Occlusion settings
  • Rebaked and slightly reduced footprint of occlusion culling data
  • Wired up EnableScriptObject/DisableScriptObject and other ItemFunction behavior(s) for newly added assets/items
  • Very minor adjustments to the Fridge door’s hard-coded auto-close behavior. Should not be discernible in normal gameplay
  • Minor tweaks to VFXManager that handles certain character effects and some newer…ambiance stuff. Adjusted certain Phone-light-related behaviors to auto-adjust based on this totally spoiler-free ambiance-related tomfoolery
  • Added a blackout effect
  • Added a breaker box model in the garage
  • Added a knife model
  • Added a new fridge + alternative material option
  • CSC: updated core Unity .dlls
  • CSC: fixed an issue that could cause a NullReferenceException and the inability to use certain StoryCollection-related functions when initially creating a brand new StoryCollection via new GameObject
  • CSC: added the Gender Criteria, which for now should be reserved for use in conjunction with CharacterGroup-derived behaviors
  • CSC: cleaned up some inconsistent alphabetization behaviors
  • CSC: miscellaneous internal cleanup of large swaths of the CSC/Editor codebase
  • CSC: minor expansion of auto-data cleanup and error message handling in some additional situations

1.0.7 XMas Redeploy
(Stable Release 12/19/2022)

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Clothing ConsoleCommand to execute redundant Clothing GameEvents
  • Fixed an issue that could cause objects to be un-interactable in certain areas of the game world

1.0.7 XMas
(Stable Release 12/16/2022)

  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Fixed issues with Derek’s departure from the roof after talking with Amala that could result in various bugs, ranging from game breaking to cosmetic
  • In the Christmas Content: Added a new opportunity to help spread some Christmas cheer called “Deck the Balls”
  • In the Christmas Content: Added a snowball bucket which can be used to throw snowballs at the other house guests
  • In the Christmas Content: Added two new achievements, “Deck the Balls” and “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”
  • Added three additional MoveTargets just outside the Gazebo, and one inside
  • Added a Stepstool Interactive Item, which is a physical item that also includes a Chair and StandSpot
  • Added a GazeboFuseBox Interactive Item
  • Added a Character Function for disabling some of the Default Gazebo lighting (real-time and “party lights”)
  • Wired in Cheer2 and Cheer3 as valid SendEvents for all Characters to use
  • Fixed a bug that could cause GetsHitWithProjectile detection to fall through in certain cases
  • Fixed an issue that would cause pictures taken by the Digital Camera item to always be blurry
  • Added CoverGenitals and GiveSpeechArmsOut animations to the project. These are now available as Poses for all Characters to use
  • Added EdgeSlip animation. This is available as a SendEvent for all Characters to use
  • Added Fuse Box model
  • Added many holiday house decoration models
  • Added snow, but at room temperature
  • Added a conspiracy theory about the snow
  • Added a cloudy sky
  • Added an extra layer of fog
  • Added a holiday miracle
  • Added a very special decoration model
  • Added snowball model
  • Added Bucket of snowballs model
  • Added Christmas Hat for Frank
  • Added Elf Hats for Derek and Katherine
  • Added Chistmas Sweater for Amy, Leah, Madison, Patrick and Vickie
  • Added Reindeer Hats to Amy, Ashley, Madison and Stephanie

(Stable Release 12/02/2022)

  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where Patrick would leave when the female player was already in the master bedroom with him to hookup
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where the player could start Lety’s Easter Egg CutScene when she was already at a high orgasm value, which could lead to the CutScene terminating unexpectedly
  • Fixed an issue that could cause StrapOns to fail to mimic penis positional and rotational behavior(s) in CutScenes. Note that for the most part this will only affect Custom Stories, and that the majority of CutScenes were not designed to support StrapOns. Custom Story Creators will need to be mindful of this
  • InteractiveStates.UnableToOpenLabiaOrAsshole is no longer entirely ignored if a CutScene Actor’s partner is Female. If the Actor has a Female partner in a CutScene that is wearing a StrapOn, this State will behave as expected. Note that for the most part this will only affect Custom Stories, and that the majority of CutScenes were not designed to support StrapOns. Custom Story Creators will need to be mindful of this
  • Implemented sound effects for UI elements in GameMenu and settings menus
  • Fixed an issue that could affect CutScene-specific object/transform positions when various items were mounted to specific spots on a Character. Note that at this time this fix applies exclusively to Custom Story content
  • The Mug item will now use the correct Inventory icon. It will no longer share the same Inventory icon as the Coffee Cup item
  • Adjusted collider sizes for all Bracing Spots so they do not as easily overlap with other Interactive Items that may have been dropped onto/near them. This fixes an issue where the Dildo could not be interacted with sometimes after having been freed from the chandelier
  • Doors will no longer attempt to force a child collider to be a Trigger if said collider is both a MeshCollider and Concave. This will eliminate certain (generally nuisance) errors that could occur any time certain Doors were opened, either during play or when loading a save file
  • Cleaned up a number of Derek’s voice lines that had artifacts or other minor issues

(Beta Release 11/21/2022)

  • In the Original Story: Added POV options for Brittney and Patrick for the female player
  • In the Original Story: Explicit version users now get a stat boost for drinking booze or taking painkillers
  • In the Original Story: Players can now choose between POV and cutscene for Frank’s backyard scene
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug with multiple characters where the player finished prematurely and the scene did not end correctly
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where NPCs would go down on the female player and she would still be clothed
  • In the Original Story: Enhanced Compubrah to provide a more fulfilling experience for the female player
  • In the Original Story: Added a check for Brittney, Derek, and Patrick to prevent the female player from starting sex when they are still recovering
  • In the Original Story: Male players now have additional options when engaging in POV sex with female characters
  • In the Original Story: Fixed various bugs involving decorating the penguin for the Muse questline
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent a Character’s “climax” or other intimacy SFX from playing to…completion 😎
  • Fixed an issue that could cause StrapOn position and rotation to become permanently corrupted when certain cutscenes were played
  • Characters that are actively playing their looped “oral” SFX will no longer be considered “speaking”, which was preventing some randomization of BlendShapes from taking place during POV/Legacy intimacy
  • Spiced up the BlendShapes used during several POV/Legacy intimacy acts, including but not limited to, “MakingOut” and “SixtyNine”. They are now 42.0% more representative of the ecstasy one might feel IRL. “Might” is doing some heavy lifting in this patch note
  • The “bottom” Character in POV/Legacy “SixtyNine” intimacy will more believably look at the funbits of their partner, most notably if the partner is female
  • The CharInfo Console Command will now display what role a Character is taking in a POV/Legacy intimacy act, if applicable
  • The “giving” Character in POV/Legacy “Cunnilingus” intimacy will more believably look at the funbits of their partner, and no longer let their gaze wander as easily to…whatever might be around
  • Cleaned up behaviors for a handful of POV/Legacy positions that could prevent Characters from looking at their partner, when appropriate
  • When giving oral to a male NPC, the “giving” Character’s mouth will open more consistently, and to a degree that is specifically appropriate for their partner’s titanitude. Or lack of such a thing
  • Fixed a bug that was interfering with all InteractiveStates.UnableToOpenLabiaOrAsshole on/off behavior outside of CutScenes. For various “penetrative” intimacy acts that involve the female player or female NPCs, this being off will now have an effect. I can’t believe the patch notes I write
  • Fixed an issue that could cause customized DisplayNames for Characters to not be used in the BGCUI Text Display and Opportunity Window
  • To prevent being dropped and accidentally lost, the Whipped Cream will now be highlighted in the grass if dropped outside
  • The following will look much better when mounted to an NPCs right hand, most notably when used in conjunction with a HoldingADrink… State: Empty Vodka, Whack Spankiels/Whiskey, Red solo cups, Chardonnay, Cabernet, Soda, Whipped Cream
  • Increased save game limit to 250, up from 69. This is the last time, you fucking data hoarders
  • Patrick will no longer yell PAARRTTYYYYY! if he is swapped out for another Character in the F_PatrickFinale cutscene
  • When the Player is involved, both “roles” for SixtyNine will require Mouse Movement to pleasure your partner
  • Fixed an issue that could cause male genitals to be visibly transparent in the opening seconds of cunnilingus
  • Added some additional logging to help diagnose cutscene termination issues
  • Some basic game and story diagnostic info will be provided with saved debug logs now, and shown in the Debug Console UI
  • If applicable, the CutScene.EndScene Game Event will try to end whichever versions of a CutScene (censored or uncensored) that may be playing, if supplied with the name of an uncensored scene. However, if supplied with the censored version, it will only try to end that specific, censored version of the CutScene
  • If applicable, when the OnAfterCutSceneEnds Event Trigger is supplied with the name of an uncensored version of a CutScene, it will fire in the event that either the uncensored or censored version of the CutScene ends. However, if supplied with the name of a censored version of a CutScene, it will only fire if the Censored version of that CutScene ends
  • CSC: Added CutScene GameEvent option to end any scene involving the player
  • CSC: The OnAfterCutSceneEnds Event Trigger will now fire just before the CutScene removes itself from the internal Currently Playing collection, which will allow Story Creators to successfully use CutScene-type Criteria within the Event Trigger’s root criteria

(Alpha Release 11/07/2022)

  • In the Original Story: Added Scissoring and Fingering as options for female players during POV sex
  • In the Original Story: Added the ability to swap between dominant and submissive positions for male players during POV sex with male NPCs
  • In the Original Story: Updated most female player POV options to be more in-line with male player POV options
  • In the Original Story: Implemented a cutscene for the male Player when Frank goes down on the them in the yard
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where the player would finish prematurely during a cutscene with Katherine and then she started getting dressed while the act continued
  • In the Original Story: Updated Compubrah to handle Frank and Katherine combat in VR
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where Brittney would be on the bed but unable to initiate sex with the female player
  • In the Original Story: Fixed some text inconsistencies
  • In the Original Story: The flower will now change colors in the player’s inventory when it is dyed
  • Removed a redundant one-time initial LookAt attempt from the hardcoded StartMissionary SexualAct behavior. It, like many two-person SexualActs, will rely on existing SolveLookAt behavior(s)
  • If a CutScene needs to fall back to a POV/Legacy Intimacy Act, these random selections will now be better tailored to various gender-specific configurations of Characters. I.e., Female-Female CutScene fallbacks will prefer to use new Scissoring Acts etc., rather than Acts more suited to Male-Female or Male-Male pairings
  • Integrated new Scissoring, Fingering, and Female-centric Sixty-Nine poses into the POV/Legacy Intimacy system
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Debug Log to not be navigable if it was opened during a CutScene
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the GameMenu to not be navigable via controller if the Command Console was opened prior to opening the GameMenu
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Inventory and UseWith UIs to not be navigable via controller if the Command Console was opened while either was already visible
  • Updated project to Unity 2020.3.41f1
  • Slight optimizations to runtime functionalities that search for a result across multiple EekCharacterEngine or Unity Types
  • Fixed an issue that could cause erroneous removal of Original Story files in some builds
  • Frank’s Chair will no longer make an odd thud sound when colliding with it with your itty bitty feets
  • Very minor optimization of update loop code associated with ActionItems
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters using certain CharacterStandSpots to be collision-free, allowing other Characters to walk right through them
  • Fixed an issue that was compromising the position and rotation of Characters using the Door or Window Bracing CharacterStandSpots
  • The Flower ItemFunction ChangeColorToBlue will now also handle the changing of the Flower’s Inventory Icon. Note that this ItemFunction ChangeColorToBlue is called on GameStart if loading into a game in which ChangeColorToBlue had already been called
  • Removed “Not Recommended” labeling from the POV/Legacy Intimacy UI options
  • Added a tweaked bracing animation to the Male anim controller
  • CSC: cleaned up a redundancy in the Naming of Item : SetInventoryIcon GameEvents
  • CSC: the Flower can now have a Blue Flower inventory icon assigned to it using Item : SetInventoryIcon : 1
  • CSC: some misc. functionality cleanup and expansion of auto-data cleanup and error message handling in some additional situations
  • CSC: added the ControlStrapOnAutomatically InteractiveState. When this is applied to a female/strap-on equipped NPC, it will ensure that a strap-on is applied (or at least left on) when switching into a “penetration” or male-oriented sex role, and removed when no longer appropriate as well as removed automatically when a sex sequence ends

1.0.3 Redeploy
(Stable Release 10/19/2022)

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing save games from being loaded or deleted within the Load Game UI if using a non-English language
  • When saves are deleted, ToolTipData will be updated to reflect the removal of the corresponding save data to prevent bloating of the ToolTipData over time

(Stable Release 10/17/2022)

  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Fixed various bugs with the house returning to normal after Doja Cat’s big finale
  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Fixed an issue with Katherine’s dialogue not displaying correctly during Doja Cat’s big finale
  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Fixed save / load issues for the MP3 player not displaying correctly
  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Fixed multiple issues with the hot tub during Doja Cat’s content
  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Amala will not change locations as often when she is at the party
  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Changed the way Derek jumps off the roof during Doja Cat’s story
  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Added handling if characters are attacked during Doja Cat’s big finale
  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Updated the handling of Amala’s clothing and special outfits
  • In the Original Story: Added a mysterious new achievement
  • In the Original Story: Compubrah has been upgraded and can now handle players that decide to start a fight
  • In the Original Story: The Kettle can now be dragged by hand or added to the inventory to heat it on the stove
  • In the Original Story: Fixed bugs for the New Dude / New Dudette quests
  • In the Original Story: Madison will now get upset if she catches you stealing the sleep mask
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue where Patrick fights back against Rachael
  • In Date Night With Brittney: New items from the DLC will no longer appear in the story
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: New items from the DLC will no longer appear in the story
  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Adjusted Patrick’s behavior so he pays more attention to Doja Cat during the big finale
  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Fixed an issue with Frank not returning to his original behavior if Doja Cat’s big finale fails
  • In the Original Story: Fixed some inconsistencies with item inspect text not displaying the correct information
  • In the Doja Cat DLC: Fixed some issues where the billboard did not display correctly after Doja Cat’s big finale
  • Certain CutScenes will no longer play via any means if the exact “original cast” is not specified and/or is not Enabled
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Player from having the Enabled state when starting a game
  • Asexual Characters will no longer assume or stay in explicit sexual poses
  • Increased Cloud Storage space allocations on Steam
  • Addressed an issue that would cause Amala’s Character to be too aggressively censored if wearing the “Hedge Clipper” outfit, and not censored enough if she somehow became fully undressed
  • Fixed an issue that could cause non-player CutScenes to erroneously terminate if the Player was about to get into combat. These will now only auto-terminate if the “Star” of the non-player cutscene is about to get their ass beat
  • Fixed several issues within the codebase and with CharacterZone placement and sizing that could lead to null refs or failures to assign Characters a Zone. Issues incidentally fixed by this include: broken game behavior on loading a save, seemingly erroneous Audio or Character behavior, and general existential unhappiness
  • The CharInfo Console Command will now give moderately profane and slightly worrisome feedback to the user when a Character does not have a Zone assigned
  • Updated project to Unity 2020.3.40f1
  • The SwitchToOriginalTexture ItemFunction will now actually switch to the Original Texture for the Interactive Item, rather than just the most recently assigned Alternate Texture
  • The player will now automatically attempt to drop out of combat mode if a two-Character POV sex act is started
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs swapped into various VickieFinale CutScenes to have their underwear incorrectly applied based upon Vickie’s current clothing. This should take effect/benefit Custom Stories
  • The Popcorn will now auto-highlight when dropped in the grass, making it easier to see if dropped in dark areas of the yard
  • Updated the French Translation
  • CSC: added a new ItemFunction to a fun thing outside that does light-related stuff. Roar, and shit
  • CSC: added some automatic on-Export criteria data correction for Quest criteria
  • CSC: Story Data will be immediately updated once upon successfully importing a Story
  • CSC: invalid Quest ID data in a GameEvent or Criteria will now properly throw an error in the CSC
  • Fixed Amala’s Hedge Clipper outfit disappearing from certain angels
  • Fixed Doja Cat’s wild hair movement during cutscenes
  • Changed Amala’s clothing setup and tweaked mask config
(Stable Release 9/30/2022)

  • Added Hedge Clipper outfit for Amala
  • Updated hair physics for Amala
  • Added achievement images
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent certain GameplaySettings from being Initialized correctly until the user actually opened the GameplaySettings UI. NOTE: make sure you review these settings if you are not seeing Background Chatter or Dialogue Text on-screen when Characters are speaking/using either
  • The EndScene CutSceneOption can now be used via the Command Console
  • Added toggle in Gameplay Settings to skip intro cutscenes
  • Input Manager no longer allows players to bind Flash Breasts/Penis to a binding that is already shared by another action
  • “Kiss Me More” song now ignores the “Mute DMCA Music” setting
  • UI Radial elements are now translatable
  • Slightly tweaked when the kettle would stop whistling when moved from the Stove
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Drone (Item) to fall through the world instead of successfully animating via one of its PlaySequence ItemFunctions
  • Fixed a regression issue that prevented NPCs from taking the place of the Player in pre-1.0.1 Player Intimacy CutScenes
  • Fixed a longstanding issue that was preventing NPCs from reapplying their saved/intended rotation when loading a Save Game
  • Minor cleanup of a handful of Amala and Doja Cat audio files
  • Doja cat’s songs will not play when there is explicit content on-screen. This includes both cutscenes and POV/intimacy scenes
  • In the Original Story: Made the kettle an inventory item that is usable and mountable onto the stove
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Resolved multiple save / load issues
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Updated the Drunk and Disorderly Content for Amala
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Fixed multiple dialogue issues with side characters at various points throughout the story
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Prevented Doja Cat’s finale from starting with main characters being unavailable
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Tweaked Patrick’s behavior during Doja cat’s finale
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Matched dialogue with the audio in cases where they were not correct
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Expanded Doja Cat’s reactions and background chatter with the various house guests
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Updated graphics when Katherine is using the laptop
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Prevented multiple issues with loading original story pre-DLC saves
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Adjusted Frank’s behavior when interacting with Doja Cat
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Expanded reactions to giving Doja Cat various household items
  • CSC: added support for up to two alternate inventory icons using setinventoryicon
  • CSC: Two new Player CharacterFunctions will allow you to start/stop casting the Player’s POV directly to the back yard billboard: EnablePlayerBillboardCasting and DisablePlayerBillboardCasting, respectively
  • CSC: added the MountToStove ItemFunction for the Kettle
(Mini Pre-Release 9/26/2022)

  • Added additional Doja DLC music track to the game
  • New sound effects were added to new Doja Cat DLC Cut Scenes
  • Fixed console feedback text formatting issue when using Clothing command with Asexual Characters
  • NPCs will no longer socialize or be talked to when they are being spoken to in Dialogue by another NPC.
  • Added CenterOfGazeboLeft and CenterOfGazeboRight MoveTargets
  • Fixed hand mounting position and rotation for the Hedge Clippers
  • Certain NonPlayer CutScenes will be able to forcefully prevent saving/autosaving of the game while they are playing
  • Added the ability for certain CharacterStandSpots to assign a gender-specific pose to a Character that makes use of them, and added multiple instances of these types of Spots in the house
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to release Hot Spots on an item if they had been assigned those Hot Spots while already making use of a (separate) Action Item, and then got up/stopped using that Action Item
  • Tweakes Drone and Film Camera start position and initial Physics behavior(s)
  • Characters can float now. Yay, thanks Floating InteractiveState!
  • Re-EQd Brittney and Derek VA
  • Minor adjustments to newly added MoveTargets used by the Doja Cat DLC content
  • Fixed hand mounting position and rotation for the Drone Remote (intended to be used with OperatingTablet pose)
  • The HideAllUI functionality can now be used at nearly any time while in the game world
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the star of DojaPerformanceLive to hang in midair after the scene was finished
  • Significantly lowered the volume of the Kettle’s whistling sound effect
  • Added the DontMoveForObstacles InteractiveState, which will prevent evasion/sidestepping away from gameobjects/non-Character obstacles
  • Fixed a typo in one of the Loading Screen gameplay hints
  • On-SaveGame-Load Quest Merging will now take into account Characters whose Stories did not exist in a previous save, and were since added in an updated version of that Story.
  • Characters who are navigating to another Character (Target) will no longer retain the Name of that Character Target as their CurrentMoveTarget if said Character Target is disabled
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Opportunities to disappear from the Opportunity Log and/or not get updated when the NPC that “owned” the Opportunity was disabled
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Opportunity pop-ups from appearing when an Opportunity owned by a Disabled NPC was updated
  • Tweaked FilmCamera neck mounting position and rotation settings to reduce arm/body clipping and better align the FilmCamera viewfinder with a Character’s face
  • Tweaked Amala and Doja Cat’s face textures and default look
  • Fixed clipping issues with Amala’s dress
  • Added Dinolicious (dinosaur suit) model, pickup item model and inventory images
  • Improved Dinolicious dancing animation
  • Added crowd models
  • Setup the film camera to be grabbed
  • Updated physics for Dinolicious and Doja Cat
  • Added a uniquely lit…”viewable experience” beyond the confines of Madison’s house
  • Fixed the TypingStanding pose to use an animation better suited for the height of the desk in the Study
  • Certain CutScenes now have added viewing provisions for Ultrawide monitors
  • Fixed issues with three new Doja Cat DLC Cut Scenes that could cause them to “stall” as they finished
  • Tweaked emote strengths for certain Character(s) in new Doja Cat DLC Cut Scenes to improve lip sync accuracy
  • Added some “social feedback” features to Doja Cat DLC Cut Scenes
  • Some Doja Cat DLC Cut Scenes will have a bit more “bang” in them. Colorful bangs, not sexy…forget it
  • Various improvements to appearance of the Plexiglass panels
  • Added an inventory icon for the Kettle
  • Added grass texture to some viewable parts outside the yard
  • Fixed some audio in cutscenes not responding to the audio volume set in the settings
  • Cleaned up and standardized the appearance of the grass beyond the back yard fencing
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Extended the functionality of the MP3 player for Doja Cat’s music
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Added multiple new animations
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Updated all quest text to match the actual steps being done
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Reworked all endings for the DLC for a more cohesive player experience
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Fixed cutscene transitions during Doja Cat’s big finale
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Adjusted the challenges during Doja Cat’s big finale
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Adjusted Frank’s disposition towards Doja Cat
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Rebalanced all Amala / Doja Cat socials to balance the intimacy ending
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Added Achievements
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Added handling for special house guests, such as the Game Grumps
  • In the Doja Cat DLC (Original Story): Added multiple interactions between Doja Cat and the other party guests
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a bug that let the Female Player Character unlock the ‘Caught in the Act’ Achievement during Patrick’s romance CutScene, even without any other NPC’s nearby
  • In the Original Story: Added a new Opportunity for the male player (“The New Dude”) and the female player (“The New Dudette”)
  • In the Original Story: Fixed Derek’s default Inspect text when playing the Female playthrough
  • In the Original Story: Fixed the wording of Derek’s dialogue when he defends the Female Player against Frank’s anti-booze insanity (after earning Derek’s “combat protection” perk)
  • In the Original Story: Various minor Female Player-related dialogue and/or QOL tweaks for Stephanie, Ashley, Katherine, and Madison
  • CSC: The Speakers can now be configured to loop sequentially through: all available songs, original HP tracks only, and a partial or full set of only Doja Cat DLC tracks. This configuration is handled via the ItemFunctions SetDLCTrackModeNone, SetDLCTrackModeOriginalOnly, SetDLCTrackModeDojaDLCOnly, and SetDLCTrackModeFullDojaDLCOnly respectively

(Mini Pre-Release 9/18/2022)

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Achievement Pop-Ups to occur while the Player was enjoying a CutScene, locking them onscreen until the CutScene ended. Achievements Pop-Ups will now wait to appear until all CutScenes involving the Player have ended
  • Added even more polish to the CutScene system, better allowing Player and non-Player starring CutScenes to co-exist, and to support more than one CutScene playing at a time (multiple CutScenes that involve the Player cannot co-exist)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Achievement Pop-Ups to occur while the Player was already viewing another Achievement Pop-Up, leading to an inability to properly view and progress through both Pop-Ups
  • Added the HappyAlt1 Emote, which may be used later for additional diversification of pleasure portrayals…and stuff. For now, only our newest guest uses it
  • Implemented changes to the item and hot spot system that will allow certain additional Interactive Items to make use of hand hot spots (similar to the Flamingo seats, snake, etc.)
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing Characters from holding onto the Flamingo seats correctly
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent certain red text/error messages from staying on-screen on the Main Menu long enough to be visible to the user
  • Added various new Interactive Items to the game world
  • A handful of Items in the house have had their Item Mounting or Player Carrying/Grab alignments fixed or tweaked
  • Added a base Interactive Item for the “frame” of the Hot Tub, including a Character-only collider that can be enabled via EnableScriptObject1 ItemFunction to block access to the hot tub by Characters
  • Added a number of additional Move Targets outside in the yard…and beyond
  • The CutScene system (for the purposes of 1.0.2 and future CutScenes only) can now support up to 3x NPCs plus the Player
  • Various Interactive Items (new and old) have had Inventory Icons assigned to them
  • Added several poses to the game for bracing up against something, meditating, and using a tablet/large remote
  • Minor improvements to CutScene error logging
  • Updated Unity version and various packages
  • Standardized layering on certain Character Controller blocking objects so that they functioned as motion/nav blockers rather than true walls
  • A few very minor optimizations, improvements, and misc. cleanup to engine code, the navmesh bake, and audio/lip sync behaviors
  • CSC: added the ability to End a specific CutScene via GameEvent
  • CSC: added Event Trigger OnAfterCutSceneEnds that can be used to execute Game Events after a specified CutScene ends, just after it begins to Fade In/perform final scene cleanup behaviors
  • CSC: added ItemFunctions that can be used to manually Enable or Disable an Interactive Item’s ScriptObjects 1/2
  • CSC: Background Chatters can now be flagged to Play Silently (volume for that specific BGC will be set to zero)
  • CSC: The TypingStanding Pose was already available on Character Animators, but, whoopsy, has only now officially exposed to Story Creators. Clickity-clack, bitches!

(Stable Release 9/01/2022)

  • Major optimizations to draw calls, shadow caster counts, and culling behavior(s) while the Player is in the back yard, and to a lesser degree, in the house. This should result in a noticeable performance gain for most users
  • Significantly decreased the amount of VRAM the game uses by cleaning up numerous scene objects, fine tuning the light bake, and combining HQ light map compression + HQ light map encoding
  • Very minor optimizations of certain game load code
  • Per their request Arin and Dan (Game Grumps) will not be available for use in Custom Stories
  • Greatly mitigated the chance that a Character can inadvertently get warped off of the NavMesh if they were warped to another Character that was in certain corners of the yard, against fences, walls, etc. This fix also cuts down on the chance that Characters can get warped into a room where the target Character cannot see them, or behind a door dividing the two Characters
  • Fixed the Eek! Games intro being stretched awkwardly when using ultrawide resolutions
  • Prevented a NullRef Exception that could occur if a CSC user tried to use certain Item-related GameEvents without adding an entry for that Item to the Main Story script/file
  • NonPlayerCharacters will no longer instantiate anywhere other than in the LoadingDock. Any Custom Stories that relied on NPCs starting at their Default Locations somewhere in the house/outside will need a WarpTo added in order to position them as intended. This incidentally fixes an NPC placement issue with our Vickie Vixen Valentine story
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some NullRef spam if an NPC was disabled anywhere in LOS of the Player
  • Fixed a MissingReferenceException that could occur if an NPC was disabled shortly after an ActionItem StopAction was called
  • Refactored Audio system so that NPCs have the same mouth animations no matter how attenuated their volume it
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the Mute DMCA Music option from working with the Female Player’s Intro Cut Scene
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent EntersZone Event Triggers from firing if a Character previously did not have a Zone assigned
  • Fixed an issue that was causing NPC Background Chatter outside of CutScenes to be too quiet
  • Enabled the Duct Tape, and more, as Interactive Items
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Player from being able to open the Inventory UI while using the Player Action Radial or a Radial Menu for an item outside the Inventory
  • The Clothing Console Command will no longer attempt to remove Clothing from “Asexual” Characters. At this time this only affects the Game Grumps (who could not be nude anyway) and our future myster…oh, right. Cough.
  • Certain Console Commands that were already impacted by, or are newly impacted by, Asexual Character settings have had various pieces of feedback text updated
  • Certain NPCs will now have a Default Emotive Blendshape Configuration that they will use, should they be idle, not socializing with others, speaking, moving, etc.
  • CutScenes that do not include the Player will behave much more fluidly now. Automatic UI toggles, movement/input restrictions, and the removal of other misc. constraints should make them more easily enjoyable
  • Touched up the NavMesh to remove a number of gaps and slightly expand walkable areas where reasonably possible
  • Removed a number of duplicated bushes and small plants from the yard and garden area that were essentially invisible to the player, yet were still being rendered
  • After NavMesh and Yard object cleanup, refreshed Occlusion and Light Bakes
  • Various existing (and new) items are now grabbable by the Player
  • Added Debug Logging to track successful change of, loading, and unloading of scenes
  • Fixed an issue that was causing VA bundles for stories to erroneously duplicate themselves in asset folders for other stories
  • Cloth Components will start fading out their simulations at lower, more reasonable distances
  • Eliminated or mitigated several per-frame or frequently called sources of Garbage Allocation
  • Added a new ItemFunction to InteractiveItems that allows Disabling or Enabling of a ScriptObject referenced by appropriately configured InteractiveItems
  • Made a number of performance-related tweaks to Occlusion Culling-related settings and behaviors
  • Slightly increased crossfade time in default animations
  • Fixed an issue where converse animations would continue to play long after a character stops speaking
  • Tweaks to look at durations and timings to create more realistic lookat behavior, particularly in dialogues
  • Added Polish as an official entry to the Languages list on the Main Menu
  • Fixed a niche Nullref Exception that could affect intended auto-close behaviors of the Fridge and Pantry doors
  • Fixed a possible niche nullref that could occur on some transitional scenes like the Disclaimer screen
  • For RayCast/layering purposes, certain parts of the Front Door and the Garage Doors (more specifically, the big fucking parts that block stuff) will count as “Walls” instead of whatever the shit “Default” means. They just want to be like their other door brethren
  • The windows in the front of the house, facing out to the street, will now function as a “Wall”, similar to other suspiciously window-like objects
  • Added a MoveTarget near the windows in the DiningRoom that face the Front Yard (DiningRoomNearFrontWindow)
  • Added a MoveTarget (KitchenNearFruitAndMicrowave) in the Kitchen near the new pile of fruit. Fruit smorgasbord? Fruitapalooza?
  • Added a second MoveTarget outside near the Air Conditioner, daringly named OutsideNearAirConditioner2
  • Adjusting in-game font/font size now applies to InventoryUI item name, UseWith header, ResetCSCPrefs button, and FOV value in Graphics
  • Added translation functionality for DialogueUI social meters and Opportunity popup messages
  • Added translation functionality for Gender Tags in Load Game tooltips
  • Added translation functionality for default NPC “doesn’t want that right now” texts and item added-to-inventory text
  • Asexual NPCs will be prevented from being included in any sex cutscenes that do not explicitly designate them as involved by default (as a default Star or NPC1, etc.). At this time this only applies to the Game Grumps, but additional Characters in the future may also be affected by this change
  • Fixed an issue that could allow “canceling out” of a Narration Pop-Up to inadvertently close UIs open behind said Narration
  • Added a very slight delay before allowing Player Input to progress through queued Narration. This should help curb any accidental skipping of Narration Pop-Ups
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPC erections during CutScenes to, under certain circumstances, not behave as girthily as we would all hope for
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing an extra character into certain Custom Story Browser Story Titles
  • In the Combat Training Story: removed old references to “F1” for viewing keybinds/help
  • CSC: added PlayerTookCameraPhoto Event Trigger. This will fire after the Player successfully takes any picture with the Camera item and all “Photos”-related Player values are incremented

Oops, we may have dropped these Release Notes upon our original release announcement. You’d think our hands would be stickier, and have ever so firm a grip…

  • (Added 9/16/22) Tweaked the menu system so that the inflate effect of the UI no longer requires the game to unpause between menu transitions. This was leading to a few frames of game time to progress when transitioning between UIs that opened off of the in-game Pause/ESC menu

(Stable Release 7/15/2022)

  • In the Original Story: added the following Achievements: “A Friend in Need”, “Love Conquers All”, “The Crush”, “The Crush(es)”, “Host Hijinks”, and “Hijinks Averted”
  • Fixed the neck seam of the female player
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will try to leave/roam out of her room after her Clean Clothes are given to her, in the event she was not Humiliated/made sick
  • In the Original Story: standardized the Social threshold for a few additional Derek dialogues that were meant to refer to him having a Friendship level of “Friends” with the Player, rather than “Acquaintances”
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Story Selection Dropdown to misbehave if a Custom Story was built using an older version of the CSC. Instead, a Debug Warning will be logged
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent users who had DebugMode on and were playing a corrupted/broken story from exiting to the Main Menu, Restarting, or Loading a Game
  • Added additional Debug Logging in case of certain StoryData Load failures
  • Removed the MaxLights setting from the game’s Graphics UI, as this setting was deprecated some time ago and no longer exerted any control over the game’s graphics
  • Standardized controller/keyboard UI navigation loop behavior across several menus
  • Fixed an issue that was causing controller-based interactions with Items in the Inventory (that did not result in the Item being destroyed or removed from the Inventory) to immediately select the first Item in the Inventory, as opposed to trying to re-focus on that same item
  • Fixed an issue that would let the Player throw a punch while their UI Radial was open or in the midst of being closed, which could lead to inadvertent and extremely unfortunate (usually, for the Player) violent situations
  • Added a MoveTarget in front of the bushes outside/nearest the Living Room window
  • Implemented a minimum input deadzone. The amount of movement on a controller/gamepad needed before actually moving is otherwise unchanged. This will fix an issue that could cause controller/gamepad users to move backwards if they used very slight motions on their analog stick, or get very easily kicked out of a chair, bed, etc. with the slightest touch of the analog stick
  • Made the processing of motion and the setting of the Running state more consistent for the Player. This will prevent the Player from being considered as Running if they are standing still, etc.
  • The Female Player will now use the same movement mechanism as the Male Player, which should only slightly affect movement speed and prevent diagonal running from doing anything nice for you fucking cheaty cheats out there
  • When the Player picks up/grabs an item (via RightHand action or grabbing from inventory/Holding in Hand), hand collider size will be adjusted somewhat to better ensure that the Player can still Interact with that item while it is held
  • LookAt GameEvents that instruct a Character1 to look at another Character2 will no longer instruct Character1 to look at Character2’s scripted object, but rather Character2’s eyes, whenever possible
  • Minor optimization of Character instantiation time by removing old and now unused class members, initializations, transform searches, etc.
  • CPU usage optimization of various core game loops and method calls by removing calls to InteractiveStates.Alive, which is always True. CSC users should not be manually changing this State
  • Implemented several protective checks to limit the number of unintended LookAt behaviors that might fire during a CutScene, as well as if a Character is already near another Character they are looking at
  • LookAt behavior for all Characters entering a CutScene will be “reset” just prior to the CutScene Playing
  • Fixed a few minor issues with Player Character head/eye motion in niche situations
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent Player : LookAt : NPC CutScene GameEvents from targeting the correct Character if the CutScene Actors were customized via CSC/Custom Story
  • Enabled Steam Cloud Sync
  • The Pantry Doors in the Kitchen will now auto-close in a fashion very similar to the Fridge Door (if the Player is too far away after a number of seconds, or quickly upon detecting nearby combat)
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent NPCs from trying to immediately Evade in cases where that Evasion attempt is classified as VeryImportant. This should address situations where a speaking NPC without State DontMoveForOthers set to True would still not move out of the way for other Characters
  • Fixes for scrolling in inventory, load game, and dialogue menus
  • Minor garbage alloc and CPU optimizations to interaction (crosshair system) manager
  • Fix for radial menu highlighting and selecting incorrect option
  • Various input configuration fixes as a new menu layout was implemented
  • Fixed bug in inventory menu where player could still scroll when the inventory radial menu is open
  • Fixed bug in inventory menu where player could make an inventory item selection when holding inventory hotkey and another button
  • When a player makes a save, the Player Gender is automatically added to the end of the displayed save name
  • Fixed issue where the female player was see through
  • Changed female players hair tie UV’s to be a single color/fabric
  • Added hair physics to player female
  • Fixed issues with the player female’s head having no shadows, her hair material, skin material and clipping clothing
  • Improved Ashley’s hair physics to reduce clipping
  • Updated MainMenu’s Ashley and female player hair physics, also changed all characters their size to be the same as during gameplay
  • Improved the big gaps between Brittney’s teeth
  • Added female player threesome cutscenes for Vickie and Brittney’s content.
  • Added female player voyeur cutscene
  • Added female player variant of the intro cutscene
  • Added female player master bedroom (lesbian) scene
  • Added female player Vickie finale cutscene
  • Added female player garage (lesbian) scene
  • Fixed some minor cutscene related visibility bugs
  • Updated the company logo on the MainMenu
  • CSC: the Speakers no longer have a LoadOriginalTrack ItemFunction available to them, as it is no longer necessary
  • CSC: Global Responses will also be searched when inputting text into the Search Response Text field in a Character’s Dialogue Filter
  • CSC: added an ItemFunction to some doors that can be used to immediately “snap” them partially open
  • CSC: as forewarned in the update notes for 0.20.0, the IsAloneWithPlayer criteria has been deprecated from House Party. CSC users should now make use of IsOnlyInVisionOf as a replacement criteria, as it performs the same check and can be used between any two Characters. IsOnlyInVicinityOf and IsOnlyInVicinityAndVisionOf can be used to further supplement proximity/vision-based logic
  • CSC: several more GameEvent types will “self clean” erroneous data in case of copy-pasting, etc.
  • CSC: the selected Filter Character can now be searched for within CutScene GameEvents

(Alpha Release 6/28/2022)

  • In the Original Story: Added the “Shirt Delivery” opportunity for the female playthrough
  • In the Original Story: Added the “Love Conquers All” opportunity for the female playthrough
  • In the Original Story: Added “The Crush” opportunity for the female playthrough
  • In the Original Story: Added “The Crushes” opportunity for the female playthrough
  • In the Original Story: Added the “Brittney’s Special Someone” opportunity for the female playthrough
  • In the Original Story: Added the “Host Hijinks” opportunity for the female playthrough
  • In the Original Story: Updated the items and interactions regarding those items with the penguin during the Artsy Fartsy quest
  • In the Original Story: The female player is now able to ask Derek for assistance on a variety of topics
  • In the Original Story: Added a sleeping mask that can be found and utilized during the Host Hijinks quest
  • In the Original Story: Multiple dialogues have been added or adjusted to smooth out gameplay for the female player
  • In the Original Story: All hookup logic for the female player has been redesigned to provide a more fulfilling experience
  • In the Original Story: The female player can now ask Brittney to move to another location, provided that the player has completed Shirt Delivery
  • Added female player Derek cutscene
  • Added female player Patrick cutscene
  • Added female player master bedroom (straight) scene
  • Added female player Katherine cutscene
  • Added female player Rachael cutscene
  • Added female player Brittney cutscene
  • Added DNWB shirt to Ashley
  • Created sleeping mask item and inventory thumbnail
  • Fixed lighting object for PlayerFemale
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Speakers to no longer play music throughout an entire application session, requiring the user to exit and restart the game entirely
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent correct censorship of certain Player and NPC naughty bits when the Player was the “primary” or “top” or w/e you kids are calling it in cunnilingus and sixty-nine positions–ow my back…I’m so old
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the Female Player to trigger EjaculatesOnMe reactions from NPCs
  • While in CutScenes, NPCs will use an OrgasmSensitivity of “1” (same as the Player’s default), as long as their OrgasmSensitivity value has not been changed by the CSC. This will help prevent premature/doubled-up Orgasms in CutScenes where an NPC and another Character are close enough to build up Orgasm via proximity, but also have an Orgasm SendEvent called within the CutScene
  • Added protective code to ensure that an AudioSource is bound to a CutScene before it plays, which will prevent the occasional oopsy where CutScenes are loud or unable to be muted
  • Fixed an issue that could allow Characters who were given a Motion Target and then a Combat Target to repeatedly step backwards instead of path to either Target. This could occur if navigation was initiated/resumed at a time when they were still close to, but still too far away to reach, the initially assigned Motion Target
  • Users can now save a game manually without inputting a custom save game name. When this occurs, a date and playtime-based timestamp will be used as the save game name
  • Fixed an issue that could cause noticeable camera sway when the Female Player was put into the BlowjobReady pose (Pose 10)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause very unpleasant camera twitching when the Female Player was receiving oral
  • Fixed an issue that let Characters check if they were stuck (trying to navigate/move but unable to) during a Cutscene and possibly attempt to warp smoothly back to a nearby spot on the NavMesh. This fixes an issue that allowed the Player to “break” CutScenes by holding down a movement input button for a few seconds and should fix other niche hiccups witnessed by NPCs during CutScenes
  • Updated Unity version and core packages, including Steamworks
  • Tweaked a NoLoitering redirect near the garage door in order to be slightly more effective at clearing idle NPCs out of the doorway of the garage
  • Added an NPC-only blocker that will prevent NPCs from falling off the right-most edge of the roof
  • Fixed an issue that could cause repeated duplication of SteamDataAttribution objects
  • Implemented GOG Galaxy SDK Client/Peer, DLC, and Achievement registration
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Achievements to not be earned in certain circumstances after using the Achievements Console Command to clear the user’s Achievements
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Nullref Exceptions and undesired cosmetic-only GameMenu (Pause Menu) behavior to occur if the Player tried to pause the game at very specific times during Cutscene start/stop transitions
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Player to get stuck on the GameMenu (Pause Menu) UI if they paused at certain times while a new game was fading in
  • Added a backend ability to handle Placeholder CutScene content. This, in addition to randomized intimacy sequences on certain platforms, will add another way to indicate that intended, albeit currently unfinished behaviors are occurring and that there’s nothing for you to fear. Except that dood. The one behind you right now…
  • Added Door GameEvent options that will allow for Doors to be Opened or Closed Slowly. This will result in a slower animation, and if the door has an Open/Close sound, that sound will be played at a softer volume
  • Fixed an issue that would allow a Door to play its Close Sound multiple times if it had been recently and repeatedly used
  • Slight tweak to SpareRoom Zone to ensure Players who enter Ashley’s right-most closet are counted as being in the SpareRoom Zone, even if warped, etc.
  • Various minor CPU and Garbage Allocation optimizations related to Characters having line of sight to Transforms, Items, etc.
  • The PlayerCharacter will now use most LookAt/CREM-based behaviors that NPCs do, with exceptions for item collisions/physics, evasion, etc.
  • The LookAt Console Command will accept the Player as a Character
  • For certain backend sources of Distractions and LookAt Events, Characters will now be directed to look at the Eyes GameObject of another Character, rather than the GameObject generally associated with the other Character or one of their CharacterComponents
  • Plugin files specific to individual platforms will no longer be bundled with copies of the game not distributed on those platforms
  • Fixed an issue when clicking Done in Gameplay Settings causes loss of focus
  • Fixed navigation issue in Character Select menu
  • Load Game scrollbar can now be used with controller
  • Removed Input Manager scrollbar
  • Fixed issue where Input Manager binding overlay is permanently open after hitting Done
  • Various nav loop fixes for Input Manager
  • Controller analog sticks can no longer be rebound
  • Fixed an issue where “Whip out Penis” and “Flash Breasts” could not easily be rebound
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a Door that was Opened to permanently retain information about who last tried to Open it. This could cause niche, one-off failures/erroneous behavior of IsBlockedByLockedDoor Event Triggers
  • Mitigated a handful of issues in the CSC Browser that could allow text to get cut off if a non-English language is being displayed
  • Tweaked certain colliders near the Master Bedroom Vanity Mirror to prevent certain Physics cast checks against the RealTime Mirror located there
  • Improved accuracy of Physics-related checks related to the Player <-> Censor and Mirror transforms. This will result in “black bar” censors being somewhat more accurately applied at times they previously could be finagled around, and should prevent much of the hiccupping that could occur when a Player danced or rapidly twirled when near a mirror(s)
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the Female Player to use unintended poses when sitting on Toilets or Flamingos
  • NPCs will no longer attempt to take any evasive action (moving away from objects, Characters) during the brief amount of time between being enabled (via EnableNPC GameEvent or Console Command) and running all of their GameStart Events
  • Added the NearFrontDoorThreshold MoveTarget just outside the Front Door past the cute little Welcome Mat
  • Minor CPU usage optimization related to the fetching of cached Character data
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to fail Vision, Distance, and Vicinity checks when transitioning into a CutScene and during certain moments temporally adjacent to CutScene camera cuts
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters that were Crouching before making use of an ActionItem (beds, chairs, etc.) to have an unintendedly altered seating position
  • If shown, the Get It Here! (for the Explicit Content DLC) button in various menus will now link non-Steam users to a more appropriate purchasing page for the DLC
  • FPS-dependent calculations for cloth and jiggle physics will now begin updating more accurately as any scene that requires them begins to fade in
  • Fixed an issue that could allow certain ToolTips like those for the Mute DMCA Music and Get It Here! (Explicit Content DLC) buttons to remain active upon closing and reopening the GameSettings canvas
  • As a result of various tweaks to the Emote/BlendShapes system, eye closing/ClosedEyes Emote behavior during Intimacy and CutScenes should be somewhat more reliable/accurate, and Characters should more reliably and more quickly restore normal eye behavior after such sequences
  • Characters in CutScenes will no longer accidentally have their Emote/BlendShapes behaviors temporarily disabled at any time
  • Fixed an issue that could allow for sporadic failures of a Character to Blink when they decided to Look At something different
  • Characters should more reliably defer to a specific set of randomized…”climax” Emotes/BlendShapes just before it occurs, rather than continue trying to use mid-Intimacy Emotes/Blends
  • Randomized “Climax” and mid-Intimacy Emote/BlendShapes will be slightly more likely to depict a moderately more happy facial expression than before
  • Fixed an issue that could allow an NPC to reapply clothing erroneously while still in the Hot Tub area if the Player saved the game after the NPC had gotten up from a HotTubSeat, but before the NPC had a chance to leave the area
  • Fixed an issue that could allow NPCs to have their clothing erroneously reapplied to them if the Player saved the game after starting an Intimacy act starring said NPCs while those NPCs were actively using a HotTubSeat(s)
  • Added functionality for Story Data to exert some control over Character Selection UI behavior(s)
  • Fixed a problem that could cause cutscenes to occasionally become erroneously paused shortly after they had started
  • Added mitigating code to cut down on the frequency and amount of sudden chest and butt dynamic bone movements. This will mostly apply to CutScenes and small warps/incidental navigation turns for NPCs. Users experiencing extremely low frame rates may still run into issues with related physics simulations
  • It should be somewhat harder to spin the Female PC around in such a way that her chest distorts significantly for the entirety of the time the Player turns her. Users experiencing extremely low frame rates may still run into issues with related physics simulations
  • The figures used to calculate what constitutes a rapid warp/rapid turn that factored into locking down/disabling “jiggle”/dynamic bone behaviors have been fine tuned. This should result in all female Characters being a bit bouncier, a bit more often. Users experiencing extremely low frame rates may still run into issues with related physics simulations
  • Fixed an ArgumentException that could occur when cycling through prior commands in the Command Console
  • Added the CritGrp Console Command, which can be used to immediately evaluate if a story Criteria Group returns true
  • Added a Quit Game button to the in-game/main scene Pause (ESC) Menu
  • Fixed issue where CS Browser scrollbars would lose current ui selection
  • Various improvements to CS Browser controller navigation
  • Various fixes for CS Browser contrast/UI loop issues
  • CSC: The Player can now be sent Emote GameEvents
  • CSC: The Player can now be issued LookAt Game Events
  • CSC: The same data validation that ensures that IDs (and/or Versions) for ItemGroups, Responses, EventTriggers/Reactions, and GameEvents, etc. will now run just before Exporting a Story via the Story Collection object. Prior to this, the validation code would only run if the user manually selected a CharacterStory or Story object, and only on a per-object basis
  • CSC: The data validation performed upon Exporting a Story has been enhanced to prevent accidental disabling of GameEvents and EventTriggers/Reactions within the exported files themselves
  • CSC: As mentioned in the CSC patch notes for 0.19.4 (May 2021), PlayerBeingSpokenTo has been deprecated. It will no longer be a valid criteria type. CSC users must convert usage of this criteria to IsBeingSpokenTo, and configure the Player as the target Character
  • CSC: Added the IgnoreNavMeshRestrictions State (was previously a non-functional Property which was removed in 2021). This State will prevent Characters from being warped back onto a spot near the NavMesh when getting up from being Knocked Out, when initially being spawned, or when stuck while navigating
  • CSC: FadeIn and FadeOut Game Events can now be called with a specified speed. Fade Outs, as usual, will occur immediately. Fade Ins will wait an additional two seconds before executing at a given speed. A provided value of 0 (default) or lower will simply result in a Fade executed at the default speed
  • CSC: JSON data structure for the main Story object/file was internally standardized and also matched “thematically” against the Story Aspects/dropdown options available in the CSC
  • CSC: Two new fields in the Story Collection object can be used to restrict specific Player Character gender choices on the Main Menu’s Character Selection screen. At least one Player Character option must remain checked in a story

(Stable Release 4/14/2022)

  • The female player character can be selected in the Character Select UI (*in select releases)
  • Adjusted colors for most of the interactable UI elements to improve visibility
  • Updated cloth physics for Ashley, Katherine, Lety and Stephanie
  • Added garage cutscene
  • Added Frank mini oral scene in the yard (asset only at this time; not available in story)
  • Fixed an issue in Katherine’s cutscene that could cause it to get stuck
  • Also updated cloth on the Main Menu
  • Fixed an issue that was limiting what controller and mouse buttons could progress the user through transitional scenes like the Eek! Games logo and Disclaimer scenes
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a NullReferenceException and intermittent faulty behavior when trying to select a sorting option in the Inventory UI
  • Fixed an issue that could allow the UI Radial to either toggle on, or at least try to toggle on, at times it should not, which could cause it to display at unintended times or prevent expected Cancel/Escape/etc. behaviors by other UI canvases
  • The default controller button for crouching is now Left Stick/Left Analog (press), and the default controller button for running is now Left Trigger/LT
  • Player gender choice is retained in Character Select UI between sessions
  • Loading a saved game now takes into account the PlayerGender data within the save (fixes issues with gender swaps that can occur when loading saves)
  • Removed InteractiveState/State GivingBlowJob. It has now been replaced with InteractiveProperty/Property GivingBlowJob. There has been no change in functionality, but CSC users will need to be sure to refactor their stories to use the new Property instead of the InteractiveState
  • Two additional InteractiveProperties/Properties are now available and calculated depending on what oral act a Character is undertaking: GivingCunnilingus, and GivingOral
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing Characters receiving a Handjob in the Hot Tub from using any sexual sounds whatsoever (does not apply to the “M”/non-Explicit version of the game)
  • Player movement is now initially and exclusively tied to the WASD keys on PC, rather than having a “hidden” set of bindings assigned to the Arrow Keys
  • The Opportunities, Memories, and Inventory UIs for the controller no longer have default bindings and are now only accessible via the UI Radial, as intended. This frees up several D-Pad buttons for binding other Actions as well
  • On Gamepads/Controllers, Masturbate is now bound to “D-Pad Down” by default, as opposed to “D-Pad Up” which is used to delete bindings
  • The Command Console can now also use the PageUp/PageDown keys to cycle through old commands
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the game from being paused while in the Game Main scene/game world while the Audio Settings were open
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the Player Action Menu/Player Radial to be opened while in Combat Mode, if the UI Radial had been opened first
  • If a Character is receiving Cunnilingus, and their genitals are not exposed (generally meaning that bottoms and/or underwear are still on), their Orgasm meter will no longer automatically increase
  • “One shot”/single Orgasm SFX will play again in CutScenes in the M-rated/non-explicit version of the game
  • Added a few more entries to the loading screen Hints
  • Fixed an issue that could cause End Intimacy game events to erroneously end an Intimacy session that was started after the Intimacy : End game event was called
  • Certain Console Commands that would allow actions prohibited in the “M”/non-explicit version of the game are now locked off if the user is playing the “M”/non-explicit version
  • Random CutScenes selection will now first look at CutScenes that are on the same “floor” as the Player/CutScene Star before searching more broadly for the closest valid randomizable CutScene
  • Input Config rebind overlay has been repositioned and recolored
  • Removed scrollbar in Input Config
  • Fixed controller duplicate detection when rebinding
  • Adjusted controller sensitivity sliders
  • Adjusted FOV and Gamma sliders
  • Fix for cutscene pausing
  • Added a bunch of fruits
  • Added a fast food
  • Minor tweaks and improvements to clothing handling, randomization settings, and misc. configuration settings in a handful of cutscenes
  • Improved dancing animation to reduce hair clipping
  • Created thumbnail for Brittney’s DNWB shirt
  • In the Original Story: Reworked the Muse Storyline for Madison and Derek to fit the female player character.
  • In the Original Story: Added alternate dialogue lines for the female player to all characters in the house.
  • In the Original Story: Updated the text for the Penguin when it is on the dresser to make it more gender neutral.
  • In the Original Story: Updated all poses and pose criteria situations where there would be a conflict between Male and Female poses. There are now separate Male and Female poses.
  • In the Original Story: Reworked the Sibling Warfare Storyline for Ashley to fit the female player character, especially when the player, Ashley, and Vickie are all in the closet spying on Madison and Derek.
  • In the Original Story: Updated the game introduction text for the female beta.
  • In the Original Story: Added a more robust solution for cutscenes and enabled multiple characters to randomly play a cutscene based on their location in the house.
  • In the Original Story: Updated all male characters so that they are able to fight back against the female player, with the exception of certain story situations.
  • In the Original Story: Updated all instances where characters gave the player a blowjob so that they now give cunnilingus if the player is female.
  • In the Original Story: Updated intimate content with all characters in the house to work with the female player character, including dialogue and context.
  • In the Original Story: Added a way to handle if the female player flashes other characters.
  • In the Original Story: Added a new introduction for Madison when playing as the female character.
  • In the Original Story: Updated Vickie’s endurance test to accommodate the female player.
  • In the Original Story: Added additional background chatter specific to the female player. Covers multiple situations, fluids, etc.
  • In the Original Story: Updated Rachael and Vickie’s dares to be more gender neutral in the way they are worded.
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney not to follow Stephanie for prolonged periods of time, if the Player started Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity and let her like…totes chill while sloshed for awhile
  • CSC: Properties (for Game Events and Criteria) will now be ordered alphabetically in relevant dropdown menus, similar to States, etc.
  • CSC: the Pose Game Event, when used with the Player as the selected Character, now allows for the selection of a specific gender in order to define an accurate selection of poses
  • CSC: the Posing Criteria, when used with the Player as the selected Character and CurrentPose as the PoseOption, now allows for the selection of a specific gender in order to define an accurate selection of poses
  • CSC: if assigning a Pose (true), the Pose Game Event will now show a bit more information about what Pose a Character is assuming
  • CSC: if checking for a CurrentPose, the Posing Criteria will now show a bit more information about what Pose the criteria is referencing/checking for
  • CSC: users can now search for where Dialogues are fired via Response “Next Dialogue” entries. To do this, set the Game Event Type to “Dialogue”, and enable Advanced Options. Ensure that an integer Dialogue ID was input into the Custom Event Filter Value field. Then, enable “Include ‘Next’ Dialogue Data, and Search away without having to open up those text files!
  • CSC: users can now search for Property Game Events and Criteria checks using the string equivalent of a Property instead of having to search by its integer ID

(Stable Release 3/24/2022)

  • Breasts will no longer be forcefully censored in the “M”-rated/non-Explicit version of the game. They will only be censored if the Censor Nudity option in the Pause Menu is set ON. This can be disabled at any time
  • Lety will no longer have special censors enforced upon her on any distribution/gaming platform
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: cleanup of some miscategorized WalkTo and WarpTo targets
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed a couple references to Vickie wearing “shorts”
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: the Player must now Talk with Vickie to proceed with eating the Chocolate Bar once it is obtained. The radial interaction on the Chocolate Bar has been removed
  • In the Original Story: removed combat bonuses from all booze items and the Painkillers. These bonuses have been shifted to other items in order to maintain balance, and certain story content-related boosts have been rebalanced or buffed as well
  • In the Original Story: made an adjustment to the PlayerExposed Tutorial specific to the non-Explicit version of the game
  • In the Original Story: made an adjustment to an Intimacy-related Tutorial specific to the non-Explicit version of the game
  • In the Original Story: made an adjustment to a New Game, bladder-related tutorial message specific to the non-Explicit version of the game
  • In the Original Story: Frank will now react…unfavorably, if he overhears Patrick admit he is drunk to the Player
  • In the Original Story: for those of you trying to use the Popcorn with the Microwave, well…you’re still gonna be disappointed. Nothing to see here. Move along
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Compubrah VR dialogue(s) for Frank to become unresponsive due to timing of ScreenFade vs. Dialogue Game Events
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison’s behavior to bug out if she climax’d during a CutScene with the Player
  • In the Original Story: general cleanup of the events surrounding going down on Stephanie for the $50, and additional tweaks specific to this content for the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game
  • In the Original Story: made adjustments to NewGame Tutorial in regards to default keybinds
  • In the Original Story: Katherine seeing the Player UseWith/combine the Laxatives with the Rum will now follow a ruleset similar to that of Frank/Leah/Derek etc. being able to see the Player doing something. Most notably this means she will not see the Player perform this UseWith from seemingly a football field away
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to have incorrect Interactive States after certain endings of her “Broken Code” content
  • In the Original Story: fixed a minor VA-text mismatch in a Vickie DLG
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of typos
  • In the Original Story: removed a number of specific year/date references
  • In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, Kat’s pegging sequence with the Player will be met with an extended fade out, negating the intimacy sequence and radial puzzle until Kat is all done with you
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now be able to use radial menu-based options for various Lety content sequences that formerly relied solely on being able to grope an NPC (Lety, Derek, Patrick)
  • In the Original Story: minor contextual changes to a handful of Patrick’s instructions about using the Vape and its origins
  • In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, mid-oral dialogues used by NPCs will differ from those used in “AO”/explicit versions
  • All Eek! Stories: in the “M rated/non-Explicit version of the game, the vast majority of mid-intimacy radial and dialogue actions are no longer available
  • In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, the Player can no longer opt to Inhale from Stephanie’s paint fumes-filled bag
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a few bugs that could arise from the Player taking a Photo of Patrick passed out and hooking up with Brittney without uploading Patrick’s Photo
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a buggy thought bubble that could mislead the Player as to what a good angle of Patrick was when taking a photo of him passed out
  • In Date Night With Brittney: some general event and behavior cleanup
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to permanently follow the Player after completing her “Smooth Operator” Opportunity, giving Madison her phone, and then Throwing Beer on Madison in a very specific way
  • In the Original Story: the Player will still be able to reap the benefits of Ashley’s praise for Throwing Beer on Madison, provided certain conditions are met and the Player has not done anything really terrible to Ashley
  • In the Original Story: the Player will receive some additional clarifying info after Madison mentions her idea to prank Ashley if prior content/choices already locked off Humiliate Ashley
  • In the Original Story: greatly mitigated an issue that could cause Lety’s behavior to break and also partially compromise Derek’s behavior if Madison’s “art show” was started around the time Lety reached Derek to grope him for “Hunt the Hunk”
  • In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, certain content-appropriate tweaks were made to the two intimacy scenes where the Player goes down on Patrick during “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could result in Katherine continuously moaning throughout the rest of a playthrough if the Player canceled her pending intimacy scene by pulling off Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” content within a specific time window
  • In the Original Story: sprinkled various emotive behavior polish throughout the story
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could result in Katherine not wearing her leggings if her pending intimacy with the Player was interrupted by Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” content
  • In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, the Player will not automatically expose themselves if “evil” Leah attempts to initiate intimacy with them after the completion of “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, removed a number of pre-threesome clothing “prep” game events
  • Added the DebugMode Console Command. Using this will allow automatic Debug Log saving
  • Added automatic Debug Log saving functionality. This will only occur if the user enables it by using the DebugMode Console Command. When this is set to “1”, a Debug Log will be saved automatically every time the user ends a game session, or loads into a game session. Other than being automatic, this functionality is identical to manually saving a Debug Log via the Debug Window. The information contained pertains only to House Party data and events, is stored locally on your system, and is never automatically shared/distributed
  • The Debug Log will not bother running any of its save/File IO code if it determines it cannot find, access, or write to the local DebugLogs folder
  • Added the IsFlashingShirt InteractiveProperty that can be used to check if a Character is flashing their Shirt
  • In the “M rated/non-Explicit version of the game, penises will no longer automatically change their arousal state/appearance based on nearby Character behavior, nudity levels, etc.
  • The Custom Story Browser upload instructions text is now translatable
  • Users can now Uninstall Custom Stories via the Custom Story Browser
  • Updating a Custom Story via the Custom Story Browser will now fully uninstall and then update the story. This will fix an issue that could cause .character files that the story no longer needed to be leftover during the Update process
  • An additional attempt to update the Installation Status of Custom Stories in the Custom Story Browser will be made each time the user swaps between different sorting filters/filter tabs, as well as when the user initially successfully logs into the Custom Story Browser
  • Added “Mute DMCA Music” checkbox setting which will disable all copyright music
  • The “giver” in a Cunnilingus Intimacy Act will no longer use their default looped sex sound effect at all times. Instead, they will use their oral sound effect at a modified volume IF their partner’s genitals are exposed
  • Certain censored CutScenes will no longer erroneously play TriggerBGC events for Characters not currently in the CutScene
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Enter/Return button to registered twice upon Saving a game, which would prevent the Overwrite Save confirmation window from becoming interactable by the user and therefore lead to an automatic overwrite of a saved game
  • POV/Legacy sequences in game versions without Adult Only/Explicit Content DLC installed will by default end more quickly
    Regardless of purchase/download platform, if Adult Only/Explicit Content DLC is not detected then Character texture modding functionality will be disabled
  • Texture modding on Steam will still require the Explicit Content DLC but will no longer require a Steam login/DLC-verification
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Dialogues to display as “empty” and break game progress if a translation entry was missing for that Dialogue
  • Fixed a number of minor labeling issues in the UI
  • In the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, the Censor Nudity option will default to On. It can still be turned off within the game’s Settings UIs and in the “Pre-Session”/first time playing options
  • In the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, the Player will no longer be able to grope NPCs at will. The “M” version will have content-specific radial options to make up for this change in functionality
  • Tweaked the Steam/platform Achievement Description of the Ice Bath achievement to more closely match the in-game requirements and text
  • During “POV”/Legacy intimacy acts, no form of looped moaning or oral SFX will play in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game. In the “M” version, only climax or one-off SFX will play
  • Fixed additional minor typos and text issues in the Custom Story Browser
  • Users can now Report Custom Stories within the Custom Story Browser. Only one Report per story can be submitted
  • Characters will now base their “Get Dressed” behavior when exiting a Hot Tub seat on their position relative to the center of the Hot Tub, rather than the specific seat they were previously using
  • Added a handful of clothing-related events into censored CutScenes
  • Fixed a nullref spam issue that could occur if the Player was groping an NPC’s ass as a CutScene started
  • Various fixes for controller sensitivity options
  • Fixed nullref spam on disclaimer screen
  • Fixed various key rebinding errors
  • Restricted rebinding of problematic keybindings
  • Fixed various dropdowns that caused nullrefs
  • Various menu navigation fixes
  • Fixed issue where radial menu could not be opened after a cutscene
  • CSC: Global Goodbye Responses will now be sorted by their Display Order, matching the existing sorting functionality for Dialogue Responses, Game Events, Criteria, etc.
  • CSC: Responses can now be Collapsed and Expanded in the same way that Game Events and Criteria can be
  • CSC: Very minor formatting tweaks to presentation of blocks/collections of Responses
  • CSC: Responses can now be inserted prior to other Responses, in the same way that Event Triggers, Item Actions, etc. can be
  • CSC: Responses can now re-ordered via up and down arrows in a similar fashion to Game Events, Event Triggers, Criteria, etc.
  • CSC: Added the CutScene criteria, which at this time will allow users to check if any CutScene is playing, if a sex CutScene is playing, and/or if a censored sex CutScene is playing
  • The Custom Story Browser UI is now slightly larger, with more spacing between certain text elements and buttons, as well as more spacing between the Story Selection dropdown area and the Story Preview area
  • The Custom Story Browser UI no longer uses elastic/”bouncy” scroll view behavior
  • The Custom Story Browser now includes a standard “Content Unrated” message pertaining to user-generated content and online interactions
  • Changes to cutscene consistency Fixed some cutscene bugs
  • Added Eek intro Updated HP logo on the main menu
  • Added some fruits to the kitchen
  • Changes to camera angles in Lety’s easter egg scene to reflect censorship changes on Steam
  • Fixed Amy see-through issue Re-added nipples back to all default textures Fixed Frank texture issue in his neck

(Stable Release 1/19/2022)

  • In the Original Story: In the Original Story: integrated an absolutely ludicrous Lety CutScene
  • Controller Support Update:
    • Improved navigation and selection issues in menus including Inventory, Dialogue, Inventory, and GameMenu
    • Fixed issues where navigation could be broken when exiting or switching between menus
    • Can now skip through NPC dialogue using Button South
    • Player can rotate using Right Stick and run with Left Stick down
    • Left Bumper has been assigned to UI Radial and Right Bumper to Player Action Radial
    • Removed option to hide all UI with controller
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will not periodically attempt to inform the Player that the Microwave was fixed, rather than treat is as a one-off event
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where the Player could miss out on Inspector Achievement progress if they Used items with the Microwave before actually Inspecting it
  • In the Original Story: tweaks to Rachael’s initial confrontation with Patrick to prevent any casual Background Chatter or other unwanted backend behaviors from occurring just before she accosts him
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue within a reactionary DLG between Derek and Stephanie that could cause inadvertent MetByPlayer and SpeakingToTarget behavior(s)
  • In the Original Story: added a…a um, some fucking pinchy stingy boi. What the fuck even is this? (a secret)
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with Derek DLG 303 where extra audio was being played
  • In the Original Story: changed the in-game description for “Ice Bath” to be more appropriate for male OR female Player Characters
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to not strip down fully if asked to enter the Hot Tub after completing “Memory Lane”, if he was forced to wear the Goodbye Kitty underwear
  • In the Original Story: the Player will receive additional warnings/preventative checks before being intimacy with Ashley for the first time, if they are RechargingOrgasm
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from getting credit for flashing Derek during their Pissing Contest on the roof
  • CSC: added the ChangeBodyScale Game Event, which can be used to change the size of a Character over a specified number of seconds
  • CSC: added the PlayRandomSceneFromCurrentLocation option for CutScenes, which will play a random scene based on the first/primary NPC’s zone, if an NPC was provided. If no NPC is provided, it will select a random scene based on the Player’s zone
  • Graphics: Fixed Lety’s breasts jiggle not working
  • Graphics: Added Lety’s special ending cutscene
  • Graphics: Added little secret
  • Additional details regarding the execution/playing of Important and VeryImportant Background Chatters will now be logged in the Debug Log
  • NPCs can no longer reach a target (fire a ReachesTarget EventTrigger) if they are Knocked Out/Passed Out, or just started getting up from having been KO’d. These behaviors will resume processing roughly 1.5 seconds after the NPC is issued a Combat WakeUp event, as they are getting to their feet
  • Lower importance Background Chatter being pulled from the queue or fired via TriggerBGC Game Event while a Character has a higher importance Background Chatter set as their Next/Response Chatter will no longer prevent the higher importance Background Chatter from playing as intended
  • Fixed an issue that could allow a nullref exception to occur if the user did not put in a valid Character for the SendEvent Console Command
  • Minor improvements to feedback text within the SendEvent Console Command
  • Fixed an issue that could cause genital and breast areas on the body to appear featureless/blank/smooth in appearance if an alternate body texture was swapped to via Character Function and then the original body texture was later restored in the same session
  • The EnableNPC Console Command can now make use of the ‘all’ subcommand
  • Minor tweaks to CutScene Console Command to make use of PlayRandomSceneFromCurrentLocation functionality
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to audibly…enjoy themselves at slightly unintended times during the Threesome in the MasterBedroom
  • Lapdances/Stripteasing on the LawnChairs will no longer result in a dance that starts behind the LawnChair. Other issues will still present themselves until this system is worked on further

(Beta 12/30/2021)

  • In the Original Story: integrated Ashley’s Finale CutScene
  • In the Original Story: integrated Derek’s Finale CutScene
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety to follow the Player endlessly after “Queen in the North” was completed based on the Player being in Combat, even if the Player was “protected” from imminent Combat due to their aggressor being trapped behind a locked door
  • Added Game Intro CutScene
  • Added CutScene skip functionality. For now this only applies to the Intro CutScene. Skippable CutScenes can be skipped via the Back/Cancel button (default ESC on keyboards)
  • In the Original Story: fixed a number of minor VA-text mismatches for several Characters
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now access certain additional keybound actions via their Player Action Menu/Radial
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could let certain Game Grumps scenarios start or prep while a Dialogue not directed at/spoken to the Player was showing
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow some NPCs to wander away from Vickie and the Player after being approached about a threesome, based on niche positioning and timing situations
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Dan to try and Walk To Arin/follow Arin a bit too aggressively, which could interfere with certain backend and story mechanics
  • In the Original Story: the Player will be forced to Stop Peeing if they put on enough clothing via the Player Action radial
  • In the Original Story: tweaks to ensure that the Player can win Derek’s “pissing contest” if the uncensored/non-explicit version of the game is being played
  • In the Original Story: tweaks to ensure that the Player can reliably put out the oil fire during the finale events of “Mission
  • Impawsible” if the uncensored/non-explicit version of the game is being played
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Derek to pee on the Player (perhaps rightfully so) without any additional reactions if the Player decided to start pleasuring themselves during their pissing contest
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now get some feedback text if they try to sleep with Ashley and are recharging their loins
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to Dialogues and Game Events directly prior to Ashley’s “Smooth Operator” and “Sibling Warfare” intimacy rewards to better enable CutScene and Legacy/POV Intimacy coexistence. Like those bumper stickers say. I think
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to get stuck with the Immobile State and remain unable to move under very certain conditions after trying to “Hop Up” on the Dryer Seat during Derek’s “Memory Lane” Opportunity
  • Fixed an issue that could cause temporary breakdowns of Background Chatter exchanges when a TriggerBGC of high importance is played at the same time as, or while, a lower priority Background Chatter plays
  • NPCs can now successfully respond to their own Background Chatters
  • Tweaks and fixes for various UI elements (most especially the Character Radial for a Current Sex Partner) being allowed to display themselves at unintended times
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the photos in Madison’s Phone to not uncensor properly
  • Introduced initial/groundwork functionality for overwriting Character skin textures with user-provided textures. Many constraints apply; WIP
  • Overhauled Exception handling and code related to Story loading, File and/or I/O operations, etc. This should greatly reduce the number of issues experienced by users with anti-virus software running, permission issues, etc. If such issues are encountered, only third party/custom content should be unavailable or buggy
  • NPCs should not get stuck as easily or for as long when navigating through doors to a motion target
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing other NPCs from backing away from two Characters very closeby who were fighting
  • Minor cleanup of NPC evasion and navigation pause behaviors
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to “shake” or “jitter” during CutScenes, which should also alleviate minor issues with rotation while taking a seat in a chair or other Action Item and other niche situations
  • Significantly decreased Garbage Allocation within the game’s FixedUpdate/physics loop
  • Additional CPU utilization optimizations related to the use of various collections within the codebase
  • Re-introduced codebase obfuscation to the project
  • Updated Steamworks.NET
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Match Value game event from pulling data from a second Character as intended
  • Fixed an issue that could allow NPCs to count down their random roaming timer below two seconds if they were using dialogue but not audibly speaking
  • NPCs will not try to randomly roam or roam out of a NoLoitering area if they have a DialogueFocusTarget
  • Code optimizations to a few Character/Name lookup, footstep audio, and NPC Socialization code behaviors for decreased CPU utilization
  • If a Character reaches their Motion Target and are either completely alone, in vicinity of only one other Character, or cannot see any other Characters, their ability to socialize will not be forcefully restricted via internal timer for quite as long. This should cut down somewhat on 8-10s awkward pauses that can occur when two Characters end up standing alone together under a variety of circumstances
  • Characters can no longer be considered “falling” in Cutscenes
  • Tweaked audio source and audio behavior for the fireplace and fire pit. The fire pit will no longer be slightly audible at near-infinite distances
  • Improved debug logging of story download and extraction issues on the main menu and enabled translation of an important warning message
  • Non-Important Background Chatter from NPCs without the ActingInCinematic state will no longer be audible at mega hyper ultra extreme distances
  • Added the InteractiveProperty InCutScene, which is set automatically by the engine for all Characters entering into, or exiting from a CutScene
  • The Player’s Bladder meter can no longer go below zero at any time
  • Patched a small hole in Zone coverage between the DownstairsHall and Kitchen Zones
  • Minor aesthetic and timing consistency improvements to ScreenFade functionality
  • The music from Speaker 1/2 will not be audible before other in-game audio is allowed to start processing, and will no longer be audible at extreme super duper turbo distances if the Player is in a CutScene
  • The game will always wait to start playing a Music track from Speaker 1/2 until just before the Game Start Fade In begins to make the game world visible, so CSC users no longer have to worry about exactly when they start playing music from Speaker1/2
  • The Speaker 1/2 StartMusic volume calculation (only relevant to the 10 frames or so of music) now exactly matches the periodic calculation used to determine Speaker music volume
  • Standardized all internal measurements of “Time Since Level Loaded”/”Time Since Game Started” around Unity Time.TimeSinceLevelLoad
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters (most notably the Player) to be erroneously rotated, semi-permanently, if certain CutScenes were prematurely ended within specific time windows
  • Fixed an issue that could allow the Player to interact normally via Left Click/Interact with their Sex CutScene partner in niche situations
  • Fixed a bug that could cause some tooltip info for Auto Saves to be incorrect
  • Quick Save and Auto Save file names are now reserved for system use and cannot be used as save game names
  • The clock by the fireplace, and the clock on the TV upstairs in the master bedroom are now animated and synced.
  • Rebaked occlusion data, which should give a slight increase in performance, as there was stale data in the old bake.
  • Randomized cutscenes now only cast gender-appropriate actors into roles
  • Randomized cutscenes will now choose a nearby zone if there is no cutscene available in requested zone, and ultimately fallback on legacy sex if it cannot find an appropriate cutscene to call
  • Character Orgasm Values in CutScenes will no longer be able to build until several seconds into the CutScene/after the CutScene has finished fading in
  • Slight tweaks to prevent Character Orgasm Value buildup when Characters are a bit far from each other in CutScenes. End result should be a general, slight decrease in how fast these Values build even after the CutScene has faded in
  • CSC: Item Actions can now make use of the Insert at Index and Swap Index functionalities that have been available with Event Triggers and Criteria Groups for some time
  • CSC: “CurrentSpeakingToTarget” has been renamed to “CurrentDialogueFocusTarget”, and the Player will now have a
  • CurrentDialogueFocusTarget even when not being spoken to so that CSC users can still successfully check for None at appropriate times or use the Player value to determine which NPC might be speaking. DialogueFocusTargets are ONLY SET for Characters involved in Dialogue when a Dialogue first shows. DialogueFocusTargets for ALL Characters are cleared whenever a Dialogue fully closes. This nuance can be used to finely restrict roaming, socializing, or other behaviors.
  • Significantly reduced the memory usage of the lightmaps, while at the same time, significantly improving the bake quality

(Stable Release 11/19/2021)

  • Fixed major issues with NPC navigation when approaching or trying to navigate through doorways
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank to walk away from Katherine and the Player while Katherine was responding to the Player’s question about Frank’s…glands
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to get “stuck” if the Player tried to get an outdoor BJ from him while their “satisfaction meter 9000” was recharging
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank to walk away from Derek and the Player while Derek was responding to the Player’s question about Frank’s…jiggly bits
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to be unable to make up lost Romance social points with Amy if the Player Completed “Chasing Amy” first with a full intimacy reward, and then Completed “The Muse” by getting intimate with
  • Madison and prompting Derek to tell Amy that the Player is racist
  • In the Original Story: various Characters whose default greeting Dialogues have Occupied (busy with certain content)-restricted Response options will now, when appropriate, let the Player know that some Responses may be locked off temporarily
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to behave as if she was going to reward the Player via a “Smooth Operator – Ashley” Dialogue, but when in fact she would not due to the Opportunity having failed in niche circumstances
  • In the Original Story: fixed a minor issue in a Patrick dialogue about Lety where the Player could potentially act like they had met Patrick, even though they had not
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to respond to being KOd more than once after the finale of Broken Code was started in an unintended manner
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank and Leah to become locked out of content if the Player managed to knock out Leah between her saving Frank during the “good” finale of “Broken Code” and reaching the Dining Room to talk things out with Frank
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank and Leah to continue using certain “Broken Code” finale-related BGC and associated “Frank fell from the roof” events if the Player managed to fail the Opportunity while Frank was still on the roof
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the screen to remain gray or red after having failed out of one of the “Broken Code” finale paths at specific times
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of issues that could, under certain circumstances, allow Dialogues from various Characters that implied “success” during the finale of “Sibling Warfare” to play after they should, or when the Player had already failed out of the Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where the Player could not untie Ashley’s Top anymore if they failed out of “Sibling Warfare” specifically by being caught by Madison while hiding in her closet
  • In the Original Story: slightly improved the text feedback the Player receives when trying to Untie Ashley’s Top at certain times when the story has locked off that Item Action
  • In the Original Story: fixed cosmetic issues that could be caused if the Player moved quickly through Derek’s pre-“Like a French Girl” dialogues while he was stuck on the roof waiting for Madison to enter the Art Room, then somehow quickly failed “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent Madison and Derek from properly “abandoning” certain events associated with “Like a French Girl” if the Player was caught looking at Madison’s Phone, Diary, or otherwise massively pissed her off between Derek getting stuck on the roof and the end of “Like a French Girl”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow various Ashley greeting Dialogue Responses specific to “Sibling Warfare” and Madison’s nudes to remain active even after “Sibling Warfare” had been failed
  • In the Original Story: NPCs will be somewhat less likely to roam to Ashley and the Player as she is “setting up” for the reward to her “Smooth Operator” finale
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of events surrounding the Game Grumps’ “Splish Splash I’m Dyin in the Bath” scene, and fixed an issue that could cause the “setup” for this scene to block non-Game Grumps content from progressing. (No, this scene is not actually called that, you silly goose)
  • In the Original Story: the Game Grumps’ “Star Bomb” finale sequence will no longer lock down unrelated content for other Characters during the parts of said sequences in which the Player is not directly interacting with the Grumps
  • In the Original Story: NPCs won’t be as likely to immediately accost the Player after certain post-“Magnum Opus” dialogues close
    Characters no longer moan during cutscenes in censored mode
  • Fixed minor English typos and inconsistencies in warnings/instructions that could appear while attempting to Log In or Register within the Custom Story Browser
  • Fixed issues that were preventing certain translated warnings from appearing as intended in the Custom Story Browser
  • Fixed an issue that was causing properly translated OpportunityMissed* Opportunity Window texts to not translate with the provided translation text
  • Fixed a lousy, no good typo in one of the feedback texts for the Item Console Command
  • NPCs will not attempt to roam out of No Loiter areas if they are evading or recovering from getting knocked out
  • NPCs will wait to continue processing their random roaming behavior while they are recovering from getting knocked out
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Player’s hand(s) rotation to become corrupted under certain circumstances after Leah or Frank had the Snake mounted to them
  • Added a MoveTarget just outside the Laundry Room
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing Volumetric Lighting from turning on on the Main Menu for new Players
  • Volumetric Lighting will remain On when choosing the Ultra and High Graphics Quality Presets. It will be turned off for the Medium and Low Presets
  • The Music and Audio volume can now be adjusted on the Main Menu
  • Breast/butt physics now correctly change based on clothing configuration.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing excessive CPU usage and rapid toggling of the cursor when certain UI elements or combinations of elements were being displayed
  • CSC: the Dialogue criteria can now also check to see if a specific Dialogue is not currently showing
  • CSC: users can now access the backend Character Value “CurrentSpeakingToTarget” for use with criteria checks or for use with the injectable text system
  • Improved Lety skin mask for underwear
  • Tweaked forearm twist bone for Frank, Leah and PlayerMale
  • Improved Ashley untied top not hanging down properly
  • Fixed PlayerFemale’s body clipping through shirt on Main Menu
  • Fixed vape particle being blocky Updated avatar image for Vickie Fix for shadow artifacts on the main menu Added more loadscreen images

(Beta 11/2/2021)

  • In the Original Story: added “The Magic Number” Achievement
  • Fixed an issue where referencing the Achievements log could interfere with loading Story Data.
  • Completely removed in-game advertising
  • In the Original Story: Lety and Brittney will be considered Occupied by content as they are walking to the Study to have their little moment during “Try Anything Once”
  • In the Original Story: Lety and Brittney’s “Try Anything Once” conversation will not start if Lety or Brittney has been engaged in Dialogue or is being SpokenTo via Dialogue
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to not immediately/reliably engage with Lety due being “too far” from their “Try Anything Once” conversation spot
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Lety voicing a line that implied that she still had Poppers to give to the Player, if the Player had stolen from her bag without being caught before ever having met her
  • In the Original Story: additional improvements and consistency tweaks to various Rachael overhear behaviors when she could catch the Player discussing her (or Vickie’s) Phone Number, Dares, etc. with a couple different NPCs
  • In the Original Story: very slightly tweaked the Phone Call behavior during the intimacy finale for “Sibling Warfare” in the case that the Player’s “sensitivity” is high, which will make it a bit easier to Complete, if you’re fast
  • In the Original Story: removed an old dependence on Amy from Ashley’s pre-finale “Smooth Operator” dialogue, and all of the awkwardly configured behaviors associated with it
  • In the Original Story: fixed a bug that would prevent NPCs from moving closer to the Player to observe what was about to happen to the Player’s poor, innocent little asshole. Errr, let me clarify: after the Player drank a Tampered Beverage. …I can’t believe they let me write these
  • In the Original Story: performed some minor cleanup of certain content-related hints delivered through various Ashley “greeting” dialogues
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow certain Amy Dialogue Responses to appear at unintended times, like during Intimacy
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with a Distance check that could cause the conversation between Lety and Derek during “Hunt the Hunk” stall in certain situations
  • In the Original Story: Lety should line up with Derek more reliably during their “Hunt the Hunk” conversation
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie now uses the same Distance check for determining when Patrick is seen receiving the Pain Killers as she does for witnessing a fight play out, but she will also take into account whether or not she can see the Player as opposed to only whether or not she can see Pat
  • In the Original Story: Amy will now be a teensy bit more likely to stub her toe near Stephanie just a weensy bit more reliably
  • In the Original Story: it should be much less likely that NPCs wander into the Hot Tub in the middle of Vickie’s “Training Day” finale Cutscene with the Player
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer attempt to Throw Beer on Madison to get her top wet/force her to wash off if she isn’t wearing her top (this will mostly apply to her sitting in the Hot Tub). An explanatory Thought Bubble will accompany this limitation
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Stephanie to use an unintended “Meltdown”-failure related line before the Player had ever actually met her
  • In the Original Story: eliminated an erroneous, pointless response for Lety
  • In the Original Story: added protections (against certain load game/niche timing issues) to prevent Vickie from accidentally becoming fully dressed just as her “Training Day” hot tub Cutscene with the Player started
  • In the Original Story: if Katherine locks herself in the Downstairs Bathroom after being given the Tampered Rum, and “Follow Your Calling” has not been discovered yet, the hint texts meant to guide the Player towards finding a “Doctor” that can help will be somewhat more specific
  • In the Original Story: most repeatable motion or “reached motion target” behaviors NPCs have that involve them walking TO or NEAR the Player and require direct Player involvement/dialogue will no longer execute if the Player is on the roof or in Compubrah/DongVR. This should cut down slightly on NPCs being in unexpected places after having been on the roof or stopping use of Compubrah/DongVR
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with a Thought Bubble that could occur if the Player threw an item into the Fireplace between asking Derek to start their “Dance Off” and finishing it
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of some unnecessarily repeatable Dialogue responses that relate to “Sibling Warfare” content
  • In the Original Story: fixed some issues that could prevent “back out”/cancel responses from being repeatable when giving Ashley Madison’s Phone
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Cutscenes to not start for a few NPCs if the Player had been “pleasuring themselves” just before starting the Cutscene
  • Fixed an issue that could cause TriggerBGC with a specified Importance to play at an unintended, elevated level of Importance
  • Ending a Cutscene via the Command Console will now close the Console in order to let the Cutscene terminate immediately
  • Cleaned up and corrected a few issues with the response/help text within the Cutscene Console Command
  • The Cutscene Console Command will now list all Characters that will be taking part in the specified Cutscene
  • Configured the AlwaysCensored behavior for certain Characters. This will force that Character to have mosaic censors applied at all times, force any Cutscene involving that Character to become a Censored Cutscene, and force any Legacy/POV intimacy act involving that Character to use mosaics and censor bars on all participants. As of this update, this behavior only applies to Lety, and only within the Steam and Demo versions of the game
  • Made improvements to how line of sight and relative position are used for calculating the enabling/disabling of black censor boxes. This will greatly reduce the frequency of seeing “detached” or “floating” censor boxes when not actually in line of sight to Character(s) that should be censored
  • Improved the accuracy of Character-to-Transform CanSee calculations. This should further contribute to accurate usage of black censor bars and remedy some niche issues with mirrors
  • The following actions cannot be used in censored mode: P to Whip Out Penis and 1 to Masturbate. The rebinding options for these actions have also been disabled in censored mode.
  • The game can no longer attempt to AutoSave while Fading Out or IN (black screen transition effect), or in certain game-pausing conditions
  • Improved feedback text for certain error messages related to autosave or save game prevention
  • The game can no longer be saved in any way if a Cutscene is playing
  • Fixed an issue that could allow Game Events tied to a cancelled Cutscene to carry over into Save Data and continue to fire erroneously after that Save Data was loaded
  • Fixed a bug that prevented narrations from being continued during cutscenes.
  • The Combat Mode UI Text can now be translated
  • The Graphics Quality presets/dropdown text will now translate properly
  • Cutscenes can now be run with NPCs as the star rather than the player, and no longer disrupts the camera or player mechanics.
  • The Load Game Header Text can now be translated
  • Players will now be alerted that they are loading Save Data from an older version of the game and that content may not function as expected. Additional info will also be logged in the Debug Log
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Save to Log button within the Debug Log from translating properly
  • Loading Screen Hints specific to the Uncensored versions of the game will not be shown in the Censored version
  • Untangled party lights
  • Fixed volumetric issues on the main menu
  • Tweaked UI placement and consistency
  • Added achievement image for vickie content
  • Fixed misc cutscene bugs
  • Fixed credits scene misalignment
  • Tweaked lighting in the main menu
  • Fixed UI misalignment in the main menu for ultra wide monitors

(Alpha 10/13/2021)

  • In the Original Story: Ashley now has a dedicated line for the Player when rewarding them for completing the “Mission Impawsible” Opportunity as she requested…i.e. lying to Derek and not letting the house burn down. The rewards associated with doing so have been greatly increased
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Derek not being considered as too Occupied for other content for a very brief time between the transition from the “High and Dry” to “Like a French Girl” Opportunities
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Derek not being considered as too Occupied for other content while stuck on the roof as the Player pursues “Magnum Opus” with Madison
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up minor behaviors and hints related to asking Derek about him and Madison
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now be able to take off their clothing in the Radial Menu prior to receiving oral from an NPC
  • In the Original Story: The Player will be able to toggle their Boxers/Underwear off and on while sitting in the Hot Tub
  • In the Original Story: sitting in a Chair, Hot Tub Seat, laying down in a bed, etc. will toggle off ForcedToDance/stop the Player from automatically continuing to dance when they get up
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to erroneously use a handful of existing BGCs during his “Disrupt the Disruptor” conversation with Lety
  • In the Original Story: Derek will now be considered too Occupied for other content while approaching the Player to confront them after the Player makes an intimate (or not) choice with Madison at the end of “Magnum Opus”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow the Player to get intimate with Rachael via Cut Scene while the Player was still recharging their…fun bits. This could occasionally result in issues terminating said Cut Scene
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety’s ability to Talk to the Player to break completely if the Player finished “Disrupt the Disruptor” and then quickly talked to another non-Lety NPC
  • In the Original Story: aligned behaviors for Frank and Derek in terms of counting “climaxes” towards the Casabrova Achievement. Any climax by either NPC or the Player, as long as the Player and that NPC were being directly intimate with each other, will count towards the Achievement
  • In the Original Story: additional typo, text-VA mismatch, and inconsistent/missing emotive behavior fixes
  • In the Original Story: when the Player throws Beer on Madison, she will stop any queued or current movement to unimportant motion target(s)
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to leave her room for Madison’s “art show” even though she was supposedly waiting for the Player to help her clean her clothes in “a private area”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent Lety and Leah from starting their “Just in the Kick of Time” conversation if Rachael was moving towards or sitting on one of the flamingos
  • In the Original Story: opting into continuing Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” Opportunity instead of telling her to ditch the Hunt no longer results in a minor Romance penalty
  • In the Original Story: added a small number of additional help/hint interactions with Derek
  • In the Original Story: tweaked a small number of “hint” thought bubbles so that they are somewhat more effective and helpful, especially when reviewed as Memories
  • In the Original Story: various improvements to DLG route variety for old content based on new choices presented while pursuing Vickie’s finale
  • In the Original Story: fixed a longstanding issue that could cause Ashley’s underwear to not be put back on after completing her “Sibling Warfare” Opportunity, even if the Player never “took” them from her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause “Evil Leah” to erroneously have the snake mounted to her shoulders when loading a saved game in which the Player had defeated her before finishing “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick’s Exhibitionism rating to be improperly set after various older pieces of content were completed, such as after exiting his Compubrah VR reward, finishing the “Palectrick Feel” Opportunity, etc.
  • Improved evasion behaviors related to NPCs moving out of the way for other NPCs who have nearly reached a MoveTarget they are navigating to
  • Characters that are evading another Character or an environmental obstacle will much more reliably perform evasion behaviors when off camera/occluded
  • Characters that are evading another Character will have more consistent LookAt and Rotation behaviors
  • The Radial Menu will now dynamically update the available options displayed to the Player while still open. This will prevent
  • Players from clicking on options that should be locked off within the story at a given time, and also ensure that the Radial does not have to be toggled off and on in order to see newly valid options
  • NPCs will no longer perform small, unnecessary pivots or sidesteps after reaching a Target
  • Further improvements and consistency balances to on and off-camera navigation and evasion behaviors
  • Minor optimizations to how String Comparisons for internal Names and IDs are handled
  • Improved handling of “conversation moods” generated by Dialogues. This will result in a more accurate depictions of emotions while a given Dialogue is still on-screen
  • Emotes/BlendShapes will be reset as Characters enter Intimacy Acts or CutScenes. This will allow for more accurate portrayal of
  • Intimacy Emotes in the opening few seconds of such acts
  • Other Male NPCs will not automatically become erect when another Character begins Intimacy despite not being in vicinity or vision of that Character
  • Made other general, minor tweaks and improvements related to Emotive accuracy while Characters talk or are transitioning between talking behavior(s)
  • If a valid custom DisplayName for a Character was defined, Relationship Status Change pop-ups will now use that instead of the default Character Name
  • The start of a cutscene and its camera transitions will now be logged in the Debug Log (edited)
  • NPCs will hold off on performing randomized Roaming ChangeLocations for a minimum of approximately two seconds after exiting out of Behaviors that would normally prevent Roaming
  • The Player will no longer be able to be considered as “Running” if Knocked Out
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Cut Scenes to not play if one of the participants was in Combat, even if their attacker was unable to reach them. This will address any problems encountered while trying to execute a Cut Scene while an “attacking NPC” was locked away behind a door, on the roof, or any other similar situation you hooligans somehow managed to create
  • The FPS Warning functionality (the yellow text that could repeatedly appear in the top corner of the screen) has been disabled and its Toggle option in the Game Menu has been removed
  • FPS-dependent calculations for cloth and jiggle physics will now begin updating more accurately very shortly after the “fade in” to a game session is complete (wait time reduced from 10s to 6s). This will generally only affect New Games of Custom Stories and loaded games
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the Enabled state/setting of Player Event Triggers not being preserved when saving and loading a game
  • Fixed an issue that could result in unnecessary motion events to occur with a frame or two of having successfully loaded a saved game
  • Non-Important motion (i.e. Roaming ChangeLocations) that should be resumed when a saved game is loaded will resume slightly earlier as the game fades in
  • Player can remove clothes during intimacy scenes (edited)
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Player Character to appear to jerk off uh…”the air” if they were given a Blowjob Intimacy Game Event and tried to blow an NPC whose genitals were not exposed
  • Player can use “Delete” to remove an input binding
  • (First Implemented in 0.20.0) Fixed an issue that could cause erroneous intimacy, motion, or combat targets to be assigned upon loading a saved game
  • CSC: Importing and Exporting will now perform identical ‘resets’ for the data associated with a Story Object’s CurrentAspect, as well as the DialogueID for each Character Story
  • Added SFW versions of the 5 threesome cutscenes
  • Fixed characters flickering in the gazebo
  • Improved gazebo lighting
  • Improved volumetric lighting outside

(Alpha Re-deploy 9/16/2021)

  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Derek acting embarrassed about his cute little sundress under certain circumstances after being intimate with him during “Memory Lane”
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the motion events surrounding the untying of Ashley’s Top and Madison seeing it, to make it more likely that both sisters will behave as expected and decrease the likelihood that Madison could accidentally wander away
  • In the Original Story: additional minor tweaks and consistency alignment to the criteria that determine when certain NPCs can be sent to check on/talk to other NPCs
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the intimacy finale weirdness of Lety and Rachael’s Easter Egg to not occur as intended
  • In the Original Story: added some additional preventative measures against NPCs being in the Art Room/Spare Room 2 during “Like A French Girl”
  • Improved consistency of the results of an AddForce Game Event so that differing frame rates exhibit less of an impact
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to not have AddForce…erm, Force, applied to them if they were not visible to the main camera
  • The effects of an AddForce Game Event will now apply equally to NPCs and the Player when said Character is moving. Previously, only the Player could have Force applied to them while moving around
  • Reduced the frequency and severity of delays that can occur when an NPC that is Navigating off-camera or is occluded suddenly finds themselves stuck for a few moments
  • Narrator text no longer animates for each message/hint (only the first and last). This also prevents NPC dialogue from being spoken between messages.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the ClosedEyes Emote from working on demand
  • Fixed an issue that could permanently lead to the ScreenFade FadeIn/Out functionality to transition at a noticeably higher speed after taking at least one picture with the Camera item

(Alpha 9/2/2021)

  • Added new threesome cutscenes
  • Added 5 new threesome animations
  • In the Original Story: Vickie’s content has been restructured. First, you must undergo her rigorous Training. Then, and only then, may you proceed with…more. Wink. Nudge. Squirt.
  • In the Original Story: after inviting Vickie to the party, or after completing Rachael’s dares (through intimacy or content failure), there will finally be some closure as to why no more dares, phone call spoofing, or Vickie-Rachael content mixing can occur. Oh, and if you’ve been nicey nice to Katherine, she will give you Pat’s phone back instead of keeping it
  • In the Original Story: Added a wide variety of Tutorials. These will only show up once when playing, and only if opted into via a check box in the Game Menu or Title Screen UI. The Tutorials can also be reset/shown again using a button in the Game Menu
  • In the Original Story: added new Background Chatters for most NPCs
  • In the Original Story: consolidated “Hey, change location”/”Hey, go over there”-type dialogues for many Characters. This may lead to minor changes in when and how these options present themselves based on ongoing content and Player decisions
  • In the Original Story: Frank getting KOd during the first Derek Smash! fight will no longer result in the Player having to go through the rest of the Derek Smash! content. Get in there and help your buddy!
  • In the Original Story: the biggest, thiccest, most arousing rewards for Vickie’s content have been added
  • In the Original Story: improved feedback text the Player receives when trying to open the Bike Lock or Safe with various keys that just don’t care
  • In the Original Story: a handful of responses for Vickie now require the Player to have actually met her before being used
  • In the Combat Training story: Frank and Leah will no longer attempt to roam away once spawned
  • In the Original Story: flat out refusing intimacy, lying to Vickie prior to her intimacy scene, and certain other highly offensive acts will fail out of her main Opportunities
  • In the Original Story: polished the text and delivery timing of various existing Tutorials related to Combat, Beer Pong, etc.
  • In the Original Story: no matter how the Player gets into a fight with Frank at the end of Leah’s “Ronin”/evil finale, Frank’s combat stats will be the same
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause some Characters to not immediately award “Flash Score” points (for Katherine’s content) if they caught the Player doing something involving genitals other than just…standing around
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to spam threats at the Player after the Player had hit too many other guests at the party
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of Ashley and Patrick pre-“Family Time” Game Events, and their timings
  • In the Original Story: added a helpful thought bubble to confirm for the Player when Frank changes his mind about giving them the condom, after catching the Player being intimate with a female NPC
  • In the Original Story: tweaked various TriggerBGCs and related events to more appropriately reflect their importance in the story, give them more (or less) emphasis, and somewhat reduce the chance that certain important TriggerBGCs will result in an NPC trying to move and talk at the same time
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to repeat his Dialogues when approaching Madison at the Gazebo just before the events of “Runner Runner” take place
  • In the Original Story: masturbating in front of Stephanie will no longer risk Frank thinking you are actually drunk and beating you to a pulp
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some of Vickie and Ashley’s behaviors related to the start of “Runner Runner”. They should more reliably get to the Master Bedroom Closet area in a timely fashion and not have other NPCs try to approach them
  • In the Original Story: converted a number of CaughtMasturbating and CaughtHavingSex reactions from various NPCs to the Player into TriggerBGC, instead of popping up main dialogue
  • In the Original Story: added a thoughtbubble and cleaned up a response or two to better impart the finality and importance of the choice between spoofing a text to Rachael vs. spoofing a text to Vickie, while also making it clearer the Player can back out and ruminate over this epic decision
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to the criteria for Katherine giving the Player back Ashley’s Tiny Key. She must be at least friends with the Player; this is a +1 friendship requirement increase, so don’t whine about it, thanks
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will try and approach the Player in order to give them Ashley’s Tiny Key slightly more frequently. See? It’s all okay
  • In the Original Story: slight tweak to the Opportunity description for “Vickie Vixen” to better align with the actual goals of the Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: minor polish to a few “WalkToPlayer”-type periodics for a handful of Characters
  • In the Original Story: minor polish to the Criteria that define whether Vickie is “Occupied” by major content or states
  • In the Original Story: the “Vickie Vixen” Opportunity is now a two-part Opportunity. The Player must get her number first, and then the Opportunity completes upon successfully inviting Vickie. This will only have minor impacts on certain hint/response availability and “fluff” behaviors
  • In the Original Story: fixed a couple Derek dialogues within “Memory Lane” that could still reference Frank/Leah/”booze security”, even if Frank had left the party
  • In the Original Story: as part of their “training” for Vickie, the Player will get more feedback regarding how close they are to meeting the requirements for passing her final “test”
  • In the Original Story: tweaked a Compubrah dialogue response that implied the Player could unzip their pants before going into VR…even if their pants were already unzipped! Aahhh yeah, that fruit couldn’t hang any fucking lower booiyzzz…bois? Shit I’m old af
  • In the Original Story: Rachael can now catch the Player asking Katherine to spoof texts during a handful of additional key Dialogues
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the Criteria for Rachael being able to overhear any dialogues involving the Player somewhat
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to overhear and respond to an Ashely Dialogue through walls
  • In the Original Story: further polish to a handful of other Rachael, Ashley, and Madison-related Dialogue overhear situations
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the delivery of a hint thought bubble regarding Vickie’s phone number that could be a tad spoilery
  • In the Original Story: various other polish and tweaks to hints, hint text throughout Madison, Vickie, Katherine, and Rachael’s stories
  • In the Original Story: added additional mitigating criteria to Rachael’s “confront and slap Patrick” behavior to prevent a few “unfortunate” niche situations
  • In the Original Story: slight cleanup of Rachael and Patrick’s confrontation to reduce the chances that Patrick might continue walking to Rachael afterward
  • In the Original Story: Patrick will try to approach Ashley one Dialogue earlier just before the events of “Family Time”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent buggy behavior to occur if the Player repeatedly tried to sit in Frank’s chair after he left the party
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with Vickie’s cutscene that could cause it to fail to play if the Player was a tryhard fastclicker jerk. Just kidding, it’s cause we don’t know how to program things. It’s us, not you
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison’s “Drunk and Disorderly” to stall completely if Frank leaves the party. Even when he’s gone, it’s that fuckin dood’s fault!
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of other Madison behaviors during her “Drunk and Disorderly” to make her just a tad less…pushy
  • In the Original Story: the Player must now be closer to Derek in order to play the part of “backup” when he talks to Madison just before “Runner Runner” starts
  • In the Original Story: the notification the Player gets warning them that Madison and Derek are coming up the stairs during the events of “Runner Runner” is a bit more finely tuned based on the Player’s location
  • In the Original Story: Rachael will no longer attempt to follow Patrick to confront him in the event that he barges into the Master Bedroom during the finale of “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: the Player climaxing during the finale of “Sibling Warfare” will now count towards Vickie’s “training”
  • In the Original Story: fixed a number of bugs that could occur if the Player climaxed during the finale of “Sibling Warfare” while also undergoing Vickie’s “training”
  • In the Original Story: fixed a very…poorly worded dialogue that Vickie is able to use during the finale of “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of VA-Dialogue Text mismatches across the story
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of typos in various Dialogue and Response texts across the story
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could possibly compromise two different Combat-related Game Grumps Background Chatters
  • In the Original Story: the Player will get a little extra boost towards their OrgasmRechargeRate after they complete Vickie’s “training”
  • In the Original Story: Rachael will no longer attempt to confront Patrick while the Player is racing up to the Master Bedroom Closet during the closing events of “Runner Runner”
  • In the Original Story: the Player will also get hints about the status of their uh…throbbing loins as they drink more and more booze (assuming that’s the Player’s thing) during Vickie’s “training”. Just say “throbbing” out loud. Not like “the-robbing”…really accentuate the ‘th’ and ‘-b’ sounds…yuck. Is no one talking about this?
  • In the Original Story: the Player no longer has to meet social (like/love) conditions to select an NPC to approach with Vickie for their threesome. The Player must select an NPC that is not occupied, and then that NPC can be approached to see if they’re interested in a threesome
  • In the Original Story: reverted a change from eons ago – the Player can now Slap Awake Frank if Vickie’s “Training Day” Opportunity is In Progress
  • In the Original Story: Vickie’s “Training Day” Opportunity will now Complete just after the Player is intimate with her in the Hot Tub, instead of before actually doing it
  • In the Original Story: after successfully finishing Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” and using one of the two finale responses that leads to her removing clothing and getting an Achievement, the Player will also receive a very small socials boost with her
  • In the Original Story: fixed issues that could prevent a handful of Vickie and Lety’s Background Chatters from playing as intended
  • In the Original Story: various tweaks made to improve the presentation and timing of “mid-Dialogue” emotive Game Events
  • In the Original Story: added a few additional protections against Characters trying to reach Frank at various times the Player could get intimate with him
  • In the Original Story: added a handful of Social penalty events for Derek and Frank when the Player does something they are not a fan of
  • In the Original Story: the Player will get a very minor Romance boost with Katherine the first time they are intimate with her. Not as much as when you give her the booze she wants, of course. You think you’re THAT good?
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to the consistency of Katherine’s roaming behavior
  • In the Original Story: minor tweak to the events when the Game Grumps jump out of the balloon to increase the chance that Katherine is around to participate
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will tolerate one more very minor grievance before locking the Player out of her default greeting and responses entirely
  • In the Original Story: the Player will get a minor Romance boost with Leah the first time they are intimate with her
  • In the Original Story: the Player will get a very minor Romance boost with Leah when they give her the Chocolate Bar, in addition to the existing small friendship boost
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of the events surrounding Lety and Madison’s bonding after their “Queen in the North” gift discussion
  • In the Original Story: added a few very minor social penalties where appropriate for existing Madison-Player exchanges that were already negative in nature
  • In the Original Story: fixed various issues with Lety and Rachael’s Easter Egg related to Frank, Derek, and Vickie that could lead to the content stalling or breaking
  • In the Original Story: Amy will no longer leave the party if groped during the short window between Lety and Rachael’s Easter Egg starting and suffering her inevitable fate
  • In the Original Story: slight updates to the game intro narration
  • In the Original Story: added additional, minor social increases and decreases throughout Stephanie’s story where appropriate
  • In the Original Story: simplification and tweaks to when the Player gets a reminder about checking on the Game Grumps
  • In the Original Story: certain content limitations or modifications that were dependent solely upon Brittney having displayed one of several negative Dialogues are now more broadly tied to her social meters
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to other Brittney response and Dialogue behaviors based on her socials… mostly in cases where the Player had been mean. Like, super mean and stuff
  • In the Original Story: Derek can now walk near the Gazebo instead of near the Hot Tub. Since he already has a movement option for getting himself into the Hot Tub, standing around outside it just seems silly. Oh so silly
  • In the Original Story: most Characters can be asked to find somewhere to Dance, as long as the Player has not turned off all of the available music sources
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to wander away from the Player awkwardly during certain finale dialogues for “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison’s motion to Frank to not be canceled correctly in niche situations
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to be permanently locked out from asking Britt about Pat’s phone, even if the Player had tried to make use of Madison’s “Fix Relationship”/Relationship Boost perk
  • In the Original Story: Amy can now be asked about Patrick’s phone
  • In the Original Story: added a few additional minor motion-related safeguards to the Events that Warp a handful of NPCs into Compubrah/DongVR
  • In the Original Story: addressed a DLG for Patrick where he could imply Frank was still guarding the liquor, even if Frank left the party
  • In the Original Story: standardized a number of Derek’s social behaviors around the same criteria that decides his level of anger towards the Player for dialogue purposes
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with a Derek dialogue that could lead to a Derek attacking the Player when the VA/text did not imply that would happen
  • In the Original Story: consolidated many of the ‘help’ responses that the Player could use with Derek into a single response separated from his greeting Dialogue, in order to prevent him from having an absolutely fucktacular number of responses available when just trying to say ‘Hello’ to the guy
  • In the Original Story: made tweaks to Leah’s Event Triggers where she reacts to various NPCs getting KOd at various times. These should be much more responsive to the context of each KO
  • In the Original Story: Derek and Pat will be a bit more understanding of ‘friendly fire’ should the Player hit them during the Derek Smash! fight(s)
  • In the Original Story: choosing to help out with the Derek Smash! fight will net you a minor social reward with either of the boys you helped. …If you survive, that is
  • In the Original Story: Frank will now appear a little ‘beaten up’ if he suffers enough attacks from any Character. His mostest special appearance(s) are still saved for certain story scenarios, however
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with a Vickie dialogue where she would always reference the events of Derek Smash! even if Derek Smash! had never been Completed
  • In the Original Story: updated the Opportunity texts for Vickie’s Opportunities
  • In the Original Story: aligned the response criteria for when the Player can send Frank to fight Patrick as part of Frank’s introductory “A Ball of Mystery” dialogue to the criteria used to determine when Frank can normally be sent to beat up Patrick
  • In the Original Story: if the Player’s socials with Stephanie drop low enough, her intimacy reward will become unavailable
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a Character to attempt to spam Surprised Emotes just before being engaged in Combat. They will no longer attempt to spam this reaction, or attempt to do so from quite as long a distance. This also fixes an issue that could cause the Mood value of the Character being attacked to plummet so low that it was unlikely to ever recover without CSC intervention
  • The game will not accept Attack inputs for one frame after the game has been un-paused. This will help prevent left-clicks/Attack keypresses made while Narration and other critical UI is open from inadvertently triggering an Attack if the Player was already in Combat Mode
  • The Player can now react to their own Combat Mode Toggled Event Triggers
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the ‘Censor Nudity’ check box label to use the same label text as ‘POV Intimacy’ when translated into another language
  • In order to slightly mitigate possible cramped combat situations, NPCs will no longer roam to another NPC that is currently fighting or moving to fight the Player
  • Fixed an issue that could allow an In-Combat NPC to fire a ReachedTarget Event (and related back-end behaviors) when they were not in fact able to see their Character Target
  • Tweaked ForumText on MainMenu to invite users to simply visit our forums. All CSC/Custom Story-related forum language will remain and/or be expanded upon in the Custom Story
  • Manager and Custom Story Uploader-related areas of the UI
  • Added MainMenu Language Dropdown translation for Italian
  • The Player can now react to their own PlayerGrabsItem Reaction/Event Triggers
  • The Player will now be able to make use of their own ExposesGenitals Reaction/Event Triggers. This is handled differently than when an NPC reacts, in that the Event Trigger will fire everytime the Player’s Genitals are toggled (on OR off), and there is no built-in cool-down limiting how often this can occur
  • The TriggerBGC Console Command will now accept an optional, second integer as part of its input that can be used to define a TriggerBGC’s level of Importance. This integer must come after the bgcID
  • Re-integrated the SocialMod/RelationshipType “Scared”, which was left partially unimplemented in the previous release. This also fixes an issue that could cause the use of the Scared
  • SocialMod to freeze or even crash the game.
  • The Social Console Command will no be allowed to try and configure a Social relationship between a character and themselves. We’re all for self-love and all that shit, but do it on your own time
  • Fixed an issue that could cause false positives to occur when verifying Vision/CanSee properties between two Characters, most notably if one Character had recently moved away from a wall or other sight-blocking object that divided them
  • Fixed an issue that would allow voice-acted audio to continue playing while a Narration UI canvas was open
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the in-game music to be inconsistently paused when a “major”/pausing UI canvas was open. The in-game background music will now never be paused by
  • Player-accessible UI functionalities
  • Fixed an issue that could allow background/Speaker-based music to clash with Cutscene music. Cutscene music will now always take precedence while a Cutscene is playing, and after ending, background music/Speaker-based music will return to the level specified by the Player in the game options
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Player who was masturbating and then got attacked to be stuck masturbating and unable to fight back or move
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Player who was engaged in an intimacy act and then got attacked to be able to attempt an attack while still engaged in said intimacy act. This attack attempt would almost always fail to hit the target NPC and not result in an IsAttacked Reaction, yet it would still use up Player Energy and force the NPC to attempt to block. TLDR: In order to fight back or even attempt an attack, stop having sex or touching yourself, if you can…
  • Cleaned up and standardized how “Internal Stories” are managed/deleted when a server story update is triggered. As part of this, the very old “Tutorial” story is now looked for when the application is evaluating “Internal Stories” and this story is now automatically deleted if found, since support for it was deprecated years ago
  • Added various PlayerPref-related functionalities that are used to facilitate Tutorials for first-time Players (or those who opt in via the Game Menu), and that can also be used in Custom
  • Stories to enable cross-story content tie-ins, and more. PlayerPrefs and their current values are stored in your system’s registry
  • Modified the Narration canvas so that it can be opened in a wider variety of circumstances without impacting other canvases
  • Characters that are in the same Zone as each other will no longer fail to see one another other just because they are separated by approximately one or more CharacterHeights (1.8 units).
  • E.g., Characters at the bottom of the stairs will no longer be unable to see Characters at the top of the stairs
  • Male genitals can now be toggled on/off via SendEvent : ToggleGenitals Game Events during cutscenes. The Player : TogglePenis Game Event will now also work
  • The CSM/Custom Story Manager registration process will now accommodate slightly shorter e-mail addresses
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Values criteria check to fail erroneously for international users under certain circumstances
  • Fixed an issue that would result in NPCs moving throughout the game world much faster when off-camera compared to when the Player could actually see them
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent NPCs running to a Combat Target from registering that they were, in fact, Running
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player to use the drunk walking animation while very drunk and sprinting. They will now merely use the run animation while swaying, like NPCs
  • Buttons in Input Configuration menu are now functional
  • In Input Configuration menu, added message to user saying if the binding is already being used (need to add action it’s being used with).
  • Pressing Back leaves the Input Config menu.
  • Renamed JustOutSideUpstairsBathroom to JustOutsideUpstairsBathroom to match naming convention used by other Objects and MoveTargets
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the Inventory UI to be opened or remain open while the Player was in Combat Mode
  • Made it a bit easier for the Player to transition out of Dancing (State: ForcedToDance) if they choose to engage in combat
  • Added some helpful pop-ups to indicate to the Player why certain controls or actions are not allowed under certain circumstances (e.g. opening the Inventory in combat, etc.)
  • When forced into Combat Mode due to being attacked, the Player will no longer stay crouched. They will stand up as if they had toggled Combat Mode via their hotkey
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent assigning a Value of ‘None’ to a CharacterValue via the Values Console Command
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the logging of RandomizeIntValue Game Events to take up unnecessary space in the Debug Log
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to an erroneously closed Narration window if enough Narration events had fired in a play session
  • Minor improvements to auto-cancellation of randomly timed Roaming ChangeLocation-based motion in order to reduce chances of randomized ChangeLocations interfering with higher priority Character behavior(s)
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Roaming.StopMyRoamingMotion Game Event from successfully preventing an NPC from Roaming if the NPC did not currently have a Motion Target
  • Fixed a bug where dialogue responses could not be navigated with controller
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the Player to open their Player Actions radial at inopportune times, most notably over/on top of the Inventory UI and any Item that they might have been interacting with in the Inventory
  • Any time the Inventory is opened or closed, the radial for the current Item being interacted with (or the Player Actions radial) is also closed
  • The Inventory and Opportunity UIs can no longer be opened while various game-pausing System/Setting UIs are also open
  • Added option for text resizing and different fonts in Game Menu
  • CSC: the text feedback returned regarding Search results (when none are found, too many are found, etc. has been improved and will no longer alternate between putting feedback text in the
  • Unity Debug Console and in the Inspector Tab; all text feedback will now be in-line directly below the Reset and Search buttons
  • CSC: minor UI consistency tweaks when using the Search aspect/functionality
  • CSC: the tooltip for deleting elements within the CSC has been updated to show the appropriate name of the element about to be deleted/being hovered over
  • CSC: miscellaneous cosmetic cleanup, consistency improvement, and tweaks needed to offset some issues introduced by the update to Unity 2020.3
  • CSC: the tooltip for inserting elements at specific positions (depicted by < INS) has been updated to show the appropriate name of the element that is about to have a new element inserted before it
  • CSC: added the PlayerInventoryOpened and PlayerInventoryClosed Event Triggers
  • CSC: if an Event Trigger uses a Key and that Key is valid, it will no longer be omitted in the default Name that gets automatically applied to the Event Trigger
  • CSC: added the PlayerOpportunityWindowOpened Event Trigger
  • CSC: added the PlayerInteractsWithCharacter and PlayerInteractsWithItem Event Triggers
  • CSC: added the FinishedPopulatingMainDialogueText Event Trigger
  • CSC: the text representation of a Character Value can now be ‘injected’ into Dialogues, Alternate Dialogues, Responses, DisplayGameMessages, and BackgroundChatters. In order to this you must encapsulate a Character:ValueName in curly brackets within the text entry field for one of these elements, e.g. {Amy:TestValue1}. Do not add whitespace, special symbols, or more colons than are needed to delimit a character from their Value or to depict special system Values such as {Player:madison:GotPhoneCode}
  • CSC: translation templates will now purge more brackets and custom formatting automatically when exported (specifically in translatable events and responses). This is an extension of what was already being done for Dialogues and Background Chatters
  • CSC: the Dialogue criteria can now also check to see if a specific Dialogue is currently showing
  • CSC: Restored the ability to add custom names to DialogueOnlyCharacters (Compubrah, Phone Call). Configuring interactions for these Characters, however, has been disabled due to the fact they cannot be interacted with in the game world
  • CSC: the UseWiths behavior section will not appear for Characters in the Character Interactions page/aspect, as GiveTo is the intended functionality for exchanging items with Characters
  • CSC: the IsAloneWithPlayer criteria will eventually be deprecated. For now it will remain unchanged in the CSC and engine. It will eventually be replaced by the IsOnlyInVisionOf criteria, which better reflects what it checks. (IsAloneWithPlayer checks to see if the target Character is visible to only the Player, it does not check to see if the Player can see other Characters nor if other Characters are close to the Player)
  • CSC: added the IsOnlyInVicinityOf, IsOnlyInVisionOf, and IsOnlyInVicinityAndVisionOf criteria, which should help to greatly simplify certain proximity and/or vision-restricted checks
  • CSC: the distance Criteria can now accept and interpret Characters, Items, MoveTargets, and GameObjects via text injection, which should simplify scripting logic in situations where dynamic calculation of Distance(s) is required. For example, to check the Distance between Derek and his Current Move Target, you can use Distance : Derek : {Derek:CurrentMoveTarget} and then define your remaining parameters. If your injected text does not result in a usable reference object, the Criteria will return false
  • Fixed Leah LOD2 issue causing dark spots
  • Updated PlayerFemale with facial blendshapes
  • Updated Cloth Physics for Ashley, Katherine, Lety and Stephanie
  • Added a flashing top to the PlayerFemale and added an animation where she lifts the top up
  • Fixed MaleCouchSex animation
  • Improved PlayerFemale neck seam and fixed her casting no shadows
  • Tweaks to previous cutscenes
  • Overhaul to the volumetric lighting system
  • Fix to billboard material bug

(Stable Release 5/26/2021)

  • Added Turkish localization to to the animated UI button
  • In the Original Story: sneaky Players who have made good use of the Keys and various lockable rooms in the House will no longer be considered to have “Pending Combat” for the purposes of many story sequences. Of course…WHO you locked away might still matter. To someone. Probably
  • In the Original Story: Madison will no longer obsess over where her Phone might be if she was very recently hit in the face by the Chili Peppers as part of Lety’s “Queen in the North” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to get Stephanie’s “comfort bag”…or whatever the shit it is, if they moved too quickly through a Dialogue during her “Meltdown” content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Stephanie could voice an out of place Dialogue after falling down on the way to meet up with Katherine while high during a failure path of her “Meltdown” content
  • In the Original Story: added Item Interactions for the Paper Bag Crunched. It’s just the Paper Bag…but now with more Crunch!
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow devious Players who decided to punch the Game Grumps in the face instead of wave goodbye to get their “Do Not Burn” Achievement and get away with the act as the Game Grumps disappear
  • In the Original Story: when attacked at the wrong times, the Game Grumps will cancel movement toward certain targets that would cause them to leave the party, instead of wailing away on you with their +3 Iron Fists of Fistitude
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Game Grumps to float around aimlessly after saving and loading while on the Flamingos. The Flamingos too will no longer float around forever
  • In the Original Story: additional fix for Throwing the Dildo at the Closed Briefcase not updating certain Opportunities for “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael’s CurrentDare to reset on Game Load even if she was on the way to the Master Bedroom (or on the bed), about to get nasty with the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could result in NPCs getting shoo’d out of the study as a result of certain events of Lety, Brittney, and the Player’s sexual romp in the study, even if that romp had already ended
  • In the Original Story: Ashley reacting to Patrick getting attacked will no longer happen incessantly…and repeatedly…every…time…Patrick…is attacked. There is also a Distance criteria on this now because let’s face it, she isn’t scanning the horizon for that idiot at all times
  • In the Original Story: Dan will no longer move to Arin during certain “casual” Background Chatter exchanges that the Game Grumps get involved in
  • In the Original Story: When certain Game Grumps scenarios start, a minimum roaming timer will be reapplied to relevant NPCs to increase the chances that they do not try to move away before the exchange is finished
  • In the Original Story: Dan will more reliably face the Player when making fun of him for playing Beer Pong all alone
  • In the Original Story: tweaked timing related to Katherine and the Game Grumps’ “fan” exchange to try and prevent a Katherine Background Chatter from cutting itself off
  • In the Original Story: fixes for various VA-text mismatches
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to prevent Dan from making minor, unnecessary movements to Arin
  • In the Original Story: fix for Dan getting stuck in the Master Bedroom Closet under certain conditions that would abandon the Game Grumps’ Master Bedroom “COATS!” scenario
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now have to be In Vision of the Game Grumps to initiate the intro and follow-up/finale portions of their “DClub” content
  • In the Original Story: NPCs will be less likely to attempt to get to Frank during the Laundry Room antics of the Game Grumps’ “DClub” content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Patrick could fail to roam normally after being given the Laxatives
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the events of the Game Grumps jumping out of their balloon so that they will no longer appear to just fall out of the air like boring boyz. Now they’re the ones who fall! …Unfortunately?
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to improve the chances Lety and Madison’s “bonding” Background Chatter will play reliably after completing “Queen in the North”
  • In the Original Story: minor clarifying tweaks to a handful of hint thoughtbubbles
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer ask Madison for her phone back if the phone is not held or in their inventory, but is otherwise Active/Enabled (i.e. the Player dropped it somewhere)
  • In the Original Story: performed a fair amount of cleanup on the Lety-Derek conversation that unfolds during “Hunt the Hunk”. This should start more reliably and progress more smoothly, with less awkward bumping around and weird movements
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of some events associated with Leah and Frank’s exchange during the first part of her “evil”/”crazy” finale for “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up issues with currently used Target Types in a number of Turn Game Events in order to reduce current issues and future proof
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up and tweaked events related to the “Hunt the Hunk” failure sequence where Derek gets fixated on…treats
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could compromise Derek’s behavior and responsiveness under certain conditions if “Hunt the Hunk” was failed and he became fixated on…victuals
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some response-related Criteria and options related to the Player’s possession of Madison’s Phone just before starting “Family Time” with Ashley, if the Player had at some point lost possession of said cellular device
  • In the Original Story: giving Patrick the Laxatives will now correctly result in lowered social meters with him
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the criteria used to determine when/if Sleazy Sancho will whisper sweet, sweet nothings into the Player’s ear orifices. Orificii? …Head vaginas.
  • In the Original Story: fixed a possible duplicate thought bubble that could appear if the Player beat up Leah during her “evil”/”crazy” “Broken Code” path before talking to her once she returns to the party in the corner of the yard
  • In the Original Story: made some improvements to other situations in which the Player could KO Leah, albeit with some difficulty, during the finale stages of “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: added protections to a number of periodic WalkTo : Player-based Event Triggers and ReachTargets to ensure that these did not try to fire if the Player is Falling, temporarily KnockedOut, etc.
  • In the Original Story: additional fixes for Leah following the Player around instead of attacking if she is Peed On or catches the Player making…unwise booze decisions during certain sections of “Snake in the Grass” and “Broken Code”
  • Characters emoting will no longer ‘break’ them out of a Crouching state. They will instead perform only the facial and sound effect portions of the emote, and remain crouched
  • Randomized roaming behavior and certain other automated roaming-related behaviors will no longer attempt to process while a game session is “fading in” after being started from the Title Screen or Load Game menu
  • Fixed an issue from a previous 0.19.x update that could allow various Character Interactive Status and Reaction loops/checks to not process if only 1-2 NPCs had been enabled in a game session
  • Cleaned up a couple of old VA lines for Lety that had leading and trailing noise
  • Configured additional non-static items with AdditionalRenderers so that they will be compatible with the Item : IsVisibleTo Criteria. These include the Scorpion Tequila, TalkingFish, and more
  • Fixed an issue that could occasionally allow Attacks of certain types to “hit twice”
  • Characters will be slightly less aggressive when re-attempting movement to Inaccessible Mandatory Targets
  • PeesOnMe and StartedPeeing Reactions/Event Triggers will no longer overlap as easily. Characters will delay processing of StartedPeeing Reactions very briefly to check for pee impacts, and in addition, each collision between pee and a Character will briefly delay the StartedPeeing Reaction between two Characters
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Character incorrectly fail a CanSee check specifically when a certain type of Object was supposed to be excluded. This addresses a small number of issues related to swapping to WallSex intimacy positions and when calculating IsRunning if the RunWhenFarAwayFromTarget was Added/True
  • Fixed an issue that the Player could pee and masturbate at the same time.
  • While crouching and trigger running the player does not move at full run-speed anymore.
  • AutoSave doesn’t trigger within a few seconds after loading a save game anymore.
  • Various optimisations to reduce garbage allocation and free up CPU cycles.
  • If multiple BGCs are playing of the same importance around the player, the audio system now prioritizes the one the player is currently looking at
  • Various tweaks to the BGC system to prevent overlap and awkward continuation of unimportant conversations
  • Re-EQ’d various existing and new audio files, and corrected minor volume issues
  • CSC: added back in PlayerBeingSpokenTo Criteria so that Story Creators will not have to manually remove this from their stories. NOTE: this Criteria will be deprecated at a later point in time in favor of using IsBeingSpokenTo, once we make back-end changes to allow this to occur more gracefully
  • Smoothed knees bending sharply while bending legs for Amy, Ashley, Brittney, Frank, Patrick, Stephanie and Vickie
  • Fixed Amy and Ashley strap-on skinning and extended bounding boxes so strap-on’s don’t disappear
  • Improved Stephanie underwear transparency issues
  • Re-positioned pee particle to flaccid penis tip for Derek, Frank and Patrick
  • Tweaked Male SixtyNine animation and character sixty nine hotspots
  • Improved nether region skinning/shader and textures issues for multiple characters
  • Tweaked the shadows on characters with dresses in Main Menu
  • Changed PlayerMale hand offsets during laying down pose to lean on his knee
  • Improved skinning Rachael bikini top straps
  • Tweaks to cutscenes

(Beta 5/6/2021)

  • In the Original Story: to offset the increase in “intimacy fluid recharge time” incurred by recent mechanic changes, repeatedly practicing your…”climax skills” as part of Vickie’s “Training Day” Opportunity will result in bonuses to your nasty bits recharge rate
  • In the Original Story: BEEP BOOP! Compubrah can now scan Frank…
  • Added T-Posing floating animation pose
  • Added cutscene for Vickie’s current ending
  • Added cutscene for Rachael’s finale
  • In the Original Story: fixed a minor typo in the “Te Amo Lety” Achievement Description
  • In the Original Story: the Player will get a one-time “warning” before drinking from the Flask. Cause, you know…you need it for that thing
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will now do a much better job of keeping up with the Player when following them before the intimacy reward for “Special Tutoring”
  • In the Original Story: loosened up some restrictions on certain Vickie behaviors that were previously locked off if “Sibling Warfare” was In Progress. These will now look at “Runner Runner” and “Matchmaker” being In Progress instead
  • In the Original Story: the Player will get feedback explaining why they cannot start certain content with Vickie if they are currently RechargingOrgasm
  • In the Original Story: cleanup of a couple Vickie response behaviors for when the Player tries to start certain content with her in the Hot Tub
  • In the Original Story: Leah will not get up to leave the Hot Tub prior to the intro to “Screw Like a Bee” if she is already using a Hot Tub Seat
  • In the Original Story: improved clarity of a thought bubble used to inform the Player that “Matchmaker” content cannot move forward when talking to Derek due to the Master Bedroom not being available
  • In the Original Story: neither Frank nor Leah will attempt a last-minute attack against the Player once the Player and Katherine complete their shot of rum together as part of the intro content for “Game Jam”
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup/tweaks to the events that bring Derek into the Master Bedroom for Madison’s “art show” during “Artsy Fartsy”
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer get accidentally locked inside the Master Bedroom just after Madison’s “art show”
  • In the Original Story: the Player will need to Inspect the laptop a bit more dutifully in certain circumstances before inviting Lety to the party
  • In the Original Story: added a safeguard to prevent various back-end mechanics from forcing Stephanie’s mood to get so low that she would stop dancing entirely
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie can now temporarily reject the Player’s request for a Petition signature if her socials are too low
  • In the Original Story: the Player must be caught at least once being intimate with a member of the opposite sex in order to convince Frank to give them the condom for “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: improved a hint given after a Derek dialogue related to obtaining the condom from Frank
  • In the Original Story: minor improvements to emotive Behavior in a few Vickie Dialogues
  • In the Original Story: being on the roof is now a valid location for jamming the Game Grumps in their Balloon
  • In the Original Story: like their female counterparts, Frank and Derek will now pause “climax progress” while the Player talks to them during their POV Intimacy scene(s)
  • In the Original Story: Madison will not immediately approach the Player to talk about Sky Animals after the intimacy finale of “Magnum Opus”/”The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of the Dialogue Start and Close Events when Amy stubs her toe near Steph
  • In the Original Story: miscellaneous cleanup and minor tightening up of various Game Grumps scenario events. The tighter, the Grumpier, after all…
  • In the Original Story: fixed a bad bad no good dumb duplicate response associated with Amy stubbing her toe near Stephanie
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Frank could be seen briefly without the Snake on his shoulders during the finale of Leah’s “good” “Broken Code” route
  • In the Original Story: general cleanup of some of the Game Events in the finale of Leah’s “good” “Broken Code” route
  • In the Original Story: Frank’s looped BGC to the Player just before they spar during the “good” finale of Leah’s “Broken Code” will now actually have him look at the Player. That’s a nice thing to do before applying fist-to-face
  • In the Original Story: fixed issues with incorrect Criteria in Leah’s POV mid-Intimacy Dialogue
  • In the Original Story: sped up delivery of Combat Help texts
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Rachael could briefly focus more on what has happened between her and Patrick than the imminent sexening that was about to occur between her and the Player
  • In the Original Story: many of the more “casual” Game Grumps Background Chatter exchanges will not fire if the Player is in the middle of an Intimacy Cutscene
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause a Rachael response just before “Benedict Brahrnold” is supposed to start to drop out and break the Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that allowed the Player to seemingly add infinite amounts of Death Mix from Rachael’s Thermos into the Flask…whomp whomp, this was always just a text bug. Sorry, degenerates
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that allowed Rachael to react unexpectedly to being offered the Flask, most notably during the events of “Benedict Brahrnold” when the Player received the Thermos back and, you know, could use their own two hands to get that work done
  • In the Original Story: Patrick will be a bit more likely to actually be able to explore the yard with the Death Mix. Along the way maybe, just maybe…he’ll find his diamond in the rough
  • In the Original Story: clean up of the start events for Madison’s “art show”, as well as the closing events
  • In the Original Story: fixed various issues that could cause major behavior problems for Madison and minor behavior issues for other NPCs if “The Muse” was failed in certain ways just as the “art show” had gotten underway
  • In the Original Story: there are now social meter repercussions for telling Madison that she sucks at art
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could sometimes allow Brittney to follow Stephanie and the Player as they searched for a spot to do the deed. Not like a house deed or some paperwork shit. And not one that’s dirt cheap…ugh, you’re with me on this, right?
  • In the Original Story: an Event Trigger that could be used to re-enable the “Simon Says” Opportunity has been removed
  • In the Original Story: Frank/Leah will not periodically check to see if the Player is holding booze if the Player is Knocked Out. Dead doods drink no booze, after all
  • In the Original Story: fixed a minor continuity issue where the Player could continue into “Family Time” with Ashley by trying to give her Madison’s Phone back, despite her raging about being humiliated, when the ‘parent’ Opportunity “Sibling Warfare” was destined to fail anyway
  • In the Original Story: slight corrections to two Rachael pre-intimacy responses that should better align with specific, Player-related intimacy requirements
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause an appropriate response to not appear when Ashley was given Madison’s Diary after “Sibling Warfare” was failed, in addition to other conditions
  • In the Original Story: fixed a dialogue-response issue that could cause Ashley’s pre-“Sibling Warfare” content to break if the Player got Madison’s Phone, but dropped immediately prior to giving it to her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause a response about Ashley’s Snake to remain available even after the search for it (Leah’s content) was no longer necessary or accessible
  • In the Original Story: added a handful of extra protections against Leah attempting to repeat her “Ronin”/evil intimacy reward with the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed a possibly confusing thought bubble pop-up that could occur just before the events of Rachael’s final dare unfolded
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to the events surrounding Frank’s epic demise during the “Lety-Rachael Easter Egg” to adjust for the removal of a previously used CharacterFunction
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow certain semi-random events to interrupt the last few dialogues before failing “Broken Code” if the Player decided to fight Leah instead of fighting Frank
  • In the Original Story: NPCs that are being intimate, are In Combat, or are Knocked Out will no longer appear as valid options when asking Madison about her Friendship Restoration Perk reward that you get from her “Smooth Operator” Opportunity. The NPCs will be options again once they cease and desist that nonsense
  • In the Original Story: minor improvements to texts and responses associated with asking Madison about her Friendship Restoration Perk reward that you get from her “Smooth Operator” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Amy will not walk to Stephanie or stub her toe near Stephanie if she is currently Being Spoken To
  • In the Original Story: added a safeguard to ensure that fast moving, very eager, or…easily confused Players cannot get trapped in the Upstairs Master Bathroom by quickly following Madison inside during the finale events of “Sibling Warfare”
  • Added a new MoveTarget near the Fire Pit, where the Fire Trail starts, that can be used as an alternate means of getting an NPC very close to the Fire Pit
  • The Character Value OrgasmSensitivity no longer controls the speed at which a Character recharges their Orgasm meter. This is now controlled separately via another back-end, CSC-accessible value: OrgasmRechargeRate
  • The Debug Log will now also log when Cutscenes end, just before any associated AfterScene events are executed
  • Fixed an issue with the DisableNPC Console Command that could lead to exception spam
  • The InteractiveState “CanHearMusic” will now be more generally usable as an indicator of NPC-Speaker “relationships” since it is separate entirely from the InteractiveState “Dancing”
  • Added a new MoveTarget in the air above the existing Compubrah2 MoveTarget
  • The Turn Console Command can now Turn the Player, just as its Game Event equivalent is able to do
  • Added the TurnInstantly Game Event
  • The Turn Console Command can now use a ‘true’ option to make use of the instantaneous turn functionality
  • The Player will no longer receive a WakeUp event upon Loading into a Saved game, which will prevent their Health from being reset to 100 every time a game is Loaded
  • NPCs will no longer recreate their Combat Attribute (e.g. Attribute:Stamina) Values as “New” with default data every time they are Enabled. They will only do so if it is a New Game or their
  • RanStartEvents Property is False. In short, CSC Users are no longer required to manually reapply modifications to Attributes in Game Start events. This also means NPC Health no longer resets back to 100 upon Loading a Saved Game
  • The rate at which any Character can recharge their HP/Health (Attribute:Health value) is now CSC-configurable via the Attribute:HealthRechargeRate Value
  • Added the AbleToRechargeHealthInCombat InteractiveState that can be accessed or modified via the CSC. A Character with this State will recharge their Health at half their normal rate if in Combat
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Player’s arms to stretch out a bit too far when carrying the Penguin or Closed Briefcase
  • CSC: users can now Expand or Collapse Game Events within a collection/block of Events, with additional options for only Expanding or Collapsing Events that do or do not have Criteria
  • CSC: Frank now has a CharacterFunction to increase and decrease the size of his already considerable hangers
  • CSC: the MountFireToChest Character Function is no longer available for Frank. It’s now recommended to use State IsOnFire whenever a Character needs (“needs”?) to be on fire
  • Fixed gap behind PlayerMale’s ears between separate head and body which could be visible during cutscenes
  • Tweaked fidget animations BoredKick and LookAround to be less twitchy
  • Added more emotion blends to PlayerMale face
  • Tweaked Stephanie’s dress’s cloth physics
  • Fixed issue where dancing NPC’s in the Main Menu would rotate when you click New Game and then Cancel
  • Changed the jet layout in the hot tub for visibility
  • Visual tweaks to all cutscenes
  • Tweaked various ingame effects
  • Code optimization and performance tweaks

(Alpha 3/26/2021)

  • FOV can now be set to 75 in the Graphics Menu
  • Fixed PlayerMale black spot on balls right under his penis
  • Added new water effects for the hot tub
  • Added setting to the pause menu to use legacy intimacy
  • In the Original Story: the player can fail out of “Benedict Brahrnold” if Rachael is going down on Patrick and the Player strays too far away
  • CSC: Allowed importance to be specified for background chatter to better control volume levels and priority to display BGC UI
  • In the Original Story: if she is recharging her Orgasm meter, Stephanie will ask that the Player give her a break before repeating her intimacy reward
  • In the Original Story: the Player will get a bit more feedback if intimacy with Stephanie is delayed due to the Player themselves recharging their Orgasm meter
  • In the Original Story: tweaked periodic event timing and added redundant checks to some Game Grumps scenarios to prevent niche occurrences where more than one could activate (or attempt to activate) simultaneously
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank to try and walk back to his chair while the final “Derek Smash!” fight was ongoing
  • In the Original Story: Frank, Patrick, and Derek will no longer be as reactive to the Player exposing themselves if they are in the middle of the final “Derek Smash!” fight
  • In the Original Story: minor tightening and cleanup of certain Vickie Roaming events/behaviors
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will no longer retain the Upset InteractiveState if the Player makes her feel better by completing her “Smooth Operator – Ashley” content instead of pursuing “Humiliate Ashley” etc.
  • In the Original Story: Added a number of protective measures to the motion events tied to NPCs catching the Player having sex. If they are currently occupied with other important content or have had their roaming ability forcibly removed, they will no longer be forced to change location/walk away
  • In the Original Story: the reaction cooldown for the Player exposing themselves to Leah will be reset at the start of “Just in the Kick of Time”, in case the Player recently exposed themselves in order to earn a “flash” point for some of Katherine’s content. This will ensure that the Player gets a desired reaction if trying to complete “Just in the Kick of Time” through such means
  • In the Original Story: minor touch up of the criteria for Katherine walking to the Player to give away the Tiny Key after the Player unties Ashley’s Top. Katherine will not be as likely to interrupt the Player with this approach during combat, will not walk to the Player if being spoken to, and will attempt to walk to the Player a bit more frequently. However, the social/friendship requirement for Katherine to approach the Player has been increased by 1. Just talk to her nicey-nice one more time, k?
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow the Player to move forward with the finale of Sibling Warfare even if they were in clear view of Madison and Derek when they hook up, or had failed Runner Runner and/or Sibling Warfare just before that moment
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up bulk-quest failure scenarios for a few Characters
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up a variety of behaviors for Lety and Leah in regards to the events leading up to their conversation in “Just in the Kick of Time”
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up a variety of behaviors for Lety and Madison in regards to the events leading up to their conversation in “Queen in the North”
  • In the Original Story: the conversation in the garage between Lety and Madison will not be forced on the Player if the Player is in combat or about to be attacked
  • In the Original Story: to compensate for changes to the content, the conversation in the garage between Lety and Madison for “Queen in the North” will attempt to fire slightly faster
  • In the Original Story: the Player will get more feedback about not being able to get intimate with Vickie if she or the Player are recharging their Orgasm meters
  • In the Original Story: the Player will need to wait for Vickie to recharge her Orgasm meter before repeating intimacy with her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue related to determining Madison’s distance from the Upstairs Master Bathroom that could return false positives
  • In the Original Story: fixed a minor inconsistency in Katherine’s pre-repeatable intimacy scene behavior in which she would indicate to the Player that she was ready to get down…but the Interaction Radial suggested otherwise
  • In the Original Story: Rachael overhearing Katherine and the Player’s conversation about spoofing texts won’t be quite as easily triggered, but will properly fail out of her “Dare Interference” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: when Rachael is sent a Dare Text, NPCs will be less likely to attempt to move to her for a short time, or locations relevant to where that Dare might take place
  • In the Original Story: asking Rachael for Vickie’s number after asking for her own number will officially/visibly fail “Dare Interference”, instead of just locking it off via an invisible Character Value
  • In the Original Story: minor improvements to the timing and clarity of the help/hint text associated with jamming the Game Grumps before they fall out of their Balloon
  • In the Original Story: Madison will now more reliably catch the Player giving Ashley her diary in a wider variety of circumstances. As expected, the repercussions of this are…unfortunate
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison’s behaviors to break down if she was groped under certain circumstances during “Like a French Girl”
  • In the Original Story: the Player no longer has an infinite amount of time to find and give Stephanie the Paper Bag during her initial freak out as part of “Meltdown”. Waiting too long will result in kinda-not-optimal things!
  • In the Original Story: Patrick will no longer be temporarily sobered as part of following the Player to Stephanie during the events between Madison’s “art show” and the beginning of “High and Dry”
  • In the Original Story: Ashley’s lines that serve as an introduction to Lety’s “Just in the Kick of Time” content no longer count as having met her, for Players that manage to get Lety to the party without ever having actually talked to Ashley
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the restrictions on Frank’s Chair so that it is a bit easier for the Player to experience the joy and majesty of using such a throne
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the restrictions on Frank’s Chair so that it is also a bit easier for the Player to Inspect
  • In the Original Story: Lety and the Game Grumps will now also have…a reaction, if they witness the Player drink a tampered beverage and blow their ass out. Yes, that phrase is in a patch note. You’ll live
  • In the Original Story: if the Player is already in the process of sacrificing their smelly sphincter to the laxative Gods, NPCs will no longer continue beating on them, and will prefer to just observe the absolute state of the Player
  • In the Original Story: the events fired when combining the Rum and Laxatives or vice versa are now always identical
  • In the Original Story: the Player will get more feedback about not being able to get intimate with Leah if she or the Player are recharging their Orgasm meters
  • In the Original Story: Leah will no longer try to walk repeatedly to Frank or the Microwave in some situations after the Player summons her to Compubrah VR
  • In the Original Story: the Player will get a bit more info as to why they cannot secure Ashley’s Top after Untying it, in the event that they Untied her top before ever securing it in the first place
  • In the Original Story: Untying Ashley’s Top before securing it will fail “Smooth Operator” explicitly, instead of relying on an invisible value being flagged
  • In the Original Story: during the oral scene for “Benedict Brahrnold”, Patrick’s “sensitivity” will not be reset until certain important dialogues are closed
  • In the Original Story: cleanup and standardization of some of the events shared between Failing and Completing the “Benedict Brahrnold” route of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • Fixed issues that could prevent GetsHitWithProjectile reactions from triggering as intended. An NPC getting hit or not will now take into account not only projectile velocity, but also how hard the item was originally thrown by the Player
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the IsCurrentlyUsing criteria to return an inaccurate result if directed toward a Disabled Character
  • The Player will no longer be able to accidentally toggle Combat Mode, Crouch, or attempt attacks while unconscious, which could result in nuisance behaviors like NPC reactions occurring at unintended times (like temporary KOs during various stories) or inaccurate State or Property criteria checks
  • Restored the functionality of the RunWhenCloseToTarget State. This State will force an NPC to Run without needing to manipulate/toggle their Run Value if: they have a current Target they are moving to, and that Target is within their Vicinity (a bit further than the “hover to interact” distance)
  • Added the RunWhenFarAwayFromTarget State. This State will force an NPC to Run without needing to manipulate/toggle their Run Value if: they have a current Target they are moving to, and that Target is outside their Vicinity, or if they are unable to see the Target
  • CSC: Added the ability to auto-sort collections/blocks of Game Events by their Delay, in either Ascending or Descending order
  • Improved Ashley skinning lower back to not clip through skirt when dancing
  • Tweaked Amy secondary skin mask
  • Uncensored version of Ashley’s alternative wet/beer skin texture
  • Fixed PlayerMale blendshape normals and improved uncensored texture seam between body and penis
  • Fixed a mislabelled checkbox
  • Added censored versions for all current cutscenes
  • Fixed some issues and angles in master bedroom sex cutscene
  • Fixed issues associated with disabling and enabling characters

(Alpha 3/5/2021)

  • Added inventory image for the sunglasses
  • Added cutscene for master bedroom sex
  • Added cutscene for Frank’s finale
  • Added cutscene for Katherine’s finale
  • Added Frank story achievements
  • Added penis alignment for all cutscenes
  • Added sountracks for all cutscenes
  • Added cucumber model
  • Improved the male and female drunk walk
  • Updated Ashley’s clothing
  • Added OpenLabia blendshape to all female characters
  • Added blendshapes to male characters to open their anuses
  • Updated inventory image for Derek’s shirt, Ashley’s top and her panty
  • Updated Amy and Ashley avatar images
  • Added a pop up to indicate changes in social status between the player and other characters
  • CSC: Added the ability to set reactions/event triggers for the player in story data
  • The opportunities window and popup in game will now show “missed opportunities” when you fail an opportunity that hasn’t been started yet instead of showing the opportunity name and details
  • The opportunities window will now sort a character’s quests by in progress, then completed, then failed
  • In the Original Story: Frank and Leah’s ability to tell if the Player is doing something with alcohol now has a more forgiving distance check to it. If the distance between the Player and
  • Frank/Leah is greater than the distance between “Frank’s Chair” and the threshold to the LivingRoom (where Stephanie dances; a distance of 10), then they will not react to the Player taking booze-related actions
  • In the Original Story: as Frank promised there is now at least one meaningful reward to NOT beating him up during the “evil”/Ronin ending of Leah’s “Broken Code” content
  • In the Original Story: continuing to improve your Friendship with Frank after it already appears to be maxed will now also reward a Romance boost
  • In the Original Story: slight changes to the final pre-intimacy choice during Rachael’s “Dare Interference” content. Pay close attention!
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will need a different item in order to “tend to herself” just before her intimacy reward
  • In the Original Story: initiating Katherine’s first Intimacy reward and her follow-up rewards now have slightly different requirements in terms of Player positioning.
  • In the Original Story: implemented additional protections to prevent niche occurrences of the Game Grumps duplicating their initial “Fell to the Ground” reactions, BGC, and follow-up events
  • In the Original Story: the Fireplace is now…active. Careful what you throw around near it!
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to how some of Frank’s intro dialogue is handled and what other Global Responses of his rely on said dialogue
  • In the Original Story: the Player Character has learned how to grasp more things from the endless void known as their “inventory” and hold said things in their hand(s)…but not all the things.
  • Is it even possible to learn this power?!
  • In the Original Story: the Fireplace can now be used to maximize the dankness of gettin’ tight with…ah fuck it I’m old. Light the joint with the Fireplace if you want to
  • In the Original Story: standardized the distance at which certain NPCs will/will not use certain Background Chatters if they do not want another NPC to “hear” them use said Background Chatter
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer ask Frank about Thermos-related questions/responses once they are already holding or have inventoried the Thermos
  • In the Original Story: loosened some restrictions on when the Player can tell Brittney when Stephanie is dancing topless
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will no longer attempt to return to a playing music source if she is being spoken to or displaying dialogue. To compensate, the frequency with which she will try to return to a playing music source has been slightly increased
  • In the Original Story: removed certain restrictions from a handful of global Vickie responses related to “Derek Smash!”
  • In the Original Story: tweaked certain restrictions in a handful of global Vickie responses as related to Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare” content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause two of Leah’s booze-related actions towards the Player to flag her as having “met” the Player, which could compromise some initial Social meter gains with her
  • In the Original Story: fixed a number of VA-text mismatches
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player or Derek to get stuck with the HoldingADrink state after some Derek content sequences
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer ask Derek about the Whipped Cream or Condom if the Player has already managed to take possession of them
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to when certain bathrooms are considered “available”
  • In the Original Story: the Game Grumps will no longer magically take part in scenes in Madison’s bedroom or bathroom if Madison’s bedroom/the Master bedroom door is locked
  • In the Original Story: tweaked a variety of restrictions related to the Master Bedroom being “available” and/or being in use due to progression of “The Muse” and its related Opportunities
  • In the Original Story: throwing the Dildo at the Closed Briefcase will now fail “Artsy Fartsy”. Officially this time. Not just cause you hucked the dildo away
  • In the Original Story: better aligned Madison’s “On Groped” reactions with the social meters
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some old Roaming behavior issues for Derek in regards to his motion in or around the Gazebo just before the finale of “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: the Motor Oil can now be Taken into the Player’s inventory
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow the Player to get an extra point of Friendship with Patrick if they pursued giving him the Painkillers in a very specific way
  • In the Original Story: expressing concern about Frank towards Patrick will earn a point of Friendship with Patrick
  • In the Original Story: improved some helpful Thought Bubbles related to progression through “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now ask Vickie about the photos on Madison’s Phone even if Madison is nearby. Watch out!
  • In the Original Story: moving ahead with the prank against Madison for “Sibling Warfare” can be temporarily put on hold if the bedroom is being used just before sending Derek off to talk to Madison
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to attack the Player when giving her booze without taking into account her socials with the Player first
  • In the Original Story: Derek will no longer blatantly tell the Player not to mention some of his personal business to Stephanie while in sight of and in proximity to…yeah
  • In the Original Story: the calculation used to determine whether or not Frank will confront the Player amicably or aggressively after the Player takes multiple booze items from the liquor cabinet now takes into account romance points with Frank and other new factors, and is in general more lenient
  • In the Original Story: the informative thought bubble that hints towards Frank’s “liquor cabinet confrontation” mechanic now offers a bit more detail into how the Player can save their own ass
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could let Frank attack the Player after groping Leah even if Frank could not see the Player doing so
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to a handful of Patrick dialogues that Frank could overhear that could cause Frank to attack Patrick even if Frank could not see him at all, if Frank was concussed, etc.
  • In the Original Story: Patrick now has a reaction to being given the Scorpion Tequila outside of Lety’s content
  • In the Original Story: made a wide variety of small bug fixes and tweaks to instances in which Frank or Leah overhear the Player to ensure consistency between when the Player is attacked based on Frank being concussed, prevent overhears through walls, and in general standardize such behaviors
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of additional bugs regarding Frank/Leah overhears that would in fact entirely override the dialogue for the NPC that was supposed to speak, rather than allow Frank/Leah to interject afterward
  • In the Original Story: Frank overhearing an NPC accusing you of being drunk will no longer agro him if he is concussed, aligning these reactions with his own behavior of not giving a shit if he is concussed
  • In the Original Story: standardized the checks made while Kat and the Player are or are not drinking rum as part of her early content in the Game Grumps’ storyline that are responsible for Frank and Leah getting all kinds of mad
  • In the Original Story: tweaks to the Derek behaviors related to him confronting Frank about his little brother and the meth. These exchanges can no longer happen at times when Frank is occupied with other story-critical content that could cause awkward event overlap(s)
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some old scripting that could cause odd feedback text/dialogues if the Player was trying to get into the downstairs bathroom just as Katherine made it inside after getting sick for “Meltdown”
  • In the Original Story: telling Frank that you are wasted/had shots will now emotionally displease him via his social meter, in addition to the displeasure he already exhibits into or around your facial area
  • In the Original Story: the Player will have a bit more warning before using the Dildo with a certain risky, roof-mounted object
  • In the Original Story: losing the Dildo will now also more informatively fail out of an Opportunity for Madison that required it to not be lost
  • In the Original Story: added some mitigating events to cut down on the likelihood that Dan and/or Arin will get stuck on other NPCs or each other while on their way from the Fire Pit to their majestic steeds
  • In the Original Story: added additional protections to Characters like Ashley and Leah to ensure they don’t erroneously get mad at the Player for “climaxing” on them during intimacy scenes
  • In the Original Story: standardized Derek’s intimacy scene and added remaining WallSex positions for use with him
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up KO-related events for Leah that can take place during her “Evil”/Ronin ending for “Broken Code”. It is no longer possible to have her get KO’d without being able to wake up
  • In the Original Story: cleanup of events and Frank and Leah’s behaviors leading up to the Player’s choice to fight Frank or Leah during the “Evil”/Roning ending for “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: it should be harder to seemingly arbitrarily fail out of the “Evil”/Ronin route “Broken Code” due to not being naked during the pre-intimacy finale
  • In the Original Story: added a number of new lines and behaviors related to Leah going all the way through “Broken Code” and deciding to be “Evil” after Frank’s defeat
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer give the Chocolate Bar to Leah after a certain point in “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: Leah will actually take and eat the Chocolate Bar from the Player when she’s given it
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up the aesthetics of Frank’s jump to the roof during the “Evil” ending of “Broken Code”; it is now similar to Derek’s jump to the roof for “Memory Lane”
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some scripting for Frank and Derek’s jumps to the roof so that it’s not possible for them to continue jumping and taking certain actions if relevant content had been failed just before their jumps, and it should no longer be possible for them to be stuck reaching for an IKTarget in similar circumstances
  • In the Original Story: giving Katherine the UN-tampered Rum will fail the “Meltdown” Opportunity as it always should have
  • In the Original Story: modified Pat and Ashley’s behavior when starting the finale of Madison’s “Smooth Operator” finale to prevent them from being able to continue moving toward any roaming target they had previously chosen
  • In the Original Story: fixed a long-standing plot inconsistency regarding the nature and duration of Ashley and Brittney’s relationship
  • In the Original Story: made a number of changes to Madison’s behaviors after having caught the Player stealing, looking through her phone, etc.
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some Leah behavior prior to her initial talk with Frank at the Fire Pit just before “Guiding Light”. She will be less likely to walk right by him while looking for him
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety to block Leah’s escape from “the Carnies” after Leah is Poppered during “Just in the KICK of Time”
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up a couple potential Stephanie Dialogue inconsistencies
  • In the Original Story: if the Player did not actually give the camera with Katherine’s nudes on it to Frank, then Katherine will not comment on this pre-intimacy if the Master Bedroom door is unlocked
  • In the Original Story: Leah will not get involved in any “guard the booze” shenanigans while she is following the Player/Frank around the house and yard just before the “evil” finale of “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: Frank will no longer warn the Player about opening the Liquor Cabinet if he gave the Player permission to sniff the Thermos
  • In the Original Story: Rachael won’t lock the Player out of conversation options quite as quickly due to lowered Socials. It will take another mistake or two to get her to completely shut you out of her life
  • In the Original Story: Leah will cancel any pending SpareRoom2 and UpstairsHallway motion before warping out to confront Frank on the roof during one ending of “Broken Code”. This should alleviate some niche odd behaviors observed once she takes her place outside the art room window
  • In the Original Story: minor event cleanup for the events that start Rachael and Pat’s initial “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” confrontation
  • In the Original Story: fixed that could cause the Player to get credit towards the “Running” speed stat increase while KO’d
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to Always Block for the rest of a playthrough if the Player failed her “Punch Training” in the Garage by running out of the room
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to not “stay and watch” after catching the Player having sex
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause various hot tub-related bugs to occur if the Player “climaxed” on Brittney while in the middle of the hot tub finale of Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an inconsistency in an Ashley dialogue response regarding her closet and the Tiny Key
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison to Roam repeatedly to Vickie
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now quickly get fully dressed or undressed via their Radial action menu instead of being forced to individually remove clothing items one at a time. Existing options to remove individual items remain unchanged
  • In the Original Story: at various points during the Story where the Player is expected to have Madison’s Phone or Patrick’s Phone, either having said Phone inventoried OR held in hand will count as “having” the Phone
  • In the Original Story: minor increase in the “reward” for eating the Chocolate Bar
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to become effectively broken if the Player failed the “good” path for Leah’s “Broken Code” content, then defeated Leah in a possible fight that could ensue, and then tried to wake up Frank
  • In the Original Story: Derek and Madison noticing the Player stealing an item is more in line with Frank/Leah’s behavior regarding the booze. In general, Derek and Madison will not catch the Player stealing if they are too far away, out of vision, the Player is not in front of them, or are occupied by a very specific number of story-content restrictions.
  • In the Original Story: fixed a consistency issue between two instances where Madison would react to the Player talking about a stolen item with Amy
  • In the Original Story: another sugary treat can now be eaten…
  • In the Original Story: Madison and Ashley will be less likely to talk about Ashley’s hidden “toy” via Background Chatter while other NPCs are around
  • In the Original Story: some minor cleanup of behaviors in the sequence of events leading up to Frank’s untimely demise during the “Lety-Rachael Easter Egg”
  • In the Original Story: some tweaks to mitigate an issue that could prevent Frank and Lety’s final confrontation near the Firepit if either of them had managed to get distanced from each other/the Firepit before the Player stepped into view
  • In the Original Story: improvements to Brittney’s behavior(s) if the Player…”finishes” on her at very inappropriate times
  • In the Original Story: tweaks to certain behaviors during the “Tampered Rum”/”Poisoned Player” ending of the game to prevent a certain feisty someone from going overboard with voiced lines. Calm it the fuck down, okay?
  • In the Original Story: Madison won’t stop her bonding session with Lety just because the Player wants Vickie’s number…or if she’s…ummm…nipples deep in important story content. You want to make these worth reading? Thought not.
  • In the Original Story: some of Patrick’s “fluffier” moments when reaching the Player will no longer occur/interrupt the Player if the Player is already in the middle of other Dialogue, in combat/about to be in combat, or in the middle of certain content that triggers temporary global lockouts. To compensate for this, Patrick will try to WalkTo the Player a bit more frequently to deliver these silly, silly lines
  • In the Original Story: when repeating Intimacy with Katherine, she will now also remove her clothing if the Player merely turns their back on her to give her a moment to change; you no longer need to run in and out of another room, although that is still an option
  • In the Original Story: the text descriptions/hints for the Oppportunity: Katherine’s “D”-Mands have been updated
  • In the Original Story: added some Roaming-related controls that should make it much less likely for NPCs to continually stream into the Master Bedroom to say hello or whatever to Katherine while she and the Player are just about ready to get intimate
  • In the Original Story: Frank will no longer magically exit out of his Concussed state in the middle of being talked to or while talking to another Character
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to attack the Player for taking Booze-related actions if Frank was not around but was concussed, even if Frank had given his slurred permission for the Player to do what they want with the Booze
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to consume her Booze warning towards the Player slightly unpredictably/when not intended
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to permanently be an exhibitionist if Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” was failed in a specific way, at a specific time during the finale of the Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will now be considered temporarily “Occupied” for certain cross-content lockouts while she is running to the Hot Tub to get her phone back from Stephanie during the finale of Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some behaviors related to Stephanie being high or drunk after some of her content, as well as in-game feedback related to what effects these behaviors have on her
  • In the Original Story: addressed issues with Stephanie’s selection of reaction to the Player exposing themselves
  • In the Original Story: added some additional mitigating controls to prevent Patrick from wandering away from the “flamingo corner”/area in niche situations while the Player was working on “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: addressed a minor plot inconsistency in a Derek Dialogue related to when the Player/Derek may or may not have found out about what happened with Derek’s brother, just before involving Derek in the “Sibling Warfare” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: initiating the fight between Derek and Patrick vs. Frank now requires Derek to be free of a number of other…story-occupying limitations
  • In the Original Story: certain Achievements that relied on Periodic events in order to trigger will now wait until the Player is no longer being spoken to, to better ensure that the Player is able to conveniently observe the Achievement pop-up. To compensate, these Achievement Periodic events will “tick” slightly faster
  • In the Original Story: combat-related Achievements should pop-up/fire slightly more quickly
  • In the Original Story: Brittney is now disabled if for some reason she leaves the party
  • In the Original Story: Amy is now disabled if for some reason she leaves the party
  • In the Original Story: a number of Opportunities that were missing various Status Texts have been given some love
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now receive some feedback if the Upstairs Bathroom Door is locked while Amy is attempting to go inside to change into the Goodbye Kitty underwear
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will not walk out to greet Vickie upon her arrival if the Player has not progressed far enough into “Military Precision” and/or “Sibling Warfare” to justify doing so
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup and tightening-up of some Opportunity-related events specific to “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” and “Story Time with Patrick”
  • In the Original Story: if Katherine kicks the Player out of the Downstairs Bathroom during the events of “Meltdown”, the Fade Out and In will not take nine years to complete. Instead, it will take about as long as you’ve spent reading this note
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will now wait for the Game Grumps to finish their discussion of “Power Hours” with her before she attempts to return to a music area
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Stephanie to occasionally get too far away from a music area
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will only start automatically wandering out to dance at the Speaker in the back yard after the Player directly tells her it is set up and on
  • The front door will now make a sound when successfully opened or closed
  • Fixed issues that could prevent the Popper and Starbomb from correctly triggering GetsHitWithProjectile events
  • Set the Fireplace up to explode when various items are thrown into it. This automatic explosion mechanic will trigger one of two sound effects depending on whether or not an appropriate glass/not-glass item is thrown in, trigger the ItemFunction for the explosion itself, and for certain items, also automatically flag Player values so that CSC users may easily track their destruction. The explosion can also be manually triggered via the CSC, which will result in a non-glass explosion sound effect being played, but no automatic events being fired
  • OnItemFunction Event Triggers work now. Sorry we like, put them there and did nothing with them and stuff
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the NoLoitering system from working as intended due to niche Dialogue open/close behaviors
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the NoLoitering system from working as intended in the event that multiple Characters took up the same NoLoiter area under certain conditions
  • Very slightly sped up the NoLoitering system check to account for the delay in ChangeLocation caused by it
  • Characters will no longer regenerate health while the game is Paused
  • PokedByVibrator Event Triggers/Reactions will no longer be able to fire while the game is Paused
  • PhoneBlindedMe Event Triggers/Reactions will no longer be able to fire while the game is Paused
  • Characters who were on fire will no longer be super rude and burn to death while the game is Paused
  • The default position of the Sunglasses has been ever, ever so slightly adjusted
  • Minor typo fix for one of the hard-coded text pop-ups that Madison’s Phone can produce
  • Added dancing camera mechanics
  • The Upstairs Bathroom now counts as a valid sex spot. Intimacy started in this spot will manually align itself to prevent clipping or position issues rather than use Character position and rotation
  • The Upstairs Bathroom now has a spot to engage in WallSex positions
  • Added CutScene support to game and CSC.
  • Fixed an issue with Character Zone sizing that could cause Characters that spawned in specific areas at the corners of the yard to not have a Zone assigned to them until they changed position
  • Tweaks to several sex spots to prevent warping through walls near the stairs into the garage, or from the Art Room closet into Madison’s bathroom
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the following Roaming Options for the Roaming Game Event to behave unexpectedly due to choosing the wrong game object: AllowLocation, ProhibitLocation,
  • StopAllCurrentRoamingMotionTo
  • The Salami can now use ItemFunctions
  • The Salami will now be highlighted in the grass if dropped
  • The LockFPS console command can now set the FPS as low as 10, instead of 15
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the IntimacyState criteria check to evaluate incorrectly if checking for IntimacyState – None on a Disabled Character
  • Fixed a typo in a Custom Story Browser error text
  • Various performance tweaks and optimizations
  • CSC: the ItemFromItemGroup category of Game Events now includes the option to GrabFromPlayerInventory
  • CSC: certain body part-modifying CharacterFunctions that were formerly limited for use with specific Characters are now available for all NPCs. Think big brah, real big
  • CSC: NPCs who are currently on fire/have a flame effect visible can now speed up the rate at which the flame visibly ignites/grows or extinguishes by using the SpeedUpFireProgress
  • CharacterFunction. Upon reaching maximum “burn” or when an NPC is fully extinguished, the behavior of the flame effect is set back to its defaults. So, use this when you need a faster, one-off change. This does not increase the amount or rate at which fire damage is taken by the Character
  • CSC: added the IsZoneEmpty criteria, which will check to see if any Characters are CURRENTLY in a zone (Characters walking or being warped over time will need their own logic/criteria set up). This can be used to replace certain repetitive distance and/or InZone checks
  • CSC: “OnRelationshipEventWith” Event Trigger split into different Triggers specific to increases and decreases of Friendship and Romance to allow more convenience when fine-tuning social behaviors. The “Scared” social value is no longer tied automatically into any Event Triggers
  • CSC: improved formatting when Exporting Player Responses
  • Fixed UI placements
  • Fixed Amy nipples poking trough top
  • Added IKOffsets for all characters to improve animation clipping
  • Fixed issue with Derek wearing Sundress/GoodbyeKitty underwear in Main Menu
  • Improved Stephanie’s dress cloth physics and tweaked her hands positions during lap-dance
  • Updated animation settings to stop characters from sliding backwards during conversations
  • Tweaked Brittney specular on cloth material
  • Fixed Madison hard edges on her butt
  • Removed lines/folds under female butts as they stretched during sex scenes
  • Fixed Derek skinning issue which caused a polygon to spike from his neck
  • Tweaked gazebo seating positions to be a bit lower
  • Adjusted ejaculation particle position for male characters
  • Changed player idle animation
  • Added alternate clothing textures for Ashley and Madison when they get beer thrown on them
  • The player will now stop dancing when entering combat
  • Prevented the player from crouching while dancing
  • Characters will now pause or stop what they’re doing to move for another character more often
  • Prevented some arbitrary errors from being logged to the debug console
  • Made improvements to precision when characters are navigating to crowded areas so they will get closer to their desired move target
  • Added console commands to play cutscenes
  • Updated discord links in the main menu
  • Save/Load/Autosave no longer resets a character’s clothing when they’re using a hot tub seat
  • Prevented autosaves from being performed when in the process of loading the main menu and/or being knocked ouut
  • Female characters are now able to dance badly
  • Added additional THGOAO texture slot for a character’s alternate textures
  • CSC Registration in game will now warn the player if their password isn’t using any special characters or capital letters
  • CSC: Accessible player prefs are now segregated by a prefix from normal player prefs to avoid any potential conflicts
  • CSC: Improvements to include faster and better results for advanced regex searches in CSC searches
  • CSC: Improvements to filtering criteria/events in search display results
  • CSC: The RandomizeIntValue option now logs the result of the operation
  • CSC: Performance improvements for sarching with filters
  • CSC: custom filter values are now preserved in search when switching to different characters
  • CSC: IsNaked can now be used for reactions/event triggers

(Alpha 12/24/2020)

  • In the Original Story: converted most NPC reactions for the Player exposing themselves into Background Chatter instead of Main Dialogue
  • In the Original Story: added new Opportunities for Frank – A “Ball” of Mystery, CockBall, The Penis Games, Nail the Coffin, Budding Bromance
  • In the Original Story: added new default greeting responses for most NPCs that can be used (based on their availability/ongoing content, social meters, and sometimes more) to move them to specific locations
  • In the Original Story: added clarifying hints and thoughtbubbles to the various story actions that serve as additional means of build trust with Frank outside of “Frankly, I Don’t Trust You”
  • In the Original Story: major revamp of the “Frankly, I Don’t Trusty You” Opportunity and general “Frank’s Trust” mechanics and many associated events. “Frankly, I Don’t Trusty You” is now purely dependent upon social meters with Frank, with giving him booze being just one of many different ways of progressing towards completion of the Opportunity. NOTE: this
  • Opportunity now reflects your initial earning of Frank’s trust. His trust in you AFTER completion of the Opportunity is then dependent upon your friendship level with him
  • In the Original Story: added four new Achievements: “Beyond the Call of Dude-y”, “Good Riddance!”, “Against All Odds”, and “Now It’s a Party!”
  • Added the “Fireplace” as an Interactive Item
  • Created Particle Effect To Depict “Flare Up” from Fireplace, as if hard liquor, etc. were Thrown Into It
  • Added the ability for the player character to dance.
  • Updated the censor setting to show a black censor bar over non-player characters who are engaging in sexual activities.
  • In the Original Story: converted Ashley’s reaction to a shirtless Player to Background Chatter instead of Main Dialogue
  • In the Original Story: groping Ashley no longer counts as having “met” her. Did you miss her hand? Nevermind. Dumb question…
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Stephanie not being able to receive oral from the Player if they just finished “Special Tutoring” and tried to move right into her intimacy sequence for “Candyman Can”
  • In the Original Story: before giving Frank a whole boatload of booze for “Frankly, I Don’t Trust You”, the Player will receive a hint that there are other ways to get him to trust you for certain content…
  • In the Original Story: finishing “Meltdown” successfully will now always fail “Let’s Lower Some Inhibitions” and “I’m not Whipped, Bro”, as Stephanie is like super cereal about this new Doctor-future thingy
  • In the Original Story: tweaked a couple of Stephanie’s global responses to at least require having officially met her before using them
  • In the Original Story: the two sets of choices in Madison’s dialogues just before she and Ashley fight during the finale of Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity now carry minor social impacts based on whether you encourage Ashley/the fight, or not
  • In the Original Story: minor improvements to Brittney’s emotive behaviors during the “Truth or Dare” bit of Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an inconsistency in a Rachael dialogue used during “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” that could refer to Vickie NOT being at the party when, in fact, she totes could be
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks/improvement to wording of certain descriptive texts for “Frankly, I Don’t Trust You”
  • In the Original Story: being able to ask Frank if he’ll open the Closed Briefcase for you is no longer dependent solely upon completion of “Frankly, I Don’t Trust You”
  • In the Original Story: the response that the Player can use to try and initiate the “Broken Code” finale with Frank is no longer hidden UNTIL the Player regains Frank’s trust. Instead, it will be shown regardless of him trusting you and can be used to confirm whether or not he trusts you enough. A hint has also been added to this exchange
  • In the Original Story: when Frank reaches his chair again for the first time after the Player has snuck too much booze out of the Liquor Cabinet, a little more info about how Frank makes his decision to attack the Player or not will be provided
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to not have the appropriate Alternate Body Texture(s) when loading into a game
  • In the Original Story: standardized the social criteria used to determine when Ashley will attack the Player in response to certain actions
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow the Player to ask Katherine to join them in bed while they were being intimate with another NPC. No, this is not a nerf to threesomes or something. Beds have structural weight limitations, that is all
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Katherine to not put her fishnets back on if the Player “abandoned” intimacy in the bedroom with her
  • In the Original Story: slightly loosened the restrictions on two responses within Patrick’s default greeting that were a bit too tightly tied into Madison’s “art show”
  • In the Original Story: “Frankly, I Don’t Trust You” will now auto-start after select interactions with Frank that were already serving as social boosters or depictions of his increase or decrease in the Player
  • In the Original Story: very slightly boosted the social reward received by giving Frank the camera with nude pictures of Katherine on it
  • In the Original Story: tweaks, 0.19-relevant additions, and cleanup in the periodic Event Trigger that removes Frank’s concussed state
  • In the Original Story: several tweaks to Brittney’s behaviors based on her Friendship level with the Player. She will now be somewhat less likely to attack immediately after one major “violating” act, but will be less likely to help with content in a handful of instances based upon even a moderate drop in socials or one occurrence of a major negative act. TLDR: Keep your fluids and appendages off her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Derek could overhear Amy and the Player talking about his brother…through walls!
  • In the Original Story: Amy won’t be locked off from being sent to take pictures of Brittney in the hot tub if she was never invited to Madison’s “art show” in the first place
  • In the Original Story: the Player won’t be locked out of asking Amy to go somewhere secluded while Madison’s “art show” is on if Amy was never invited to said “show”
  • In the Original Story: the Player won’t be locked out of asking Amy to go check out the fire pit while Madison’s “art show” is on if Amy was never invited to said “show”
  • In the Original Story: Frank attacking the Player due to the Player being drunk while speaking to him will now correctly flag the Player as having been made aware of Frank and/or Leah’s issues with booze
  • In the Original Story: the Player will automatically exit Combat Mode a bit faster after defeating Frank during the “evil”/Ronin finale of Leah’s “Broken Code” content. This is a minor QOL addition that should prevent…frantic players from accidentally hitting Frank again
  • In the Original Story: minor emotive additions and cleanup of Stephanie-Katherine events related to “Meltdown” and “Drunk and Disorderly – Stephanie”
  • In the Original Story: added states to Katherine briefly while she enters the Downstairs Bathroom to try and mitigate a rare issue that could cause her to get pushed out of that bathroom while sick
  • In the Original Story: Patrick now has the Upset state from the start of a New Game, as he’d be hungover/have a headache regardless of having talked to the Player or not yet
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to certain starting scenarios for “Get the Man Some Drugs!” and standardization of how friendship is increased, no matter how the Opportunity is started
  • In the Original Story: corrected a few text typos
  • In the Original Story: giving Katherine the rum (tampered or not) will now count as having given one of the liquor items in the game away, which ties into certain Opportunities and Frank mechanics
  • In the Original Story: added more social boosts for Patrick when giving him various booze items
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the delay after which Patrick will accept another booze item to ensure that it’s always roughly 60 seconds after having closed the “gave booze” Dialogue
  • In the Original Story: sprinkled additional emotive behaviors around Patrick’s Dialogues when he is given various booze items
  • In the Original Story: Rachael won’t approach Pat to confront/slap him if Patrick is on his way to certain important Character Targets like the Player
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now have the chance to ask Frank about his “take” on Leah
  • In the Original Story: slight tweaks to the removal of Stephanie’s panties as part of her “Special Tutoring” intimacy reward/finale
  • In the Original Story: tightened up some behaviors for Frank and Leah as part of a handful of “fail outs” of “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up the Global Item Refusal Events for Arin and Dan
  • In the Original Story: Frank will not try to get back to his chair if he is currently displaying dialogue OR is being spoken to. Slightly increased the frequency with which he will attempt to return to his chair to compensate
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to Brittney’s behavior after “Truth or Dare” during Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” to ensure she gets the most out of her relaxation time in the hot tub
  • In the Original Story: Brittney will only stay in “exhibitionist” mode after Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” if the Player has extremely high socials (friendship AND romance) with her. This may require her involvement in more than one set of content…
  • In the Original Story: added some Opportunity texts to a few Opportunities that were missing failure and complete messages
  • In the Original Story: “Katherine’s Dilemma” will now fail if the Player got Katherine the Rum without ever getting her to go topless in order to take pictures. This isn’t a bad thing, calm down
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause several Characters to react to being given the Flask as if it was filled, when in fact it was not
  • In the Original Story: the response that lets the Player tell Ashley she is standing in Patrick’s “sick” (to move her) no longer has an overly restrictive check against Madison’s “art show”, instead checking if Ashley is attending said show
  • In the Original Story: minor tweak to Ashley’s behavior that moves her if the Player told her about Patrick’s “sick” or “fluids” to prevent fast-moving Players from compromising content
  • In the Original Story: tweaked when Katherine could be “cell phone jammed” to avoid a few niche issues
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of issues across the story caused by On Start Dialogue event configurations that were preventing Social boosts or penalties from taking effect
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to not fully “take a break” from talking to the Player if the Player told her that they just use Derek for party hook-ups
  • In the Original Story: fixed an ancient, evil, long-forgotten bug that would allow the Player to “succeed” at Rachael’s full and partial flash Dares while hugging the inside wall of the Garage as she reached the corner of the yard
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the backend Player Value “PlaythroughTimer” to progress while the game was paused
  • NPCs should now be more aware of who they are speaking to and when they are speaking and more nuanced about which animations they choose and how they rotate toward their targets.
  • Fixed an issue with Dialogue OnStart Events that would allow emotive “tone” to be used by an NPC even if the actual Emote event that could set the tone was not executed due to a failed criteria check; this could lead to dialogues with unintended feels
  • Added right hand mounting position and rotation for the Popcorn
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an NPC responding with a BGC that specified a SpeakingTo target of “Anybody” to be unable to fire off said BGC
  • Mitigated an issue that could cause NPCs to stand around for some time without being able to exchange BGC due to an incomplete verification of pending/playing BGC
  • The Camera item will now differentiate between Naked, Topless, and Bottomless photos when taking pictures of Characters
  • Added support for most menus of the game to be translated including the custom story browser and login interface.
  • Added support for some aspects of the input configuration window to be translated.
  • Fixed issue where autosaves would sometimes not be written to the hard drive when returning to the main menu.
  • Added support for characters to use more complex body textures for preventing clipping with additional clothing sets.
  • Fixed issues with non-gregorian calendar formats in the custom story browser.
  • Updated how the male skin shaders are treated to allow use of a clipping plane for a bra worn in clothing set 1.
  • CSC: Added a “OnRelationshipEventWith” event trigger/reaction that will fire immediately after the current Character has their Friendship, Romance, or Scared social relationships modified with another Character (or “Anybody”) via a Game Event from the CSC. These can be disabled/enabled like most other event triggers to allow automatic and finely tuned control over social relationship adjustments
  • CSC: Converted the PlayerBeingSpokenTo Criteria into IsBeingSpokenTo, which will accept a Character so that you may check if a specific Character is being spoken to by another. Manual correction of existing Criteria types and Character references may be required
  • CSC: Individual Item Interactions resulting in a refusal will trigger refusal behavior(s) for that Item, even if the Item is present in an Item Group for which the Character has Item Group Interactions configured. This will allow you to more finely tune acceptance and refusal for items based on values or other criteria. Individual Items that pass their Accept criteria or are not found within the Individual Item Interactions section will still move on to evaluate any Item Group Interactions they might be included in
  • CSC: Added the InVicinity criteria. This will check against same data used by our internal IsInVicinity checks (used in socialization, roaming, intimacy, default reactions, and more), which ensure that two characters are at a Distance of 4 or less from each other, and not on separate floors. This can also be used as an easy replacement for any existing criteria similar to “Distance Between Two Characters Less than 4”. For those still reading this crap, a Distance of 4 is approximately 1.5 walking steps beyond the interaction distance for all NPCs. Also, I’d like to hug you…if you’d let me
  • CSC: Added the InVicinityAndVision criteria. It checks to see if two Characters are InVicinity of each other and Can See each other, while using 69% fewer words!
  • CSC: Fixed some issues where criteria were being shown in the search feature that should have been excluded.
  • CSC: Added advanced option to use regular expressions when using the search feature.
  • CSC: Added advanced option to search the location info as well as the event/criteria names and keys when looking for a value match in the search feature.
  • CSC: Changed default settings for the search feature to be more broad when filtering by events and criteria simulatenously.
  • CSC: Added a game event that allows the CSC user to set player pref values.
  • CSC: Added a criteria option that allows the CSC user to fetch and compare player pref values.
  • CSC: Added a reaction event type “IsDancing” which can be used to make characters react when they see another character dancing

(Stable Release 11/24/2020)

  • In the Original Story: * BEEP BOOP * Compubrah can now scan Katherine…
  • In the Original Story: * BEEP BOOP * Compubrah can now scan Rachael outside of her involvement in “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” and “Benedict Brahrnold”…
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie’s intimacy reward from “Special Tutoring” has been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: Lety’s (solo) intimacy reward has had a little additional polish and modernization added to it, and can now make use of the Wall Sex positions
  • Frank’s Popcorn can now be thrown around. You know where you’re gonna throw it first
  • The Intimacy Console Command will now let you know you are wasting your time if you try to make a Character that is Asexual be sexual. It won’t go as far as to make you feel bad, per se. It will leave that to you
  • Added new model for frank’s popcorn
  • Improved radial menu UI
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will not interrupt the Player nearly getting their teeth kicked in or while other events of “global” importance are occurring just to help Katherine with her wittle bitty tummy ache
  • In the Original Story: cleanup of events that can fail out of the “Meltdown” Opportunity while Katherine is still in the downstairs bathroom
  • In the Original Story: general cleanup of events related to Stephanie’s intimacy sequences
  • In the Original Story: fixed a Derek Alternate Dialogue setting so that it will not show up if Derek is mad at the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of confusing or unnecessary behaviors and restrictions that had been caused by the tying together of Ashley changing in her room as part of “Change of
  • Heart/Humiliate Ashley” Opportunities and the Player having upset Ashley by untying her top or groping her
  • In the Original Story: cleanup of some of Derek’s behaviors related to him divulging his “girl-friend” problems to the Player at various times
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that let the Player ask Katherine to start her Photo Shoot even after Katherine had gotten what she wanted (the Rum)
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would prevent the initial Derek Smash!-related response option for Derek from showing up again if the Player had initially asked for Derek’s help when Derek was pissed off at them. Still gotta earn your way back into buddy-ship, though!
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Ashley’s behavior so that she’s not as talkative immediately after being humiliated by the Player and Madison
  • In the Original Story: Madison’s Phone will now only use one set of Radial Menu options
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause redundant thought bubbles to appear when selecting a Vickie response while pursuing “The Muse” and “Sibling Warfare” at roughly the same time
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Lety’s behavior so that she won’t be remain visibly plastered for the remainder of the party after her core content is Completed or Failed
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of events related to getting several Characters into Compubrah VR Land A.K.A DongVR A.K.A Patrick’s Fuckbox
  • In the Original Story: added additional temporary position transition protections for many of the intimacy scenes in the game that should help mitigate situations in which a Character the
  • Player was hooking up with could be rendered briefly unable to Orgasm, potentially for the remainder of an entire intimacy scene
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety to use her generic reaction to the Player exposing themselves just as they were getting intimate together
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from being able to send Lety to Derek just before the main events of “Hunt the Hunk” if Derek was occupied when the
  • Player first tells Lety about Derek and Madison
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent certain story-critical events from various NPCs from unfolding during some of the more “idle” moments of the Game Grumps’ “painting scene”
  • In the Original Story: slightly loosened restrictions on two Patrick responses related to sending him to Brittney to ask about his phone so that they would not be locked out for the entirety of
  • Madison’s “art show”, even if the Player takes their sweet time getting to it
  • In the Original Story: refusing to be Stephanie’s prostitute is now a permanent decision. Fixed a repeat response issue related to this as well
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to try and be intimate with Stephanie even if their Orgasm meter was recharging just before her intimacy reward for “Special
  • Tutoring” was started
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow duplicate pre-“Special Tutoring” intimacy dialogues for Stephanie to appear
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause a confusing shift in dialogue and tone when giving Ashley her 2nd beer for her “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity, if the Player was close to recovering from negative social values with her
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Derek’s alternate lines for his default greeting/Dialogue 0 to be a bit more reliant on social meters, in the case that the Player completed “The Muse” and slept with Madison
  • In the Original Story: Frank can now be looted for this marijuana, provided your not-omniscient avatar has need of such a thing
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie can now be looted for her moneys, provided your not-omniscient avatar has need of such a thing
  • In the Original Story: minor miscellaneous improvements to a couple looting mechanics
  • In the Original Story: slightly loosened criteria restrictions on an Ashley response regarding her best bud, Julius Squeezer
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Vickie to walk to a hot tub seat just after she invited the Player to take her Panties off in the hot tub
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer start a game of beer pong if they are being intimate with another Character or in combat
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with Russian translations that could prevent Background Chatter for Amy, Ashley, and Derek from translating properly
  • In the Original Story: slightly tweaked the restrictions on telling Stephanie about Katherine being sick, if “High and Dry” was in progress, and also add a thought bubble response in case a restriction still applies
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to get stuck on the roof after his “Memory Lane” scene with the Player, if the Player had previously reminded him to go to the roof in addition to the original request to do roof stuff
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could inexplicably lock out the finale of Ashley’s “Smooth Operator – Ashley” Opportunity if a specific pre-“Sibling Warfare” line was seen
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to the availability of a couple Derek default greeting responses
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Patrick to potentially be erroneously flagged as Not Occupied during niche moments during the Derek and Pat vs. Frank fight in “Derek Smash!”
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer “Blaze” with the Vape if they are currently giving a Blowjob
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank to be sent after Patrick while he is still soothing his own ego just before spars with the Player for the “good” finale of “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: minor event cleanup, niche bug vector fixes, and emotive tweaks during Pat’s “Cloud of Mystery” and “Genie in a Brahttle” Opportunities
  • In the Original Story: added extra protection against Frank being able to be sent after Patrick just as Patrick was needed for some rather intimate moments during the finale of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”, which could cause…complications
  • In the Original Story: Pat and Rachael won’t aimlessly stand around, fully clothed, in the hot tub after Patrick nearly dies and gets soaking wet during the finale of “Palectrick Feel”. That’s just silly
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that caused the “Got Vaped” lines from most Characters to count as having met them, which could lead to some awkward and/or unintended introductions and behaviors
  • In the Original Story: added extra protections against Madison being able to be sent after Patrick at several points in the game that would be…unfortunate
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that caused Frank’s dialogue re: getting mad at Patrick for talking about hiding booze from him as having “met” the Player
  • In the Original Story: additional cleanup of Madison and Frank “GO GET PATRICK!” responses in order to provide somewhat consistent feedback as to why these may be unavailable
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of issues that allowed Compubrah VR/Dong VR-enabled Characters to react to certain Player actions as if they were their normal selves. Which they aren’t…
  • In the Original Story: spiced up Rachael’s grope reaction with an emote and…more interesting effects if she isn’t attracted to the Player and in the middle of Lety and Rachael’s “Easter Egg” ending
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Rachael could call for Frank’s help after being groped by the Player, but if Frank was technically unavailable…uh oh, Spaghetti-Os
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to ask other Characters about Derek’s “Memory Lane” stories if the Player had Failed the Opportunity before Discovering it
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could prevent Vickie from properly turning AND stepping back to let the Player by if it was requested via a dialogue response
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could allow Vickie to get prematurely mad at the Player for not meeting up with her quickly enough at the beginning of the story
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: cleaned up miscellaneous and old scripting issues that would cause problems with certain Action Items and Doors used in the story
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: cleaned up the Actions on the box. Oooohhhh yeah, THAT box
  • In the Original Story: tweaks and polish to a number of aspects of the “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” and “Benedict Brahrnold” finales, including a bug fix for an issue that could cause “Benedict Brahrnold” to “stall out” just as Rachael asked for you to give her Patrick’s “key” due to certain Opportunity dependencies
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to awkwardly remain on her knees at one point in the story instead of starting oral fun with the Player
  • In Date Night With Brittney: Brittney will now react to the Player peeing anywhere near her. It won’t go so well
  • In Date Night With Brittney: adjusted the “Top Off” Action for Brittney based on her new clothing style and how her top might be removed in different positions
  • In the Original Story: slightly buffed Brittney’s combat stats to better reflect her long, storied history as a wrestler and her intense study of the techniques of Gina, the Gynecological Goddess, and complete shunning of that uppity orphan-burning bitch, Hymenia
  • In the Original Story: sprinkled in some additional emotive behaviors throughout Katherine’s story in dialogues where strictly engine-driven conversation behaviors might not reflect the seriousness/hopelessness/eternal melancholy/lulz of whatever is going on with her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where a hint thoughtbubble about the Penguin would not appear after a certain Patrick line was used while the Player was working on “Artsy Fartsy”
  • In the Original Story: addressed a social meter inconsistency in Katherine’s reaction to the Player masturbating while waiting to be intimate as compared to her…other reactions during that period
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety (immediately after having been invited to the party) to follow Leah around during certain bits of content that notably occupy Leah
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety to get up from having sex with the Player just before crushing him during the intimate finale of the Lety-Rachael Easter Egg. Come Lety, that isn’t how you smush
  • Streamlined logging of automatically and periodically performed Event Triggers
  • Fixed an issue with the Vibrator item that could cause erroneous events to trigger on Characters that had nothing to do with the…vibrating
  • Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate and/or erroneous IsAttacked reactions/EventTriggers to fire when Characters were struck
  • Fixed an issue that could cause IsAttacked reactions/EventTriggers “owned” by a Character (the EventTrigger being in their story) to not fire if they were too far away from the an “Target” Character that was struck
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Camera item to erroneously count certain Characters as having had a “Naked” Photo taken, when no portion of their body was fully exposed. Characters will count as “Naked” for the Camera item if they have the Topless, Bottomless, or Naked State(s), which are already dictated by Clothing item presence on a per-character level. CSC users can further customize this behavior by manually decrementing relevant Camera-generated Photo values in the CSC via Game Events
    Added a few colliders around the currently used kitchen cabinet to ensure neither Frank’s precious popcorn nor other items can suddenly clip/fall out or into it from the sides or bottom
  • Fixed a few floating objects in the kitchen cabinet
  • NPCs will not randomly choose another NPC to roam to if they currently have the WantsToBeAlone state. However, if an NPC was manually added to their Roaming AllowedLocations via story scripting, they may still roam to that NPC
  • Fixed a minor feedback error in the Roaming Console Command
  • Added the StopMyCurrentRoamingMotion and StopAllCurrentRoamingMotionTo options to the Roaming Console Command
  • Fixed a bug in Console Commands that could cause an exception and display bug in the Console if a result was not found by the somewhat-kinda-intelligent-object interpretation flux nozzle…thing. Shut up
  • Fixed issue where characters were less likely to hit each other in combat when the frame rate was low
  • Fixed issue with translating radial menu options
  • Updated memory interface to use a new icon for narration events
  • Fixed issues with reachtarget events not being triggered when a character was told to move to, warp to, or otherwise interact with an interactive item that they were already using
  • Fixed issue preventing the event to force an end to sex from working when characters were very close to climaxing
  • Fixed issue where certain radial options did not work when the game was translated to certain languages
  • Updated radial menu to allow the target/cursor to be hidden when it is near the center
  • Updated how Katherine’s and Stephanie’s cloth components behave to avoid them getting stuck in strange positions after the characters warp or move very rapidly
  • Slight modifications to the Distance feedback provided by the Charinfo Console Command to better separate values used by House Party vs. generic Vector3 Distances
  • Fixed an issue that could cause erroneous additions to NPC AllowLocation and ProhibitLocation Roaming Lists upon loading a saved game
  • Fixed a minor text feedback issue in the Social Console Command
  • Slight tweak to the position of the InFrontOfEasel movetarget, which will allow NPCs walking to it from outside SpareRoom2/the art room to get clear of the door more reliably if it closes just after they reach the movetarget
  • Updated the save/load manager to support translations for static menu elements.
  • Updated the save file metadata to include translations for all languages for recent memories and quests that are now shown in the load manager when hovering over a save.
  • Fixed issue where memories being displayed when hovering over a save file in the load manager were not the most recent in the metadata for that save.
  • Update Madison’s phone pictures to support censoring/uncensoring.
  • Updated Katherine’s character script to remove her accessory clothing item by default whenever she is loaded in the OS and custom stories.
  • Removed a sitting pose from Katherine’s sitting pose list that was revealing her underwear when seated/fully clothed.
  • CSC: added Started and StoppedUsingActionItem event triggers that will fire whenever a given Character either sits/lays down on/uses a specified (or any) Action Item, or when they get up from/stop using an Action Item
  • CSC: Frank’s Popcorn now has Item Functions enabled
  • CSC: Interactive items now have a toggle to avoid using the default radial options
  • CSC: Added advanced options to search for specific events
  • CSC: Added advanced option to search for specific criteria
  • CSC: Added advanced options to control how filters are resolved
  • CSC: Added advanced options to determine which types of results should be included in the final filtered results
  • CSC: Added advanced option to control how many results can be displayed
  • CSC: Added a reset button to clear the search fields to defaults
  • CSC: Made specific event/criteria searches case insensitive
  • CSC: Added the ability to use semi colons to force line breaks for radial menu options (interactive item actions)
  • Fixed gap in the kitchen cabinet model
  • Fixed light bleeding from the garage into the master bedroom in baked lighting
  • Optimized lightmapped objects
  • Updated avatar images for characters that have new outfits
  • Updated loading tooltip to be static in the loading UI
  • Reduced brightness on a few interactive objects
  • Improved lighting on the erotic prickly vegetation
  • Fixed Brittney’s hands deforming during sex and clipping through drinks
  • Added censored versions of all character texture maps
  • Improved skinning for Brittney and Katherine

(Beta 10/20/2020)

  • Updated Katherine’s clothing
  • Added loading tooltip UI
  • Added new radial menu UI
  • In the Original Story: Madison’s intimacy reward from “The Muse” has been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: Leah’s intimacy reward from “Broken Code” has been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: Leah’s Hellion/”evil” intimacy reward is now repeatable…but the Player won’t exactly be in control of such fortuitous second, third, fourth, or seventieth rounds…
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of the events between Madison walking out of the Art Room/Spare Room 2 up to waiting for the Player to approach her for “Magnum Opus”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to offer Vickie Madison’s nudes even if the “Sibling Warfare” Opportunity had been failed
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that prevented the “Military Precision” Opportunity from failing near the finale of Derek’s “Mission Impawsible” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank’s confrontation with the Player after stealing too much booze from his cabinet to offer two responses instead of one
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank and Derek to loop rather rapidly through their “I WANNA KILL THE PLAYER” and “I WANNA DEFEND THE PLAYER” lines if the Player is caught holding a booze item near Frank while Derek is able to use his Combat Perk to defend the Player from Frank
  • In the Original Story: fixed issues that prevented the Player from Grabbing a booze item in front of Frank if Frank was concussed or the Player had a “booze pass”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to sneak more than one beer away from Frank if they had a “booze pass” via a super sneaky grab and hold technique
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank to loop through some of his concussed reactions to the Player holding booze
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some events and dialogue around the time when the Player might want to listen to the voicemail from Hugo Hugehole during post-“Sibling Warfare” with
  • Ashley. These tweaks should prevent higher “sensitivity” from making listening to the voicemail extremely hard to do
  • In the Original Story: once you listen to the Hugo Hugehole Voicemail, it’s kaput! No new voicemail!
  • In the Original Story: aesthetic improvements to Patrick’s little jump to retrieve his briefcase near the end of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: there is now a short window of a couple minutes after the “Derek Smash!” fight ends during which Leah will not magically sense that the alcohol in the liquor cabinet might be in danger when the Player Takes it into their inventory, and come waltzing over to guard it. This should make it easier to capitalize on Frank being KOd after “Derek Smash!” concludes
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Rachael to forcibly Change Location away from the Player if she caught the Player having sex during some rather sensitive points in her content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah and the Player to encounter…sexual issues if the Player had recently pleasured themselves and then immediately tried to launch into the finale intimacy reward in the “Hellion”/evil path of Leah’s “Broken Code” content
  • In the Original Story: fixed a minor inconsistency in flagging a Frank “Booze Warning” in one of Leah’s dialogues
  • In the Original Story: Giving Ashley’s clothes back to her after humiliating her will slightly boost her socials with the Player if the Player did not tell her to stay naked or request her Panties in return for the key
  • In the Original Story: after humiliating Ashley, the Player can choose to give her the key without asking for “more” in return, or back out entirely
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause a highly skilled, ultra bad-ass, Navy Seal-level Player to not successfully make it through the sparring session at the end of the “good” route of “Broken Code” after getting a confirmed kill on Frank
  • In the Original Story: it should be moderately more difficult for NPCs to interrupt Amy and the Player mid-intimacy now, as they will totes hear any throes of passion and generally avoid roaming to her. They can still roam around to places that may make them visible to Amy, causing her to get all bashful and stuffs
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow Players to exploit around Frank’s social mechanic after sneaking a booze item(s) from his liquor cabinet
  • In the Original Story: standardized Eat/Drink functionality for food items in the fridge and the soda to match those of other existing non-alcoholic items that can be consumed
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some Dialogue values for a few Characters that could lead to their formal introductions being skipped
  • In the Original Story: Derek will not congratulate the Player for getting in good with Ashley if the Player sufficiently lowered their friendship with Derek
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that allowed the Game Grumps to potentially perform their bathtub scene while KOd
  • In the Original Story: Improved the accuracy of the checks used to determine whether or not Stephanie actually witnesses someone get knocked out via combat
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up and slightly loosened the criteria that control whether or not Steph may check on Katherine of her own accord while Katherine is sick prior to Meltdown
  • In the Original Story: reduced the frequency at which Amy will stub her toe near Stephanie
  • In the Original Story: spruced up the process of getting dressed for a few Characters. This and undressing will continue to be worked on over time
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Katherine’s negative reaction to being “finished on” trigger a mismatching voice line and Dialogue Close reaction
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to remain in “photo shoot” mode after the Player…did things to her, when she should not
  • In the Original Story: a little clean-up added to Rachael’s post-dare intimacy behavior
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up additional events related to Stephanie and Amy behaviors that precede the beginning of the “Meltdown” Opportunity
  • Added a new wallsex spot in the master bedroom, near the standing lamp
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Ping Pong balls to magically levitate if held by the Player while Starting a game of forever-alone-pong. SPOOPY!
  • Beer pong cups will now reposition themselves whenever a new Practice session of beer pong is started
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Painkillers and Scorpion Tequila to initialize already flagged as being Held/Grabbed by the Player
  • Fixed some issues with the new radial menu
  • Fixed some issues with the new tool tips in the load manager
  • Various performance fixes related to the storing/retrieving character values, combat, and more
  • Updated the radial menu to support text renderers with higher fidelity
  • Updated tool tips in load manager to sort opportunities by those most recently updated or acquired
  • Fixed resolution based rendering issues in UI
  • Made the new radial menu center the cursor/target whenever it is activated
  • CSC: fixed an issue that was preventing the Practice Point for beer pong from appearing as an Item in the CSC
  • CSC: added an Item Function that can be used to manually reset beer pong cup and ball positions
  • CSC: Added ability to search by game event type and criteria type simultaneously in the CSC
  • Fixed weird specific reflection in the laundry room cabinet
  • Added an icon for narrator text in the memory log
  • Updated dialog UI to allow for slightly longer character names
  • Fixed issue where the “just chill” sign reflected into the house interior and reduced it’s brightness

(Alpha 10/6/2020)

  • Updated Brittney’s clothing
  • Updated combat and orgasm UI
  • Updated memories window and save data to differentiate between narrations and thought bubbles.
  • Synchronized time across all clocks in the universe
  • Updated the radial for the main menu to use a new visual style and support up to 12 elements on screen at one time.
  • Updated the loading screen to support cycling randomly through a list of background image.s
  • Updating the orgasm status bar to support use of a different icon for charging vs depleting.
  • Added a continue game button which is enabled when there is a valid auto save to recall.
  • Updated auto save conditions to perform an auto save whenever you return to the main menu.
  • Added tool tips to the load window to show recent memories and opportunities in progress for the save file under the mouse. Will only work with newer save files.
  • In the Original Story: increased the number of intimacy positions available during Vickie’s intimacy reward and ‘modernized’ her intimacy reward interactions
  • In the Original Story: getting caught by Amy when having sex with another NPC can now put “Chasing Amy” and its repeatable rewards in jeopardy if the Opportunity is In Progress or has been Completed, and Amy’s social meters are still high enough to warrant, well…giving a shit
  • In the Original Story: Ashley’s intimacy rewards from both “Smooth Operator: Ashley” and “Sibling Warfare” have been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: Amy’s intimacy reward from completing “Chasing Amy” has been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions. This includes the ‘full’ and ‘partial’ rewards
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s intimacy reward has been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: Rachael’s intimacy rewards have been ‘modernized’ and can now make use of all available intimacy positions
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s photo shoot (part of “Look at this Photograph!”) has been ‘modernized’ with the option to use a radial menu to control her poses, and expanded upon to include many more pose options
  • In Date Night With Brittney: Brittney has selected a slightly different outfit for her date with the Player…
  • Fixed issue with Patrick so he can take of his shoes again
  • Improved clipping of male idle animations in the hottub
  • Added censorship disclaimer to menu (if no dlc is installed)
  • Fixed visual bugs with translated UI
  • Fixed UI issues on non standard aspect ratios
  • Updated avatar images with new outfits
  • Optimized shadow casting for performance
  • Updated the control scheme UI
  • Improved loading screen
  • Reduced fuzzy text in input UI
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Charfunc Console Command issues for several characters
  • The Clothing Console Command’s “Change” clothing option can now be used without specifying a clothing set. When used in this way, the current Default Clothing Set for any affected Character(s) is used. In other words, you don’t need that extra ‘0’ in 99% of cases unless you or the game engine has been fucking with Default Clothing Sets
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to consider another Character target “reached” even if they were on uneven ground on the stairs, with the stair bannister between them, etc. This should help mitigate crowd control issues on or around the stairs
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to try and fight each other through the stairway bannister, which is a pretty hit or miss strategy. Literally. Now they will run all the way up the stairs to murder you. Greet you. You know what I mean
  • Fixed an issue that would allow Characters to struggle to fight through the immovable object that is the Refrigerator door. The door will now, in its wisdom, sense the martial showdown that’s set to occur, and close itself out of respect
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Player to enter into combat with a previously engaged combatant if the Player had successfully attacked that combatant, and then combat had been canceled via game event or Console Command, and then the Player had thrown a punch into the air without hitting another NPC directly in front of them
  • Fixed an issue that would occasionally allow Characters to attack each other through doors
  • Fixed an issue that could allow the Player Property IsBlocking to very briefly register as true if an NPC attacked the Player, even if the Player was not currently blocking
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Interaction Text to occasionally disappear/rapidly flash on and off if the Player was in combat and pointing their cursor at an item or Character. This also fixes an issue that could cause a backup method of calculating an attack hit to execute instead of attempting to attack the Character the Player’s cursor was on
  • Fixed an issue that prevented consistent selection of exact EventTrigger/Reaction matches when using the Events Console Command
  • Optimized Criteria handling and Periodic Event logging in order to reduce CPU usage and garbage allocation
  • Fixed an issue that could often prevent transitions to a Wall Sex intimacy act and even end intimacy entirely when two Characters were already on a Bed and making use of certain positions that could compromise their vision of a Wall Sex spot
  • Slightly adjusted the position of the two wallsex spots in Compubrah-world
  • Fixed the positioning and component values for a movement and navigation blocker inside the garage, to the left of the door, that was a bit oversized and clipped into the kitchen. This change also prevents players from placing items on top of the invisible collider. Sorry, no more floating penguin
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the Player being able to set their Crosshair focus on or even interact with NPCs through certain environmental layers or in unintended circumstances
  • Slightly increased the distance at which the Popper item can trigger Poppered reactions by Characters
  • Very slightly increased the distance at which the StarBomb will trigger Poppered reactions by Characters when it hits the FirePit
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Property Console Command to not apply Property changes to All Characters when the All subcommand was used
  • Improved Player auto-targeting of NPCs for attacks in situations where the Player did not have an NPC target focused with their crosshair. This will reduce the frequency with with a further-away NPC is hit instead of one closer to the “center” of an attack, and will prevent an attack from auto-targeting a KOd NPC if a non-KO’d NPC is within range
  • Characters in the LoadingDock cannot roam, cannot be roamed to, and cannot be invited to perform any roaming-initiated “hangouts” with NPCs they might have developed a relationship with
  • Cleaned up restrictions on “hangout”-based motion initiated by Change Locations and added a handful of additional safeguards
  • Simplified the Sociable personality trait-based modifier that affects the random Change Location roaming timer
  • Fixed an issue that could cause certain items to retain their “Highlight in Grass” texture even when they were mounted and/or no longer touching a grass surface
  • Added functionality to respect/enforce demo limitations and show feedback explaining them.
  • Updated main menu to exclude empty directories when determining language options for stories.
  • Fixed issue where switching languages after a game has already been saved and loaded didn’t translate some things.
  • Added support for the demo version to allow the player to play the game however they want for up to 10 minutes per play session, while restricting the ability to save/load games.
  • Added support for the graphics menu to be translated.
  • Improved performance for menu translations.
  • Updated status bar code to support new radial style.
  • Updated the radial menu to show default options for different types of interactions in the same positions/order, and disable them but still show them if they’re not enabled by the story.
  • Fixed issue where switching back to English didn’t re-translate the main menu if you already went into a game and returned to the main menu.
  • The hard coded behavior that opens up Madison’s Phone’s UI will now also work whenever the Player is holding the phone
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the “not sitting in hot tub” message the Player can receive so that it doesn’t appear if an NPC is already using that seat
  • In the Original Story: fixed a discrepancy in the Speed boost you get from scoring multiple times in Beer Pong; doing so will now give the intended, somewhat higher boost
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael to get partially dressed again during the Lety-Rachael Easter Egg intimacy scene, if the Player had already done certain Rachael dares first
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael to not be close-at-hand during the finale of “Palectrick Feel” if she is unoccupied
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to not get FlashScore credit (for Katherine’s “Express Yourself” Opportunity) as a result of certain possibilities that could unfold during Lety and Leah’s “Just in the Kick of Time” conversation
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause one or both Key items taken by Derek to reappear in front of the character when they had already been put back in the Player’s inventory
  • In the Original Story: fixed a number of VA-text mismatches
  • In the Original Story: added a couple Derek dialogues to make certain positioning possibilities when starting early “Memory Lane” content steps a bit less awkward
  • In the Original Story: fixed a couple confusing responses and thought bubbles that Ashley could generate that implied that her “prank was back on” even if the Player already failed “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Frank to warn the Player about taking booze from his cabinet, and Leah to come check on the safety of Frank’s liquor cabinet, even if the Player was given a “booze pass” by Frank
  • In the Original Story: it should be much harder for Patrick and Rachael to start their argument that starts “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” while Patrick is on/near the stairwell. That was just rude
  • In the Original Story: the Achievement credit/counter toward the “Duck and Weave” Achievement will not reset if the Upstairs Bathroom gets locked by Amy during her “Goodbye Kitty” selfie
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of some Compubrah/VR-entry-related events
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to prematurely walk away from a pending (repeatable) intimacy sequence
  • In the Original Story: if the Player is in the master bedroom zone (includes Madison’s closet and bathroom) but not in sight of Katherine when she reaches the bed for a repeatable intimacy reward, she will go ahead and strip down to wait for the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would temporarily prevent the Player from taking booze out of Frank’s cabinet if the Player first got Derek’s “Combat Perk” (where he can protect you from Frank), then pursued “Apply Pressure”/concussing Frank by locking the downstairs bathroom door and having him run into it, then tried to take said booze after Frank walked back to the Dining Room
  • In the Original Story: pursuing Amy’s intimacy reward just before Madison’s “art show” for “The Muse” starts is now an option, but as expected that will prevent Amy from attending the art show
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Money Maker’s Monthly magazine to not properly trigger Patrick’s dialogue about the rainforest and environment such if he was KO’d
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley’s Top to become un-interactable after her initial “Sibling Warfare” intimacy reward
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow a Player to Untie Ashley’s Top at unintended times just before an intimacy reward
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of aesthetic/emotive events before, during, and after Ashley’s intimacy rewards
  • In the Original Story: there is now a short window of a couple minutes after the “Derek Smash!” fight ends during which Leah will not instinctively come to take over Frank’s guard duties if the liquor cabinet doors are opened; this was making capitalizing on the Frank-less outcome of “Derek Smash!” a bit too difficult
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to encounter some movement issues if she approached the Player to listen in on the Vickie conversation prior to starting “Screw Like a Bee”
  • In the Original Story: Leah will only start zealously judging the Player’s distance from her during the “follow Leah” intro portion of “Screw Like a Bee” the moment she starts running to the Garage
  • In the Original Story: there is now a small social penalty to Madison’s friendship and romance if she catches the Player and Ashley in the closet after the doors were supposed to be closed during the “Sibling Warfare” finale
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the left Master Bedroom Closet Door to be openable before it should be during the finale of “Sibling Warfare”. This could occur if the Player had closely followed Ashley into the closet instead of manually closing the closet themselves, and would lead to a confusing failure of the content if the Player did as instructed and opened “one door only”
  • In the Original Story: made several tweaks to Leah’s approach prior to starting “Screw like a Bee” that should help prevent situations where she was not close enough to overhear and start the Opportunity after the Player lies to Vickie
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to a confusing sex-related dialogue from Vickie just before “Runner Runner” begins
  • In the Original Story: the Player needs to be fully “recharged” in order to see the “Fuck” action with various characters immediately prior to their intimacy scenes
  • In the Original Story: miscellaneous cleanup of events and addition of some emotive behaviors related to Katherine’s photo shoot
  • In the Original Story: if the Player completes Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” Opportunity and remains friendly enough with her, she will be just as supportive of the Player’s desire to be nude as the Player was of hers. I.e., she won’t use her snarky nudity reaction
  • In the Original Story: handing the Goodbye Kitty underwear to Amy in front of Madison will result in Madison being…dissatisfied
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Patrick would immediately enable his Merlot in front of Leah…despite being prone to otherwise hide it in front of her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Patrick could be betrayed by the Player for telling Frank to beat him up, when Patrick could not see the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Patrick could be betrayed by the Player for telling Madison to beat him up, when Patrick could not see the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Inspecting Madison’s phone after holding it to use as a light source or dropping it would do nothing
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause unintended roaming and other behaviors right around the time that Leah goes to hide in the bushes during “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some behaviors related to the finale of the Game Grumps’ BWWAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOWWWAAAAOOOOO-sorry. Sorry. The Game Grumps’ paintBWWAAOO-FUCK. FIXED SOME PAINTING FUCKERY
  • In the Original Story: added a clarifying thought bubble for when the Player COULD ask Frank about what he did to Leah (after she leaves the party during “Broken Code”), but Frank is occupied
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Leah or Frank becoming occupied seemingly forever and without explanation if the Player let the Game Grumps just stand around near the painting. For whatever reason
  • In the Original Story: miscellaneous cleanup of extraneous NPC actions during the Game Grumps’ painting thing
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of Leah’s behaviors after her betrayal by Frank near the firepit that could cause awkward moments with a few other Characters
  • In the Original Story: the healing food items have been buffed after a most unforgivable typo was discovered. They can now heal a maximum of 69 health, up from 68. Heavens to fucksy!
  • In the Original Story: Vickie may indicate to the Player that he is a fucking weirdo for standing around in the hot tub
  • In the Original Story: Patrick will now attempt to go find his Merlot if he dropped it during the Derek Smash! fight and this was the only fight he had been in during the playthrough
  • CSC: fixed an issue that was preventing Character Functions from being usable for several characters
  • CSC: added a RandomizeIntValue Game Event that will allow users to specify a minimum and maximum range (-100 to 100), and a Character Value which will have a random integer within that range assigned to it
  • CSC: fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from being a selectable Character for a Social Criteria check
  • CSC: added two new Roaming event Options that can be used to stop Roaming-only motion for one Character, or, Roaming-only motion for any Character moving toward a given target
  • CSC: Global Responses will now be sorted by their Display Order, matching the existing sorting functionality for Dialogue Responses, Game Events, Criteria, etc.


(Stable Release 8/31/2020)

  • In the Original Story: it is no longer possible to get intimate with Amy if you originally unlocked her intimacy rewards and then turned her off. That’s how the love works!
  • In the Original Story: Amy can now make out with the Player as part of her Chasing Amy rewards
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael to be unable to move for her self-pleasuring dare after saving and loading within a small time frame just before/as Rachael starts to pleasure herself during “Dare Interference”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow other Characters to try and roam to Derek during the events of “High and Dry”
  • In the Original Story: Rachael will now wait to deal with her pending dare text from Vickie before violently confronting Patrick about…holes…or whatever he was saying
  • In the Original Story: Derek will no longer remain stuck on the roof if the Player…aggressively rejects Madison during the finale of “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: Derek telling Amy that the Player is a racist (after deciding to not take his side at the end of “The Muse”) will now have slightly more of an effect on the Player’s relationship with Amy
  • In the Original Story: if the Player did not side with Derek during the finale of “The Muse”, Derek will be…a little more motivated to reach the Player in a timely fashion. To scream at him. Naturally
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow a Player to pursue the rewards for “Chasing Amy” even if they had already failed the Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent Amy from being sent to check on Derek at certain opportune times
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow the Player to redirect Amy back to the hot tub for a skinny-dipping selfie even if they had already fulfilled that requirement for “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: mitigated an issue that could allow Lety to start forcing herself on an unconscious Patrick
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety, Patrick, and anyone happening to attack Patrick to get locked in the study if the Player was very unlucky with certain “Disrupt the Disruptor” event/behavior timing
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety to become unable to socialize with others while she was free to roam around the party while waiting for the Player to make up their mind about sleeping with her or not
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed another issue that could cause Brittney to leave the Bathroom naked while changing, if the Player had Entered Vision while Exposed
  • In the Original Story: once the Paper is rubbed with the Pencil, it will always maintain its “written on” appearance, even after saving and loading a game
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to emotes and behaviors for Vickie and Ashley during the conversation between the Player, Vickie, and Ashley about Madison’s nudes
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of some behaviors for Vickie and Ashley as they are preparing to record Derek and Madison getting down towards the end of “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: Amy can now catch the Player when he is very clearly about to hook up with Ashley. This can compromise her intimacy reward(s)
  • In the Original Story: loading into a game that was saved while Madison and Derek were frolicking on her bed during “Sibling Warfare” will no longer cause Vickie’s phone to appear invisible in her hand
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could break Leah’s interaction radial if she caught the Player being intimacy with another NPC while she was already ready and waiting for the Player to hook up with her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could negatively affect Leah’s behavior/states if she caught the Player being intimacy with another NPC while she was already ready and waiting for the Player to hook up with her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow the Player to mix intimacy actions between Leah and another character. As Leah has stated…she’s all about 1v1 bouts
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Amy to get stuck trying to get to the Spare Room Sofa, if Ashley had made it there before her during certain mixes of content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to an awkward, yet complimentary line during an automatic “de-clothing” of the Player prior to getting intimate with Amy
  • In the Original Story: added a cancel/”nevermind” option while being intimate with Amy so that the Player is not forced to choose a new position
  • In the Original Story: miscellaneous minor tweaks to certain fluff interactions and/or their availability while the Player is “setting up” or in the middle of Amy’s intimacy reward(s)
  • In the Original Story: fixed another possible issue that could Ashley’s pre-Sibling Warfare intimacy reward to break if the Player was speed running the game like an absolute madman
  • In the Original Story: additional cleanup of Patrick’s Merlot behavior, but THIS time addressing ‘legacy’ and new bugs that could cause Patrick to basically cast “Accio Vino!” and summon his wine to his side. We all know that Patrick’s wand is…just not up to the tas
  • In the Original Story: Derek will no longer socialize while he is trying to comfort Madison after the finale of Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare” prank in the Master Bedroom
  • In the Original Story: fixed some BGC criteria that could lead to odd exchanges between Ashley and Madison
  • In the Original Story: fixed a minor issue that could prevent Madison from exiting the master bathroom when intended after the finale of Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare” prank
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Leah to award the Player with multiple “Flash Scores” (for Katherine’s “Express Yourself” Opportunity) and duplicate credits toward the “First Impressions” Achievement
  • In the Original Story: made Leah’s reaction to being “outrun” by the Player during the…aggressive ending to “Just in the Kick of Time” a bit snappier, and she will also now abandon the chase if the Player is 10 units away or more OR if the player is 7 units away or more AND she cannot see the Player. This should help Players that ran inside the house to get away from her and were having trouble keeping track of her location
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Stephanie to award the Player with multiple “Flash Scores” (for Katherine’s “Express Yourself” Opportunity)
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Frank to award the Player with multiple “Flash Scores” (for Katherine’s “Express Yourself” Opportunity)
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Derek to award the Player with duplicate credits toward the “First Impressions” Achievement
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Derek to award the Player with multiple “Flash Scores” (for Katherine’s “Express Yourself” Opportunity)
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to comment on the Player’s distinct, albeit overall fortunate, lack of a shirt while they were separated by windows. Weirdo
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow the Player to send Derek to talk to Madison about their ongoing romantic drama at certain times around Madison’s “art show” and just before the start of the “High and Dry” Opportunity that could cause notable continuity issues with Derek and Madison’s stories. And…possibly allow Patrick to watch his cousin get dicked. Ugh
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Stephanie to walk back to the Art Room/Spare Room 2 well after she needed to for her “Meltdown” Opportunity finale, and that could cause some minor erratic behaviors on her part for the remainder of a game session
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Arin and Dan to wander into the garage or study during certain unintended moments
  • Adjusted the colliders at the bottom of the beer pong cups so that they do not slightly sink into objects below them
  • Improved alignment for most phone items
  • Phone6 now has an inventory icon
  • Refactored phones to share a parent class, which results in all phones sharing more ItemFunctions (where possible; MadisonPhone is still unique in many ways), scaling behaviors, etc.
  • All phones can now properly align to the right hand of males. We just don’t want to give lefties any love
  • Slightly adjusted collider sizing on several InteractivePhone items to prevent them from sinking slightly into ground colliders
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the door to the safe in Madison’s Closet from re-opening when a game was loaded, assuming that door was open when the game was saved
  • CSC: added a new criteria for Items and ItemGroups, “IsMountedTo”. This can be used to specifically check WHICH character an Item is mounted to
  • CSC: added two new ItemFunctions, “ResetToOriginalPosition” and “ResetToOriginalRotation”
  • Fixed issue where saved games while the player was engaged in an intimate act with another player wouldn’t load properly
  • Fixed exception that can be logged when starting a new game if the last loaded game has since been removed
  • Updated the position of the highway billboards in the main game scene
  • Updated custom story BGC to allow playing audio clips from the OS asset bundles in certain cases
  • Updated UI for character selection so the male player character will be selected by default (for now)
  • Fixed issue where zipper sound effects could interrupt voice overs/the audio for character dialogue
  • Made the “coming soon” text translatable for the female player character in the main menu
  • Updated character navigation to fire reachedtarget events in more cases, for instance when the character is told to go to a place they are already standing at/interacting with
  • Updated the game logic for custom stories predating HP version 0.17.X to load all characters in a story on start and set them to default locations around the house
  • Fixed issue where the idle animation for the player characters in the main menu could cause them to face the long direction if idle on the menu for a long time
  • Added prevention of manual saves when the player is engaged in intimacy or is currently knocked out/dead
  • Added support for custom main menu/pause menu translations as long as the selected story also has that language/translation present
  • Fixed display issue where custom translations displayed as “English” in the character selection menu where it shows a language confirmation
  • Fixed case where characters that were loaded into the game outside of the animator culling distance could not navigate until they became culled
  • Fixed overflowing for french translation on the main menu
  • Adjusted lighting and position of the billboards
  • Adjusted defaultbg voor billboards
  • Improved Derek skinning, had a little bit off clipping in the left side of his neck when MakingOut
  • Fixed Amy skinning issue with bra clipping through shirt on Main Menu
  • Updated Main Menu Spot Light and Neon Light to have less harsh shadows (which could look like clipping hair) and updated textures for Patrick’s and Vickie’s clothing material
  • Fixed Amy Goodbye Kitty top clipping through back when making selfie

(Beta 8/12/2020)

  • Updated main menu to add a character selection window. When pressing start game players will now be presented with available characters and be able to select one and then play. Currently the male character is the only playable one, but a female character has been added as a preview.
  • Added support for main menu translation templates and wired them up to the main menu controls.
  • Added support for pause menu translation templates and wired them up to the pause menu controls.
  • Added Interactive Items for each of the bathroom mirrors
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to wander rapidly in circles, desperately trying to make it to the OutsideArtRoomWindow move target…only to fail time and time again
    Characters will no longer be able to see into the dining room/liquor cabinet area if they are not at ground level in the back yard/if their eyesight is blocked by the window blinds of the dining room window. E.g. Leah will not be able to see/punish the Player for holding or taking booze if she is in the hot tub, or still walking out/off of the hot tub stairs
  • Updated Patrick’s clothing
  • Tweaked penis rotation values to reduce clipping during sex positions
  • Added 69 animation for male NPC’s and the male player
  • Added male player Cowgirl animation for sex position
  • Added WallSex hotspot on receiving persons legs
  • Updated Vickie’s clothing
  • Updated ejaculation and peeing particle positions on charactersFix Derek LOD1 mesh issue with spikes coming from his body
  • Added male player and female player to Main Menu and improved female player skinning
  • Added character selection UI and both player characters to main menu
  • Tweaked some UI segments to better accommodate translations
  • Added animated translation text on main menu button to make it easier to spot for non-english speakers.
  • In the Original Story: Amy will give the Player a bit more help with “Artsy Fartsy”
  • In the Original Story: giving Madison beer will reward the Player with minor social meter boosts, similar to what occurs when giving Ashley beer
  • In the Original Story: the Player will no longer be able to try to Give Derek anything while he is all passionate and stuff with Madison
  • In the Original Story: Patrick’s reached Perception (100) and will hide his booze if he sees Leah or Frank. He’s clearly not THAT drunk…
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with-BRREEEEEOOOOOOOOOWWWRRRR…sorry. Let me try again: fixed an emote issue with Arin’s painting scene that could cause some fighting between various audio clips on the backend
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to walk away from Lety to try and participate in the Game Grumps BRREEEEEOOOOOOOOOWWWRRRR (yes, this is the internal name so fuck off, ok?) scene and then become temporarily unable to restart the Lety scene if the Player did not punch Arin in a timely fashion
  • In the Original Story: attacking Derek or being attacked BY Derek during the events of “High and Dry”, and succeeding in defending yourself or running away will no longer irreversibly break his behavior or Madison’s behaviors in most cases
  • In the Original Story: added two new Achievements, “Good Ol’ Days”, and “Snapped”
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now receive a small Romance boost with Brittney when completing the threesome with Lety and Brittney
  • In the Original Story: added a few helpful thoughtbubbles at points in the story that were causing confusion due to intentional yet prolonged delays in NPC behaviors
  • In the Original Story: additional minor social rewards added for generally positive, standalone, choice-based exchanges between the Player and a few NPCs
  • In the Original Story: fixed a Madison dialogue that could “summon” Derek even if he was technically unavailable
  • In the Original Story: there is now a minor social meter penalty for pestering Madison after she so very clearly tells you…well…not do that
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow fast Players to talk to Derek while he was showing off his ‘artwork’ during Madison’s “Art Show”. He needs to be 100% focused…come on!
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up additional some minor behaviors related to “The Muse”, and added some minor social meter adjustments based on Player response choices
  • In the Original Story: the “timer” that can result in the Player failing out of “High and Dry” (while Derek is climbing to the roof in order to check the Voice Recorder) now starts after his dialogue about Purgalicious being on the roof, resulting in a bit more leniency
  • In the Original Story: tweaked existing/added new flavor text and alt dialogues to tie 0.17 content in with existing content
  • In the Original Story: added some restrictions to when the Voice Recorder can be used based upon varying failures of “High and Dry”
  • In the Original Story: began adding some Opportunity Completion and Failure texts; updating these will be an ongoing process
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could affect the naming of Madison’s Phone, depending on how exactly the Player first met Madison
  • In the Original Story: giving Katherine the UN-tampered rum will now fail “Follow Your Calling” and “Apply Pressure”, given that you, well…needed to not do that
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Amy to get stuck in the master bedroom for awhile if the Player asked her for her help with the “art show” sculpture, but then started the “art show” before Amy made it to the bedroom
  • In the Original Story: made a tweak to requirements for Patrick to show up at the “art show” for “The Muse” that should both maximize his availability to check out your masterpiece, but also prevent him from heading there if he’s unavailable
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that let fast Players start a conversation with Madison when she should have otherwise been focused on Derek showing off during the “art show” segment of “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Patrick’s “follow the Player” behavior that can occur after the events of Madison’s “art show” to minimize any chance that he will continue to try and follow the Player after reaching Stephanie
  • In the Original Story: once the Player successfully coaxes Ashley’s “pet” out of its cage as part of “Causing a Ruckus”, Ashley will try to approach the Player more often. However, she will not approach as readily if the Player is already genitalia-deep in other “high intensity” content. This is to avoid interrupting the Player at certain crucial junctures…and also because she has a modicum of basic AI decency
  • In the Original Story: made a minor change to Derek’s behavior right after the prank (“Sibling Warfare” finale) against Madison that should prevent him from inexplicably trying to walk to Madison later on in a playthrough
  • In the Original Story: most of the Characters will be more mindful about roaming around to the bedrooms in the house…since, well, who just goes into someone’s bedroom uninvited to chill all alone? However, they may still end up in the bedroom(s) if they were invited to hang there by Ashley or Madison, OR if they decided to go hang out with Ashley or Madison on their own
  • In the Original Story: widespread cleanup of minor Character behaviors like Roaming toggles, etc.
  • In the Original Story: combined Madison’s behavior when the Player is a super turbo jerk during the finale of her “Smooth Operator” opportunity with her “caught stealing” or “was a pervert” behavior
  • In the Original Story: Madison will not accept beers from the Player once she decides it’s time for the Player to GTFO of the party
  • In the Original Story: tweaked when certain ‘casual’ BGCs will play for a few Characters, most notably Derek
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up Patrick’s “Merlot behavior” a bit, which should prevent situations in which Patrick could technically have the Merlot mounted to him, but would not drop it when attacked
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow fast Players to sprint back into the hallway at the beginning of Madison’s “art show”, which could compromise Derek being able to make it into the master bedroom
  • In the Original Story: adjusted possible starting positions for a few Characters based on their new, super respectful and totally realistic roaming behaviors
  • In the Original Story: tightened up events related to Lety and Madison’s garage talk for “Queen in the North”
  • In the Original Story: added safeguards that greatly reduce the chance that Madison could walk away from Lety and the Player during Lety and Madison’s garage talk during “Queen in the North”
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a few issues with various responses not being available to Brittney at varying times
  • In the Original Story: fixed issues that could cause Lety or Rachael to re-approach a previously knocked out Character during their Easter Egg content
  • In the Original Story: in order to be more available for Ashley’s Humiliation, Madison is now considered occupied (temporary content lockout) while Ashley is searching for a bathroom to use. She will be free after Ashley is humiliated or the Player fails “Humiliate Ashley”
  • In the Original Story: added protections to ensure that using Madison’s “Smooth Operator” relationship-repair perk can never accidentally LOWER any social meter values, in cases where the Player rushed ahead of her in desperation and…IDK…gave away some gifts or some shit
  • In the Original Story: Madison can also repair socials with Leah and Lety as part of her “Smooth Operator” relationship-repair perk
  • In the Original Story: various tweaks to Frank/Leah “booze overhear” mechanics to prevent the Player from getting trapped mid-dialogue while Frank or Leah are applying liberal amounts of fist to your…well…everywhere
  • In the Original Story: Frank/Leah will react to more instances in which a Character turned down booze from the Player
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some OverHear behaviors in some of Madison’s dialogues to prevent NPCs from getting mad at the Player through walls
  • In the Original Story: added some additional controls to Madison’s behavior before and during the finale of her “Drunk and Disorderly” that should prevent her from walking away from the content at inopportune times
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah or Frank’s…snake friend to disappear when loading a game
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to forget to gently hold Julius Squeezer after she did hand stuffs
  • In the Original Story: choosing the wrong spoofed text to Vickie will actually fail the “Vickie Vixen” opportunity now, since there is no recovery method for sending a second spoofed text at that point
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent Leah’s socials from being negatively affected if the Player attacked her outside of varying times in the story during which she’s more forgiving
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some minor behaviors and emotes related to Leah’s “punch training” with the Player in the Garage
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Arin to roam away from Dan if the Player gave Dan Compubrah instead of presenting Compubrah via main dialogue
  • In the Original Story: added some pose-release/action item clipping mitigation to Katherine’s “preparation” events before she gets her picture taken with the Game Grumps
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to pursue a limited amount of Compubrah-related Game Grumps content after “finishing” the GG content in a certain way, which could also cause Katherine to exhibit some minor unintended behaviors
  • In the Original Story: cleanup of some events, emotes, and possible super-niche bug vectors within Lety and Rachael’s “Easter Egg” content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Dan to become separated from Arin if the Player met enough criteria to start their Master Bedroom “Coats” scene, but never actually engaged the Grumps in the Scene
  • In the Original Story: refactored some story content that relied on the CenterOfHotTub MoveTarget to make use of the HotTubSex MoveTarget instead, as the latter results in more reliable navigation and ReachTarget behaviors
  • In the Original Story: Patrick will not bother the Player about Lety if the Player is currently in combat
  • In the Original Story: various optimizations and improvements to certain Periodic events for Madison, Lety, Patrick, and Rachael
  • In the Original Story: Madison will be a tiny bit more vigilant about checking to see who is using her phone at the party
  • In the Original Story: made some tweaks to miscellaneous or unvoiced dialogues to prevent their speakers from animating conversationally or emoting unintendedly while those lines were being delivered
  • In the Original Story: Madison will now be able to see the Player read her diary and react accordingly WHILE the Player still has the “diary dialogue” open. To avoid this, Read the Diary when Madison is NOT in vision of the player at all, or when Madison is facing away from you, or when she is at least six puppies away from you. If you’re not in the US, convert puppies to kitties at a ratio of 1.69 k/p
  • In the Original Story: there is now a social meter impact to being a complete jerk to Madison during her “Smooth Operator” finale
  • In the Original Story: Derek’s “Combat Perk” that you can get from siding with Derek at a couple points in the story will be somewhat more effective at preventing Madison from ensuring your doom…assuming he is around to stick up for you
  • In the Original Story: various miscellaneous improvements to NPC behaviors related to Derek’s “Combat Perk”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause certain content to remain inexplicably “locked out” after the Game Grumps left the party
  • In the Original Story: added a backup means of getting Katherine to Inspect the Microwave, in case for any reason she fails to do so
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine and the Game Grumps to be in awkward positions for their “photo shoot”, should the Player have obsessively nagged Katherine about fixing the Microwave
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow Katherine to give the Player the key to Ashley’s closet (“Tiny Key”) even if the Player had never untied Ashley’s top
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to attempt to reach for the MP3 Player while being intimate or, very rarely, in the midst of transitioning into being KOd. Sorry, these are very serious acts and you need to focus on them, not fresh beats
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Penguin to become permanently attached to Dan’s left hand
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up the behavior that Lety uses to try and stay away from Leah after their “Just in the Kick of Time” encounter
  • In the Original Story: Lety’s KO of Frank during her and Rachael’s “special ending” will conveniently be delayed until the Player is in vision of Frank and Lety
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some Item Interaction behaviors for Stephanie for the Wines she will accept that were redundant and possibly causing unexpected behavior from a handful of other Characters
  • In the Original Story: minor behavioral tweaks to Amy’s dialogues when she is assisting the Player in figuring out what to do about “art stuff” during “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Dan to approach the Player erroneously for the “Garage D&D” scenario, even if that scenario had been “canceled” or completed
  • In the Original Story: slight tweak to the criteria for the Game Grumps’ “Bathtub Toaster” scenario to start, which should make it less likely for the Player to see the Grumps warp away
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to start the finale of Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly” at certain times that were very…unfortunate for her sister. And possibly game breaking
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent a certain Amy behavior related to “Follow Your Calling” and “Apply Pressure” to not execute
  • In the Original Story: enabled a possible greeting line for Derek related to Stephanie and Amy that had previously not been scripted in
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was causing Madison to become “occupied” and unavailable for some content before she got really, noticeably drunk
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison to become permanently occupied if you got her pretty drunk, but then ran out of beers before completing the finale of her “Smooth Operator – Madison” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: added a bit more explanation as to when the Player can “Loot” Frank, and why at times they cannot
  • In the Original Story: the Player can attempt to loot Frank until they actually are able to steal something from him
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will now be too excited about taking a photo with the Game Grumps to talk to the Player until the Game Grumps Compubrah/VR finale is over
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the availability of the apology response for having untied Ashley’s Top to be less dependent on two temporary values derived from the finale of Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly”, and on failure cases of “Sibling Warfare” in which the Player did not actually DO anything to/against Ashley
    In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Ashley’s Top “Untie” action to become unavailable a bit prematurely as part of her repeatable intimacy reward for “Smooth Operator – Ashley”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow the Player to infinitely boost socials with Madison via a repeatable dialogue that is available during the finale of her “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of some SendEvent/motion-related behaviors after the Game Grumps’ “Bathtub Toaster” scenario that should prevent Arin and Dan from getting stuck on each other as they try to leave a bathroom
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Arin to continue to walk away from pool ol’ Danny if the Player gave the Star Bomb Box to Dan first instead of Arin
  • In the Original Story: tidied and tightened up some behaviors during the “evil”/Ronin finale of Leah’s “Broken Code” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow some intrusive events to play while the Player was trying to strip down for Leah before the intimacy reward during the “evil”/Ronin finale of Leah’s “Broken Code” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to Take the Spray Paint can after Leah had committed to investigating the closet, which could lead to some seemingly mystical changes to Leah’s face and choice of words
  • In the Original Story: if the Player was never encouraged by Leah to seek out someone who might know more about the Katana, a certain dialogue response will not be available from a certain “katana expert”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent Frank from immediately going to search for his apprentice, if the Player had recently done something that sent him back to his chair
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow, within small time windows, certain Leah reactions for to the Player exposing himself to execute when it was pretty much Leah’s idea for the Player to get naked anyway
  • In the Original Story: two Patrick responses that can be used to shoo him away from an area no longer require that the Player has talked to Frank first
  • In the Original Story: added an additional thought bubble to hint why Leah might not be meeting up with Lety, should the Player be mixing in certain content… Brah
  • In the Original Story: other miscellaneous cleanup of Derek “recovery” behaviors if he had been in combat or knocked out around the time Madison’s ‘art show’ started
  • In the Original Story: upon waking up from being knocked out, Derek will not randomly change location if he is in the midst of content that “occupies” him
  • In the Original Story: cleanup of some of Ashley’s post-“Family Time” behavior in the case that the Player managed to get to that point while ALSO having failed “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: tweaked a dialogue event to try and prevent the Penguin from becoming…uh, “part of” Madison or the Player during a specific Easter Egg situation
  • In the Original Story: fixed issues in two responses that could lead to the Player being unable to complete the finale of Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” opportunity by having Vickie naked and in the hot tub
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow Vickie to react to the Player’s nudity in one or two situations in which the Player’s clothes are automatically taken off with the express intent of “having a good time”
  • In the Original Story: general cleanup of some events during the finale of Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow Players to hook up with Vickie in front of Amy and still manage to get a dialogue or two into the completion dialogue(s) of Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: added an extra response for Vickie to allow more convenient prompting of her repeatable intimacy reward, should she be sitting in the hot tub under certain circumstances
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue in the Original Story that could cause Patrick and Lety to both “break” entirely/become unresponsive to the TALK action if Frank KO’d Patrick in the middle of certain Patrick/Lety dialogues that immediately preceded the failure of “Disrupt the Disruptor” and their intimacy scene
  • In the Original Story: added some additional emotive behavior and polish to the finale of Madison’s “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to continue asking about American flag underwear well after that portion of Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” was completed
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to initiate Leah’s “gift” (sparring training) after the “good” ending of “Broken Code” if Frank was occupied/unavailable, which could cause him to show up and break other content…or not show up at all
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could affect Rachael’s socials with the Player if the Player gave her her Thermos without having first started “Hunt for Red’s Thermos”
  • In the Original Story: tweaked responses in Rachael’s “given thermos” dialogue in the case that the Player gave her her Thermos without having first started “Hunt for Red’s Thermos”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause later dares to become erroneously unavailable if the Player saved and loaded during a small time frame just before/as Rachael starts to pleasure herself during “Dare Interference”
    In the Original Story: very minor polish/tweaks to a few events relevant to Rachael’s self-pleasuring during “Dare Interference”
  • CSC: Added warning in custom story creator inspector under the display name for interactive items that will be displayed if the item has an indistinct (duplicate) display name.
  • CSC: Made changes to handle long file paths for stories and various assets (~255+ characters) better without throwing exceptions.
  • CSC: Added warning in the inspector for a story if the name of a story is greater than 50 characters.
  • CSC: Added checkbox to CSU registration menu to opt in for marketing messages.
  • CSC: Added a label in the CSU registration to indicate validation errors for registration so users know what is expected from them.
  • CSC: Added tab/enter functionality for the CSU registration.
  • CSC: Made it so the ok only confirmation popups throughout the game will close if the user presses enter.
  • CSC: Added new item functions to enable tracks on the tv: LoadOriginalTrack, LoadTrack1, LoadTrack2, LoadTrack3, LoadTrack4, LoadTrack5.
  • CSC: Fixed an ArgumentException that could occur when pasting a Criteria with a very high/low numeric value and then changing the CompareType to State
  • CSC: the CSC Search functionality will now always pick up Character Values used in MatchValue GameEvents (as well as the new CombineValue event) and CompareValue criteria
  • CSC: the Turn game event will now allow you to turn the Player in addition to NPCs. When turning the Player, they will immediately face the given direction rather than animate a turn
  • CSC: fixed an issue that was causing recursive Event Trigger loop detection to take effect even when calling an Event Trigger from a separate character
  • CSC: fixed a null reference exception that could occur if the User created a new Object within a Story Collection, gave that Object a Character Story component, and then immediately began manipulating Event Trigger events before the Story Collection data could be updated
  • Improved on NPC culling engine and optimized performance
  • Fixed white skin outline on low graphics
  • Fixed Derek issue where part of his feet where missing
  • Improved Derek’s hand rig and beer alignment while drinking
  • Improved masks for Leah and Vickie, also fixed artifact in Leah’s albedo texture
  • Fixed Patrick hand hotspots on his legs when receiving blowjob
  • Improved player giving blowjob animation and tweaked NPC on NPC and player on NPC blowjob offsets
  • Improved skinning for Stephanie’s panty
  • Tweaked male NPC penis rotation during Doggiestyle to improve clipping
  • Tweaked offsets for Brittney’s and Vickie arms during conversation to reduce clipping through their breasts
  • Fixed male hips bending weirdly while making out
  • Fix for WallSex3 while player is on the receiving en
  • Fixed font inconsistency in some places
  • Tweaked billboard materials
  • Made sure Vickie had her boots on in the main menu
  • Certain sound effects for the Popper, Starbomb, and Firepit are now referenced by their Interactive Item script directly (SoundEffect1, etc.), meaning their sounds can be called directly via
  • the CSC or command console
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to “snap back” to a bed item if they were directly warped out of them instead of having their pose released first
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to “snap back” to certain Action Items if they were directly warped out of them instead of having their pose released first
  • Moved the default location of a troublesome laundry room basket into the laundry room closet
  • Improved aesthetics of characters interacting with action items (chairs/beds/etc..)
  • Added an additional collider to the Liquor Cabinet that will help prevent items roughly the size of a beer bottle or smaller slide or get kicked underneath it
  • Added a seat on the edge/lip of each bath upstairs bath tub
  • Added another Move Target outside between the two main gravel paths
  • NPCs that have the WantsToBeAlone or ShooOthers states added will no longer invite other NPCs to “hang out” with them when randomly roaming
  • NPCs that have the ShooOthers state will no longer be invited by other NPCs to “hang out” when the other NPC randomly roams
  • For forced ChangeLocations via GameEvents, NPCs with the WantsToBeAlone state will now roam away even if they are alone with the player. Randomly decided roaming ChangeLocations are unaffected
  • Minor cleanup of situational info delivery in the CharInfo console command
  • Fixed a null ref that could occur when using the CharInfo console command in cases where the target Character was…let’s just say “lost”
  • Improved exception logging for a few backend systems; these will be caught in the Unity output_log.txt, not the in-game Debug Log
  • The Clothing console command will now take into account clothing sets and allow for changing of a Character’s default clothing set
  • Fixed an issue with the Character Function “SwitchToOriginalBodyTexture” that would prevent it from functioning in Stories where multiple Body Texture swaps had occurred
  • Added protections to address various Combat-breaking or Combat-delaying issues that could be caused by a sudden WarpTo or the introduction/removal of a navigation or sight blocker between two Characters while those Characters were already close enough to begin attacking each other
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing ” Is Attacked by ” Event Triggers/Reactions from processing
  • Made some slight adjustments to the position and spacing of certain zones to better ensure no Characters can get warped into an area without contacting/registering as being in an appropriate zone
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from being able to interact with items of a certain size should they roll underneath the bed/desk in Ashley’s room/SpareRoom
  • Added the InfoDump Console Command, which returns heaps of helpful info about all Characters in a story. You should use this command once immediately prior to saving a Debug Log. This
  • Command does NOT count as cheating.
  • The player interaction crosshair will not be visible/usable until the game fully loads and “fades in”
  • Sync’d the name of the hardcoded value that the Madison’s Phone item uses to the value used by the Original Story
  • The MadisonPhone item can now make use of other Game Events when the Inspect action is used on it. Previously, this was hardcoded to NOT fire any other interaction events if an action named “Inspect” was used. Existing behaviors for Player values like “madison:GotPhoneCode” remain unchanged
  • Added a new Move Target just inside the downstairs slider door
  • The Charfunc Console Command won’t show Characters as having alternate textures if those textures are unnamed/null/invalid
  • Added a new Move Target/Non-Wallsex Spot near the outside Air Conditioner to prevent certain outdoor intimacy situations from resulting in characters being warped into the Living Room
  • The Roaming Console Command can correctly make use of the ClearAllowRoamList and ClearProhibitRoamList roaming options
  • NPCs will now perform random Roaming ChangeLocations somewhat more or less frequently based upon their mood, proximity to other Characters, and their Sociable Personality trait
  • Implemented collider and character blocker changes around the two plants and the desk in the dining room (“Frank’s room”) that make it far more difficult for items (most notably booze, the computer/monitor, tablet, etc.) to slide under or beneath those objects and become permanently inaccessible to the Player
  • If an NPC is able to roam, then the Roaming Console Command will show the approximate remaining time until their next roaming attempt when the ‘list’ subcommand is used
  • Fixed typos or confusing text in a handful of Command Console feedback strings
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Players to clip through an exterior wall in the back yard on the right side of the house
  • Updated male pose list to include the sixtyninetop pose and made necessary engine changes to allow for the pose to be used.
  • Fixed issue where duplicate audio leases in the game could prevent characters from dancing next to obviously playing speakers.
  • Fixed issue causing duplicated memories to appear in the memories window when restarting game or loading a saved game.
  • Updated memories/opportunities interface to look for/use translations for the texts shown.
  • Fixed issue where long memories in the memories interface were getting truncated.
  • Updated engine to look for/use completed details and failed details for quests/opportunities in the translation templates.
  • Added functionality for new non-story-specific translation templates to be used with various game UI elements.
  • Shifted translation template loading for the active story to happen earlier in the game load process; this fixed some cases where opportunities and other things could load in with the language they were saved in and not the currently selected language.
  • Modified autosave criteria to delay autosaves under the following conditions: player is in combat, player is knocked out or dead, game over screen is showing, player is engaged in any sexual act, player is falling, player is warping, player is sitting, player is ejaculating, pause menu is showing, player is grabbing something, player is groping something, player is groping something, player’s genitals are exposed, player is peeing.
  • Updated the load save menu so that it shows the time stamp of the last auto save in the game’s memory, even if it hasn’t been written to the hard drive yet.
  • Disabled HDR for the cameras in scene that are responsible for rendering what you see in the mirrors. Should see a performance improvement for this.
  • Added logging in the debug to explain why/when auto saves are delayed.
  • Updated engine to execute any queued game events that have no set delay immediately when selecting a response/closing a dialogue so that any subsequent dialogue criteria is evaluated after those events execute. This fixes some broken original story dialogue sequences.
  • Updated primrary and secondary actorbehavior during the blowjob sexualact to make facial expressions that correspond more realistically with what is happening. The actor performing the blow job should use the open mouth blend shape during the action, and both actors should look reasonably interested in what’s going on with some randomly changing expressions of interest.
  • Fixed various cases that could prevent a character from reaching their current action item or making the proper poses in the proper places on arrival.
  • Updated restart game/load saved game to reset the interactive states for all characters to their appropriate values/fixed issue where interactive states from the previous play session were preserved.
  • Updated engine to execute queued events that have no delay before saving.
  • Fixed issue where characters navigating to action items would have their pose changed by the action item/overriden from what it should be in the story. If the character is sent a pose to perform once they reach the action item, that item will no longer override that pose with one of the defaults.
  • Fixed issue where characters that were warped to a target that was either a current move target, mandatory target, or inaccessible mandatory target would not fire the reach target event even though they did in fact reach the target.
  • Fixed issue where the actors performing the blow job in the blow job sexual act don’t release the blow job giver action pose until after the other actor finishes ejaculating. This was causing the player’s camera to clip into other character’s abdomens when the player was performing a bj.
  • Fixed issue where opportunity names in the on screen popup were not being translated.
  • Fixed issue where a single problem in a translation file could prevent the rest of the entire translation file from being loaded.
  • Added better logging for issues loading translation files so that people can troubleshoot them faster.
  • Updated scroll views throughout the game so that they will always load with the scroll bar scrolled up to the top.
  • Updated intimacy events to use sex data offsets for primary sexual actor, not just secondary. Also extended the use of sex data offsets to include the climax. This enables us to control genitalia more during sex to prevent any clipping.
  • Created a master list of all characters in a story that can have data pulled from for the characters even if they aren’t currently enabled.
  • Fixed issue where opportunities in the opportunities window weren’t being displayed for characters that were not currently enabled.
  • Fixed issue where warping a character would cause their hair, breasts, and butt to move too dramatically.
  • Added settings for the sex position data to enable/disable use of sex targets in certain poses for male/females.
  • Updated logic for restarting a game to ensure all normal and delayed events are totally cleared before loading the new one.
  • Updated game to show the radial menu for a character when left clicking open space, if you are currently engaged in a sexual act with that character. Should allow player to talk to their sex partner and perform other available actions with them even if they are looking away/the other character is behind the player.
  • Updated autosaves to break references to the live game data without serializing to avoid a significant frame rate drop. Fixed issue where events performed after autosave had an impact on the autosave that got serialized.
  • Updated loading of audio asset bundles to remove spaces from the character name when looking for the voice lines from a character in the story.
  • Fixed issue where loading a new game/saved game while the current game has a dialogue displayed could prevent dialogues from being shown in the new/loaded game.

(Alpha 6/3/2020)

  • Characters can now be set on fire
  • Added female peeing pose
  • Enhanced pee visibility for long distance peeing and splash size
  • Added explosion fx particle
  • Added two Wall Sex Spots in the Kitchen
  • Added a Wall Sex Spot in the Downstairs Bathroom
  • Added auto-save functionality
  • Added a standard Sex Spot (is there such a thing?!) in the Downstairs Bathroom
  • Major under-the-hood performance changes
  • Characters are now loaded on an as-needed basis from the scripting engine (CSC)
  • In the Original Story: Patrick will no longer chase down the Player with the relentless ferocity of a crippled terrier to inform the Player that he is sober, if the Player is currently fighting for their life/in combat, or if Pat is occupied with certain other content
  • In the Original Story: removed a possible Amy “hot tub invite” response if the Player failed at certain “Scavenger Hunt”-related content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with the availability of a “send Amy to Derek” response for Amy that was not showing up based on certain actions taken during her “Scavenger Hunt” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: added extra “combat resumption” logic to a few outstanding situations that would allow the Player to escape combat from certain Characters after a temporary KO
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of fluff responses for a few Characters that should have always been repeatable, and/or that should have had ‘goodbye’/exit responses present
  • In the Original Story: fixed a really Grumpy typo in one of Patrick’s responses regarding Stephanie and some danciRBWAOWWWWRRRRR
  • In the Original Story: added various reactions by all the Characters to the Player…relieving themselves. No not that! The other thing!
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some of the pose combinations used in Leah’s “…Screw Like a Bee?” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some minor behaviors and emotes related to Leah’s “…Screw Like a Bee?” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek and Lety’s “meetup” behavior for “Hunk Hunt” to break if the Player had simultaneously been pursuing “Smooth Operator: Ashley” and had not spoken to Ashley yet about going to her room
  • In the Original Story: Katherine now has a response when offered the Vibratron 3000
  • In the Original Story: Katherine now has a response when offered the Whack Spankiel’s, the filled Flask, and the Thermos
  • In the Original Story: if the Player has turned off the Stove before the Kettle whistles and heats up the Coffee, the Kettle will no longer magically continue to heat up the Coffee
  • In the Original Story: the Player will no longer be able to ask Leah about Patrick’s phone if they already were told exactly who has Patrick’s phone. Duh
  • In the Original Story: fixed a minor issue with the visibility of the Calendar action on Madison’s Phone
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Brittney having different Exhibitionism traits based on what should be equivalent Player response choices/paths during the finale of Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: if Patrick is about to come under attack by Madison or Frank, he will now be considered “Occupied” for the sake of certain content sequences and criteria checks
  • In the Original Story: minor adjustments to possible failure of Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” Opportunity based on Vickie’s availability
  • In the Original Story: fixed a few typos and VA-mismatches in pre-0.17 content
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer ask Amy about the Katana for Leah’s content if Amy is being all intimate-like in any way. Increases safe sex rate by 40% and decreases OSHA violations by some other arbitrary joke figure
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety and Rachael to bug out if the Player initiated their Easter Egg while Leah was on her mini-sabbatical towards the end of “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: very slightly increased the negative social penalties associated with throwing beer on Madison’s top
  • In the Original Story: very slightly increased the negative social penalties associated with asking Madison for oral before she’s actually into you
  • The core game is now censored by default on Steam, and will need the Explicit Content DLC in order to enable the uncensored textures.
  • Tweaks to animation State handling that will allow characters to automatically use “idle with drink” and “sip a drink”-type animations while sitting down or in the Hot Tub. In order for these to process, the Character must NOT have UnableToFidget state added, and must have an active/enabled item in their hand
  • Fixed an issue that could allow a fast Player (or if an Add To Inventory/”Take” event was delayed) to have a Radial menu left open after an Item was removed from the game world and added into their inventory
  • Fixed an issue that could cause males to not transfer smoothly out of intimacy poses into a…self-pleasuring pose. Their behavior in this regard should now more closely resemble the female NPCs
  • Minor improvements to NPC-to-NPC “basic conversations” in stories where NPCs have no configured Background Chatter
  • Background Chatters without audio (so…basically all BGC in most custom stories) will now properly fire their BGC OnStart Game Events
  • Fixed an issue that could allow a fast Player (or if a Remove from Inventory/”Discard” event was delayed) to have an Item’s Radial menu left open after the Item was removed from their inventory, which often could lead to a Radial menu being visible that no longer worked or caused bugs due to various scripted criteria or simply because the item was no longer Active
  • The next BGC in a “chain” (BGC response) will be saved as a Character value, allowing that BGC to play when loading a saved game in which the BGC was pending. This will prevent a number of story breaks for Characters like the Game Grumps who made extensive use of BGC and BGC OnStart Events
  • The Motor Oil is now aligned properly when mounted to a Character’s hands, and will also be aligned properly when carried by the Player
  • Fixed an issue with the Quest console command that could cause it to show inaccurate information when using the List subcommand
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the Star Bombs from triggering Gets Hit With Projectile reactions/Event Triggers
  • The Motor Oil can now make use of Item Functions
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to erroneously fire EnteredZone events as a game was loading, before many other game mechanics (including Player movement, vision, etc.) were activated
  • Character reactions (Expose Genitals, etc.) will now reset as long as two Characters are not within vicinity of each other (about 2.5 arm lengths) OR cannot be seen by each other
  • Fixed an issue that could cause items to become easily stuck behind or to the side of the Bathtub Seat spots in the Master Bathroom and Upstairs Guest Bathroom
  • The Dialogue console command will now accept DialogueOnlyCharacters like Compubrah and PhoneCall
  • Many console commands will not take effect on Characters until they are enabled
  • “Diagnostic” console commands (values list, events list, etc.) may only return partial data for disabled characters
  • Added the EnableNPC console command
  • Added the DisableNPC console command
  • Added the CombineValue console command
  • The MatchValue console command will now only accept Keys (value names) that are already defined in the story data for both specified Characters, or that were populated into the Character’s value list by the engine. However, the input for these values is also no longer case sensitive
  • Standardized door colliders for several narrow doors in the house; at least one of these could lead to a false positive vision check (NPCs seeing you when they should not be able to)
  • Added a ‘test’ functionality to the Emote console command
  • Fixed a typo and made minor tweaks to hardcoded inspect texts found in Madison’s Phone
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent Leah from making use of Character Functions in some situations in the engine or CSC
  • On Dialogue Start Game Events that are of type Dialogue : Trigger, and that only make use of CoinFlip criteria will no longer “double fire” as both a dialogue override and a standard dialogue start event
  • CSC: users now have access to an Item criteria that will allow them to easily check if an item is Held (via ‘grab’/right-mouse click) OR in the Player’s inventory, which should further simplify a lot of “does the Player have item” logic. Items from Item Groups also have access to this
  • CSC: added a “PlaythroughTimer” built-in Player Value that CSC users can use; this will begin “ticking” right after the first frame when the main game scene loads, so it will already have progressed a bit by the time the game has fully “faded in”. This increments on our Character Manager tick, so approximately every 0.3 seconds unless the game is paused
  • CSC: added the ResetReactionCooldown event, which will immediately reset a Character’s internal reaction cooldown for another Character for a given Event Type (e.g. Exposes Genitals, etc.). This reaction cooldown will be immediately reset regardless of the two Characters being in vicinity, in vision of each other, etc.
  • CSC: the Item WarpItemTo event can now be targeted towards other items (beware of clipping issues on items without physics and colliders!) or a specific Game Object
  • CSC: the Key and Key2 Interactive Items now have Item Functions enabled
  • CSC: added the CombineValue game event, which will allow you to add two Characters’ Values (or two for the same Character) together. There will be some protection against adding text/strings to floats, etc. (e.g. you won’t be able to accidentally add ‘hello’ to a Value that is ‘2.5’), but CSC users should use care and review Values and Event usage via the CSC Search tool when making liberal use of all of the current Character Value-related events and Criteria that are now available
  • CSC: Added additional MoveTargets to the MoveTarget list
  • CSC: you can now disable the Combat Energy regeneration penalty incurred by Sprinting via the NoSprintingEnergyRegenPenalty property
  • Fixed Derek drinking offsets
  • Added animation for drinking in hottub and tweaked the values for hottub and normal sitting while drinking for all characters
  • Fixed Patrick’s blendshape emotes
  • Updated Arin and Vickie censored albedo textures
  • Fixed sex hotspots/grab points for Derek’s right shoulder and Frank’s right leg
  • Updated skin shader to fix green flickering issue on low
  • Fixed deforming NPC hands when opening doors
  • Offset Brittney’s limbs to reduce clipping trough her breasts
  • Changed spawn location for all characters
  • Fixed Ashley’s untied top not showing
  • Added uncapped version of natty lite model
  • Fixed UI text misalignment
  • Fixed the dressor realtime mirror displaying a flipped reflection
  • Fixed a bug where shadow artifacts could be seen near the firepit
  • Added a default BG for the billboards and slightly adjusted the aspect ratio
  • Added correct inventory image for collar item

(Alpha 05/4/2020)

  • In the Original Story: the Player can now drink from several more items around the house. This includes the faucet, you unrepentant savage
  • In the Original Story: added new Opportunities for Derek – “Memory Lane” and “Mission Impawsible”
  • In the Original Story: the beers that were formerly unusable in the liquor cabinet are now possible to make use of, in all the same ways as the other beers found throughout the house
  • In the Original Story: to better coincide with many alcohol related changes in this update, looting Frank now does the following – the Player has a 50% chance to get back a beer for every beer they gave to Frank. Any beers Frank already ‘destroyed’ will no longer be usable in the story
  • In the Original Story: turning in alcohol items (or rather…”sacrificing them”?) for various Drunk and Disorderly Opportunities, giving them to Patrick, etc. no longer automatically fails content like “Hunt for Red’s Thermos” etc., as there’s always more than one path to victory…
  • In the Original Story: major changes have been made to Frank and Leah’s treatment of the Player and alcohol items. In some ways their behavior will be more forgiving and for sneaky players, more rewarding. In other ways, well…you still need to prepare your soothing butt gel
  • In the Original Story: complete “emotional overhaul” of Derek. His behavior is more deeply tied into the social meters system now, and should have more appropriate emotes in a variety of major story moments
  • Add two spots for Characters to sit on the roof outside the art room. Tantalizingly close to the pizza
  • Enabled more Natty Lites for use as Interactive Items in stories
  • Added Bloody collar and wearable collar models
  • Added oil trails/puddle and fire particles
  • Added peeing effects
  • Added bladder UI
  • Changes to orgasm UI
  • Changes to the opportunity window
  • Added a memory tab in the opportunity UI
  • Added another real-time mirror in the master bedroom
  • Improved males giving blowjob and its animation
  • Fixed Amy shirt clipping
  • Made all UI now translatable
  • Improved hand rigs female characters
  • Updated Derek’s clothing
  • Improved Frank, Derek and Patricks blendshapes/emotes
  • Added animation for drinking while sitting
  • Visual changes to the credits
  • Fixed a bug where the buttons in the main menu were offset
  • Fixed a bug where the language drop down in the main menu was not accessible
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now throw beer on Madison as long as they have a beer in their inventory, or are holding a beer in their hand
  • In the Original Story: Katherine won’t be able to see the Player tamper with the Rum if the Player is not roughly in front of her
  • In the Original Story: fixed a bug that could prevent Katherine from ‘summoning’ the Game Grumps if the Player took certain actions in regards to “Dare Interference”
  • In the Original Story: continued tweaks and improvements to various “NPC overhears a bad thing” behaviors to make certain situations feel less like an “ambush” if a wandering/moving NPC is not visible to the Player due to a wall, etc.
  • In the Original Story: minor changes to Amy greeting dialogue behavior and her treatment of the Player based on a negative friendship (socials) value
  • In the Original Story: it should be somewhat easier to include Vickie in Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” finale selfie
  • In the Original Story: revamped a few Hot Tub-related behaviors to allow more dynamic placement for some content that uses the Hot Tub seats
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now get in trouble for just trying to open Madison’s Safe, not just for taking the Diary itself. There are now also social meter implications for these actions, in case the Player survives the consequences
  • In the Original Story: the Player is also able to eat one more…sugary treat in the house, that will give a health boost and minor combat stat increase
  • In the Original Story: when giving Leah alcohol, if she actually implies she is taking the alcohol or says “Hey, give me that!…”, she will actually take the alcohol item the Player tried to give her
  • In the Original Story: refactored Patrick’s behavior when given beer to support the new number of total beers in the house
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Player’s “Grab” (default RMB) functionality to break entirely if they grabbed the bike lock in Ashley’s room after it falls, or the Talking Fish (Sancho)
  • Fixed a critical, game breaking issue that would cause the Vibrator (Vibratron 3000, a.k.a. Waker of Doods, a.k.a. Herald of the Clitpocalypse) to stop vibrating if another item was picked up while it was Clitpocalypsizing
  • Fixed an issue that would cause grabbing an item from your inventory while already holding another item to do nothing
  • The Player grabbing an item can now tie into an event trigger/reaction
  • Improvements and tweaks to the Player Grab/Hold system that should make it much more difficult to experience moments where an item gradually moves to an extreme direction and is held there until the Player drops it or the item is forced to drop by colliding with an object
  • It should now be much harder (hopefully impossible!) to experience a “broken” radial menu after grabbing an item from the Player’s inventory
  • The Player releasing an item can now tie into an event trigger/reaction
  • Fixed an issue with the AddPhysicsRigidBody itemfunction that would prevent the physics behavior of the item from being maintained if the item was added to the Player’s inventory and then removed, etc.
  • All alcohol items in the game (except for the Flask, which will require use of some CSC events to match functionality with other items) are now grabbable and by default have physics enabled, have collision SFX, are highlighted if dropped in the grass, and prevent unimportant events from playing when they are mounted to a Character
  • All alcohol items in the game have had their carry offsets, rotations, and hand positioning set appropriately
  • Fixed an issue that could cause certain items to not be highlighted in the grass even if they were supposed to, due to multiple mesh renderers being present or niche configurations of mesh renderers in our blah blah do you even care about this crap at this point? Thing was a potato. It isn’t a potato anymore, that’s all you need to know
  • Characters will prioritize relationships with other Characters more than Mood when choosing an automatic emote for conversation or when another Character gets close enough to trigger an automatic “look at”
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the OnAnyItemAcceptFallback Event Trigger/Reaction to fall through and also allow Refuse events execute
  • Added the Item Group functionality. Characters can now check criteria and fire events based on a customized set of items within a CSC-specified Item Group. These events are checked after AND in addition to individual Item accept/refuse Interactions
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the system-default message for an NPC refusing an item from being displayed, even if none of the OnRefuse Events for that item had their criteria met
  • Events that are logged via an OnDialogueStart are now labeled properly as such in the Debug Log
  • Item Interactions (TriggerGiveTo’s to Characters, Use Withs between Items) now log what items/entities were involved in the Interaction within the Debug Log and what the basic outcome of the Interaction was
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the “unzip pants” sound to not play correctly
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a couple poses to be unavailable in the Command Console
  • CSC: users can now Copy All game events in a “block” of game events (On Dialogue Start, On Dialogue Close, Responses, Event Triggers, etc.) and then paste all of those game events elsewhere
  • CSC: added the PlayerGrabsItem event type for Event Triggers
  • CSC: fixed an issue that was allowing users to select Characters that were not the Player for event trigger types that can only be triggered by the Player (e.g. VapesOnMe, etc.)
  • CSC: added the PlayerReleasesItem event type for Event Triggers
  • CSC: the Search tool now shows the total number of obtained search results
  • CSC: users can now insert a new Criteria Group at any order in the list
  • CSC: addition of more hover-based tooltips throughout the CSC, and cleanup of a few existing tooltips
  • CSC: items can now be mounted to a Character’s neck. Note that as of the time of this writing, only one item (the new ‘Collar’) is configured to fit appropriately on a Character’s neck
  • CSC: Added the Item Group aspect/page to the main story/story collection object. These will allow you to assign Items into an Item Group, and then within a Character Story, check Criteria and fire Events based on entire Item Groups instead of individual items
  • CSC: Users can now find Item Group-based accept and refusal behaviors in the Item Interactions page for each Character Story
  • CSC: added ItemFromItemGroup game event type, which can only be selected when working within Item Groups. This event will take item data from an Item Group Accept or Refuse event, and automatically pass a variety of item or inventory related events to that item, without having to specifically script for it
  • CSC: cleanup of minor formatting issues
  • CSC: limited selection of doors, chairs, and bed-type items where such selections were not appropriate
  • CSC: Users can now set up Item-Group based Item Interactions for the Player, in order to assign radial/left-click interactions to broad groups of items
  • CSC: Item Group Behaviors (main story collection) and Item Group Interactions (per Character) can now also make use of Item Group-based criteria. These can check to see if the item being “acted upon” meets any of the same criteria offered by the “Item” criteria type, as well as if the item being acted upon is in the Player’s inventory
  • CSC: when populating Values automatically, the CSC will now also look Values used within CompareValues criteria
  • CSC: translation template exports will now include Background Chatter StartEvents, and Item Interaction OnAccept and OnRefuse events, if any of those events are translatable

(Stable Release 03/23/2020)

  • Tweaked drinking animation for all characters
  • Changed cowgirl animation
  • Fixed all discoloration for drawers and cabinets
  • Added custom stories menu
  • Increased texture size for characters close to the player
  • Fixed green flickering near the firepit on low settings
  • The Vape item will now be properly aligned to the Player’s hand if picked up
  • Using the Vape will no longer close ALL UI elements when the Player Blazes with it, just the inventory UI
  • Grabbing an Item from your Inventory will now also close only the Inventory UI
  • Added extra protections to prevent the Command Console from breaking Unity’s text render limitations
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Background Chatter onscreen text to not update if a Character was using casual/”non-important” BGC and then, while still speaking, fired a
  • TriggerBGC/”important” BGC
  • The Pose console command will no longer require that the user provide a pose ID in order to disable a Character’s pose
  • The Values console command will now only accept Keys (value names) that are already defined in the specified Character’s story data or that were populated into the Character’s value list by the engine, but is also no longer case sensitive. The second input for the command (the value string, integer, or float) itself is still case sensitive
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Characters to have an unintendedly long cooldown timer before dancing again if they were recently in combat, engaging in intimacy, or had been knocked out
  • Aligned certain Pause Socialize behaviors to be more granular in how random they are, but also conform to set ranges of randomness. I am using random words
  • NPCs will briefly Pause Socializing when they reach a motion/MoveTarget, which will prevent certain odd occurrences of NPCs rolling up on another NPC and talking before their movement animation stops
  • The Command Console will now be more forgiving towards using either commas or periods for floating number separators
  • Characters will no longer try to Change Location due to having the WantsToBeAlone state if they have a combat target or if they have been knocked out
  • Roaming – Change Locations triggered by a Game Event or the Command Console will now always fire after 1 second, instead a slightly random range between 2-3s
  • In the Original Story: added minor thought bubble assistance to clarify Stephanie’s request for a big ol’ cup of water for the “Meltdown” opportunity, for those players that actually believed us when we used words like ‘cup’. Silly you!
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will briefly be unable to socialize with other NPCs immediately after the Player unties her top
  • In the Original Story: changed Ashley’s “find a place to change” behavior after her top is untied to rely on a customized event trigger rather than a hard coded item function, which could have resulted in her going to places that were…temporarily inadvisable
  • In the Original Story: Kat will actually make use of the laptop when texting Vickie to come to the party, just like she does when the Player starts sending dares to Rachael. This may only be noticeable if the Player got Katherine out of the study prior to making the request
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to walk away from the Player and cause a number of issues with the ensuing conversation with Patrick, the Player, Ashley, and
  • Madison, if the Player gave Ashley the “Lit Joint” item and THEN asked her about Madison’s “sky animals”
  • In the Original Story: if Stephanie attempts to get to Madison but Madison is locked in the Master Bathroom for any reason, she will stop trying to get to Madison solely based upon the back-end motion control system
  • In the Original Story: Madison will not go with Stephanie to reset the downstairs music if Madison is occupied with important content
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will also now put a few key pieces of content before her need to go to Madison to fix the music situation
  • In the Original Story: standardized formatting of “Continue”-type response texts across the game. Yeah I had time for this, fuck you
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to become “un-lootable” when he ran into the downstairs bathroom door to let Katherine in; if he got nudged inside that bathroom, he’ll be “freed” shortly after
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to attack the Player erroneously when giving Ashley one specific Natty Lite bottle
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from being able to obtain Madison’s “Smooth Operator” opportunity if Madison hadn’t met the Player yet and won the fight against Ashley during Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly”
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from seeing an intended Leah reaction to Ashley and Madison’s fight during Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly” finale
  • In the Original Story: added some additional protections that should prevent the Ashley and Madison fight during Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly” from playing out before the girls get outside
  • In the Original Story: made minor tweaks and improvements to Frank/Leah’s behavior immediately prior to them meeting up to discuss the snake at the beginning of “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: clarified some thought bubbles related to untying Ashley’s Top, groping her, and Player progress through “Humiliate Ashley”. The Player will also now be able to untie
  • Ashley’s Top after completing “Humiliate Ashley” as intended
  • In the Original Story: Ashley and the Player must now both actually be IN her room (spare room) in order for the Player to prompt her about removing her clothes prior to moving forward with “Change of Heart” or “Humiliate Ashley”
  • In the Original Story: if the Player approaches Ashley while she is not sick and waiting for her clothes during “Change of Heart”/”Humiliate Ashley”, she will confront him about having heard Lety showed up at the party
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up minor dialogue order issues with a couple other NPCs that could lead to some initial reactions when speaking to the Player that weren’t quite what was expected given recent events
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will now also accept the Cabernet as a valid wine option
  • In the Original Story: the Player will have to wait a bit longer to send Ashley directly to Madison if Madison and Lety are about to bond over Sancho the Sleazy Suckerfish
  • In the Original Story: made minor criteria tweaks to Lety and Derek’s conversation starter that should make their ‘groping’ sequence start a bit more smoothly
  • In the Original Story: Lety and Patrick starting their conversation for “Disrupt the Disruptor” should be a bit smoother
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Lety to become unresponsive after Patrick was attacked at a specific time early on in “Disrupt the Disruptor”
  • In the Original Story: general cleanup of some dialogue and emote timing throughout Lety’s content
  • In the Original Story: if the Player unties Ashley’s top in front of Madison before speaking to Madison in any way, they will no longer be flagged as having “met” Madison, which was locking off some content that depending on what actions the Player took next
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will wait to beg for her clothes back from the Player until any currently open dialogue from her is closed
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will now always attempt to walk to the sofa in her room after being given her clothes back after “Humiliate Ashley” is completed, instead of sometimes doing a little half-juke movement towards the master bedroom and walking back to her room anyway. Decisiveness + 100!
  • In the Original Story: Ashley’s “Untie” top action has a bit more freedom to it now, but she will also react much more…aggressively to it being untied if the Player has greatly upset her over the course of the party
  • In the Original Story: fixed some dialogue and criteria issues related to Lety and Brittney’s possible threesome scene with the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to not be on top of the roof (albeit otherwise functional) during the “nice”/”honorbound” finale of Leah’s “Broken Code” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could occur if Frank was KOd at specific moments before or during the Lety/Rachael “easter egg”
  • In the Original Story: general cleanup of minor NPC behaviors during the Lety/Rachael “easter egg”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael to continue pleasuring herself AFTER the Player caught her, if the Player saved, loaded, and then surprised Rachael at a specific time during one of her dares
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael, upon load of save games with specific timing, to not properly catch the Player if she sees them while pleasuring herself, and to not unlock the door after her self-pleasuring ends
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will no longer get her panties back if the Player took them during “Change of Heart”/”Humiliate Ashley” or during one of her intimacy rewards
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow Players to give Ashley her clean clothing while she was sick from the Tampered Soda, which could cause a wide variety of scripted AI issues
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow fast Players to get Ashley’s top off again immediately after an oral encounter, which would result in Ashley behaving otherwise normally…minus her top
  • In the Original Story: Vickie will have a bit more help getting up to the Master Bedroom closet area prior to the finale of “Sibling Warfare”; it was a bit too easy for pathing or NPC blockages to prevent her from making it up in time, which could cause the Player to inadvertently fail “Runner Runner” and the subsequent content
  • In the Original Story: to more accurately portray their ongoing drama, Madison and Ashley will no longer directly Roam to each other, although they will still be able to end up in close proximity due to other Roaming events or random Change Locations
  • In the Original Story: fixed some Madison Dialogue : Overhear events so that she would not overhear and punish the Player if she was not In Vision of the participants in the conversation
  • In the Original Story: there is now a minor social meter penalty for throwing beer on Madison’s top
  • In the Original Story: Madison will get the Angry state (affects NPC-NPC interactions and emotes only) in a few additional key content moments
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to permanently carry the Upset state (affects NPC-NPC interactions and emotes only) if the Madison got Ashley’s top wet (“Ashley’s Wet” opportunity) but the Player skipped that content and instead finished “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: there is now a moderate social meter penalty for embarrassing Madison via Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare” finale
  • In the Original Story: Madison will need to be over 40% closer to the Player to catch them inspecting her Phone, and the Player will need to be in front of her (so…no more being caught nearly halfway across the yard while walking away)…HOWEVER, she will catch the player faster when the new conditions ARE met, and looking at her contacts (to get Vickie’s number) or her Calendar will now also count as inspecting her Phone
  • In the Original Story: there is now a heavy social meter penalty for being caught plotting against Madison with Ashley
  • In the Original Story: there is now a heavy social meter penalty for being caught inspecting Madison’s Phone…not that it’ll matter, even if you survive her minions…
  • In the Original Story: getting caught inspecting Madison’s Phone incurs many of the same Opportunity penalties as getting caught plotting against her with Ashley
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was preventing Ashley’s rejection of a certain Player “proposition” from reducing both friendship AND romance socials
  • In the Original Story: the Player must have at least a small modicum of friendship socials built with Madison before she’ll feel like congratulating you on meeting everyone and acknowledging what a swell, social, and not-at-all terrible Player you are
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to not be…present, exactly, for his special participation during one ending of “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: if the Player goes off the deep end and pisses off Madison (lowering her socials) before they prompt the finale of her “Smooth Operator” opportunity, her reaction during the finale will be…a bit different
  • In the Original Story: there is now a minor social meters boost for the Player when successfully completing Madison’s “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: the Player will not be able to ask Madison for her phone back if the Player is currently holding it in their hand. Because you aren’t stupid. …We think
  • In the Original Story: made improvements to Leah and Frank’s confrontation on the roof as part of “Broken Code”m when the Player opts to negotiate with/distract Frank so Leah can flank him
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that can cause Frank to lose his ability to socialize and return to his chair, should the Player fail the negotiate with/distract Frank ending of “Broken Code” in a certain way
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to take off Stephanie’s panties very late into a purely oral intimacy act with her, when there was no longer any gameplay benefit to doing so (i.e. seconds before she put them back on)
  • In the Original Story: clarified the “Panties Off” option with Stephanie so that Players know that it is not a means of obtaining panties for Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: made minor tweaks to the “Throw One” Actions for the PopperBox and StarbombBox to prevent minor bugs
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Spare Room 2/Art Room closet doors to repeatedly and rapidly close in the face of a Player who rushed in and grabbed the Spray Paint Can
  • In the Original Story: fast Players who grab the Spray Paint can before Leah can catch up with them can opt to give it to her immediately, skipping literal seconds of dialogue. Was it really worth it? Really?
  • In the Original Story: Madison walking to Ashley in order to finish up the Opportunity “Humiliate Ashley” will not be interfered with as much by other events involving Madison
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to lose his AbleToRoam state after certain choices were made in VR with him
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that allowed the Player to Rummage through the Orange Bin in the garage again, even after giving the only relevant item in the Orange Bin away
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to activate the intimacy reward from Ashley’s “Smooth Operator” opportunity while she was waiting on the Player to help her with cleaning her clothes. This could cause a wide variety of dialogue, clothing, and behavioral issues. The reward will open back up once the Player actually helps her (not Humiliating her)
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could occur if the Player got the appropriate “Trust”/prerequisites to start Ashley’s prank against Madison, gave Ashley Madison’s Phone but NOT Madison’s Diary, then went and got Patrick beat up or otherwise occupied, and then returned to Ashley and gave her the diary before Patrick could become unoccupied, which could prevent the Player from being able to advance in Ashley’s prank later on…can’t you people just play the game the way we intended and splooge on everyone?!
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some very old state handling for Amy that was tied to Derek-Ashley dialogues used towards the end of Ashley’s “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now get a very minor social boost for successfully asking Madison about the Goodbye Kitty underwear, and a minor penalty for asking or saying stupid things about it
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause a confusing thought bubble to pop up when the Player did certainly Ashley content in a certain order; this was suggesting that the Player was at fault for undoing Ashley’s top, when in fact the Player had never done so
  • In the Original Story: removed old distance checks from Amy’s “Where can I hook up with the Player?” logic; she will now no longer reject the Player in corners or odd niche spots of the “allowed areas”, and as long as both she and the Player are in the same room/space, they can get down
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to remain unable to roam for large periods of time if the Player had Derek congratulate them for getting Ashley to trust them (“Smooth Operator – Ashley”) but the Player did not follow up with Ashley
  • In the Original Story: throwing the dildo at the Closed Briefcase now rewards your athletic sacrifice with a small combat strength boost

0.16.4 (Beta)

  • Added hand “hot spots” and better aligned all sex animations
  • Added all remaining voice acting for the update cycle
  • Lots of tweaks and polish to Background Chatter and audio volumes
  • Speakers now adhere to audio obstruction logic
  • Emoted no longer interrupt important chatter
  • Fixed an issue with NPCs talking to themselves or a conversation getting “stuck”
  • The Player now has 19.6969% (repeating, of course) increased hand-eye coordination, as we fixed an issue that could occasionally cause the Player to be the colliding object that forced them to drop an item they were currently holding
  • Improved lighting in gazebo area
  • Tweaks to Dancing behaviors in order to standardize Dance Badly vs. Dance animations/events, as well as prevent seemingly unexplained, long gaps between attempts to Dance
  • Characters will not attempt to Dance the moment they wake up from being passed out, and will also very briefly wait to begin dancing once they arrive at a Motion/WalkTo target
  • Improved Goodbye Kitty underwear clipping through Amy’s shirt
  • Fixed Leah and Rachael LOD1 and LOD2 skinning issue
  • Improved Frank shirt clipping and Arin having transparency issue in his neck
  • Changed Starbomb packaging and bathbomb for better story consistency
  • Added missing inventory icons
  • Improved light probes in living room
  • Fixed LOD flickering, objects disappearing and lighting artifacts on several objects
    In the Original Story: Frank will be a more considerate dood and lock the front door when he leaves the house to confront the carnies. If you didn’t understand this patch note, L2P
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue in which the Ashley prank quest line could stall if the Player managed to get Patrick Knocked Out at a very specific time while progressing through dialogues prior to Family Time without giving Madison’s Phone back to Madison
  • In the Original Story: mitigated an issue that could cause Patrick to walk away from Ashley during their pre-Family Time dialogues
  • In the Original Story: at various points after Family Time (Ashley’s Prank content path) it will now be possible for Madison to overhear Ashley and the Player plotting against her. This will cause the Player to fail out of that content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick’s positioning to break if the Player was doing any content that occupied Patrick and then pursued the finale of Ashley’s “Sibling
  • Warfare” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison’s “art show” (during “The Muse”) to break if the Player managed to KO/attack Patrick as NPCs were walking up to the master bedroom to start the show
  • In the Original Story: Mitigated an issue that could cause Rachael’s phone to knock objects out of the Player’s hand while she slapped Patrick around
  • In the Original Story: Cleaned up minor Frank and Leah behaviors related to Ashley and Madison’s fight during Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity. Leah and Frank now have their priorities straight
  • In the Original Story: if the Player helps Brittney out by getting Stephanie naked without ever meeting Ashley, Ashley’s subsequent approach and dialogue to the Player will start her “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s “cell jammed” reaction will no longer play if the Player is being actively spoken to via main dialogue, but in turn the reaction will attempt to trigger a teensy bit faster
  • In the Original Story: Frank will no longer attempt to socialize with other NPCs while he is doing his bestest to headbutt down the bathroom door when Katherine is sick
  • In the Original Story: fixed availability of minor Stephanie and Katherine-based responses and thought bubbles towards the end of “Meltdown” based on prior Player decisions or actions
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to indefinitely let Steph hang out in the spare room 2/art room during “Meltdown” AFTER giving her all the items she needed and being told to leave her alone. She will now eventually get high and fail the content just like all the other possible routes through the finale of “Meltdown”
  • In the Original Story: minor adjustments to existing unimportant/”casual” Background Chatter criteria
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to claim that the Player saw her naked for her photo shoot…when in fact the Player did no such thing
  • Fixed an issue that could cause thin/tiny items like phones to be uninteractable/unable to be grabbed if they were dropped near the front of the beer pong table
  • Tightened the collider sizing and positioning on the two downstairs couches/sofas so that it is harder (but still not impossible) for small items to be thrown, dropped, or kicked underneath them in a way that prevents them from being grabbed or interacted with
  • Fixed an issue that could cause characters to teleport into the garage when transitioning from a wall sex position to a non-wall sex position while against the rear-left side of the house (near the A/C unit)
  • Fixed various additional issues with the speaker system
  • CSC Users: Speaker2 (the speaker to the right of the fireplace) is no longer hardcoded to start playing upon game start. You may need to account for this in your stories
  • The speaker system will now remember which track the Player was playing when saving, as well as the music loop setting, and when loading that game will play the appropriate track and maintain the music loop mode
  • CSC Users: there are now “MusicTrackNum” and “LoopAllMusic” Player values you may use within stories to create NPC events/behaviors based on a song that is playing. These values are directly controlled by the speaker system
  • CSC Users: the total number of criteria for an event trigger will now be shown, similar to how it is currently shown for individual game events
  • CSC Users: fixed a couple typos in the UI
  • CSC Users: the total number of game events within an event trigger will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of game events within an item’s Use With interactions will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of game events performed for an Item Action will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of game events for item On Accept and On Refuse interactions will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of criteria for a character to accept an item will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of criteria needed for an Item Action to become visible will now be shown
  • CSC Users: the total number of criteria needed to enable an item’s Use With interaction(s) will now be shown
  • CSC Users: we standardized a bunch of criteria and game event text displays. HMU if you want more copy-pasted shit
  • CSC Users: fixed an issue that could cause an ArgumentException if a Character did not a valid BGC count as high as a previously selected Character
  • Turn game events (Turn Around, Left, Right, Toward) and equivalent console commands will now be more responsive, with the exception being if another game-event driven, animation-centric event was very recently used or is already “playing out”
  • CSC Users: the InvisAudioPlayer can now also play a zipper (the player “unzip to expose”) sound
  • Fixed an issue that could allow emote sound effects to very briefly play right before the VA/voice for a dialogue that called the emote using an On Start Dialogue event
  • CSC Users: Background Chatters will still show their number/ID when fully collapsed
  • CSC Users: you can now check if two Characters are in the same zone
  • Added the ‘Cheer’ SendEventOption to the SendEvent console command
  • CSC Users: added the IsInHouse criteria, which uses the Zoning system to quickly determine if a Character is inside the house or not
  • CSC Users: added an Item Comparison to the Item criteria, “IsVisibleTo”, which will allow you to determine if a Character can see an InteractiveItem. In addition to doing a line of sight check, the InteractiveItem must be active and not hidden via any ItemFunctions
  • CSC Users: fixed an Argument Exception that could occur when a user typed in a string for a “Value” criteria check and then swapped that criteria CompareType to “State”
  • CSC Users: fixed an Argument Exception that could occur when you selected a game event event and assigned the Character as Player, Compubrah, or Phone Call, and then changed the game event type to TriggerBGC
  • CSC Users: added a warning message when changing from a game event that allowed the selection of the Player as the Character to the game event type “Event Trigger” to prevent the trigger dropdown from populating with triggers for an NPC
  • CSC Users: you can now either add a new Game Event to the beginning (Order 0) of a set of Game Events, or at the very end, which should help somewhat when adding to large sets of Game Events
  • CSC Users: when adding a new Game Event via the two “Add Game Event” buttons, they will now automatically be expanded, instead of being defaulted to a collapsed state
  • CSC Users: you can now either add a new Criteria to the beginning (Order 0) of a set of Criteria, or at the very end, which should help somewhat when adding to large Criteria sets
  • CSC Users: when adding a new Criteria via the two “Add Criteria” buttons, they will now automatically be expanded, instead of being defaulted to a collapsed state
  • CSC Users: standardized certain commonly adjacent button sizes across the UI

0.16.3 (Beta)

  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Katherine to potentially remain in Madison’s bedroom while the Madison-Derek intimacy scene went down during the finale of Ashley’s prank
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could break one of Patrick’s “masochism test” choices and cause much of the following dialogue to be thrown off, toward the finale of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Patrick to keep a couple inconvenient States if the Player convinced him to hug Rachael during “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: looting beers back from an unconscious Frank is now possible assuming the Player has given Frank three (down from 6) beers or more. The Player is guaranteed one beer back, but can receive up to three
  • In the Original Story: general cleanup of events related to Patrick sobering up once given the hot coffee
  • In the Original Story: if the Player sobers Patrick up with the Hot Coffee before doing any of his Phonegate/Fuck Tuesday content, they will be able to skip ahead to Patrick simply getting his phone back from Brittney instead of having to go through redundant dialogues and Walk To events
  • In the Original Story: if Patrick is walking to Brittney and sobers up on the way, the ensuing conversation will skip to simply being given his phone back by Brittney
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael and Patrick to be unable to Talk with the Player if Frank KO’d Patrick right as Rachael was confronting Patrick and opening her dialogue with him
  • In the Original Story: Madison will react to the Player untying Ashley’s top somewhat faster, however, she must also be able to SEE Ashley instead of just be relatively close to her
  • In the Original Story: corrected an issue that would cause Amy to use a confusing line about “getting Steph to help Katherine” when in fact it was mostly the Player’s doing. Amy will only use this line in the niche situations where Steph automatically goes to help Katherine in the bathroom after some time
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause certain Patrick alternate dialogues and minor behaviors related to losing his Merlot to be ignored
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to stand up and approach the Player after being flashed at times she should not do so
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause an Amy response related to the hot tub finale of her “Scavenger Hunt” opportunity to become available a little bit too early
  • In the Original Story: the Player is no longer trapped in oral with Amy once they start oral with her, assuming they did not ask her to take her pants off
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah, in niche situations, to not attack the Player should the Player grope her more than once. When called for, she will now ALWAYS attempt to ruin your shit
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would prevent the Player from getting “FlashScore” credit (counting towards Katherine’s ‘flash everyone’ request) from Leah if “Snake in the Grass” was started but had not reached a certain progression point yet
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to be unable to return to the Master Bedroom/Bed if the Player got to the finale of Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” while
  • Katherine was already waiting on the bed for the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to lose her Glasses temporarily if the Player combined her intimacy finale with Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine’s phone to be temporarily invisible (especially while in Stephanie’s hand) if the Player combined her intimacy finale with Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to get stuck in an immobile state and both he AND Rachael to be unable to talk to the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Amy being warped to the Player at inopportune times if the Player combined certain content and then rapidly failed out of Stephanie’s “Meltdown” opportunity by failing to give her her…”breathing apparatus”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to retain some minor behavior-altering states if the Player completed Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity while
  • Katherine was sick in the downstairs bathroom
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to some out of order responses from Frank regarding Rachael’s thermos, if the Player gave Frank all of the beers before starting “Hunt for
  • Red’s Thermos”, then obtained the opportunity, then spoke to Frank
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to never approach the Player and stall out his “sober up and get his phone” content if he was knocked out in the middle of talking to Brittney about being given his phone back
  • In the Original Story: Madison will attempt to change her location immediately after the Player completes her “Smooth Operator” opportunity, which should help free up the Master Bedroom/Bathroom more quickly for certain other pieces of content
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer give items to Leah during a brief window in which she is running away from the party after being “Poppered” during her conversation with Lety
  • In the Original Story: added an extra, minor protection against Leah roaming away during the “Garage Search” during “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to briefly continue to follow the Player after they arrived in the yard and started the “fence search” during “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: fixed other minor behavioral issues for a few NPCs within “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to keep his phone in his hand if he was knocked out during “Broken Code” at certain times
  • In the Original Story: Lety will now try to be a little more respectful of what the Player has going on in their life when she approaches them after the events of “Queen in the North”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to walk away from pending intimacy with the Player and be unable to resume
  • In the Original Story: if the Player has deeply angered Madison and she’s sent Frank or Derek after them, she won’t be as easily deterred from…ejecting you from the party
  • In the Original Story: added the Achievements: I Know Grump-Fu, Do Not Burn, IRL Let’s Player, D-Club Certified, Casanova, Casabrova
  • In the Original Story: Rachael is no longer absolutely guaranteed to approach Patrick at hard-coded intervals when a new game is started. The encounter will now happen somewhat more randomly
  • In the Original Story: Amy is no longer absolutely guaranteed to approach Stephanie at hard-coded intervals when a new game is started. The encounter will now happen somewhat more randomly
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the “Unlock” action on the Bathroom Door to do nothing while Katherine was sick
  • In the Original Story: mitigated an issue that could cause Madison to walk away from Derek and the Player during her intro dialogue to “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: Lety will no longer try to avoid Leah if their conversation during “Just in the KICK of Time” goes poorly, IF Leah is knocked out
  • In the Original Story: added a single hint for the Player to reinforce that Stephanie needs a LOT of water in order to progress through Meltdown and that the Player might have to get creative…
  • In the Original Story: fixed another issue that could cause Stephanie to not be in the Spare Room2/art room if the Player was doing Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly” at the same time as the finale of “Meltdown”
  • In the Original Story: Rachael and Patrick’s pre-“Patty’s Striking Resemblance” fight will not unfold on its own if the Player is far enough away from both of them
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some labeling for the music control buttons on the downstairs TV
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to repeatedly attempt to walk to Madison after the finale of “Sibling Warfare”, which could potentially interrupt other content involving him
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to be “occupied” and unavailable for certain pieces of content if the Player was in the introductory stages of the “Sibling Warfare” Opportunity. He will still be “occupied” once he is actually needed for that content
  • For CSC Users: you can now check if the Player is holding (via right-click/grab) an item via a new Item-based criteria, “IsHeldByPlayer”
  • For CSC Users: the GrabFromInventory game event has had its functionality moved to the Player game event – via the GrabFromInventory option. If it helps to find and update this in your stories, search your script files for: “EventType”: 165
  • For CSC Users: you can now force the Player to drop the item they are currently holding via the Player game event using the DropCurrentlyHeldItem option. If currently holding an item, the
  • Player will drop it to the ground using minimal forward force
  • Fixed an issue that would allow Players to pick up/grab the Popper or Starbomb after they had thrown it to the ground
  • For CSC Users: the AddPhysicsRigidBody itemfunction will work on items that do not have a rigidbody, and will ALSO now work on items that have a rigidbody, but whose rigidbody has been set to kinematic (i.e. floating in the air or unable to be affected by collisions or force)
  • The Starbomb and Popper will now correctly collide with/pop when hitting another Interactive Item/Action Item/etc.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause certain Phones to be misaligned in a Character’s hand after loading a game
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the Player to partially go through with an attack while they were stunned (lose energy points, prompt an NPC to attempt a block, etc.)
  • Added two more valid WallSexSpots: one in the Laundry Room, and another on the opposite side of the Master Bedroom from where the existing WallSexSpot is in that room
  • Added thin sightblockers roughly the height and width of the Player against the far edge of each of the smaller shelves of bins in the garage, which prevents NPCs from seeing the Player if they are directly obstructed by the shelf framing and bins themselves (TLDR: no more getting punished for taking the cell jammer if Madison or Derek are all the way in the dining room or kitchen)
  • Forced movement of an NPC to a Mandatory Move/Motion Target due to that Target being formerly inaccessible will now be logged in the Debug Log
  • Standardized the timing for the execution or execution limitations of various pre-game start behaviors
  • Fixed an issue with the Speaker/Music system that could result in a KeyNotFoundException and would cause Music in-game to be completely disabled
  • General cleanup and optimization of Speaker code and transition of track loading to external script
  • Fixed Arin’s eyes and Dan’s blendshapes
  • Changed all characters animation update mode
  • Fixed Arin, Brittney, Lety and Madison using wrong clothing material on Main Menu
  • Tweaked sex offset data and made Derek’s balls a bit more floppy
  • Added more missing inventory icons
  • Improved flamingo animations
  • Improved particle effects
  • Added ingame achievement images
  • Added voice acting for most characters and partial voice acting for some.
  • Added a base system for “hot spots” in sex scenes for better syncing (not live in this build, but coming soon)
  • Fixed an issue where event delays were not firing appropriately on loaded games
  • Set up a system so Interactive Items can now support “hand hot spots”.
  • Fixed an issue with some interactive states not correctly suppressing emotes
  • Tweaked the inventory hover functionality for cosmetic enhancements
  • Fixed an issue where mandatory targets would not be cycled through until the first one was reached
  • Reworked seat/chair/bed/action items system for better internal setup-Fixed failed opportunities not showing up correctly in the Opportunity window
  • Tweaked the physics of some new content animations so they work better
  • Updated IK functionality in some sex acts
  • Changed NPC movement to move on FixedUpdate to better sync with animations and other movement
  • Fixed an issue with null ref exceptions in navmesh obstacles
  • Added a “thrusting” mechanic to sex animations where appropriate
  • NPCs should be less likely to try to open doors that are not in their way
  • Fixed an issue with “drifting characters” while DontMoveForOthers state was on
  • Added code to better sync hip movements during sexual acts
  • Fixed an issue where some UI audio was not playing correctly
  • Reworked the pacing of the display of “Obtain on Start” Opportunities so they don’t pop up before the fade in
  • Fixed an issue with characters sometimes “stuttering” when walking
  • Fix for some stories not correctly showing up in the dropdown
  • Fixed an issue with weird-looking skin on the main menu on the lowest quality settings

(Alpha 1/10/20)

  • Revamped the player inventory menu as well as the Give To/Use With window. It should now be much easier to work with items.
  • Added Inventory thumbnails for most items that are able to be picked up in game
  • Inventory can now be sorted by Order picked up, reverse order picked up, or Alphabetically
  • Reduced polygon count in all characters’ hair, more than halving it in some cases (performance optimization)
  • Fixed doors clipping when player camera was too close
  • Added “UnableToEmote” and “UnableToAnimateEmotes” states
  • Tweaks to NPC Navigation to stop them from sometimes stuttering, and to prioritize important targets
  • Revamped the mirrors to look a bit more realistic
  • Fixed an issue with clothing change commands in the CSC
  • NoLoitering ChangeLocation behaviors will not be applied to NPCs that have a pending Important/Triggered Background Chatter
  • The Paper Bag (Crunched) can now be properly mounted to a Character’s hand
  • Text within brackets ( [ and ] ) will also be automatically pruned from response texts to match the automatic behavior of dialogue texts
  • Fixed left and right hand mounting offsets for the Penguin
  • Made slight adjustments to the GarageZone in order to more accurately reflect when a Character enters the zone
  • The ApplyForceTowardCharacter ItemAction is no longer a brainlet, and is now “ApplyForceToward”. Now with 200 more IQ, it can apply a force to an item towards a Character, MoveTarget, OR another interactive item. We knew you could do it, ApplyForceTowardCha-…you!
  • For CSC users: Patrick no longer has any hardcoding in his own Character Script to force his drunk level to 10
  • The body (not specific body part) Shrink, Grow, and Reset Character Functions that were previously only available to Patrick and Lety are now available to use for all Characters
  • For CSC users: CriteriaGroups now have a True/False attached to their usage within a Criteria. This will ensure maximum flexibility and prevent the need to make a “returned true” and “returned false” version of the same CriteriaGroup
  • In the CSC, you can no longer assign a CriteriaGroup to be a Criteria for itself within one of its Criteria Sets
  • Intimacy will be able to occur in the Laundry Room now
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the score from showing when playing Beer Pong
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing beer pong balls from self-limiting their spawn quantity
  • For the CSC: there is now an Event Trigger/reaction that can fire when a Character scores a point in Beer Pong
  • The Player Inventory Add command/subcommand will now also accept the ‘All’ subcommand, which will add every single non-door, non-chair, etc. item to your inventory. With zero grace. TLDR: we pack you full of dildos and break your game
  • Fixed an issue that would cause “Anybody : Is Attacked by : ” Event Triggers to fire any time any Character was attacked
  • Player “Photo” values modified by the Camera item will now be treated as Game Events, and will also be logged in the Debug Log accordingly
  • In the Original Story: added various emotive events across the story where appropriate
  • In the Original Story: Madison, Ashley, and Patrick are far less likely to casually talk to other NPCs while the drama of Madison’s Smooth Operator (pre-finale) is unfolding
  • In the Original Story: mitigated/reduced the chance of a niche issue occurring that could cause Madison to briefly roam away from the Player towards the end of her “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: refactored the “emotive dialogue minigame” at the finale of Madison’s “Smooth Operator” opportunity to simply make use of the Player’s thought bubble replies as responses, bringing this sequence in-line with all other dialogue mechanics in the story
  • In the Original Story: asking Madison to use the perk gained from her “Smooth Operator” opportunity (relationship ‘fix’) will now at least partially resolve certain penalties incurred by the Player if the Player deeply offended Derek
  • In the Original Story: asking Madison to use the perk gained from her “Smooth Operator” opportunity (relationship ‘fix’) will now at least partially resolve certain penalties incurred by the Player if the Player deeply offended Patrick
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could result in Stephanie immediately getting high and running downstairs, with main dialogue still on the screen, during her “Meltdown” opportunity, if the Player left her field of vision after talking with her about the ingredients in the art room
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will not use certain BGCs that directly reference her dancing if she is laying down
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will no longer infinitely stay outside in the yard once she gets over her “Stargazing” moment, should the Player not speak to her. She will eventually understand that other NPCs need to make use of that area and decide that dancing is better than getting walked all over
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie won’t be interested in being given Items during the time she starts approaching Katherine to grab her phone, until after she wakes up after the finale of her “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will no longer appear to be on her phone after Stephanie grabs it from her
  • In the Original Story: Katherine won’t have any interest in casually BGC while Stephanie has her phone during Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: if Stephanie still has the crunched Paper Bag in her hands during her “Drunk and Disorderly” finale, she’ll move it to the other hand so that she can really give it to Mort on the phone without looking like a weirdo
  • In the Original Story: added one more intimacy position to Stephanie’s radial choices as part of her “Special Tutoring” reward
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to accuse the Player of untying her top when progressing through her “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity, even if the Player had never done so
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to deliver a confusing line about having just spoke to the Player about a certain substance, when in fact Derek and the Player had never had that conversation
  • In the Original Story: in the event that the Player gives Ashley the Lit Joint when the “Redemption” opportunity has not been started, her dialogue will not reference being “square” with the Player
  • In the Original Story: improved control over Madison and Ashley’s socialization during the finale of Madison’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Madison will now wait 60 seconds between each “beer given” dialogue before accepting another beer during her “Drunk and Disorderly”, rather than 60 seconds between each individual GiveTo action in the radial menu
  • In the Original Story: mitigated an issue that could sometimes cause Madison to run into the slider door without passing out in a timely fashion during the finale of her “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed a canon discrepancy between one of Brittney’s answers given in the hot tub with Amy and a Brittney-Stephanie Background Chatter exchange
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up the arrival of Madison into the Art Room prior to “Like a French Girl” so that she will not need to abruptly warp into position, unless you (yes, YOU) did something crazy to break her positioning
  • In the Original Story: fixed a couple issues that could cause Derek and Madison to both react in a rather over the top manner to the Player’s predictable nudity during the opening sequences of “Like a French Girl”
  • In the Original Story: the Player will be briefly locked in place while posing during “Like a French Girl”, so that they may fully enjoy kneeling majestically, or displaying their star fish without risk of accidentally ruining the pose
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Amy to try and discuss Stephanie’s potential and behavior far after any relevant “Apply Pressure” or “Meltdown” opportunity content was completed or failed
  • In the Original Story: clarified a couple alt dialogues/dialogue criteria in a few Ashley lines that led to confusing responses in niche situations
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the events leading up to the Lety/Leah conversation to spam the Debug Log unnecessarily
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Madison and Lety’s ability to fidget, be distracted by items, and animate conversation during their garage conversation, in order to clean up some clipping/item issues that can occur
  • In the Original Story: Derek will now at some point attempt to actually eat some Sweeties at a certain point in the story. NOMNOMNOM
  • In the Original Story: Derek will also Change Location after stuffing his face, if he is able to, to avoid causing Kitchen traffic jams
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Brittney’s throw of Sancho the Sleazy Suckerfish so that it appears to be more like an actual throw
  • In the Original Story: Amy will not attempt to socialize with other NPCs while walking to the upstairs bathroom for her “new underwear” selfie, nor will other NPCs attempt to talk to her or roam/hangout with her
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will no longer awkwardly try to cover up prior to or immediately after her intimacy scene with the Player
  • In the Original Story: removed an erroneous/duplicate VA for a Derek DLG related to the Player asking for his shirt during Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: slightly tweaked Amy’s “cover self”/exhibitionism behavior during the hot tub-finale of her “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: Brittney and Amy will no longer react to each other in quite so awkward a fashion when they start taking clothes off near each other during the hot tub-finale of Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt”
  • In the Original Story: Lety and Rachael will be considerably stronger during their “Easter Egg” romp, which should help to prevent combat against Derek and Leah from taking too long
  • In the Original Story: during Lety and Rachael’s “Easter Egg” romp/finale, Lety will not be quite as animated with her hands during conversation or standing around, which should cut down on the handsanity
  • In the Original Story: added one new, non-violent way to get the Camera item back from Frank, and tweaked minor behaviors related to that and related to getting Frank to “trust” the Player
  • In the Original Story: attacking Frank outside of Leah’s “Broken Code” combat finale(s) will now incur a social penalty
  • In the Original Story: repeatedly annoying Frank via various dialogue/action choices can now lead to a minor penalty to his social meters
  • In the Original Story: telling Frank the truth about Rachael’s thermos will no longer automatically fail “Hunt for Red’s Thermos”…although of course, you’ll have to find another way to get the thermos
  • In the Original Story: began refactoring certain events around the use of CriteriaGroups instead of “evaluator” events
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Ashley to use her “Threw Beer On Madison” dialogue with the Player twice, which could cause various issues related to her “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now get a one-time Combat Stat (speed) boost if they score two points in any one beer pong game
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to the event that has Madison walk to the Player to talk about her Sky Animals after meeting the other party goers; she will not wait until the player is a certain minimum distance away before trying to approach him, but also is less likely to bug the Player during other “Global NPC Events” or if the Player is about to fight another Character
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to Throw Beer on Madison at a few highly inopportune, unintended times
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to fill up the empty flask, give it to Patrick, and start the Derek Smash! fight without Derek Smash! being In Progress, which could bug out several characters
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a few VA-text mismatches
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a few issues that could cause the Player to not be warped to Brittney after the Player chooses what to do with the Stove/Brittney’s meal
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to get up from a couch/be unable to “Talk” after the Player chooses what to do with the Stove/Brittney’s meal
  • In Date Night With Brittney: addressed an issue that could allow Brittney to get stuck, just a little, inside an outdoor patio chair before being intimate with the Player
  • In Date Night With Brittney: Patrick will no longer laugh like an insane person right before waking up with a raging headache should he be close to the Player and Brittney being intimate
  • In Date Night With Brittney: patient Players who want to start pleasuring themselves between Brittney’s closing dialogues and the Game Over screen(s) will no longer be punished for doing so. They won’t be rewarded either. They just won’t see a dumb dialogue that makes no sense, given the liberal usage of floppy bits that recently occurred
  • In Date Night With Brittney: sprinkled some extra emotes throughout the story, where appropriate
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: general cleanup to comply with recent engine changes and tighten certain old behavior timings up
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: sprinkled some emotes throughout the story, where appropriate
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue where very, very fast Players could turn the corner to trigger Vickie’s intro dialogue BEFORE her “intro texts” played, potentially breaking their playthrough
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Players to get temporarily stuck at zero “O” sensitivity until they took another intimacy action or saw a dialogue under specific circumstances
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: prevented a dialogue spam issue that could occur if the Player for some reason clicked the Play radial option multiple times prior to playing “Never Have I Ever” with Vickie
  • In the Original Story: the Player has to know Amy/know a bit more about Amy before he has any reason to ask Amy for info about Derek
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was preventing a select few Inspect Texts for Patrick to not show up during “Palectrick Feel”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could permanently prevent Patrick and Rachael from roaming to each other, even if the Player got them to bond as a result of the events of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to become visibly drunk again after the events of Madison’s “art show” via a Social event, even if he had already sobered up
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now choose to opt back into the “nude Frank” ending of “The Muse” if they opted out once, while Derek is still blocking the door to Madison’s bedroom. This will provide a choice so that players can continue completely unrelated content (character/plot-wise) that required an item from the bathroom
  • In the Original Story: Derek’s walk to the kitchen while searching for Purgalicious during “High and Dry” will now take a tiny bit longer
  • In the Original Story: adjustment to an Amy-Derek overhear Dialogue regarding Derek’s brother, if Derek is blocking the door during “High and Dry”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause duplicate dialogue to Play after kicking open the Spare Room 2/Art Room door to stop Stephanie from huffing if the Player was fast and ALSO used the “Take Bag” option. Will prevent accidental duplication of the Meltdown ending
  • In the Original Story: mitigated additional minor walkto/positioning issues associated with niche Player decisions during the finale of Stephanie’s “Meltdown” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: sprinkled a few more emotes where appropriate throughout Stephanie’s “Meltdown”-related content
  • In the Original Story: slightly tweaked how long the Derek Smash! fight involving Patrick and Derek vs. Frank can take, as it was taking a bit too long most of the time
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from seeing Ashley’s commentary about getting Brittney “out of her cave”
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will not break away from certain other critical story moments in order to talk to the Player about getting Brittney “out of her cave”
  • In the Original Story: Amy will no longer be forced to interact with Stephanie, Katherine, and the Player during the events that precede “Meltdown”
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will no longer be restricted from helping Katherine for her “Meltdown” content just because Madison’s art show is ongoing
  • In the Original Story: if Stephanie is in the art room/Spare Room2 as the Player is about to use the Voice Recorder on the Window, the Player will need to deal with Stephanie’s presence first
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Rachael’s “Occupied” behaviors during the finale of “Palectrick Feel”
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some behaviors related to Katherine’s auto-failing of “Meltdown” if the Player already got Steph drunk/naked and THEN gave Katherine the Tampered Rum
  • In the Original Story: miscellaneous cleanup of minor behaviors related to the events of “Palectrick Feel”
  • In the Original Story: made behavioral tweaks related to Frank’s return to his chair in relation to his “sting operation” and reaching the player, getting into fights, being knocked out, etc. This should somewhat help to minimize incidents in which Frank reaches the Player, but then quickly walks away back to his chair
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to become stuck behind the gazebo towards the end of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” if the Player decided to betray him at that time
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that affected Patrick’s AbleToBeDistracted state and behavior with other NPCs if the Player failed out of his “masochism test” behind the gazebo near the finale of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”

(Alpha 12/20/19)

  • Fine-tuned and polished NPC eye-contact, facial expressions, and awareness of the player when the player is in conversation with them, and when they are in conversations with other NPCs.
  • Added support for Completed, Failed, and Step-Based Opportunity descriptions to help guide the players more
  • Changed the look and feel of Opportunity notifications
  • Added censored versions of Madison’s photos on her phone for when the player has the censor nudity option checked
  • Revamped the Opportunity Window (More changes coming)
  • Added a couple of new states to put characters in a very basic idle with no fidgeting
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the speakers to lose sync
  • Implemented new logic around the way Dialogues are processed which should prevent the game ever getting “stuck” in rare circumstances
  • Tweaked alignment of certain anatomy in some intimacy positions
  • Implemented a new clothing system that can support multiple outfits better
  • All females are now equipped with “Strap Ons” that can be enabled via clothing commands
  • Minor tweaks to size and position of UpstairsBathroomZone collider
  • Set up right hand mounting and misc item settings for the Toaster
  • Criteria Groups can now be re-ordered in the CSC via up and down arrows, similar to the re-ordering functionality recently added to Event Triggers
  • The “throw” animation no longer rotates the character
  • Fixed an issue that was disabling Dialogue Only Characters on loaded games
  • Added a highway billboard + sound
  • New credits entries
  • New design for opportunity pop-ups
  • New design for opportunity log
  • Added “small versions” of avatars
  • Added censored versions of madison’s phone pictures (for when censorship is enabled)
  • Fixed discoloration between LOD versions of characters
  • Updated Amy’s clothing
  • Fixed Rachael’s LOD2 skinning
  • Improved allignment and clipping all strapon’s
  • Add Arin and Dan to the main menu
  • Fixed clothing skipping on main menu
  • Fixed Ashley LOD sandals and Arin LOD spikes
  • CSC: Criteria within Criteria Group sets will now automatically sort based on their Order, like they do in Game Events, Event Triggers, etc.
  • When adding new Criteria within the CSC, Criteria are no longer auto-ordered by the total count of Criteria that exist in the collection/list of Criteria. They will now automatically be given an order number that is one greater than the order of the previous/last Criteria shown. Anyone else OCD much? How are your fingernails?
  • When moving Event Triggers up or down in the CSC, the name of the event being moved will now properly be displayed even if it was not given a custom name
  • Fixed two null reference exceptions that could occur in the CSC and cause the interface to break when copy pasting an event that had “Player” as its Character, and then swapping to an event type that did not support a Player-type character
  • Added a second Move Target behind the table in the Garage
  • For those CSC users who really, really love Event Triggers (you should) but didn’t think the Move Up/Down arrows were enough, you can now insert Event Triggers at a specific place in the Event Trigger list
  • Background Chatter criteria in the CSC will now auto-sort based on their order number
  • The Search functionality within the CSC will now properly return event and criteria search results from within Character Story Item Interactions (On Accept and On Refuse)
  • The Search functionality within the CSC will now return Criteria results from within Criteria Groups
  • Shrunk the size of the outside No Loiter colliders so that they do not encroach as much on a handful of outside Zoning colliders or several more recently added MoveTargets
  • The dildo (DoubleDildo) from Ashley’s room will now look appropriate when mounted to either of an NPC’s hands. Dildo. Dildo hands. Sorry, I just like putting ‘dildo’ in updildate notes. HAH. Adaptdildification
  • Corrected inventory offsets for various food items
  • The Achievement ID (not the name) will now be logged in the Debug Log when an Achievement is earned
  • “Export Pending” in the CSC will now correctly export Story Item DisplayGameMessage events
  • Forward lunge-type combat attacks (default W + Attack) now have a slightly longer range than other attacks
  • Attacks by the Player at the outer edge of their combat radius and swings made to the far sides of an NPC will not be as likely to accidentally trigger combat with said NPC
  • Added the OnAnyItemAcceptFallback and OnAnyItemRefuseFallback Event Trigger/Reaction types in the CSC. These can be used to assign an Event Trigger to execute when any item is refused or accepted by an NPC, IF no other item was refused or accepted first
  • Reconfigured the sizing of the Foam Finger and set up “optimal” mounting offsets for left and right hand mounting to Characters
  • The Tablet (tab_2) item will now be highlighted if it falls into the grass
  • Added the ApplyForceTowardCharacter ItemAction for use with the Item Event in the CSC and Item Command in the Command Console. Will apply a physics force to an item that moves said item toward where the target Character’s Head is at the moment the event is called
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the List subcommand to not show all of a Character’s values when used with the Values console command
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to fail to ChangeLocation due to an unnecessary and redundant distance check
  • Fixed an issue in the CSC that was preventing Compubrah and PhoneCall from appearing in the Character dropdown for the Dialogue Criteria/CompareType
  • NPCs will no longer receive a ChangeLocation request if they are executing any Important/Very Important animation(s) or events while standing in a NoLoitering area
  • Forced ChangeLocations (via Game Events, for example) will cause the target NPC to initiate movement more consistently, instead of waiting a random period of time between 2-5 seconds before moving
  • Dialogue Overhear events will now follow the same height rules as every other height check in the game
  • CSC: started adding tooltips to various smaller buttons
  • CSC: the Copy button will no longer only be shown when an event is fully expanded
  • CSC: users can now Paste an Event using a button that will appear in-line with the events using one of two methods: Paste Using Same Order (the event will appear just below the copied event), or Paste as Last in Order (the event will become the last event in the collection of events)
  • CSC: to improve readability, a couple of pixels are added after each event in a collection of events, unless that event is the last in the collection
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent DialogueOnly Characters like PhoneCall and Compubrah not to make use of On Dialogue Start Dialogue events
  • The BGC text UI will now prioritize NPCs playing Important BGC (Trigger BGC or direct responses to Trigger BGCs) over NPCs casually using conversational BGC
  • Fixed an issue that could cause smaller items like Phones, Natty Lites, and more to get stuck under the Dirt Mound/Rockpile. The Player should now have a much easier time grabbing items “through” the dirt. Get in there…oink oink!
  • Fixed an issue that could allow items to roll underneath the cushions of the outside patio furniture. All that’s under there now is loose change. And our tertiary dildo storage
  • Added two more AddForwardMomentum-type ItemFunctions that will be usable for any physics-enabled Interactive Item
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to keep her “RunWhenCloseToTarget” state after the Player completed or failed the “Meltdown” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: after the “Meltdown” Opportunity is completed or is failed, Katherine will move back to the Kitchen or Study, depending on what previous actions the Player had taken with her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Stephanie to not reach the Art Room/Spare Room 2 in a very specific situation within the “Meltdown” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Frank repeatedly trying to get to the Downstairs Bathroom after headbutting it for Katherine
  • In the Original Story: Various optimizations and minor tweaks to common place events like Patrick being KO’d, the Player stealing items (added a missing distance check or two, etc.)
  • In the Original Story: fixed a Character ownership mixup for the StephFollow criteria
  • In the Original Story: cleanup of minor events in Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity, and added some emotive events to various dialogues in the finale of that Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that caused Patrick to talk about hiding his wine from Frank as if he still had it, even when he no longer possesses his wine
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Stephanie to walk to Katherine, then walk back to the Living Room or Outside Speaker at least once instead of following her intended route to the Hot Tub during the finale of her “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: various minor tweaks to Stephanie’s dialogue and response behavior(s) related to her “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed various minor text mismatches between dialogues and their VA/SFX
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Stephanie to imply that she might take more beer after her “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity is completed
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will sober up a bit faster after her “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity is completed
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will no longer react to the Cell Jammer if she is topless, currently displaying a main dialogue, or in combat
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the warning the Player gets if they leave the Cell Jammer on for too long after jamming Katherine successfully
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now “Take” additional food items into their inventory
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s behavior is more in line with her willingness to do the photo shoot and will therefore no longer attempt to cover up during it
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to bump into the downstairs bathroom door repeatedly when she’s clearly, obviously, and indubitably supposed to be sick
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie will no longer permanently chill, awkwardly, outside the bathroom where Katherine marked her territory after the Player completes her “Meltdown” opportunity. She’ll remember that she likes music, and if not busy, will return to said music
  • In the Original Story: NPCs won’t roam to Ashley while she is waiting for the Player to get down with her during the finale of her “Smooth Operator” opportunity, and Ashley will not socialize with any NPCs that walk in on her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to become unresponsive in the finale of her “Smooth Operator” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will not socialize with NPCs while getting sick after receiving the Tampered Rum
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to become stuck in the downstairs bathroom and leave Stephanie in the art room, if the Player groped Stephanie during Meltdown

(Alpha 11/22/2019)

  • Added Arin and Dan
  • In the Original Story: added the “Game Jam” and “Return of the Grumps” Opportunities
  • In the Original Story: reconfigured all existing Background Chatter, where appropriate, to make use of the new Background Chatter-
  • Paired Emotes system
  • In the Original Story: Ashley’s reaction to a shirtless Player will now be restricted by the universal time buffer set up in 0.15.x so that it does not trigger alongside other “interruptions”
  • In the Original Story: added the proper punctuation to Panic! at the Disco, cause we wouldn’t want the Grumps to make fun of us again.
  • For old reasons, at least…
  • In the Original Story: fixed various typos
  • In the Original Story: minor mechanics changes to prevent delays in progress during Stephanie’s Meltdown content, after Stephanie asks the Player to get water and gut grip
  • In the Original Story: fixed a couple VA-text mismatches in Frank’s Background Chatters
  • Added usable bath tub seats in the Upstairs Bathroom and Master Bathroom
  • Fixed an issue with the Enters Zone functionality that could cause the Enters Zone reaction to break
  • Further optimization of the Debug Log. General memory management improvements and more aggressive pruning of old events from the UI interface. Debug Log should still provide visibility in-game to upwards of 760 events
  • The laugh emote will now affect NPC mood, depending on their Nice and Happy personality traits
  • The CharFunc command, when used with the ‘list’ subcommand, will show the number of alternate body or clothing textures available to a Character, if they allow the usage of either character function
  • The CharFunc command can now be used correctly with the SwitchToAlternateBodyTexture and SwitchToAlternateClothingTexture character functions
  • Additional uses of the ‘list’ subcommand within Commands like CharFunc, Item, etc. will not flag the Player as having Cheated (i.e. will not disable Achievements)
  • The CharFunc command also supports using ‘list’ with a Character name, which will show just that Character’s character functions, as well as any supporting function info like texture IDs and their names
  • The Player will now only have the State “Running” if: they are not held in place by game mechanics or UI, if they are actually visibly using a movement animation, AND are holding the Run key. This should ensure that the “Running” state is far more usable via the CSC
  • Automatic/backend Emotes should be more expressive outside of TriggerBGC and Dialogues
  • Emotes triggered via Game Events/CSC or Console Command can now blend simultaneously with other emotes, and can be given an
  • Emote Strength to manually set how strong the facial component of the Emote should be when executed
  • The SendEvent console command can now make use of the Point event
  • Added Character Stand Spots to the game, for now in the basket of the hot air balloon only. These spots function similarly to chairs in that they are “used” by Characters and impose certain restrictions and behaviors, but do not pose them
  • Added the WarpOverTime Game Event to the game and CSC. This will allow you to move a Character, with very much magic, through the game world towards a MoveTarget or Item at a speed (in seconds) of your choosing
  • Added the WarpOverTime Console Command
  • Added various new SendEvent options to the SendEvent Console Command
  • Falling Characters will no longer “teleport” directly to the ground, and will now fall with grace, aplomb, and humility
  • An error in the CSC that could appear when the stars aligned and Unity’s EditorUpdate noticed you were mousing over Window with no title or not mousing over any Window will no longer appear
  • NPCs will now accept a wider array of emotes via CSC Game Events (PuckeredLips, ClosedEyes, Eyebrows Up/In). If an NPC does not have an emote/expression (BlendShape) available for the event, it will not process
  • Fixed an issue that could cause disabled Characters to erroneously receive Game Events and SaveLoad behaviors
  • The SendEvent console command will now accept many more events for the Player, such as jumping, drinking, etc.
  • Emote Console Command can once again trigger puckered lips, closed eyes, and eyebrows up or eyebrows in emotes
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Phone4 and the Chili Pepper items to register as being “held” by the Player upon Game Start, which could prevent them from being used with the WarpItemTo event
  • Improved minor aspects of default naming conventions within the CSC for Event Triggers
  • The State Console Command will no longer automatically apply/remove States from the Player when used with the ‘all’ subcommand
  • Fixed an issue in the CSC that could cause the BGC Responses interface to break if the user selected a Character Responder first, then swapped back to ‘Anybody’
  • Background Chatter can now have emotes attached to them. These emotes will behave similarly to back-end/automatic emotes in that they are for “flavor” only and cannot have a defined emotive strength
  • If a CSC user has renamed a Character, that Character’s Display Name (new name) will appear in the Combat UI when they are struck, instead of their default Original Story name
  • The Charfunc Console Command will no longer seemingly omit newly added character functions
  • CSC users can now call events against environmental impacts via the ImpactsGround and ImpactsWall Event Trigger types
  • Responses to Important Background Chatters that have specific SpeakingTo targets are now automatically treated as ImportantBGCs as well. This should allow easy configuration of “chained” TriggerBGC conversations or sequences
  • Background Chatter that does not have an associated voice clip (i.e. would be seen via text only) will now display, terminate, and transition to another response properly. This will ensure that custom, unvoiced BGCs can be used in custom stories
  • The loading of .character files will now properly show the Character name for these .character files, instead of the Story Name for every file
  • Characters that fall from a certain height or more will automatically enter an “idle falling” animation
  • Important/Triggered BGC audio and text will be audible/remain visible at longer ranges than standard BGC audio and text
  • Fixed a minor formatting issue in the Roaming Console Command
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing the Debug Log to include line breaks or new lines instead of properly truncating them
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the full selection of Move Targets from appearing in the CSC
  • When the MP3 Player is freed from the shitty ceiling light/glorious chandelier of victory, it will now do a graceful little tumble so that it doesn’t land in an awkward, hard-to-see vertical position
  • Fixed a null reference issue that can be triggered if a CSC user uses the Combat.Die event (CSC users: use “Pass Out” instead…always)
  • Fixed an issue in the CSC that could allow recursive event protection to take effect on events that were not of type “Event Trigger”
  • Fixed an issue in the CSC that could prevent WarpItemTo from functioning correctly
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Player to enter combat mode and be unable to leave if the Player was attacked while the Property
  • DoesNotFightBack was enabled
  • The Camera item will now play the shutter close effect, shutter SFX, and register via story values that a picture was taken and if that picture is a naked picture of an NPC, all BEFORE it attempts to perform any screenshot saving or I/O operations. This should further minimize issues when using the Camera item
  • Added the AddForce Console Command. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • Fixed an issue in the CSC that was adding an erroneous string to Item : ItemFunction Game Event names
  • The Values Console Command will now properly accept “None” as a Value for the specified Key (e.g. CombatTarget = None)
  • Fixed Leah’s teeth
  • Fixed Katherine bra skin mask
  • Created extra emotes for all characters (Laugh, Ecstatic, Scared and Surprised)
  • Optimized Stephanie model
  • Fixed Vickie’s clipping nipple rings
  • Updated Combat UI
  • Changed sizes of some UI elements
  • Fixed offset on the flamingo LOD
  • Remake of the main menu scene
  • Added starbomb model
  • Added a big balloon model
  • Added multiple colored particles for several occasions
  • Added some phoenicopterus ruber animations
  • Added sound effects to ‘ finale’ scene
  • Avatar images for Dan and Arin
  • New story quest images
  • More optimized method for realtime mirrors
  • Fixed fridge discoloration

(Stable Release 10/18/19)

  • Fixed an issues that was causing long loading times
  • Added code to prevent characters from doing exaggerated animations while holding items, causing them to sometimes clip
  • Fixed an issue that could cause characters with a combat Stamina between 0 and 1 to get hit for more damage than intended
  • Added the MatchValue GameEvent for CSC Users, and a corresponding Console Command. This will allow you to set Character values to be equal to each other (across Characters, or two values for one Character)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Character’s zone to not update properly if they were sitting, laying down, or in certain other poses
  • Performance optimization of Zoning system
  • Listening the Quests for a specific character via the Quest console command will no longer count as Cheating
  • Listening the Events for a specific character via the Events console command will no longer count as Cheating
  • Listing the Events for a specific character via the Events console command will now show the name of the event, followed by the event’s type, and finally if it is enabled or not
  • The Events console command will now correctly list Events assigned to DialogueOnlyCharacters (Compubrah, Phone Call). Be aware that DialogueOnlyCharacters can make use of very few Event types, e.g. GameStarts
  • Optimization of the command console to prevent excess garbage collection, memory usage, and mitigate hiccups
  • Corrections to a number of ‘help’ and ‘example’ texts for various console commands
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will not be considered “Occupied” for quite as much of her “Sibling Warfare” opportunity, which will prevent her from being unavailable in some circumstances that did not make sense
  • In the Combat Training story: There is now a Help text on the briefcase. Cause, you know…this is a learning experience and stuff
  • In the Combat Training story: The NPCs that are summoned for combat practice will wait to attack you until you attack them
  • In the Combat Training story: Fixed a few bugs that were causing duplicate messages to display
  • In the Combat Training story: If the Player wins one fight, they can unlock Social Justic…Outrage Mode
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause Leah’s content to break if you did “Just in the Kick of Time” (Leah and Lety’s “talk”) first
  • In the Original Story: Amy’s “Stub Toe” event with Stephanie will no longer trigger during many combat-heavy sections of Leah’s content, and while it was already checking to see if the Player was in combat, will now no longer fire if the Player is about to be attacked by an NPC
  • In the Original Story: Rachael’s confrontation with Patrick will no longer trigger during many combat-heavy sections of Leah’s content, and while it was already checking to see if the Player was in combat, will now no longer fire if the Player is about to be attacked by an NPC
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a missing value in Stephanie’s Value List
  • In the Original Story: The Player can now unlock Leah’s VR reward if they have fully completed her content, have the Open Briefcase in their inventory, and THEN engage in any sort of intimacy…Compubrah can get data this way, for sure
  • In the Original Story: Fixed another issue that could cause Leah to walk to Lety to start their “Just in the Kick of Time” conversation, even if the Player was just starting the Spare Room search stage of the 0.15.4 content
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that would prevent Katherine from opening the downstairs bathroom door herself, if it was locked, in the event that Frank was not available to help her. She’s too crafty to be stopped by a door!
  • In the Original Story: Cleaned up some redundant/confusing values associated with Stephanie’s “Meltdown” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: The Player will no longer be able to simply walk up to Stephanie and complete “Meltdown” if they got the Gut Grip but not a bottle of water
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a few VA-Dialogue text mismatches for Frank and Leah
  • In the Original Story: Frank will be slightly less likely to fall off the roof prematurely when Leah confronts him during one of the “Good” finales to the “Broken Code” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Leah should more reliably point to the places the Player should look during the Garage Search stage of “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue with Loaded Games (specifically those made prior to 0.15.4) that would allow various versions of the Snake to be visible when they should not have been
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue with Loaded Games (specifically those made prior to 0.15.4) that would result in Frank being literally an indestructible killing machine that no skills, blood sacrifice, or thrown vibratrons could ever hope to topple
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that would allow Players to earn the Achievement “The Harder They Fall…Dood” without actually having engaged Frank in Combat. Hey asshole, I see you with that exploit, you’re fucking dead!
  • In the Original Story: Modified the back-end relationship values between Frank and Leah, should the Player take Leah down the “evil” route during “Broken Code”
  • In the Original Story: Patrick will not walk to the Player to talk to them about his VR brahmbat training if the Player betrayed him at any point
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause the Debug Log to be spammed with events that are part of Rachael’s initial confrontation with Patrick
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause the Player to see multiple Achievement pop-ups for the “Caught in the Act” Achievement
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that would cause Leah to not punch towards the Spray Paint Can in the upstairs art room closet during “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to get stuck in the Garage if Leah and Madison/Lety’s Garage-based scenes occurred in close proximity
  • In the Original Story: Fixed another issue that could cause Leah to approach Lety for their “Just in the Kick of Time” conversation while in the middle of Leah’s new 0.15 content
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that was preventing a specific Lety-Brittney BGC exchange from ever occurring
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from earning “Flash” score with Katherine in certain circumstances
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could allow the Player to earn “Flash” score with Katherine by flashing the same NPC more than once
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that would allow the Player to continue with Katherine’s content even if they had not flashed all NPCs at the party (Lety and Vickie excluded)
  • In the Original Story: The Player will now hit a bit harder and take a little more damage as part of the “evil”/Ronin finale of “Broken Code”, should they get “trained”/enraged by Leah
  • In the Original Story: Frank, due to being terrified by Leah toward the finale of the “evil”/Ronin finale of “Broken Code”, will be slightly weaker until “Broken Code” is Completed or Failed, even moreso if he witnesses the Player’s descent into Rage…
  • In the Original Story: Certain food items from the fridge can now be eaten for additional Combat Stat increases, and health restoration. Remember that these may or may not be needed for use in other content!
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause the “Signs of Affection” Opportunity to become stuck, if the Player also had “Road to Redemption” active at the same time
  • In the Original Story: Cleaned up a redundant Derek hint response about getting closer to Ashley
  • In the Original Story: Drunk Lety will try to avoid bothering the Player about starting the “Try Anything Once” opportunity if the Player is in combat or about to be in combat
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a couple humiliating typos in one of Rachael’s BGC’s. This is why we don’t have localization for your language…we can’t even use our own correctly
  • In the Original Story: Fixed another issue that could allow Leah to walk to meet up with Lety for their “Just in the Kick of Time”, even if Leah was hunting for the snake in the Art Room with the Player
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to ask Stephanie to sing to her, and Stephanie to sing back in reply, even if Stephanie was nowhere near the downstairs bathroom during “Meltdown”
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause Lety to repeatedly walk towards the Player, if an older save was loaded. PERSONAL SPACE, LETY. PERSONAL. SPACE.
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly” to break after the finale fight
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause eating a certain item to compromise Katherine’s positioning, permanently
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will no longer wait around forever for the Player to get intimate with her. Since she hates her boyfriend so much, however, she will still be willing to give the Player a shot even if he was slow in tending to her needs. What honor. Such loyalty.
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to repeatedly deliver “VR hint” dialogue after Leah’s Garage Search in “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: Fixed another issue with Leah/Lety content clashing towards the end of the yard/perimeter search in “Snake in the Grass”
  • In the Original Story: Amy won’t be as likely to trigger her toe stub dialogue while Ashley is confronting Madison during Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly”
  • In the Original Story: Rachael won’t be as likely to confront Patrick about his website while Ashley is confronting Madison during Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly”
  • In the Original Story: Fixed a few issues that remained in regards to Leah-Lety “Just in the Kick of Time placement and movement event timing, as well as availability of certain Leah dialogue responses right before Leah and Lety’s conversation starts
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue that could cause game message spam to occur if the Player was far away from Leah and Lety while they were waiting to talk
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an issue caused by yesterday’s (10/14) Katherine master bedroom “wait behavior” change that could result in her not having her phone or glasses properly mounted or enabled
  • In the Original Story: There is now an apology response available so that the Player can recover from Untying Ashley’s top AFTER having been nice to her all game and completed “Signs of Affection” from Vickie. But pursuing the actual “make up” part with Ashley in this situation won’t require the Blue Flower or even be completable depending on your other previous choices…
  • In the Original Story: Fixed an incorrect criteria in an “apologize to Ashley” line that was preventing the Player from receiving a small social bonus with Ashley
  • In the Original Story: After throwing beer on Madison, Ashley wills till try to walk to the Player, but only if she is not occupied with other content the Player has involved her with, if the Player is not in combat, etc. This will prevent her from disappearing during moments of the “Family Time” opportunity, or bothering the Player mid-fight against Frank, and more annoying crap
  • In the Original Story: Addressed an issue which could cause Madison to approach the Player about her Sky Animal crap at inopportune times
  • In the Original Story: Certain “approach the Player and bother them” or “HEY PLAYER LOOK AT WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!” events like Amy’s “Toe Stub” moment with Steph are now delayed by a brief universal time buffer, to prevent them from all happening at once quite as often
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will no longer react to the Player’s amazing, shirtless body if she is in the middle of “Family Time” with Patrick

(Stable Release 10/9/19)

  • Added a new “Combat Training” story
  • Added Combat Instructions to F1 screen
  • NPCs now have several new walking onset and avoidance animations
  • NPCs now more readily avoid one another and get out of each others way when they have a destination
  • Combat can no longer interrupt main dialogues unless the NPC is knocked out
  • Blocking now takes 1 energy
  • Running or continuous blocking now causes energy to regenerate at a slower rate
  • Adjusted the duration of the player’s attack moves and stun durations
  • Fixed an issue with translated background chatters not loading properly
  • Standardized and finalized combat moves, damage dealt, and energy requirements for them
  • “DoesNotFightBack” state now disallows the player to enter or exit combat mode
  • NPCs no longer fidget when they are holding an item (prevents clipping)
  • NPCs no longer play conversation animations when certain interactive items (that are marked internally) are being held (prevents clipping)
  • Fixed a navigation issue where Patrick could get permanently stuck on the couch (until warped)
  • Recalibrated the “drunk effect”. I.E. The player is no longer a lightweight
  • Fixed some issues with the speakers syncing up with each other.
  • Changed the way all voice acting is loaded. Should be faster and require less loading up front.
  • Fixed an issue where you could quick-save on game over
  • The Property, Personality, Roaming, State, and Value commands will not be flagged as ‘Cheated’ (i.e. will not disable Achievements) if they are used with the “list” subcommand. SEND US YOUR DEBUG INFO WITH PEACE OF MIND!
  • The CharInfo command will no longer flag the Player as ‘Cheated’ (i.e. will not disable Achievements). GIVE US YOUR DATAZ
  • You can now Add float values (as opposed to just integers) to a Character Value in the CSC, and the ModifyValue – Add event option will take floats into account
  • The GameMsg console command will no flag the Player as “Cheating” (i.e. will no longer disable Achievements)
  • Tweaks to Keychain itemfunctions to improve look of Keychain on Patrick’s manhood
  • When using the Values command with the “list” subcommand, the output of values will now be sorted alphabetically
  • The Charinfo console command will now also show what other characters can be seen by the specified/target character
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick’s “private keychain” to be misaligned in some circumstances
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the entire Rachael-Patrick “Benedict Brahrnold” finale to break if the Player inspected Patrick’s “private keychain” before a Rachael dialogue appeared
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now drink the El Escorpion Mezcal
  • In the Original Story: Leah will now correctly react to the Player drinking any alcohol in front of her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to beat up the Player prematurely, had the Player drank the Tampered Rum near him. Frank will now approach the Player to enjoy the rectal festivities
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to beat up the Player prematurely, had the Player drank the Tampered Rum near her. Leah will now approach the Player to enjoy the rectal festivities
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the behavior of Derek stepping in to stop Frank from beating up the Player, if the Player unlocked Derek’s “Combat Perk” during The Muse: Derek will not step in if the Player has initiated content which occupies Derek, and Derek will not stop Running at inopportune times due to his “Combat Perk” dialogue
  • In the Original Story: drinking the contents of the flask (after Rachael has filled it for you) now incurs the same benefits and repercussions as drinking any other alcohol
  • In the Original Story: drinking Natty Lites will now have a minor effect on the Player’s “Sensitivity”, to give them another reason to be drank during the “Training Day” opportunity vs. the other alcoholic items in the game
  • In the Original Story: drinking the Merlot will now have the same benefit to the Player’s “Sensitivity” for the “Training Day” opportunity as drinking any other alcoholic item would
  • In the Original Story: drinking the Chardonnay will now have the same benefit to the Player’s “Sensitivity” for the “Training Day” opportunity as drinking any other alcoholic item would
  • In the Original Story: completely overhauled the logic that awards the “Duck N’ Weave” Achievement. It is still earned in essentially the same way, but cannot be circumvented as easily, and does not arbitrarily lock out earning the Achievement during specific NPC fights
  • In the Original Story: minor cleanup of Ashley and Vickie’s behaviors during and after the “Sibling Warfare” finale
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah’s Roaming to be permanently off as part of the events leading up to “Screw Like a Bee…”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow Rachael to use normal dialogue/greetings to the Player while in VR at certain times
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick/Rachael’s “Benedict Brahrnold” finale behaviors to break if the Player had saved in the middle of Patrick’s oral scene
  • In the Original Story: slight tweaks to timing of Keychain/HangingKeys itemfunctions to improve look of Keychain/HangingKeys on Patrick’s manhood
  • A Vickie vixen Valentine: added a response for Vickie that will have her step aside, should the Player somehow get stuck behind her while she is in Madison’s closet or Ashley’s bedroom
  • Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause redundant thought bubbles to appear when walking away from Patrick after speaking to him for the first time
  • A Vickie vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause duplicate door open events to occur when opening the door to Ashley’s room/Spare Room
  • In the Original Story: Frank will no longer help Katherine with the downstairs locked door if he is Occupied with something else that is critical and Player-driven
  • Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that was causing Opportunity icons to be blank

(Beta 9/24/19)

  • Added voice acting for all new content
  • Added male and player “talking on phone” animation
  • Fixed an issue where the speakers would sometimes lose sync with each other
  • Fixed an issue where objects would not regain their textures after being lost in the grass and being illuminated
  • Fixed an issue where warp-locations to move targets could get corrupted on a reload or loaded saved game
  • The stairs no longer use one very tall collider that blocks obvious line of sight for the first 8 steps or so. The angle of the stair railings and geometry is now followed…be careful there!
  • Added new Vision Blockers around downstairs curtains to prevent obnoxious NPC sight checks when trying to hide
  • Added a Vision Blocker to part of the kitchen sink window to prevent sight checks passing from around the Outside Move Target in through the front hallway(!)
  • Added Vision Blocker that loosely follows the OUTER/firepit-side edge of the bushes outside the living room. This (and the curtain Blockers) will prevent NPCs looking in through the densest portions of the bushes AND through the window blinds to be unable to see other Characters, but will leave gaps on the widest viewing angles into the living room. It will also allow creepers to more effectively hide in the bushes away from Characters at the fire pit, etc.
  • NPCs can now also see out the laundry room and art room windows if another Character is on the roof
  • Standardized all height checks in the codebase to 1.8 units
  • The TriggerBGC command will now close the console so that the user can see the specified NPC more clearly as well as any chatter text that might come up
  • Added a global AddSmallForwardMomentum ItemFunction that can be used to throw many different items
  • Made more small items “extra” visible if dropped outside in the grass
  • Added a new event, WarpItemTo, that will allow CSC users to warp items (not chairs, beds, etc., just regular interactive items) to a movetarget or character. This will not work cleanly with all interactive items due to certain object or prefab structures, and is therefore a work in progress
  • Added WarpItemTo subcommand for the Item console command
  • Added a couple more sound effects that can be used with the InvisAudioPlayer via ItemFunction
  • Re-added a sex spot to Compubrah VR bed that could cause issues when Characters tried to use it
  • Fixed an issue that could potentially have caused the Dining Room TV’s screen to not update when the MP3 Player was used with the Aux Dock
  • Added a GlobalizationManager (for future extension) and modified handling of certain time localization code to avoid exceptions being thrown for specific regions
  • Fixed a hardcoded typo in SearchEditor that could prevent “Anybody”-targeted searches from functioning correctly in the CSC
  • Fixed DisplayGameMessage events showing two “Delay” texts when configuring the event in the CSC
  • Started adding some “auto cleanup” functionality within the CSC that will clear out event data that is not needed by a given event. For example, DisplayGameMessages do not need an e.Key (event Key), and leaving it populated can lead to confusing search functionality and bloat, or even user errors when making heavy use of the CSC’s copy-paste feature
  • CSC users can now rearrange the order of Event Triggers within Character Stories
  • CSC users will now get specific Interaction and Use With information when CSC Search results are found within the Main Story file
  • CSC users will now be told when CSC Search results found within a Dialogue are tied to a Start Event, Close Event, or Response Event
  • The pink dildo now has a collision sound. TOP PATCH NOTE RIGHT HERE
  • Added collision sounds to a few more interactive items that matter way less than the dildo
  • Fixed the way certain console commands (WarpTo, WalkTo, LookAt, and more) interpret DialogueOnly characters like Compubrah and PhoneCall. These will now be ignored in commands or as parameters for subcommands that should not or cannot make use of them
  • Ashley’s Top, or as it is known colloquially, “Ashley’s Goddamn Motherfucking Upper-Shitpiece of a Left Mouse Gravity Well”, will no longer have its “Untie” option on the right, where “Talk” normally is for NPCs. Rejoice fam
  • In the Original Story: added some minor protections against Katherine ending up outside the Downstairs Bathroom after Frank opens it for her and she closes that door
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael to be given more than one dare instruction at a time when loading a saved game
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Rachael to attempt to execute the events of her…”self pleasure” dare twice
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley and Patrick’s inspect texts to break between the end of “Family Time” and the Player talking to Ashley
  • In the Original Story: Steph will not “see” knockouts/fights (this precipitates some of her “Follow Your Calling” content) if she cannot actually see anyone else, and she will not count various temporary NPC or Player knockouts (which are not combat related)
  • In the Original Story: Stephanie must also be conscious in order to “see” a knockout/fight
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with Ashley’s NoUntieYet value handling that could cause inspecting her top to generate redundant inspect texts, and possibly prevent her top from being untied ever again after certain events in her stories
  • In the Original Story: Frank will not overhear the Player admitting to Derek that he has feelings for him if Frank cannot see the Player
  • In the Original Story: added Jump Up/Down events into existing moments when a couple characters leave the party via the yard
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer use the Gutter to climb onto the roof when they are in Combat or ANY character has the Player as their CombatTarget
  • In the Original Story: Added the following Achievements: “The Harder They Fall…Dood”, “The Bride”, “Ronin”, “Sucker Punch”, and “Money Shot”
  • In the Original Story: added another Log Off option a bit earlier in Compubrah’s dialogue options
  • In the Original Story: fixed a text-VA discrepancy in Leah’s line to Frank, after Leah is “Poppered” successfully by the Player during “Just in the Kick of Time”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow the Player to access Lety VR rewards without meeting the prerequisites, which could lead to a break in Lety’s VR behavior
  • In the Original Story: VR/Virtual Lety will no longer use non-VR Lety’s Orgasm events
  • In the Original Story: the Player will now un-expose themselves before returning to the party after Lety VR intimacy, if they managed to have all their clothes on but still keep their tasty bits out

(Beta 9/10/19)

  • Tweaked and optimized fighting mechanics
  • Exposed various combat-related parameters to the Custom Story Creator
  • Fixed an issue with items mounting in weird positions when they are mounted twice in a row to the same NPC
  • Fixed an issue with NPCs not being able to open the closet doors in the art room
  • Added combat movement animations to the player
  • Tweaked the combat UI
  • The IKReach game event and IKReach Console Command can now be used to direct a character’s hands, hips, or feet towards a movetarget or character, in addition to interactive items
  • When a character IKReach-es for another character, they will target the secondary character’s chest
  • TriggerBGCs that are initiated while an NPC is ALREADY knocked out will now play as long as that NPCs “pass out” sound effect is not currently playing
  • The Player character now has its own KnockBack Character Function
  • When using the Player : Inventory : Remove game event, the item that is removed/drops will now use the Continuous Dynamic collision detection mode, similar to other events on the backend like throwing, etc. This more aggressive collision detection mode should help some with certain items being kicked through floors, etc.
  • Refactored a number of items’ collision detection modes and code to prevent kinematic rigidbody and collision detection mode error spam and small number of standalone warnings
  • Added another Phone item to the game
  • The vibrator now has a very-relevant-and-not-at-all-made-at-home-with-things-the-developers-touch sound effect available
  • InteractiveItems can now have their Audio playback stopped via the StopAllAudio ItemFunction
  • Pretty sure you all wanted this: added the PokedByVibrator Event Trigger. Right? Hello? AM I ALONE IN THIS HIVE OF BEES?
  • Enabled the vibrator’s “Clitpocalypse” setting…
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Stephanie to appear in the hallway with her paper bag during “Meltdown”, instead of being in the Spare Room
  • In the Original Story: Steph will no longer get distracted and talk to other NPCs or try to dance if she committed to following the Player while he finds a private spot for intimacy after “Meltdown”
  • In the Original Story: added provisions that should prevent the Player from accidentally disabling certain dialogues and responses that lead into Steph’s “living room” intimacy scene that rewards the player with $50
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to go to the outside dark corner after being given the lit joint, even when it made much more sense for her to go to her room to continue her story
  • In the Original Story: NPCs will not roam to Ashley or engage her in background chatter while she is naked in her room and waiting for the Player to wash her clothes. Ashley will also not socialize with NPCs until the Player decides whether he is a jerk or not
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will be slightly more adamant about trying to get back to her room while naked and waiting for her clothes
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some events around the time Stephanie, Katherine, and the Player are talking about Katherine’s stomach issues to better ensure Amy’s presence with the group
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some event and dialogue behavior that could lead to the Player experiencing duplicate back-to-back dialogues when talking to Stephanie about being intimate in a secluded “swanky spot”
  • In the Original Story: the option to “Slap Awake” Frank will be visible during the “Training Day” opportunity, but will now offer some explanation as to why it shouldn’t be used
  • In the Original Story: made some tweaks to Leah’s “See a KO” or “See a Fight” reactions that should make them feel a bit less out of place
  • In the Original Story: More NPCs will check against their Occupied values before reacting to the finale of Ashley’s “Drunk and Disorderly”
  • In the Original Story: miscellaneous minor tweaks to pre-0.15.x event timings and usage of redundant/preventative criteria
  • In the Original Story: Patrick now has to be able to see Stephanie before he will thank the Player for bringing him to her after the events of the Art Show in “The Muse

(Alpha 8/30/19)

  • Added more of Leah’s story
  • Added bike lock + key
  • Added color filters (grayscale + rage)
  • Added smartphone flashlight
  • Implemented Quick Save Feature (F9)
  • Tweaked combat mechanics
  • Added Dead Snake and updated wearable snake for Frank and Leah
  • Made male player’s shoes and sleeves higher-poly and improved rig
  • Updated interactive items and grabbable body parts with new player rig hand(s)
  • Fixed player’s head and body skin tone not matching
  • Phones and other small items now highlight when they are dropped in the grass so the player can easily find them again
  • Fixed an issue where collision sounds are sometimes played when some items are in the player’s inventory
  • Inventory and Opportunity buttons are now mappable in the control/controller map
  • Fixed an issue with GameStart events not firing correctly sometimes
  • Player.Sit and Player.Laydown events will now have the target bed/chair shown in the logs and in the CSC
  • Added Throw Punch SendEvent option to the CSC
  • Tweaked the dropdowns in the CSC for State Events and State Criteria to be alphabetically sorted, and the order of the dropdowns within the GUI element to be more in-line with the game event and criteria naming structure
  • Gave Leah an Earpiece she can reach for. For security reasons
  • Added the “PhoneBlindedMe” reaction event for CSC users. This will trigger when a Phone Light is visibly on and a Character enters a roughly character-sized capsule that extends outward from the Phone Light
  • Added a new Move Target/Sex Spot in the garage, behind the ping pong table. Watch out…balls from above!
  • DisplayGameMessage events will now have their GameMessageTypes option displayed in the CSC and when logged in the Debug Log
  • Added a TriggerBGC console command
  • Individual TriggerBGC events are now much more responsive under almost all circumstances
  • DialogueOnly characters (Phone Call, Compubrah) can no longer be selected for an IKReach event
  • Further standardization of Game Event naming and logging conventions with CSC dropdowns
  • WalkToTargetOption “Cancel” will no longer show up in various places in the CSC where having a “Cancel” option was inappropriate
  • Further standardization of Criteria naming and CSC dropdowns (against Game Events where appropriate), with exceptions for criteria such as “Distance”, “Vision” and “Is In Front Of”, etc. which are more readable with slightly different formatting. Decreased OCD variance matrix by -0.2207 chodivars
  • Added missing dropdowns for the Criteria/CompareType when selecting IsCurrentlyUsing or IsCurrentlyBeingUsed
  • Can no longer select the Player or DialogueOnly Characters (Phone Call, Compubrah) as the CharacterToReactTo in a ReachTarget Event Trigger, as this event is only handled by standard NPCs
  • Moved the Initialization of certain variables and references in a few scripts that mount or use items in conjunction with character models to earlier in the loading process, and otherwise performed minor cleanup on similar scripts
  • If the “None” criteria is selected in the CSC, the user will be able to select another criteria from the dropdown, instead of having to remove that criteria and choose a new one
  • CSC users can now directly compare two values, whether they are “owned” by the same character, or two different characters
  • Characters will no longer be able to attempt to warp to themselves via the WarpTo console command
  • Important/TriggerBGC will now be shown even if an NPC is not within direct line of sight of the Player, or is a full floor above the Player
  • DialogueOnly Characters like PhoneCall and Compubrah can no longer be set to receive GetsHitByProjectile event triggers in the CSC
  • In the CSC, an Event Trigger can now call itself via a PerformEvent game event IF its Delay is greater than zero. Previously, this was restricted due to the possibility of recursively firing an infinite number of events with a delay of zero, which could freeze the game
  • Various accuracy and reliability improvements to the GetsHitByProjectile event functionality
  • In the Original Story: added a preventative check to ensure that Derek doesn’t permanently get his shirt back after he gives it to the Player during Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: giving Ashley an untampered soda while she is waiting for her clothes to be returned to her will result in the failure of the :Humiliate Ashley: opportunity
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer skip through Madison’s conversational opening delay by giving her her phone and then selecting from global responses
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with duplicate thoughtbubbles appearing when the Player tries to unsuccessfully sit in one of the Hot Tub seats
  • In the Original Story: made changes to the radial options for Madison’s Phone to accommodate new mechanics and story content
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to responses and events within a couple Patrick dialogues in the event that the Player failed his “Phonegate” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up and made corrections in the Help text for the Player Beer Pong Practice spot

(Alpha 8/7/19)

  • Added new player combat mechanic
  • Upgraded Leah to have some kick-ass fighting animations
  • Added Katana and Spray Paint Can interactive items
  • Added Terrarium as a usable Interactive Item
  • Added Red, Grayscale, and DisableAll visual filter Character Functions; will allow users to enable/disable red or gray (black and white) post processing filters mid-game
  • Added bike lock and bike lock key as usable interactive items
  • Fixed an issue that was causing beer pong to be unplayable, especially if the Player grabbed the “starter” ball first and then tried to Practice
  • Fixed the alignment of the vibrator item when viewed in the Player’s inventory
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Turn console command from turning characters toward a move target
  • Added several new move targets around the outside fence, and further standardized height positioning of some outside move targets
  • Aligned the Player’s hand and fingers to better grip the joint item. You know, for inhaling the leaves on most of the days
  • Aligned the Player’s hand and fingers with the Box of Poppers/PopperBox item
  • Aligned and adjusted a number of indoor colliders in order to better prevent niche cases of items falling through floors
  • All bathroom floor types should use the same footstep sound
  • Fixed an issue with the “Player” console command’s “inventory” subcommand that could also cause items to sometimes fall through certain floors
  • For CSC users: implemented a new ‘zoning’ system that allows you to check if a character is in a room or ‘zone’ inside or outside of the house, OR fire an event trigger/reaction if a character enters a zone/room
  • Adjusted the NoLoitering system so it will no longer try to fire whenever any and/or all of a character’s ragdoll colliders enter a NoLoiter/Redirect area; firing once per “character entry” now results in a more reliable NoLoitering changelocation
  • All phone-type items now have access to default item functions as well as the new EnablePhoneLight and DisablePhoneLight itemfunctions, with cellphone-style “flash lights” aligned to their rear camera flashes
  • All phone-type items now have a text message sound available as either their Sound Effect 1 or Sound Effect 2 sound, for more flexible usage in custom stories
  • All phone-type items now have the same starting physics/Rigid Body settings
  • All phone-type items now have the same sound effect when thrown or dropped
  • All phone-type items now use the same interaction distance value
  • All phone-type items have had their inventory positioning, carry/grab positioning, and rotations standardized
  • All phone-type items have had RaisePhone and LowerPhone itemfunctions added so that the phone lights can be aimed in front of the player and have their position reset
  • The charinfo console command will now show the specified character’s current zone
  • The CSC can now trigger events based on who was attacked
  • Re-adjusted all NPC combat stats
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to get stuck with a permanently increased “pleasure sensitivity” if they did Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare” and then Vickie’s content, and then followed up for more fun with Ashley afterwards
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to get stuck with a permanently increased “pleasure sensitivity” if they did Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare” and then Vickie’s content, and then followed up for more fun with Ashley afterwards
  • In the Original Story: Ashley will not be as likely to use standard dialogue when in the closet during “Sibling Warfare” if the Player exposes themselves
  • In the Original Story: Amy will be very, very considerate about stubbing her toe, and will not do so if the Player is in combat or has an intimacy partner. She will also miraculously avoid injuring herself if she is being spoken to, or if Stephanie is being spoken to. Thanks Amy!
  • In the Original Story: Rachael will no longer confront Patrick and try to beat him up if the Player is already in combat. Who wouldn’t want to watch that?
  • In the Original Story: the Player can skip through the Rachael-Patrick fight/confrontation more reliably. Yawwwwnnnn…amirite?
  • In the Original Story: added new Opportunities for Leah: “Causing a Ruckus”, “Guiding Light”, and “Snake in the Grass”

(Stable Release 7/17/19)

  • New updated “selfie” pictures for Madison’s phone
  • Lighting improvements and color corrections
  • NPCs can no longer be shoved into closets and left for dead
  • Adjusted some areas of the map so NPCs can’t get stuck in select areas
  • Removed lamp colliders on stairs
  • Fixed an issue with non-important move targets getting set as important when an NPC runs into a locked door
  • MakingOut can now always be started regardless of orgasm state
  • Sexual acts and roles that do not increase the orgasm meter now cool it down
  • Starting a sexual act no longer cuts off main dialogues
  • Fixed Madison LOD2 shirt clipping with her body
  • Tweaked Lety’s reflectiveness
  • Fixed Lety’s eyelids clipping and improved skinning shirt right shoulder
  • Tweaked Amy’s hair highlights
  • Fixed main menu Lety clothing disappearing
  • Improved Ashley’s hair, less clipping
  • Tweaked the automatic closing of the Fridge Door: will now only automatically close when the player is too far away or on a different floor for more than approximately 12 seconds
  • NPCs will now not be as likely to choose a new Roaming ChangeLocation object within the same room, most notably in the larger rooms like Madison’s/Master Bedroom, and the Living Room-Dining Room-Kitchen area
  • The Item command’s “itemfunction list” functionality will no longer list items for which itemfunctions are not enabled/cannot be used
  • The Item command’s “itemfunction list” functionality will no longer duplicate list entries, and the formatting of the list has been cleaned up slightly
  • Added the CharFunc console command in order to allow testing/use of Character Functions
  • Fixed an issue with the CharInfo command that was preventing the correct distance to a character’s closest movetarget from being displayed correctly
  • Added the DontReleasePoseAfterSex state, which will prevent characters from automatically releasing their pose the moment an intimacy act is ended
  • Changes to the help and example feedback text of the Achievements console command, to better reflect the potentially disastrous consequences of using it correctly
  • Fixed the height of a handful of outside move targets, which was causing characters to float if they were used as sex spots
  • Other very minor tweaks to move target or sex spot heights
  • Added two wall sex spots in the Compubrah environment/DongVR FUCKDOME V3.Blazeit
  • Very, very slightly relaxed a few specific character limitations when saving a game
  • You can now have up to 69 save games. Heh.
  • In the Original Story: Rachael and Patrick’s fight (intro to “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”) and associated dialogue sequence will not play out while the Player is enjoying a thorough, thorough stroking by Vickie in the Hot Tub
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause redundant events to occur if the Player tried to take the Thermos while Frank was knocked out
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow a “Scavenger Hunt” related response to continue appearing for Amy, even if the Player had voluntarily opted out of the Hunt by starting “Chasing Amy”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie’s roaming to remain disabled if the Player opted out of her first Hot Tub “test”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to become unavailable for Madison’s Art Show (during “The Muse”) if certain events within “Derek Smash!” were performed at inopportune times
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to initiate intimacy with the Player in very unintended, very compromising spots
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: minor miscellaneous event timing/polishing tweaks
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: disabled a handful of items that should have been cleaned up after Madison’s party
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause duplicate dialogues to appear when Vickie is waiting for the Player in Ashley’s room, prior to giving the Player the phone or finding the stashbox key
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause a temporary loss of intimacy options if the Player saved a game during Vickie’s “cuddle break” and loaded back into it
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a handful of issues related to Game Over event handling
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a few instances where the Player being out of vision of Brittney would cause her to walk toward the Player, putting her in, frankly, ludicrous positions
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to exit the bathroom while naked, become “stuck”, and repeatedly warp the Player to Frank’s chair in a never ending cycle of disappointment and misery
  • In Date Night With Brittney: disabled a number of newer items to prevent them from being visible in “Brittney’s house that is no shape way or form Madison’s house so do not even fucking ask us about it”
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to encounter a blank dialogue with Brittney that essentially “froze” their current playthrough
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause incorrect narration messages to appear if the Player ate Brittney’s food but did not protect their tummy tum tum
  • In Date Night With Brittney: numerous small fixes to intimacy event timing and related radial option issues
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue where the Flower item would not show an inspect text
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that would prevent Brittney from being properly interactable if the Player had saved and loaded a game immediately prior to her master bedroom intimacy scene
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to kneel and simply look at the Player after he approached her, rather than get all oral on his junk
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to be out of place after turning off the speaker in the living room
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a handful of other spots where save/loading of games could cause continuity/flexibility/fuckability/suckability/stability issues
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to be out of place for her “room tour” finale during “Smooth Operator: Ashley”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause a response to Ashley’s mid-oral dialogue to be lost after using it once
  • In the Original Story: made adjustments to Amy’s stub toe event so that it plays out a little more smoothly
  • In the Original Story: a few more of the ‘help’ responses Derek offers the player will require the Player to talk to him slightly more before they become available; aligning with other ‘help’ responses he offers
  • In the Original Story: fixed a thought bubble conflict that could occur when choosing certain response options while talking to Madison about getting Vickie’s phone number
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer give Ashley Madison’s phone when she is topless. Let’s be real, at this point she is either way, way too busy with you…or she hates you and your face
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now try to give Madison’s phone to Ashley as long as they know about the drama between Ashley and Madison, rather than ONLY after seeing one specific dialogue
  • In the Original Story: telling Patrick to go check under the sofa for booze will no longer interfere with his approaching Brittney, talking to her about getting his phone, and then returning to the Player with the good (or bad) news
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Rachael to cover herself up when flashing the Player…’cause doesn’t that defeat the purpose?
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow Rachael to walk off when flashing the Player in the outside yard corner; applies to partial and full nudity “flashes”
  • In the Original Story: Rachael will now be immobile the moment she reaches the Spare Room 2/Art Room for her self-pleasuring, and will release this state when she finishes, or is caught doing her thing. Should cut down on any chance of her moving awkwardly before/after
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up Rachael’s sequence of self-pleasure in the Spare Room 2/Art Room to prevent many duplicate events from being fired off while she fires one off
  • In the Original Story: addressed a potential save/load issue with Rachael’s solo-pleasure dare that could cause the Spare Room 2/Art Room door to become locked forever
  • In the Original Story: the Player will no longer be able to give Patrick anything while being intimate with him. Believe us, it wasn’t worth your time anyway
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Patrick to cover up when he gets super drunk and naked during “Benedict Brahrnold”
  • In the Original Story: made tweaks to a save/load event that can cause Patrick to not be properly posed when loading a game in which he was laying down naked on the ground during Benedict Brahrnold (more improvements pending)
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to walk away to a semi-random spot instead of staying in the study if she caught the Player pleasuring Patrick in a specific location during “Benedict Brahrnold”
  • In the Original Story: Rachael will no longer use a negative dialogue line if the Player begins “warming themselves up” in front of her once they are about to get intimate with her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to re-use his “Benedict Brahrnold” finale-intro dialogue, even if the Player had already seen the dialogue
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to warp to Ashley and the Player in the middle of the “Benedict Brahrnold” finale, should the Player have asked Ashley about Madison’s Sky Animals at a certain point
  • In the Original Story: added an additional help/hint thoughtbubble or two towards the finale of “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up minor save/load events for a few characters
  • In the Original Story: loosened the criteria for Madison being “occupied” during the events of “Sibling Warfare” just a bit, so that certain content is not cut off during the “free moments” of the opportunity
  • In the Original Story: restricted the use of a dialogue that would send Derek to Amy during “Runner Runner”, which could cause issues during the finale of “Sibling Warfare” and also forcibly cut off this WalkTo event at a couple points
  • In the Original Story: made a number of small tweaks that should speed up Ashley’s behavior right before she and the Player need to get into the closet during the finale of “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause parts of the “Sibling Warfare closet content” to play out even if the Player failed “Runner Runner” and/or “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could allow the player to get into the bathroom while Derek and Madison were dealing with the fallout from “Sibling Warfare”…and while Ashley was waiting to hook up with you. Priorities!
  • In the Original Story: added a brief sensitivity toggle that should make getting through the Ashley -> Phone Call sequence during “Voicemail Vengeance” a little more manageable
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that, when the Gastronomy Book and Paper were used together, could cause Madison to walk to the MasterBedroomClosetArea when she was otherwise occupied
  • In All Stories: removed “Faster”/”Slower”-type events to align with new animation sync system; these no longer have any effect and are now obsolete
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to become stuck in a pose and permanently lose his ability to socialize with NPCs if the Player misses out on meeting Madison when starting “Like a French Girl”
  • In the Original Story: added additional response and dialogue handling for Ashley’s Family Time sequence, should Patrick already be occupied
  • In the Original Story: fixed a few missing state issues that could occur if the Player failed “Sibling Warfare” during its finale
  • In the Original Story: reduced the change Vickie would act as a movement blocker when trying to get into the closet during the finale of “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison and/or Derek to become briefly embroiled in background chatter while/after they went to the master bedroom for the finale of “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause silly oral nonsense to continue if the Player failed the finale of “Sibling Warfare” while Ashley was…busy
  • In the Original Story: if the Player pranked Madison and Derek by completing “Sibling Rivalry”, Madison will no longer feel like congratulating the Player about meeting everyone and will not approach him about that or sky animals
  • In the Original Story: various minor corrections to align dialogue text with certain voice lines
  • In the Original Story: made minor modifications to a few NPC’s “get outta here”-type responses (that change their location) to make more sense or make them more readily available
  • In the Original Story: Frank will no longer try to give the Player the condom twice, if he caught the Player getting intimate with another NPC, and THEN was prompted to hook up with the Player
  • In the Original Story: polished a few events across the story that could cause unnecessary debug log spam or that executed a bit too often
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to no longer go near Steph when she should, unless the Player pushed her out of vision of Steph or managed to get her VERY far away
  • In the Original Story: while being intimate with Patrick in DongVR, there is now a “nevermind” option so that the Player is not arbitrarily forced into a new intimacy act

(Beta 6/27/19)

  • Added voice acting for Madison, Frank, Lety, Leah
  • All sex animations are now synced better
  • Merged the thought bubble and system messages into one compact HUD
  • Added icons to distinguish thoughts from system messages
  • Lighting tweaks and adjustments
  • Fixed an issue with NPCs trying to navigate to items that the player may have picked up or put in his inventoty
  • Fixed an issue with Display messages sometimes breaking the radial menu
  • Added low level “headlight” light to camera for better viewing in dark areas
  • Aligned the grab hand for a few items around the house that were not implemented yet
  • Increased the camera speed for transitioning to sex acts
  • Orgasm meter now “cools down” during making out
  • Fixed an issue with items sometimes being able to fall through the floor
  • Loading games now preserve NPC movetargets more gracefully
  • AllowLocation and ProhibitLocation can no longer have duplicate items added to them
  • Warping now takes precidence over Action Items
  • NPCs can no longer be “distracted” when making out
  • Fix for Gamma slider not working correctly
  • Lowered fence colliders so players can throw items outside the fence
  • Fixed an issue where characters wouldn’t swing if they were too close to each other in combat
  • NPCs will no longer randomly pick another NPC as a roaming target if that NPC is currently headed towards a hot tub seat. Should help mitigate seeing NPCs randomly standing knee-deep in the hot tub
  • Added the ForcedToDance state, which will allow characters to dance while away from a music source. This new and non-consensual (bool false MEANS FALSE DAMMIT) form of dancing can only be interrupted by movement-related events, intimacy, and a few other story-driven events
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Stephanie to trip while approaching the downstairs bathroom to talk to Katherine (if the Player got high with her), and afterwards become unable to speak to Katherine or continue her story
  • In the Original Story: Rachael and Patrick’s fight (precursor to “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”) can no longer initiate if the Player is knocked out, or if Rachael and/or Patrick are Currently Displaying Dialogue
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s inspect text is no longer a thought bubble. More important news at 11!
  • In the Original Story: fixed a double-inspect text that could appear when the Player inspected Ashley at the start of a new game
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that allowed the Player to be able to send Rachael away to while they were being intimate with Patrick in the corner of the yard during “Benedict Brahrnold”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to hang around near the outside corner of the yard after the conclusion of “Benedict Brahrnold”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause talking to Rachael at a specific time and leaving that dialogue open while the Player goes down on Patrick to break Patrick’s “climactic dialogue”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause talking to Patrick while the Player goes down on him as part of “Benedict Brahrnold” to break his “climactic dialogue”
  • In the Original Story: NPCs will not be as likely to roam to Rachael while she is going down on Patrick as part of the events of “Benedict Brahrnold”
  • In the Original Story: added new Achievements: La Coochadora, Derezzed, Te Amo Lety, The Elder Brahs, and Simple Geometry
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to wander outside the bedroom if she warps the Player out of it (after running upstairs) and therefore repeatedly warp the Player to the Kitchen any time sees him
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: added an event trigger/reaction to handle the Player being KO’d
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: cleaned up a few minor inconsistencies with item interactions or inspect texts
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to NOT be warped to the kitchen by Vickie if he was pleasuring himself at a certain moment
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to become unresponsive after playing Never Have I Ever with the Player
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed other Warp To events that could be compromised by the Player’s ravenous need to self-pleasure
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: made additional tweaks to Vickie’s “bend over and pose” behavior (after the Player climbs the gutter) to avoid positioning issues if the Player is racing through the content. There’s a pod racing joke in here, but I dropped it
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to not be in the armchair when playing Never Have I Ever with the Player
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: added some additional emotive behaviors to Vickie as part of a few of her conversations with the Player

(Beta 6/19/19)

  • Added voice acting for Rachael, Patrick, Derek and Ashley
  • Added new front door
  • Added graphics to throw meter
  • Added (upstairs) laptop login screen and desktop
  • New design for thought bubbles
  • Condensed dialog UI
  • Added BGC UI
  • Added Leah’s sound effects
  • Tweaked various animations
  • Fixed offset on narrator UI
  • Painkillers can now be grabbed
  • Tweaked and enhanced navigation system
  • Tweaked and enhanced combat system
  • Tweaked and enhanced lighting and post processing
  • Fixed an issue where characters could receive PassOut events when they were already passed out
  • Added a system to prevent NPCs from being able to get stuck anywhere on the map. This should now auto-correct itself in most cases
  • Characters will no longer roam to NPCs in the hot tub, which would cause them to stand around the hot tub clothed
  • Characters should no longer be able to lock NPCs in the closet in Ashley’s room
  • Characters no longer dance if they are not in the same room as the speaker
  • Characters now react to WalkTo and ChangeLocation events much more quickly
  • Untagged the armchairs as movetargets. This was causing NPCs to walk into them until they were issued another directive
  • NPCs can no longer have their orgasm meter go past 100 while in sixty-nine position
  • Fixed Lety’s shirt/jacket clipping and transparency issue in doggie style
  • Fixed Lety jacket disappearing from a distance
  • Shrunk several colliders associated with the No Loitering system to further prevent accidental changelocations. NPCs will also no longer count as “Loitering” if they are currently being groped, currently speaking, currently posing, or have an inaccessible/queued mandatory target they are trying to reach.
  • Added CharacterFunction mechanic. Will function similarly to Interactive Item ItemFunctions, but are triggered from Characters rather than Items
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to select a non-roaming-enabled Action Item, such as the Toilet(s) if they were invited to hang with another NPC and the Action Item in question was in range of the hangout spot
  • Slightly increased verbosity, viscosity, duplicity, and luminosity of logging for NPC changes of location when they are invited to hang out with a BFF
  • Minor tweaks to Debug Log formatting to prevent text from being cut off
  • NPCs that have been renamed in the CSC will now show their customized name over their Orgasm meter when having filthy relations with the Player
  • Addressed an issue that could cause collisions against characters and ragdolls for some items to not be re-enabled properly after being Unmounted
  • Addressed an issue that could cause collisions against characters and ragdolls for some items to bug out and be ignored after being thrown or dropped by the “grab hand”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to permanently have the Upset state enabled
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer opt out of Vickie’s first Hot Tub HJ and then pleasure himself near her in order to continue along her Opportunity. Yeah that’s right, how you like that 8″ nerf bat?
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick and Rachael to go hang out together (via roaming Invite To Hang) after they fought
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Brittney to no longer stay near Stephanie if the Player fails out of Amy’s Scavenger Hunt in a specific fashion
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to use his “recently concussed” dialogue after the player uses the Slap Awake option on him, when Frank had not actually recently been concussed
  • In the Original Story: Amy will now use the new Front Door + yard exit mechanic(s) if the Player drives her away from the party
  • In the Original Story: swapped Frank’s throw of the closed briefcase to the new Throw SendEvent
  • In the Original Story: NPCs will no longer try to roam to Katherine while she is sick in the downstairs bathroom
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer use the gutter while being intimate with another character, as this can break the intimacy act

(Alpha 5/31/19)

  • Implemented the remainder of Lety’s story (will still be polished)
  • Implemented two new sex positions: Wall Sex and Wall Sex 2
  • Added front yard and navigation areas for NPCs
  • Player can now grope male chests
  • Created and added a new female main character model (not yet playable)
  • Restructured Lety’s story with dialogues instead of background chatter for a smoother experience
  • Added talking fish with animations
  • Added Scorpion Tequila bottle
  • Added Lety to the main menu
  • Added Chili Pepper Bottle
  • Characters no longer play conversational animations when they are standing, posed, and have an item mounted to either of their hands
  • Added Game Menu option for Chatter Subtitles
  • Tweaked and polished door-opening mechanics
  • Aligned the grab-hand for new items
  • Added measures to prevent items from being lost and characters getting stuck trying to navigate to items off the navigable area
  • Fixed an issue with synchronization between the two speakers
  • Updated and added several new animations
  • Fixed some issues with the intro timing before input becomes available to the user
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would not navigate through a door unless they were on camera
  • Improvements on getting on and off the bed
  • Added DoesNotUseIKToOpenDoors NPC Property
  • Fixed weird shine effect on the wrong side of the gazebo
  • Fixed Lety wearing double jackets in game and main menu
  • Fixed an issue with non-important move-targets being saved as important after loading a save game
  • Fixed an issue with NPCs still having an “In Combat” flag after they’ve been knocked out
  • Fixed some issues with moving between different sex positions with different NPCs
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a character being warped to another character to get stuck on surrounding geometry
  • Slightly modified default (non-scripted) reactions to gropes
  • Improved and general quality of life enhancements to the CSC export system
  • NPCs now move to important move-targets more promptly
  • Updated navigation AI to consider items that may be being held by the player or in the player’s inventory
  • Fixed an issue with the CharInfo command that could prevent it from showing a character’s list of inaccessible mandatory targets
  • Charinfo command will now also show combat-related information
  • CSC users will no longer be prompted to choose a 2nd character when selecting the End or StartMasturbation sexual acts within an intimacy event, as a 2nd character is not needed for these choices
  • The Debug Log and CSC will no longer attempt to show a 2nd character when displaying event name of the Intimacy StartMasturbation and End sex events
  • Added an event usable by Story Creators that opens the radial menu for an NPC or item without the Player having to directly interact with the target
  • Updated Pose console command to work with some newly added poses
  • The Debug Window will no longer show a duplicate event entry when a system warning, error, or exception occurs. System issues will now properly be timestamped and logged in the Debug Window
  • The Debug Log will now also log System Warnings
  • In the Original Story: corrected additional possible placement and state issues that could affect Derek or Madison during the ending of the High and Dry and Like a French Girl opportunities
  • In the Original Story: fixed a response from the Player to Derek re: Stephanie that was available a bit earlier than it should have been
  • In the Original Story: fixed a response from the Player to Derek re: Amy that was available a bit earlier than it should have been
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Amy to always have her phone in her hand after asking her about Scavenger Hunt items
  • In the Original Story: Amy will now check her phone when asked about all Scavenger Hunt items, instead of just the first few
  • In the Original Story: resolved an issue that could cause Rachael to confront the Player about Patrick a bit prematurely
  • In the Original Story: the distance check that fails the Player out of Screw Like a Bee during the Player’s pursuit of Leah is a bit more forgiving
  • In the Original Story: Patrick and Rachael should not dance as much prior to and immediately after their fight that starts the “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” Opportunity

(Alpha 5/10/19)

  • Added new character: Lety
  • Added a new IK animation where NPCs will open doors before walking through them instead of the awkward “bump into the door and step backwards” mechanic
  • Added some temporary background chatter lines as placeholders that will be replaced with actual character voice acting
  • Added new lighting situation for better character rendering and better performance.
  • Revamped disclaimer screen
  • Revamped credits screen
  • Added Whizbanger Firecracker Poppers box
  • Added Popper model
  • Added Popper explosion effect + SFX
  • The WhereIs console command has been changed to the CharInfo console command. It now shows the same info as the “WhereIs” command did, but also queued Mandatory move targets, if a pose is being used, if an NPC has an intimacy partner, and additional real-time info about the specified character
  • Debug Logs will now be saved automatically when quitting to the main menu, restarting a game, or loading a game from the in-game ESC menu
  • Added in new SendEvent game event that will animate a character to turn towards and then reach for an item (best used with items at knee height or lower)
  • Fixed issues that were preventing beer pong practice from working as intended with the newly revamped Grab functionality and/or preventing the Player’s practice score from appearing
  • Added new global Item Function: AddPhysicsRigidBody, which will allow story creators to make any item “physics enabled” (can be pushed, etc.) but not necessarily grabbable
  • Fixed an issue where the inventory no longer displayed properly after a combat event
  • Added door sounds that were missing from some doors
  • Fixed an issue with some of Ashley’s intimacy sounds being too queit
  • NPCs are now allowed to freely roam and changelocations while they are speaking a main dialogue if the dialogue is targeted at themselves
  • Optimized and improved the Lighting Manager for better performance
  • Added new animations for picking items up off the ground with either hand
  • Fixed an issue where intimacy sounds could sometimes play after an act has finished
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Frank to react aggressively to the Player when talking to Rachael about her Thermos, even when Frank is concussed after running into the downstairs bathroom door
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to Loot the condom from Frank’s unconscious body even if they hadn’t discovered that step in the Scavenger Hunt. The player must now be on the “condom step” of the Scavenger Hunt while looting Frank’s body to obtain it. Why else would you just take a pocket-condom, you fucking savage?
  • In the Original Story: fixes an issue that would cause conversation options about the condom to still appear when talking to Frank, even if the Player had the condom/passed that point in Amy’s Scavenger Hunt
  • In the Original Story: groping Rachael while in “VR Mode” as part of the new content will no longer result in any negative consequences
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Rachael to harass the Player about his intentions more than once after you grab the painkillers for Patrick
  • In the Original Story: Frank wasn’t reacting to Katherine being given the Tampered Rum right in front of him. He cares now
  • In the Original Story: tweaked how Derek and Madison are able to see the Player when you take the Credit Card from the computer desk. They can now see you still if they are very close to the window, but NOT if they are further out in the yard or in/near the gazebo
  • In the Original Story: the Player no longer has to have met Leah to trigger the intro events of “Screw Like a Bee”. Alternate dialogue added to handle both situations
  • In the Original Story: added provisions to greatly reduce the chance that Rachael first confronts Patrick about his website in the middle of Madison’s Art Show
  • In the Original Story: Frank will try a bit harder to actually look at the art the Player is showing off during Madison’s Art Show, if he is in attendance
  • In the Original Story: Derek will no longer attempt to socialize with other NPCs while he is guarding Madison after locking her in the bathroom, and for the remainder of the “The Muse” and its sub-Opportunities, until the Player either completes or fails out of them
  • In the Original Story: adjustments to minor story events during Madison’s “Like a French Girl” Paint-and-Pose sequence
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer move around after Madison invites them to “entertain” themselves in front of her. Meaning no more running into the closet and fapping in the shadows, you deviant
  • In the Original Story: Madison will no longer attempt to socialize with other NPCs during the events of her “art show” and up through the finale of “The Muse”. I mean, it’s all about the art anyway, amirite?
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to story events across Madison’s “Magnum Opus” opportunity/content
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer use the “Set Free” option on the Penguin if they are mid-Intimacy, as this could cause the Penguin to fall through the ground or into other objects rather easily
  • In the Original Story: fixed a VA-Dialogue mismatch in one of Derek’s “Art Show” lines
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison’s “Magnum Opus” finale to break if the player pleasured themselves to a crescendo near her
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Derek to keep walking in the direction of the Player (and possibly ruin his positioning, etc.) once he makes it onto the roof prior to “Like a French Girl”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue with a repeatable dialogue response of Derek’s that is used during “High and Dry” that could cause the Player to only be able to see a helpful hint once, instead of multiple times
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could inappropriately restrict several locations from Leah’s roaming table based upon certain events in “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to roam towards the Player or Madison just before “Magnum Opus” was initiated
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison to be out of position/away from the easel during “Like a French Girl”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison to use an Angry emote if the Player “finished” on her while “Magnum Opus” was In Progress
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to Save/Load behaviors specific to “Magnum Opus” and the finale of “The Muse”
  • In the Original Story: fixed a few minor typos
  • In the Original Story: fixed several issues that could cause the Player, Patrick, and Rachael to encounter some wacky and potentially game-breaking issues if they gave pursued Benedict Brahrnold, gave Patrick the thermos, and then also attempted to continue parts of Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare”/prank content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick to walk away from the Gazebo area towards the end of “Patty’s Striking Resemblance” (“Cloud of Mystery” path) and engage in “antics” anywhere
  • In the Original Story: much like how Patrick can overhear the Player telling Frank to beat him up and voice a line about being “betrayed”, Patrick can now also overhear the Player lying to Madison about him stealing things
  • In the Original Story: ensured that Patrick has to be able to actually see the betrayal (via Frank or Madison being sent to beat him up) take place in order to react, as opposed to only needing to overhear it
  • In the Original Story: additional minor tweaks (event timing, order of operations, etc.) to ensure certain niche combinations of Patrick-Rachael and pre 0.13.3 content do not lead to cosmetic/awkward interactions
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to prematurely leave the master bedroom, breaking the story
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to be out of position after the Player sneaks into the house
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause a break in Vickie’s sex finale under very specific circumstances
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause Vickie to leave Ashley’s room prematurely when she and the Player are looking for edibles
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: made sure the Compubrah briefcase items were disabled
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that could cause the Painkillers (Allergy Meds) to bug out AFTER Vickie “takes them” from the Player. This does NOT fix the issue with the Painkillers/Allergy Meds hanging in midair after opening the kitchen cabinet door
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that was causing the Painkillers/Allergy Meds to float in midair after opening the kitchen cabinet
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed an issue that was causing the Painkillers/Allergy Meds to potentially fall through the floor after falling out of the kitchen cabinet
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to request that Rachael sign the Petition for Derek’s Shirt multiple times
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to request that Rachael sign the Petition for Derek’s Shirt multiple times
  • In the Original Story: added additional preventative measures to keep Stephanie from leaving the “art room” before the finale to her Meltdown opportunity
  • In the Original Story: addressed an issue that could cause Patrick to become stuck in combat with Rachael after their initial confrontation
  • In the Original Story: addressed an issue in the Original Story that could cause Frank to recover from his concussion while the Player was in the midst of conversation with a seemingly concussed Frank
  • In the Original Story: fixed issues that could cause dialogues in Ashley’s Drunk and Disorderly to become available before they were intended to be, and cleaned up several minor event inconsistencies
  • In the Original Story: added and implemented the “Vida La Lety”, “Just in the Kick of Time”, and “Queen in the North” opportunities for Lety. Started adding in “Hunt the Hunk”, “Try Anything Once” and “Disrupt the Disruptor” opportunities, also for Lety

(Stable Release 4/10/19)

  • Added “Compubrah” voice acting
  • Added 5 new Audio Tracks
  • Added new achievement images
  • Added avatar image for Compubrah
  • Added Quest images for Leah
  • Added TV media player graphics for new songs
  • Changed madison’s tv to a screensaver
  • Added some corrections/revisions for various voice acting
  • Tweaked new “Making Out” animations for all NPCs and the player
  • Fixed some areas around the house where objects could get lost
  • Created an order-queue for the dialogue, so dialogues will maintain continuity when there are multiple conversations being triggered around the same time.
  • NPCs that need to talk to another NPC or the player will now walk up to them and politely wait until they are finished with the previous conversion.
  • NPCs will now continue to turn toward and stay in close proximity of anybody they are having a conversation with.
  • Fixed the crouching mechanic when moving
  • Fixed some issues with the grabbing system
  • Added a light to the lawn flamingo area
  • Tweaked the performance of the lighting
  • Fixed an issue where you could sometimes see “flashing” of lighting
  • In the Original Story: when NPCs do not like being groped and are not starting combat with the Player, they are much more likely to move away from the Player, if they are able to. Because let’s face it, you’re despicable, and on an unrelated note, your hygiene leaves something to be desired
  • In the Original Story: tied in Achievement images
  • In the Original Story: adjusted placement and execution of certain events during intimacy with Patrick or Rachael while inside Compubrah. Not “inside”, physically, but you’ll know what we mean
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to not respond in any way when the Player attempts to give her the bag of marijuana. She will now properly question the Player’s actions
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Speaker item behavior to conform with new music system
  • In the Original Story: modified name and description of the “Learning: It’s What’s for Dinner” achievement; changed to “I’ll Be Back…”. Achievement remains essentially the same in terms of steps to acquire, etc.
  • In the Original Story: sound will now play out of both speakers while they are still in the living room in their default positions
  • In the Original Story: added Vision checks to a variety of Dialogue Overhear events that could result in Frank trying to beat up the Player. Are you happy? We took away one of Frank’s superpowers
  • In the Original Story: however, Frank will also potentially overhear a number of additional lines where the Player discusses booze, uses booze, or is discovered to be drunk by other NPCs
  • In the Original Story: fixed a few misdirected or faulty emotes used by a handful of NPCs
  • In the Original Story: a large number of Player responses to Madison were available during the Opportunity “Runner Runner” which could greatly compromise the follow-up sequences when Madison talks to Derek, moves to the bedroom, and gets pranked. These specific, disruptive responses have been disabled during “Runner Runner”

(Beta 4/3/19)

  • Added voice acting for all characters
  • Added new textures for the Living Room Television
  • Reduced all characters down to one skinned mesh (Performance Optimization)
  • Increased thought bubble size
  • Added cactus model
  • Added neon sign model
  • Added 2 lawn flamingo models
  • Fixed some issues with ragdoll (passed out) form
  • Fixed Madison artifacts on leg
  • Fixed Madison and Vickie skin mask issues
  • Fixed some errors that could happen on the main menu
  • Fixed an issue that was affecting the position/visibility of the Vape’s smoke particle effect
  • Added UnlockFPS console command, which will allow the game to render at the maximum achievable frame rate. This command does NOT disable Achievements
  • Improved feedback texts for a handful of console commands.
  • Exposed additional “SendEvent” game events for story creators
  • In the Original Story: fixed a few cases of “missing goodbye” response options, or other minor response availability issues
  • In the Original Story: the Player shouldn’t have to get quite as close to Patrick to trigger his story sequence behind the gazebo
  • In the Original Story: fixed a minor issue with two responses in Ashley’s Drunk and Disorderly content that were preventing them from appearing to the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed various bugs related to the “…Screw Like a Bee?” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Katherine to stand around unresponsive and “Apply Pressure” to stall if she reached the downstairs bathroom door while Frank was In Combat or Knocked Out due to the events of Derek Smash!
  • In the Original Story: much like with the groping, there may now be negative repercussions for striking a character with a well-aimed “climax projectile”. TLDR: skeeting on peeps can be dangerous.
  • In the Original Story: various grammatical and typo fixes as well as minor clarifications in a number of Opportunity descriptions
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Vickie’s use of her “don’t get too drunk” greeting dialogue to not be used quite as much, notably after she and the player have already been intimate
  • In the Original Story: Patrick and Ashley will no longer socialize during “Family Time” at the firepit. They will focus entirely on the lovely family bonding process at hand
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was causing the Player’s “Sensitivity” to be repeatedly modified (and sometimes stuck at zero) by Vickie’s intimacy finale events, even after the Player had completed said events
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player’s underwear to clip through their pants after some playthroughs of Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare” content
  • In the Original Story: characters should not react as aggressively when the Player accidentally “climaxes” on them. They should only react with their intended reactions when the player purposefully “releases” on them “by himself” or under other very limited situations
  • In the Original Story: resolved a handful of situations in which the Player’s pants would be forced back on, even if the Player had their pants taken as a side effect of events that unfolded at the end of “The Muse” with Derek
  • In the Original Story: added a preventative measure to further reduce chances of Players starting the Ashley-Madison prank sequence while Madison’s “Smooth Operator” finale is still pending, which could cause a major break in the content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to be unable to obtain the Smooth Operator: Ashley opportunity if they were a gentleman and secured Ashley’s top before interacting with her in any other way
  • In the Original Story: moved the start event for Patty’s Striking Resemblance and a few other key events around to help prevent issues from occurring when Patrick gets knocked out at inopportune times
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now earn the right to occupy Frank’s chair…or can they?
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now open the closet doors in Ashley’s room (no purpose yet, other than to limit the chances of items or NPCs becoming stuck inside in niche situations)
  • In the Original Story: added provisions to keep Madison from walking away from Derek and the Player during her intro dialogue to The Muse

(Alpha 3/18/19)

  • In the Original Story: added the “…Screw Like a Bee?” Opportunity for Leah
  • Added new Achievements in the Original Story: The Brahdyssey, Learning: It’s What’s for Dinner, If at First You Don’t Succeed…, Benedict Brahrnold, and A Striking Resemblance
  • Player can now interact with the party guests using the new right click interaction
  • Fixed all interactive items in the house so the player no longer has a “broken hand” when right-click grabbing and carrying.
  • Added movement to the items being carried when the player is walking or running
  • Added support for detecting when and where an NPC is hit by a projectile. This action is now scriptable in the CSC.
  • Added “MakingOut” Intimacy option and tweaked it so it aligns for NPCs.
  • Added electrocution VFX particle
  • Added electrocution SFX
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would allow the Player to grab the broom while it was mounted in the dirt mound, while the Speaker was attached to it. The Player must now disassemble the ridiculous contraption before taking both items
  • In the Original Story: implemented the Patrick Opportunity “Palectrick Feel”
  • In the Original Story: added in a Patrick VR-sex ending
  • In the Original Story: expanded upon the CompuBrah functionalities
  • In the Original Story: added reactions and repercussions relevant to the new “grope” mechanic
  • In the Original Story: fixed a number of “dead end”-creating bugs specific to the 0.13.0 Alpha release
  • In the Original Story: added a handful of additional repercussions for betraying Patrick as part of the new 0.13.x content
  • In the Original Story: addressed various typos
  • Added new Achievements in the Original Story: The Brahdyssey, Learning: It’s What’s for Dinner, If at First You Don’t Succeed…, Benedict Brahrnold, and A Striking Resemblance
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where the Player could request an immediate follow-up Handsy from Vickie between completion of the initial one and her next dialogue
  • In the Original Story: the Patrick and Rachael fight that starts the majority of the new content for 0.13 will now happen more randomly, allowing the Player to potentially pursue other parts of their content first
  • Added IKReach console command
  • Tweaked the carry alignment, item mount alignment, and inventory viewing offsets for various items relevant to 0.13.x
  • Made the upstairs and downstairs guest bathroom toilets usable chair-type objects
  • Tweaked settings for compubrah bed and sex spot to improve appearance and overall sexiness by…hold on a sec, carry the 8…approximately 3%
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Debug Log from properly displaying the details of UnlockAchievement events. This will also ensure they are displayed in the CSC properly
  • The WhereIs console command will now always show the target character’s total distance from the Player, as well as their height distance
  • Added Vickie’s LOD’s, new breast rig, butt jiggle and attached long hair to her back for less clipping
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where the Player could request an immediate follow-up Handsy from Vickie between completion of the initial one and her next dialogue
  • In the Original Story: the Patrick and Rachael fight that starts the majority of the new content for 0.13 will now happen more randomly, allowing the Player to potentially pursue other parts of their content first
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that prevented inspecting the dresser in the master bedroom from incrementing the Player’s progress towards the “Inspector” achievement
  • In the Original Story: the Player has a chance to obtain the condom for Amy’s Scavenger Hunt from Frank in the event he gets knocked out during certain moments in the story

(Alpha 3/1/19)

  • In the Original Story: added the following Opportunities for Patrick: Patty’s Striking Resemblance, Story Time with Patrick, Genie in a Brahttle, and Cloud of Mystery
  • In the Original Story: added the following Opportunities for Rachael: Turnt Up, Benedict Brahrnold
  • Added new Character “Leah”
  • Removed Floating Hand (Control Hand) in favor of a new right-click interaction system
  • Optimized most pickup-able items in the house to be used with right-click option
  • Added a “breathing” effect to Leah, Madison, Stephanie, Amy, and Rachael (Will eventually be ported to all characters)
  • Added physics to Leah, Madison, Stephnaie, Amy, and Rachaels’ butts (Will eventually be ported to all characters)
  • Added Leah to the Main Menu Screen
  • Added “Compubrah” environment
  • Added Vape Model
  • Added Music Dock Model
  • Added MP3 Player and Headphones Models
  • Added Trash Can model
  • Added Keys on a Ring model
  • Added Magazine model
  • Added burnt face Patrick
  • Added avatar image for Leah
  • Save games will now be forward compatible (Starting with versions greater than 0.13.0)
  • Created an audio pooling system to increase performance
  • Restructured Story Creator Data to be more user friendly and intuitive
  • Official stories and translations are now kept in the game data folder. (Mod data remains in Documents)
  • Fixed an issue where Background Chatter would not play in custom stories
  • Created LOD system for Leah, Madison, Stephanie, Amy, and Rachael (increases performance. Will eventually be ported to all characters)
  • Fixed an issue where background chatter delays were not working properly
  • Added background chatter delays to various events
  • Fixed an issue in the CSC where an error would be generated when adding a new value on the fly
  • Fixed an issue with female orgasm meters recharging too quickly
  • Modified the position and size of some redirects in high traffic areas to reduce chance of overzealous automated roaming events being sent to NPCs
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could prevent Madison from confronting Ashley at the end of Madison’s “Drunk and Disorderly” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player’s “Recharge” bar to get stuck after intimacy with Ashley at the finale of “Sibling Warfare”
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Orgasms with other NPCs or caused by “solo actions” by the player to result in Ashley using her post-intimacy lines/events
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Ashley walking out of her room to engage with the Player in Sibling Warfare or Smooth Operator-related intimacy
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to thought bubble timing and appearances while progressing through Ashley’s prank/Sibling Warfare path
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player’s “Recharge” bar to get stuck after the Player and Ashley were caught spying on Derek and Madison, if the Player was vigorously entertaining themselves at the time
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer interact with the slider door for a few moments during the finale of Madison’s Drunk and Disorderly opportunity
  • In the Original Story: using the microwave with the coffee after the microwave is fixed no longer gives an outdated/confusing inspect text message
  • In the Original Story: certain dare-related lines that are not intended to be spoken “to” the Player will no longer force Rachael to walk to the Player if the Player is out of line of sight
  • In the Original Story: miscellaneous tweaks to make Rachael’s dare content unfold a bit more smoothly and reduce duplication of certain events
  • In the Original Story: reworked various scripted aspects of Rachael’s dare content to prevent situations where saving and loading would completely break her behavior. Rachael should now either a) reset the current dare she is on or b) continue performing the dare that was in progress when the game was saved
  • In the Original Story: the Player can no longer talk to Rachael while she is pleasuring herself…at least not without repercussions
  • In the Original Story: minor adjustments to prepare new 0.13.x/Patrick-centered content to work alongside Rachael’s existing Dare content
  • In the Original Story: corrected minor inconsistency between Amy and Katherine during a Background Chatter exchange
  • In the Original Story: refactored spawn placements and methodology for all NPCs that previously used individual and repeated warpTo events for NewGame positioning (should help cut down on random objects being on the floor when a game starts, or NPCs seemingly bunched on top of each other, etc.)
  • In the Original Story: fixed a handful of typos in Madison’s story
  • In the Original Story: addressed an issue that could cause Patrick and/or Derek to continually chase after Frank if the Player wakes Frank up after he gets knocked out, under specific circumstances
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Katherine to exit the master bedroom naked while the Player is pursuing Ashley’s Drunk and Disorderly opportunity
  • In the Original Story: the “Training Day” quest should now fail if the Player makes the wrong dialogue choice with Vickie prior to her hot tub intimacy sequence
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue where Frank could attack the Player upon giving the Thermos to Rachael, even when he is concussed
  • Modified the position and size of some redirects in high traffic areas to reduce chance of overzealous automated roaming events being sent to NPCs
  • Tweaks to the NoLoitering system to reduce CPU usage in certain situations. Will also not run within the first 30 seconds of a new or loaded game
  • Added in thirteen new move targets outside the house for use in stories
  • Added the ‘cancel’ subcommand for use with the WalkTo console command. Can be used with one character or ‘all’ characters
  • Added new console command: ‘timescale’. This allows the user to slow down or speed up most mechanics and visuals in the game outside of audio clips/voice acting. Most appropriately used for detailed observation of swaying cocks.
  • Optimized physics calculations

(Stable Release 1/18/19)

  • Added Player and NPC footstep sound effects
  • Redesigned the UI
  • Added new Dialogue Avatars
  • Added new phone models
  • Added new Steam client icon and shortcut icons
  • Added over 100 new Background Chatters and Responses
  • In the Original Story: Added a new Achievement: Party Pooper
  • Players eyes now reflect how drunk they are
  • Tweaked performance in many areas, resulting in about a 10% FPS increase (based on internal testing)
  • Upgraded to using .NET 4.6
  • The game is now compiling using IL2CPP (better performance)
  • Player and NPCs can now be in various states of arousal based on current surroundings
  • Extended the background chatter system to include criteria that can be assigned to them
  • Extended the background chatter system so that responses to chatter are less nonsensical
  • Extended the background chatter system so that players can use them in custom stories
  • Buried game tips deep inside background chatter conversation so the player is rewarded for eavesdropping on longer conversations
  • Optimized lights for better performance
  • Optimized some functions related to character vision
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Phone Call character to not progress through dialogues correctly
  • Fixed an issue where float values were not evaluated correctly in the engine
  • Added search capabilities to the Custom Story Creator
  • Added ability to add Criteria to Background Chatter so NPCs will be able to be smarter about what they say and when
  • Changed Low FPS Warning Toggle to a Pause menu item
  • Use/Give menu is now in alphabetical order
  • Optimized Garbage Collection
  • Optimized new memory allocations in game loops
  • Improved transparency issues for all characters
  • Fixed Ashley’s panties clipping through her body
  • Fixed an issue where sounds could continue on loop erroneously
  • Fixed an issue where an NPC could invite another to hang out in a location they are prohibited to navigate to
  • Fixed an issue where characters aren’t getting distracted properly
  • Tweaked some animations
  • Fixed invisible Player clothing in mirror reflection at certain angles
  • Adjusted the position of the Motor Oil so that it is consistently reachable for use in all stories
  • Fixed an issue with the PlayerBeingSpokenTo criteria that was preventing it from evaluating correctly under certain circumstances
  • Addressed an issue that could prevent saved games from being loaded by some users in niche situations
  • Added ‘cancel’ subcommand to the Command Console’s ‘combat’ command
  • Fixed an issue that would result in a combat cancellation keeping the “target” character in an InCombat state. This will fix things like the player being unable to Climb the gutter AFTER escaping from Frank or Derek in “The Muse”, etc.
  • Move Target referencing for the Roaming, WalkTo, WarpTo, and LookAt commands should be slightly more forgiving of minor typos
  • Addressed an issue that could cause a distance check to reference an unintended game object instead of a move target, if a game object existed that shared a name with a move target (Garage, etc.)
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Roaming console command from working as expected
  • In the Original Story: If the Player delivers the line about giving Irish Coffee to Patrick within earshot of Frank, Frank will get all kinds of mad. ONLY affects this dialogue, not any others OR the act of giving Patrick the Hot Coffee item
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will now intellectually evaluate the worthiness of one more potential item while she is laying on the bed waiting for the Player during the Katherine’s D-Mands opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Added some prevention mechanics so that Derek does not stop looking for Purgalicious in favor of talking to other NPCs, after the Player uses the Voice Recorder on the Art Room Window
  • In the Original Story: The Player will now automatically unlock locked doors with the Open action on their radial, if they have the correct key and other criteria do not prevent them from doing so. The option to manually “Unlock” a door will remain on the radial
  • In Date Night With Brittney: addressed an issue that would prevent the Phone Call interactions from working, forcing the user to close the game/restart
  • In Date Night With Brittney: the Motor Oil is now used instead of the Natty Lite in the Garage
  • In Date Night With Brittney: the Gut Grip is now used instead of the Blue Hair Dye
  • In Date Night With Brittney: addressed confusing titles for the Phone Call avatar/dialogues
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick’s dialogue during the “interview excerpt” sequence to not be audible to many users
  • In Date Night With Brittney: tweaked the failure ending that occurs when the Player gives Brittney some “notes” they took at some point during the story. Should execute much cleaner
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause duplicate or confusing game messages to pop up when the Player took certain actions with the Computer
  • In Date Night With Brittney: Patrick will no longer be calling attention to himself like the world’s worst stalker by dancing in the bushes
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause the wrong display message to come up if the Player ingested an item at a very specific time
  • In Date Night With Brittney: minor Social Event/Values tweaks
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed minor inconsistencies in Actions or feedback given to the Player for a few items, including a little Easter Egg for an Item Action that previously did nothing
  • In Date Night With Brittney: cleaned up certain intimacy sequences
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a handful of issues that could compromise the Player’s ability to initiate intimacy with Brittney
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could allow the Player to use both the Sabotage AND Commit Actions with the Stove
  • In Date Night With Brittney: refactored Event Triggers and some Values to be more easily readable in the Debug Log or Story Creator
  • In the Original Story: Brittney will no longer favor the Player with infinite Romance points if he repeats the “dare” response in the Hot Tub with Amy repeatedly
  • In the Original Story: Addressed an issue that could cause Vickie to have duplicate responses when in the Hot Tub with the player for her “test”
  • In the Original Story: Tweaked a couple of Player responses, fixed a typo, and adjusted Katherine’s behavior during her “pictures for Frank” sequence with the Player
  • In Date Night With Brittney: Made a number of fixes and tweaks to the “wrestling” (“In the Ring” opportunity) ending and accompanying intimacy
  • In Date Night With Brittney: the pizza box will always be visible to the Player if they went down the “Sabotage Dinner” route
  • In Date Night With Brittney: Player can no longer choose BOTH compliments or jokes to deliver to Brittney, which was leading to confusing exchanges
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that would make it appear as though Patrick gave the Player his phone twice
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a minor issue where an Event Trigger would initiate the same intimacy act twice with the Player in quick succession
  • In Date Night With Brittney: minor timing tweaks and typo adjustments
  • In the Original Story: slight tweaks to Amy and Ashley’s behavior when Derek approaches the Player after Ashley fully trusts you (Smooth Operator: Ashley)
  • In the Original Story: added a handful of helpful thought bubbles, and cleaned up a couple of others
  • In the Original Story: added a few extra emotive events throughout Madison’s newer content
  • n the Original Story: no longer possible to ask Madison an identical question in both her Smooth Operator AND Like a French Girl “Q&A” sequences
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison to be permanently angry with the Player AND all other NPCs at the party. Yes, this was a technical issue. No, it was not a personality flaw
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now actually get Amy to a more private spot if she is around others when approached. The response option to “wait it out”/talk other NPCs into leaving still remains
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now invite Amy to go hang out at the fire pit again, if for any reason she moved away from it before the Player has had a chance to follow up on critical Chasing Amy dialogue(s)
  • In the Original Story: added some clarity to a decision path that would effectively fail the Player out of the Chasing Amy opportunity, but wasn’t communicating that fact to the Player
  • In the Original Story: should the Player talk to Ashley about Madison’s Sky Animals (Smooth Operator: Madison), she will no longer roam away at the end of the exchange after Patrick’s last line of dialogue
  • In the Original Story: restricted Player movement during the finale of Smooth Operator: Madison to prevent confusing positioning during these last few dialogues
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was preventing the Player from using an intended “helpful” response option and accompanying dialogue from Madison regarding some older content
  • In the Original Story: improved upon Katherine’s automatic recovery after giving her the tampered rum, if the Player had previously completed Stephanie’s Drunk and Disorderly
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Amy’s underwear showing through her shorts after intimacy
  • In the Original Story: Frank will be a bit more prompt in returning to his chair
  • In the Original Story: tweaked some of the logic that immediately precedes intimacy with Amy, in an attempt to make it slightly easier to be alone with her
  • In the Original Story: tweaks to certain characters’ behavior when they catch the Player mid-intimacy with another NPC
  • In the Original Story: tweaked door behaviors prior to being intimate with Ashley after her Smooth Operator and Sibling Warfare opportunities
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Amy’s “toe stub” event to prevent her from doing so and then awkwardly moving away or standing back up too soon
  • In the Original Story: addressed an issue that would allow Steph to stay completely naked after her Drunk and Disorderly under certain conditions
  • In the Original Story: addressed an issue that could sometimes allow Katherine to continue running after she drank the Tampered Rum
  • In Date Night With Brittney: the Player can now also choose the “Slower” option when oral with Brittney is ongoing
  • In Date Night With Brittney: reduced the chance of seeing a redundant set of dialogues from Brittney, depending on how the Player greets her (or doesn’t)
  • In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that was causing the Unlock option to always be available on one of the liquor cabinet doors
  • In Date Night With Brittney: cleaned up and added some additional emotive flavor to the “embarrass Patrick” ending
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: refreshed export to maintain concurrence with 0.12.3/0.12.4 scripting changes
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed a couple minor typos and thought bubble inconsistencies
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: the Player’s underwear will no longer show through his pants if he opts to put his pants on prior to engaging in intimacy with Vickie
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: reverted a criteria that could, under very specific circumstances, prevent Vickie from following the Player to the edibles stash
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed instances of Vickie’s Panties and the “Catnip” not having inspect texts
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: considerable revamp and improvements to the intimacy scene between the Player and Vickie
  • In the Original Story: Derek will not walk away from Madison and the Player quite as quickly while he is gloating about the Player being a phony prior to a special ending/failure of The Muse
  • In the Original Story: Frank will not walk away from the Player quite as quickly right before he gets dressed during the special ending/failure of The Muse
  • In the Original Story: fixed a number of punctuation issues and a few text formatting problems
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could potentially allow the Player to either get stuck on a faded/black screen during a special ending/failure of The Muse, or experience awkward/unintended dialogue exchanges
  • In the Original Story: reduced the change that Derek and Madison would try to talk to each other through the master bathroom door after Derek locks her inside during High and Dry
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some background chatter criteria
  • In the Original Story: slightly loosened up on the requirements to obtain the Amy Scavenger Hunt achievement, due to the unclear description in-game and in the Steam achievement. The game will now also give a tiny bit more of a nudge in the right direction
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up an ambiguous thought bubble regarding the use of the voice recorder item
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to some of Madison’s behaviors related to the intimacy ending of The Muse
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s line about the internet no longer “points” to the Player/requires her to move to the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was causing Rachael to still only offer generic “goodbye” responses for the Player to use leading up to her intimacy sequence
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Katherine’s acceptance of the Rum to be more forgiving if the Player is not also in the middle of Madison’s art show
  • In the Original Story: Player can now give the non-tampered rum to Katherine during Madison’s art show, and feedback was added in the event that the Player attempts to give the tampered rum to Katherine during the art show
  • In the Original Story: Just like when the Player gives Katherine the un-tampered rum, Katherine will now take the tampered rum from the Player when they give it to her
  • In the Original Story: the Player should get slightly better feedback from Madison about her current state during The Muse
  • In the Original Story: both speakers in the living room use the same Inspect game message type now
  • In the Original Story: added inspect texts to a couple items that were missing them (this does not mean they are now usable)
  • In the Original Story: Patrick should not walk away from Brittney while talking to her about his phone anymore
  • In the Original Story: it is no longer possible to exchange otherwise normal dialogue with Madison once she has knelt down in front of the player after completing Humiliate Ashley for that opportunity’s intimacy reward
  • In the Original Story: the Player no longer reverts to the standard “goodbye” response upon a repeat of the post-Humiliate Ashley intimacy reward
  • In the Original Story: added a dialogue option that should prevent the Player from having to wait as long to experience the post-Humiliate Ashley intimacy reward, should Madison be surrounded by NPCs (does not guarantee that said intimacy spot will be 100% clear)
  • In the Original Story: added a handful of conditionally appropriate inspect texts for characters or items
  • In the Original Story: added a protective event that should help somewhat to prevent Rachael from getting stuck with the wrong clothes being on (or off) when she’s issued dares and has used the hot tub
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now also choose to grab the empty bottle of vodka if they have a “booze pass”/the verbal go ahead from Frank
  • In the Original Story: Vickie no longer has an unnecessary global goodbye response AND a specific response available when she catches the Player pleasuring themselves
  • In the Original Story: the Player must be further in The Muse’s storyline to experience the…unique intimacy ending involving our favorite arctic friend
  • In the Original Story: considerable behavioral tweaks to the Vickie intimacy ending and her hot tub mechanics
  • In the Original Story: Should be more intuitive to get Vickie back to the hot tub if she has been pushed outside it or wandered away
  • In the Original Story: the Player should no longer run into scenarios where they can seemingly “fail out” of her “tests” unless the Player chooses to do so
  • In the Original Story: resolved a bug that caused Vickie to get dressed and stay dressed, preventing further interaction, under certain circumstances (saving the game, walking away and performing highly specific actions) when the Player was about to engage in “hot tub intimacy” with her
  • In the Original Story: Ashley’s reaction to the Player being shirtless will no longer trigger with precedence over her “Caught the Player During Intimacy” dialogues
  • In the Original Story: slight story-based tweaks to the transition into the Hot Tub HJ position, and the transition out of it
  • In the Original Story: additional small tweaks and optimizations to Rachael’s behavior(s) and clothing states during her various dares, as well as after her intimacy finale
  • In the Original Story: Katherine will no longer “lose her phone” permanently under certain circumstances if the Player makes her sick AND does Stephanie’s Drunk and Disorderly opportunity
  • In the Original Story: Rachael is less likely to walk away from the living room when dancing during her “bikini dance” dare
  • In the Original Story: Rachael can no longer be told to go look for Vickie if she is topless or completely naked. She’s bashful like that…and you aren’t that convincing
  • In the Original Story: resolved an issue that could prevent Rachael from pleasuring herself in the art room/spare room 2 if the player rapidly moved into vision at specific times
  • In the Original Story: miscellaneous cleanup and polish of Rachael’s art room intimacy
  • In the Original Story: neither the Player nor other NPCs will be able to push Rachael into unintended positions once she is art room waiting to enjoy herself
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would lead to the Player having an unintendedly modified “sensitivity” value AFTER Ashley’s prank vs. Madison had completed, if Vickie’s “Training Day” opportunity had also been started
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: the Player and Vickie can also mutually self-pleasure during her intimacy finale
  • In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed a “climactic” line from Vickie to better match her actual voice acting
  • In Date Night with Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to have to wait to re-engage Brittney for intimacy should they have exposed themselves to her immediately before her outside intimacy scene
  • In the Original Story: additional tweaks to Derek’s behavior towards the end of High and Dry to prevent the “art window” sequence from playing out in a confusing manner
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was letting the player easily escape from Frank and/or Derek by climbing the gutter
  • In the Original Story: tweaked the ending of Stephanie’s intimacy sequence to end more gracefully

(Stable Release 12/14/18)

  • Added Background Chatter System
  • Small tweaks to Navigation
  • Improved hair and textures on most characters
  • Improved “End of Sex” animations and nuances transitioning out
  • Fixed an issue where dialogue audio would sometimes stop working when you pause the game
  • Fixed an issue where GameEvent timers would get cut short when saving the game
  • Auto-Save now saves to memory so it does not interrupt gameplay FPS
  • Disabled Auto-Save for the time being. Still some issues to work out that we will address next cycle
  • Save games not save roaming allow and prohibit locations correctly
  • Added new dialog avatars for all characters
  • Fixed character lighting artifacts in main menu
  • Improved menu environmental effects
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Save Games to appear without a timestamp
  • Saved games are now sorted in the Load Game interface in descending order
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Saved Games to not load if they contained a specific set of non-alphanumeric characters
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the washer and/or dryer to clip into/against the Player when running and enter a new plane of existence
  • Periodic Event Triggers will now also be logged into the Debug Log, just before their associated child events attempt to execute and log. Repeated, short-delay Periodics will not be logged multiple times in a row in, order to avoid spam
  • The Debug Log will now show the number of events that an Event Trigger is attempting to execute as part of its log entry
  • The Debug Log will now more accurately log story event-based NPC Change Locations, and will now also log character movements that are triggered by a ChangeLocation-based “Invite To Hang” (when characters change location they can invite other NPCs they have relationship values with to come with them)
  • Addressed a few model references that were preventing the ‘bodypart’ console command from adjusting the size of certain male parts
  • The Player can now use the command console (via the bodypart command) to adjust the general size of the ejaculate particle. Get yer buckets
  • Talking to Madison in the middle of Like a French Girl now results in the reaction you need, but perhaps not the reaction you deserve
  • Madison will no longer keep her Shoo Others state should the player decide to side with Derek and not sleep with her
  • Restored a temporarily available line from Ashley where she will comment on the Player being topless, but added some randomness to it so it wouldn’t be spammed
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the Player to throw the voice recorder out the window for High and Dry, and then reach Derek to trigger the special Muse “Ending”/failure
  • Fixed an issue that would make Derek seem happy to see the Player during The Muse, despite the competition going on between Derek and the Player
  • Fixed an issue that could occur if the Player called Madison out for painting by numbers if Madison’s “art show” was already underway
  • Addressed another issue that could cause Derek’s warp in during a potential High and Dry failure to not work as intended
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the Player to push Derek around during the very beginning of High and Dry, even though Derek should be having none of that
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the Player to escape Frank a bit too easily during a special “ending”/failure of The Muse
  • Tweaks and presentation improvements to special “ending”/failure of The Muse
  • Fixed a few additional issues related to the success or failure (and the timings of associated dialogues) of the “stamina test” near the finale of Like a French Girl in order to reduce the chance of some confusing pairings feedback from Madison
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to wander around naked and become generally unresponsive to conversation attempts or attempts to give her her clean/dry clothes back, if the Player had failed to lock one of the bathroom doors as part of Humiliate Ashley
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate thought bubbles could occur during Magnum Opus if the Player re-mounts the Penguin to the Dresser
  • Fixed an issue that could cause conflicting game messages to appear when the Player tries to use the coffee in the cup with the kettle while the kettle is on the stove
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Derek’s boxers/underwear to stay on after the end of Sibling Warfare
  • Resolved another issue that could cause Derek to not be kneeling if the Player saved/loaded the game at a certain moment
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to stay in a Running state permanently if the Player had failed to lock one of the bathroom doors during Humiliate Ashley
  • The Player will no longer be able to trick Stephanie into going to Madison by turning off one of the speakers, if the Player is currently pursuing some of the more involved scenes of The Muse
  • The Player can no longer give items to Madison at highly inopportune times during a select few key points of The Muse
  • Added the Event Trigger “MadsEnableSimonSays” for command console use and tweaked a few old story events
  • Tweaks to a few Shoo Other event timings or add/remove delays for characters that used it in the Original Story
  • Removed all instances of SetInspectText events to prepare for event deprecation
  • Fixed additional small issues with value settings should the Player fail Humiliate Ashley by leaving a door unlocked
  • Fixed an issue in the special ending/failure of The Muse that could cause THE DOOD, THE FISTER, THE GAME ENDING MISTER (hey I tried, are you even reading all these?), to walk away from the Player mid-dialogue, as if re-evaluating every life choice that brought him to the party
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent Derek from Roaming again after the special ending/failure of The Muse
  • Fixed an issue with Amy during her intimacy scene that would allow the Player to start multiple rounds of oral at once. Sorry, you only have a limited number phalli…phalluses? Pharoahs?
  • Player will now automatically undress prior to engaging in maximum intimacy with Amy if they are not already undressed, preventing the need to back out of dialogue with her to see the option. You leave your shoes and wizard hat on out of sheer excitement
  • Amy will no longer wander around naked after intimacy with the Player at the finale of Chasing Amy; this is to contrast the intimacy reward against her heightened sense of exhibitionism at the end of the Scavenger Hunt opportunity
  • Player can no longer ask Amy to get dressed, etc. while already in the middle of certain intimacy acts
  • Fixed some of the issues with Amy’s available responses during/transitions between intimacy states, and the availability of those responses when other characters are nearby
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Derek to have two nearly identical response options available to the Player that would explain how to get on Ashley’s good side under certain circumstances
  • The Player can obtain the Penguin item a bit earlier in The Muse…you know, for fun
  • Added some protections into the Original Story to prevent Vickie from ceasing her pose and getting dressed again if the player saves and loads between her offering her panties and being intimate with her
  • Slight timing tweaks to the “paint and pose” scene in Like a French Girl to help prevent against niche bugs with the Opportunity failure that is possible here
  • Sprinkled a few additional emote usages throughout the story
  • Added a mechanic that allows the player to ask Vickie to go back to the hot tub as long as the Scavenger Hunt finale is not active, and that Vickie is not currently involved in certain parts of the Ashley vs. Madison prank
  • NPCs will clear the area more reliably before the Player and Madison get their art on in Like a French Girl
  • Vickie will not be as aggressive when commenting on the Player’s lack of stamina after her first “test” in the hot tub
  • In the Original Story: Derek will not walk away from Madison and the Player quite as quickly while he is gloating about the Player being a phony prior to a special ending/failure of The Muse
  • In the Original Story: Frank will not walk away from the Player quite as quickly right before he gets dressed during the special ending/failure of The Muse
  • In the Original Story: fixed a number of punctuation issues and a few text formatting problems
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could potentially allow the Player to either get stuck on a faded/black screen during a special ending/failure of The Muse, or experience awkward/unintended dialogue exchanges
  • In the Original Story: reduced the change that Derek and Madison would try to talk to each other through the master bathroom door after Derek locks her inside during High and Dry
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up some background chatter criteria
  • In the Original Story: slightly loosened up on the requirements to obtain the Amy Scavenger Hunt achievement, due to the unclear description in-game and in the Steam achievement. The game will now also give a tiny bit more of a nudge in the right direction
  • In the Original Story: cleaned up an ambiguous thought bubble regarding the use of the voice recorder item
  • In the Original Story: minor tweaks to some of Madison’s behaviors related to the intimacy ending of The Muse
  • In the Original Story: Katherine’s line about the internet no longer “points” to the Player/requires her to move to the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was causing Rachael to still only offer generic “goodbye” responses for the Player to use leading up to her intimacy sequence
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Katherine’s acceptance of the Rum to be more forgiving if the Player is not also in the middle of Madison’s art show
  • In the Original Story: Player can now give the non-tampered rum to Katherine during Madison’s art show, and feedback was added in the event that the Player attempts to give the tampered rum to Katherine during the art show
  • In the Original Story: Just like when the Player gives Katherine the un-tampered rum, Katherine will now take the tampered rum from the Player when they give it to her
  • In the Original Story: the Player should get slightly better feedback from Madison about her current state during The Muse
  • In the Original Story: both speakers in the living room use the same Inspect game message type now
  • In the Original Story: added inspect texts to a couple items that were missing them (this does not mean they are now usable)
  • In the Original Story: Patrick should not walk away from Brittney while talking to her about his phone anymore
  • In the Original Story: it is no longer possible to exchange otherwise normal dialogue with Madison once she has knelt down in front of the player after completing Humiliate Ashley for that opportunity’s intimacy reward
  • In the Original Story: the Player no longer reverts to the standard “goodbye” response upon a repeat of the post-Humiliate Ashley intimacy reward
  • In the Original Story: added a dialogue option that should prevent the Player from having to wait as long to experience the post-Humiliate Ashley intimacy reward, should Madison be surrounded by NPCs (does not guarantee that said intimacy spot will be 100% clear)
  • In the Original Story: added a handful of conditionally appropriate inspect texts for characters or items
  • In the Original Story: added a protective event that should help somewhat to prevent Rachael from getting stuck with the wrong clothes being on (or off) when she’s issued dares and has used the hot tub

(Beta 11/30/18)

  • Added new Player model
  • Player and NPCs now start off flaccid and can get erections
  • Added physics to penis and testicles
  • Reworked all sex scenes to work with the new player and NPC “hardware”
  • Added realtime mirrors
  • Added more realtime shadows
  • Improved lighting to cater to the new characters better
  • Added more detail to all characters
  • Updated textures for Amy, Brittney and Katherine
  • Updated main menu characters with latest versions
  • Fixed a small transparent issue with Katherine’s bra
  • Tweaked dynamic hair for Ashley, Katherine, Stephanie and Patrick
  • Optimized clothing textures
  • Optimized dynamic character hair
  • Fixed Katherine’s blendshapes and a skinning issue
  • Fixed Skinning issue for the player
  • Optimized performance and improved on the ejaculate effect
  • Player can no longer sic Madison on Patrick at highly inopportune times that could lead to broken 0.12.x content
  • Player will no longer have the Throw Beer On option with Madison during the final sequence(s) of 0.12.x content due to a very, very crowded radial menu
  • Amy will no longer try to walk to Katherine repeatedly after speaking to her about Stephanie’s intentions while Katherine is sick in the downstairs bathroom
  • Added self-limiting criteria to a number of events in the game to prevent them from needlessly setting the same value repeatedly and clogging up our precious Debug Log
  • Stephanie will not put her own underwear back on after the “$50 exchange” with the Player after several seconds
  • Patrick’s behavior after the end of “Family Time” is now less rigid, and he won’t doggedly attempt to access the downstairs bathroom repeatedly if it is locked
  • Madison no longer cares what state of dress the Player is in if they should fail her “endurance”/stroke test during Like a French Girl
  • It should no longer be possible for Madison to loop through her “endurance”/stroke test dialogues should the player fail the test during Like a French Girl
  • When saving and loading a game during Like a French Girl (when In Progress), Derek will kneel back down
  • If Like a French Girl is In Progress and the player was naked and saved, loading that game will no longer result in the player being fully dressed
  • Derek will no longer stay locked in a permanent state of planet-scorching, self-sustaining, nuclear rage towards the Player if the Player experiences a magical moment with Frank after the High and Dry opportunity. TLDR: Derek is less jelly.
  • Player and Stephanie won’t immediately get dressed like speed demons after they complete their fornication
  • Slightly tweaked availability slightly of Amy’s new “GTFO AMY I NEED TO HAVE SEX WITH THIS PERSON RIGHT NOW AND HERE IS AN EXCUSE” (internal ID reference) response option
  • Added a few more safeguards to prevent Derek from magically warping into the scene once Like a French Girl has started
  • Stephanie’s recovery from various states of inebriation and the effects this has on her behavior should be more consistent, including across save-games
  • The “item hunt” phase of Stephanie’s Meltdown-initiated content should now resolve more reliably
  • Katherine will no longer respond to the Cell Phone Jammer if waiting for the player to hook up with her (naked on the bed) or in the middle of an intimacy act. She may, however, wave it frantically around in the air as she searches for dem bars
  • Adjusted some of Rachael’s post-dare “get dressed” behaviors to coincide with changes to her clothing in 0.12.x
  • Corrected an issue that could cause Derek to use redundant dialogue if his shirt was already off prior to Madison’s “art show”
  • Player can no longer Rummage through the Orange Bin in the garage multiple times as part of Amy’s Scavenger Hunt, presumably in order to amass a treasure trove of panties like some kinky dragon-kin
  • Tied in Achievement images for newly added Achievements
  • Fixed an issue that could cause various character dialogues and events to be unavailable after finishing or failing Madison’s new content
  • Derek will no longer put his shirt back on after Madison’s “art show” if the Player has already progressed past a certain point in Amy’s Scavenger Hunt
  • Adjusted NPC placement during a select few moments throughout Madison’s new content
  • Cleaned up Katherine’s “greeting” behavior after the Player successfully helps Stephanie with Katherine’s bathroom emergency
  • Made minor tweaks to Rachael’s dare-text receipt behavior to improve consistency across certain dare possibilities and prevent Rachael from potentially holding her phone in her hand for the rest of the party…or maybe that is just an unlisted superglue dare? …Nah.
  • The Player and Amy will no longer be auto-warped to the center of the Spare Room if the conditions for getting intimate with Amy are not met when the player propositions her
  • Made minor adjustments to Amy’s behavior between Derek congratulating the player for earning Ashley’s trust and Ashley showing the player her room and trying to get away from Amy’s sorority pitch
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, fixed an issue that could render the master bedroom door unable to be knocked on IF Vickie’s sprint into the master bedroom was exceptionally fast
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, Vickie will take her shorts off and THEN her panties, making things even fucking hotter, as the Player would so eloquently put it
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, fixed a typo that appears when checking under the bed for a certain item
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, fixed an issue that can prevent Vickie transitioning from oral intimacy to bed intimacy near the end of the story
  • Refactored events and some values in the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine” to make them somewhat more readable
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, added a handful of additional emotes in a few points to make Vickie appear like less of a robot
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, added a dialogue criteria check that allows for use of an additional alternate dialogue that was already voiced prior to 0.12.x
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, saving and loading once the Player has gone upstairs with Vickie after “Never Have I Ever” should no longer result in the Player not being able to interact with or be intimate with Vickie
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, resolved an issue that could cause a duplication of unvoiced “text message” dialogue between Ashley and Madison
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, made various minor emote/reaction tweaks to Vickie as needed to accommodate other 0.12.x AVVV story adjustments
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, made small dialogue and thoughtbubble tweaks to accommodate other 0.12.x AVVV story adjustments and rectify one or two VA inconsistencies
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, Vickie will no longer react to the player getting near the locked slider door based solely on proximity, which was causing some players not to experience the full extent of her flexibility and wardrobe
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, resolved an issue that would cause an opportunity to start and log its start twice
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, the player needs to be a bit closer to Vickie in order to initiate sex. No more big-dicking from across the room
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, fixed an issue that would prevent the Player from being able to follow up with additional intimacy with Vickie or talk to her at all if she finished a blowjob first.
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, resolved an issue that could cause unintended side effects with Ashley’s Phone or even an inability to interact with Vickie if the Player experienced multiple dialogues without being close enough/in-vision to Vickie after she runs to the Spare Room
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, masturbating at a certain time while also consuming the chocolate bar will no longer result in the Player’s position being unchanged upon the game fading back in to play Never Have I Ever with Vickie. This is a feature, not a nerf…obviously
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, the Player can no longer take up Vickie’s spot on the Bed (Left) after she begins walking up to be intimate with the Player in that exact spot
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, removed the ability of the Player to lock bathroom doors prior to having the Key item removed, which could result in Vickie being locked in the Upstairs Master Bathroom prior to ending the story
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, made additional tweaks to the Master Bedroom door radial options to prevent Vickie from being trapped inside an eternal fiery walk-in hell of totes cute tops and linen scented laundry
  • In the side story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine”, made minor tweaks to how the Player and Vickie are positioned after the end-story fade out/fade in and how minor supporting events operate
  • The Player will need to wait until much of Madison’s newest 0.12.x content is finished before pursuing the finale of Ashley’s Smooth Operator opportunity
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent Derek from defending Madison’s honor if the Player angers them both at the beginning of The Muse
  • Certain events associated with Ashley’s intimacy endings will only take effect if the player has completed the prank against Madison, instead of any time the player finishes any intimacy route with Ashley
  • Added further protections against Katherine reacting to the cell phone jammer immediately prior to or during her intimacy scene
  • Patrick now knows how to not only pronounce, but also spell Brittney’s name
  • Fixed an issue was causing Ashley to reference an incorrect character under certain circumstances when verifying if the soda was tampered with
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Player from progressing further with Rachael’s dares under select circumstances (this fix allows the player to continue selecting more dares, it does NOT change the choices required to engage in intimacy/finish her dare content)
  • Madison will wait a bit longer to stop Shoo-ing others out of her bedroom during the finale of Magnum Opus/new 0.12.x content
  • Player can fail Amy’s Scavenger Hunt if they are particularly aggressive in turning down certain dare requests from her (requires repeated choices)
  • Added more control to Amy’s roaming during her Goodbye Kitty selfie sequnce during her Scavenger Hunt, a lack of which was contributing to Amy potentially walking away from the Hot Tub during her Scavenger Hunt finale
  • Player should no longer be able to ask about Scavenger Hunt steps from Amy while in the middle of the Hot Tub finale of the Scavenger Hunt (dialogue response; does not remove the failure-causing Truth or Dare response option)
  • Amy will no longer try to cover herself up while also undressing and changing during the Goodbye Kitty selfie sequence
  • Choosing the Truth or Dare response specifically mentioning the Scavenger Hunt in front of Brittney while in the Hot Tub will now officially fail the Scavenger Hunt quest and release Amy to roam around again. Will no longer confusingly leave missing dialogues and responses for the player to choose which were in reality doing nothing.
  • Ashley will now remember that the Player untied her top minutes beforehand early on in the game, and will not allow them to progress with the prank vs. Madison until the Player resolves their dispute with grace, empathy, and aplomb
  • Tweaks to Ashley’s top reactions; it is possible to indirectly fail out of some content if the player repeatedly unties Ashley’s top
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent Ashley from returning to her room after being humiliated, when only given the bathroom skeleton key back after the Opportunity completes
  • The player should no longer be able to inadvertently trigger the Family Time sequence with Ashley and Patrick immediately after Madison’s art show until they’ve finished the sacred duty of inspecting Stephanie’s panty situation alongside Patrick
  • Minor tweaks to Ashley’s post-humiliation behaviors to prevent her from getting stuck in hallways. More fixes pending for future releases.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent Ashley from reacting in any way when the Player would give her a beer while she was also naked immediately after the Humiliate Ashley opportunity was finished
  • Addressed an issue caused by one of Stephanie’s events that could cause Madison to walk away from Ashley, Derek, and the Player during the finale of Ashley’s Drunk and Disorderly opportunity
  • Minor tweaks to Stephanie dialogue choices based on the progress of the Meltdown opportunity
  • Added additional protections to prevent Madison’s Art Show from interfering with certain Ashley scenes
  • Added additional protections to prevent Madison’s Art Show from interfering with Ashley and Patrick’s Family Time sequence
  • Tightened up NPC status check around the time of Madison’s Art Show
  • Added more protections to prevent Amy from bugging out due to roaming state or event interruptions between Madison’s “art show” and the end of her new 0.12.x content
  • Ashley should now move out of the bedroom after Madison’s “art show” more reliably, and have her roaming treated more appropriately based on prior content that the Player completed
  • Addressed an issue that could cause the player’s Intimacy sensitivity to be the wrong value after intimacy with Ashley
  • Ashley will only get like, totes super mad at the Player about being given the cell phone jammer at very specific times
  • Ashley’s Shoo Others state will now self-cancel a short time after Family Time with Patrick, instead of staying on permanently until the Player spoke to her again
  • Reduced the chances that Ashley or Patrick could roam away during Madison’s “art show”
  • Inspecting Madison’s calendar after a certain point in her new content will no longer instruct the player on how to “break the ice” with her
  • Madison should be less likely to walk away during the long conversation between the her, the Player, and Derek prior to obtaining Artsy Fartsy
  • Player can no longer talk to Derek “normally” during the brief time he’s perched up on the roof
  • The Player now must pause the prank vs. Madison beyond a certain point in Madison’s new content, but can still prank her after if you really want to
  • The Player can complete the prank vs. Madison towards the very beginning of her new content if it is already underway…but not without consequences
  • Fixed issue that occurred when the player was being intimate with Madison’s…statue and suddenly decided to put away his junk. Also adapted said statue to new genital mechanics

(Beta 11/9/18)

  • Added voice acting for Madison, Derek, Frank, Patrick, Amy, Katherine, Ashley, and Stephanie
  • Added seven new achievements based on both new Madison content and pre-0.12.x content
  • Added Auto-Save Functionality
  • Added option to turn off subtitles
  • Hid Vickie’s nipple rings correctly when her shirt is on
  • Fix some clipping with Derek and Katherine’s skin through clothing
  • Improved Brittney’s skinning
  • Optimized character meshes
  • Created dynamic bikini straps for Rachael
  • Improved lighting on the characters
  • Updated textures for Amy, Katherine and Madison
  • Added new Steam achievement images
  • Added (currently unused) beat up versions of Frank and Patrick)
  • Added new wooden deck texture
  • Tweaked hair shader for several characters
  • Tweaked ejaculation effect
  • Added new mirror texture + groundwork for realtime mirrors
  • Added new ingame achievement images
  • Reduced some texture sizes for better performance
  • Added flaccid state to genitalia for Derek, Frank and Patrick
  • Addressed a discrepancy with the inspect text for the easel and painting, if the Player has progressed through some or all of Like a French Girl
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the penguin deity from ceasing its possession of Madison
  • Fixed an issue with Derek’s “locked outside the art room” timer that could cause him to warp inside and use an inappropriate dialogue line under specific circumstances
  • The laxatives will now be disabled if the Player uses them with the soda or rum prior to adding the laxatives to their inventory
  • Stephanie will more accurately use the appropriate dialogues at various times when the Player “fully exposes” themselves to her
  • Addressed an issue that could allow Rachael to roam away from the Player during several of her more ‘daring’ dares
  • Rachael should more consistently close and lock the door prior to her self-pleasuring dare in Spare Room 2
  • Corrected an issue that could cause Madison’s dialogue chain to break when bringing up certain Humiliate Ashley-related intimacy actions
  • Adjusted availability of a few of Derek’s response offerings based on what’s going on with Amy and her Scavenger Hunt
  • Added additional dialogue paths regarding the Quest for Derek’s Shirt (this is just what we call it), depending on various actions taken during and after Madison’s new content
  • Fixed an issue with a misplaced Amy response when starting her Scavenger Hunt quest
  • Changed sort order for an important new Madison response option
  • The player is no longer confused about using thought bubbles vs. center screen text messages when inspecting certain items in Madison’s new content
  • Added small buffer to a thoughtbubble or two in the new Madison content to prevent players from missing/being unable to read them
  • Misc. typos fixed
  • Extended the amount of time it will take for Derek to let himself back into the spare room 2/art room after you “trick him” in Madison’s new content
  • Added thought bubble to help guide players through Derek’s frantic actions (caused by you tricking him) immediately before starting “Like a French Girl”
  • Derek is now so interested in what’s going on during “Like a French Girl” that he will take a knee, offending not only you, but the Home Owner’s Association, National Frank-lovers League, and President of the Town of . Player is penalized with -3 stamina
  • Added some additional protections against various 0.9.x, 0.10.x, and 0.11.x content interfering with certain portions of the new Madison content
  • Stephanie now has at least a generic reaction when she catches the player having sex
  • Added extra fluff dialogues here and there (that were previous disconnected/unused)
  • Minor tweaks to Madison’s behavior during “Magnum Opus”
  • The “special ending” to Madison’s new intimacy scene is no longer easily left as the “default ending”. Now with 100% more special!
  • Tweaked a few unvoiced/misc. lines from several NPCs to direct dialogue to themselves so that they do not walk off or turn to speak to the wrong person at inappropriate times
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Amy to be left unable to roam, without saying anything, in certain situations after her “Sculpture Review”
  • Made certain “helpful” thought bubbles a little less vague, or more concise
  • Madison will no longer react with her default reaction to the Player’s fully exposed body during “Magnum Opus”
  • Addressed an issue that could prevent the Player from asking Katherine about her ability to hack phones under certain circumstances
  • Addressed an issue that could prevent the Player from asking Stephanie for their hard-earned $50 if multiple other characters delivered dialogue between starting the intimacy scene and completing it.
  • Addressed an issue that was mixing up inspect texts on the new and glorious painting in the spare room 2/art room
  • Addressed an issue that would prevent the Player from using specific responses with Stephanie that were critical to The Candyman Can opportunity
  • Minor tweaks to when (DialogueStart vs. DialogueClose) a few movement events are sent to a handful of characters
  • Ashley will no longer join the “Art Show” as part of Madison’s new content if she is topless or naked
  • Fixed an issue that could result in Katherine’s glasses appearing as a selectable item, especially when seemingly detached from her actual glasses
  • Corrected a missing event link for one of the new achievements
  • Player can no longer get Rachael into the master bedroom for sexy fun at highly inopportune moments during many parts of Madison’s new content
  • Player can no longer get Katherine into the master bedroom for sexy fun at highly inopportune moments during many parts of Madison’s new content
  • All new items added to the Original Story should now count towards the Inspector Achievement
  • Added in an additional dialogue response to “force move” characters who were lacking a dialogue, item, or event-based method of getting to move elsewhere (subject to different criteria for each character)
  • Adjusted the timing of a few fluff events in Madison’s new content
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing Rachael from going to the spare room 2/art room to pleasure herself, specifically in 0.12.0
  • Rachael’s initial dialogue upon receiving a spoofed dare text is now directed at herself instead of the player
  • Fixed aspects of Derek’s “The Muse” perk that were not functioning as intended
  • Tweaked timing of certain events between High and Dry and Like a French Girl to minimize chances of breakage
  • Changed availability of certain Madison lines while moving through her new content that either seem out of place in that context, or would risk buggy behavior
  • Small adjustments to inspect texts relevant to 0.12.x content
  • Madison should be less hateful to the player if they make a mistake that would normally trigger her to go and get Frank, IF they have Derek’s “The Muse” perk unlocked
  • Added ability to Copy/Paste criteria in the Custom Story Creator
  • Added “InFrontOfEasel” Move Target
  • Added new GameEvent for canceling combat. This will remove the combat state and combat target from a given character without knocking them out, etc. Will not prevent the specified character from resuming combat IF another character is currently engaging them in combat
  • Added protection against specific Load Game failure that could occur if temporary files were not properly handled when loading a game that had photos associated with it
  • Slightly tweaked help/response text for a couple of console commands
  • Added Unstuck console command. This will help free characters who become stuck in walls, characters, or…other characters. Ew. This command does not disable achievements

(Alpha 10/31/18)

  • Added new Madison Main Story Content
  • Added Opportunity: The Muse
  • Added Opportunity: Artsy Fartsy
  • Added Opportunity: Like a French Girl
  • Added Opportunity: Magnum Opus
  • Added over 450 new lines of dialogue, player responses, thought bubble narrative, and item “flavor” text”
  • Added new Rachel model
  • Added new Brittney model
  • Added new Vickie model
  • Added new Katherine model (Unfinished)
  • Added new Madison model (Unfinished)
  • Added new Patrick model
  • Added new Ashley model
  • Added new Derek model
  • Added new Amy model (Unfinished)
  • Improved Rachael’s clothing
  • Created new particle effect for male ejaculate
  • Added rigs to all character hair to add dynamic movement
  • Added new Camera model
  • Added new Broom model
  • Added new Recorder model
  • Replaced fence model
  • Added new Speaker model
  • Added empty canvas texture to the easel
  • Added new solo cup model
  • Added new ping pong ball model
  • Added whale poster model
  • Added new animation for “posing with hands behind head”
  • Added new animation for “posing with hands behind back”
  • Added new garage wall
  • Added new garage ceiling
  • Fixed some doors not reflecting colors accurately.
  • Tweaked out and fine-tuned a lot of animations
  • Added new mechanics to better align sex with Player and NPC/NPC
  • Added Pixel censor to replace the billboard nudity censor
  • Fixed issue with Katherine “duplicate responses” when asking about her h4ck1ng 5k1ll5. This can now be asked any time the “Vickie Vixen” opportunity is In Progress (discovered through Rachael OR Derek)
  • Fixed description of the Ice Bath achievement in-game to match the Steam description
  • Router in the study closet will now actually seem to turn on and stay on after being toggled during Dare Interference
  • Removed all Response Routes from Original Story (Depreciated)
  • Refactored and renamed almost all Event Triggers for the characters in the Original Story
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent Stephanie from losing her “Female Lay 2” pose upon loading a Saved Game in which she was previously “star gazing”
  • Fixed an issue that may lead to odd “climax on Katherine” dialogue behavior in certain situations
  • Player can now loot the camera from Frank if he is unconscious and have given the camera to Frank as part of the “Look at this Photograph!” opportunity(edited)
  • Player can now loot a small part of their “beer investment” (randomized) back from Frank if they find a way render him unconscious and have finished “Frankly I Don’t Trust You”(edited)
  • Player can now loot the Merlot or chardonnay (random) back from Frank if they manage to render him unconscious and have already given him both of these wine items
  • Fixed a few typos in Stephanie’s story.
  • Added criteria to various characters to prevent certain interactions from being available while they were unconscious.
  • Made katherine’s exit from the bed post-intimacy to the master bedroom floor and her subsequent application of clothing somewhat more graceful. Or, at least what we call graceful. Don’t you dare grace-shame us.
  • Added a few redundant safeguards to Katherine’s Phone2 behavior to address possible niche cases of it not being enabled at various times when the player needs to interact with her about the microwave.
  • Fixed issue with missing Character2 reference when naming CompareTypes.Social criteria
  • Player’s acrobatic skills are lost when in combat, preventing him from shimmying up the gutter if someone takes a swing at him (Original Story only)
  • Player will now fail Ashley: Smooth Operator if she catches them plotting against her (before Humiliate Ashley) when talking to Madison. This replaces a possibly erroneous reference to Dare Interference
  • To set apart the new Madison content rewards from the old, certain dialogues relating to intimacy post-Humiliate Ashley have had their wording and criteria adjusted. New and old intimacy content can still be experienced in one playthrough

(Stable Release 9/28/18)

  • Implemented ability to unlock achievements both locally and on Steam
  • Implemented logic for upcoming DLC Explicit Content Add-On (Uncensored Patch) for Steam
  • Implemented partial Russian localization
  • Fixed an issue with some phantom shadows
  • Fixed an issue where the camera audio and visuals weren’t working when snapping a picture
  • Fixed an issue where the escape menu can sometimes get stuck on the screen
  • Fixed an issue where Amy wouldn’t change into her alternate outfit
  • Increased the radius of Ashley’s Top hit box slightly
  • Fixed an issue where some Interactive Items weren’t initializing properly
  • Fixed achievements so they won’t fail to pop up if a dialogue or other important UI element is on display
  • Fine-tuned lip syncing
  • Improved animations for laying and oral sex
  • Fixed Brittney’s crooked head in her sittings animations
  • Fixed Ashley’s eyelids blinking trough each other
  • Added more achievement images
  • Made the mound of dirt brighter
  • Ashley’s prank vs. Madison (if not caught in the closet) will now break/remove the Madison Smooth Operator reward if the player did not use it yet
  • Fixed an issue that was keeping Madison bra-less after any Sibling Warfare/prank “ending”
  • Being needy af towards Madison after she clearly indicates that you should leave her general vicinity will fail Smooth Operator: Madison.
  • Fixed a couple typos
  • Madison will no longer follow the player past the slider during the finale of her Drunk and Disorderly, and will instead pause dramatically near the slider door for her final showdown with the “worst of her stock”
  • Added two other sensible dialogue routes to the game that will allow the player to ask Katherine about hacking phones
  • Amy will no longer mention her stubbed toe via dialogue if the player is already speaking to another NPC
  • There are now overhears programmed for Frank to beat the player up if the player gives Madison a beer while near him.
  • Fixed reference in Ashley’s story for more “Quest : 0” naming issues.
  • Madison can now be given beers again after the player fails out of Humiliate Ashley by leaving a door(s) unlocked.
  • Ashley running into an unlocked bathroom during Humiliate Ashley will now actually fail the quest that was the catalyst for her running into a bathroom in the first place.
  • Frank’s overhears during Madison’s Drunk and Disorderly now take into account possible mental injuries he may have sustained in pursuit of getting a better look at Katherine.
  • Once Madison is well on her way to being shitfaced, she will redirect her default dialogue to a more appropriate drunk line until her D&D is completed.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Madison’s interactions to break if she reached the master bathroom before yelling at Patrick near the finale of her Smooth Operator opportunity

(Beta 9/21/18)

  • Added new cunnilingus animations
  • Added new oral sex animations (still needs some tweaking)
  • Added a “freehand” mode to the hand-cursor where it can be moved without moving the camera
  • Tweaked throwing physics
  • Added “Laxative” model
  • Tweaked Madison’s textures
  • Tweaked Stephanie’s new model some more
  • Fixed a “sparkly” issue with Stephanie’s hair
  • Player can no longer give beers to madison while ashley is naked from the moment you take her clothes until the moment she gets her clothes back OR humiliate ashley is completed
  • Can no longer untie ashley’s top prior to or during the finale of madison’s D&D
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing frank to walk back into the house and sit instead of waiting to blow you, which would then let him blow you inside -there was an issue where ashley sick = 1 was preventing all progress with madison’s SO
  • Added a fail-out to madison’s SO. the player has to joke about his genitals, then tell her he doesn’t give a shit about sky animals, and then say ‘will do’ when she basically tells him to fuck off
  • Fixed an issue with miniature text in response to a patrick dialogue
  • Giving the phone to madison before doing anything else no longer prevents all of her SO oppty from being available
  • Added limits to when the player can give madison beer roughly around the time you start searching for a guy to prank madison with (stud search) up through the end of sibling warfare, to prevent issues with those walktos and events clashing
    Slider door now automatically unlocks about 3 seconds after madison runs into it, to minimize NPC blockages and add convenience (must still be manually opened but NPCs can do this too)
    Added protection/beer giving limitations for when ashley and patrick are talking by the fire pit (family time) to avoid observed clashes
  • Added protection to keep derek’s “runner runner” dialogue from being used while madison is following the player at the end of her D&D
  • Added additional text fixes for laxative-related messages, inspect texts, item uses and such
  • Changed two event names for patrick that got reversed in their descriptions somehow
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the initial discovery of Change of Heart and Humiliate Ashley to show as “Quest 0”
    Made NPCs walk towards ashley a bit sooner upon her reaching the downstairs bathroom for humiliation
  • Updated Stephanie’s texture for more shadow and equal detail
  • Improved Stephanie’s hair and her dress cloth physics
  • Enabled crouching when “soft” UI elements are on the screen like messages and opportunity notifications
  • Fixed an issue with Madison repeating her Congrats Walk to the player
  • Improved the logic behind madison approaching the player about being such a social fucking butterfly
  • Somewhat improved the interaction between the player, Ashley, and Patrick as they XOXO Gossip Girl behind Madison’s back, as well as Madison’s dramatic introduction
  • Fixed an issue that was causing a response from the player to Patrick and Ashley to be miniaturized
  • Slider door will now auto-unlock after a few seconds following the end of Madison’s Drunk and Disorderly so that NPCs who may be going through the door don’t bounce off it like a super dumb looking bird
  • Giving Madison’s phone to her first will no longer result in being unable to pursue her Smooth Operator opportunity
  • Player can now fail Madison’s Smooth Operator opportunity if they insist on being a jerk multiple times and opt for no take-backsies
  • Fixed opportunity debug logging issue with ‘A Change of Heart’ and ‘Humiliate Ashley’ when they are first received
  • Fixed a typo with “dupster” -> “dumpster” and “therer” -> “there” in Madison’s dialogue
  • Fixed an issue where making Frank wait too long outside will break the interaction
  • Fixed an issue where the CenterOfHotTub waypoint was not actually in the center of the hot tub
  • Fixed an issue where blendshapes were not firing correctly in custom stories
  • Fixed an issue with intimacy not ending properly in custom stories
  • Fixed an issue with the camera being misaligned to the player after getting up off of beds and chairs
  • Fixed an input mapping issue with the Run and Interact keys
  • Fixed an issue where the player couldn’t click on something in their inventory while sitting or in coitus
  • Fixed an issue where characters don’t emote or lip sync in custom stories
  • Fixed an issue where characters can get stuck in walls in custom stories
  • Added a “IntimacyPartner” criteria to the Custom Story Creator
  • Changed Custom Story Creator so it only exports stories as a whole, and not individually per character
  • Fixed an issue where “destination reached” events were not firing in custom stories correctly
  • Added new criteria to check whether a character is using an action item to CSC
  • Added new criteria to check if an action item is currently being used to CSC
  • Added new criteria to check if a character is engaged in intimacy with another or any to CSC
  • Added correct logging for SendText and TalkTo events
  • Fixed an issue where “Apply Story” was exporting stories in the old formats
  • Re-EQed Madison, Brittney, and Stephanie’s Voice Acting Files so they are consistent throughout
  • Fixed an issue with rare cases of the game sometimes crashing when starting a new game
  • Fixed a null-ref that could happen sometimes when removing an item from the inventory with the console

(Beta 9/7/18)

  • First pass of achievements added for Original Story
  • Madison recovery mechanic and reward implemented for Madison’s Smooth Operator opportunity
  • Improved Madison’s follow behavior with the player during the finale of her Drunk and Disorderly
  • Decreased the chance that the closing of the sliding door would compromise her Drunk and Disorderly finale, or other content
  • Removed some duplicate lines and fixed several typos
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Derek to not attack the player based on choices made in Madison’s Smooth Operator opportunity
  • Tweaked the ability of the player to talk to Madison during certain WalkTo’s in her new content
  • Changed some vicinity and vision checks for Patrick as part of Madison’s new content
  • Added a missing “goodbye” response at the end of Madison’s Smooth Operator opportunity
  • Decreased the chance that Patrick would walk away from the player’s conversation about Sky Animals.
  • Sky Animal PTSD value reduced by 200.
  • Decreased the chance that the door close/lock sequence at the finale of Madison’s Smooth Operator opportunity would break the end of the content
  • Added a dialogue for Madison to let the player know she really, really meant it when she said she didn’t want to throw up at her own party
  • Ashley will not talk to the player about Sky Animals if Patrick is unconscious (still needs tweaking for in-combat states)
  • Added new Stephanie Model
  • Updated Stephanie’s Avatar Photo
  • Upgraded to Unity 2018
  • Completely revamped user input to be much smoother and consistent
  • Re-EQed Madison’s VA files to get them sounding closer to her older lines
  • Implemented groundwork for supporting playing the game as a female MC
  • Added Player Gender criteria to the Story Creator
  • Added hard wood floor to the downstairs area
  • Added new HD wall textures
  • Added new HD carpet textures
  • Upgraded some furniture to improved shaders for fabric
  • Added room dividers downstairs – Added new soda model
  • Added new path lining
  • Fixed small issues with madison and stephanie’s textures
  • Various material and texture tweaks
  • Kitchen now has more effective reflections
  • Added screen space reflections – adjusted bloom brightness
  • Improved shadow quality
  • Added shadow models to the ceiling lamps for more accurate shading
  • Fixed the dancing room’s floor not being properly aligned
  • Fixed an issue with light flickering
  • Added a “videoclip” to the dancing room tv screen
  • Fixed an issue where Stephanie’s stomache would become invisible when her dress was removed
  • Updated the glass material on the sliding door to be more visible
  • Removed stephanie’s hair shimmering – Fixed a spacing issue in the credits
  • Lighting updates all around – Added laxative model to replace eyedrops
  • Fixed color mismatch on the tv cabinet.
  • Fixed Frank’s shirt disappearing under certain viewing angles
  • Hand cursor tweaks

(Alpha 8/23/18)

  • Added “Smooth Operator: Madison” Opportunity
  • Added “Drunk and Disorderly: Madison” Opportunity
  • Added over 70 (currently unvoiced) dialogues between Madison, Ashley, and Patrick.
  • Changed Madison’s beginning dialogue.
  • Changed Katherine’s Inspect text.
  • Added an in-game input mapper and controller support (Controller support not fully implemented)
  • Fixed hot tub fog leaking when disabling shadows
  • Added a Double sided dildo
  • Added a pink vibrator
  • Added a foam finger
  • Added new gazebo model
  • Added a bug lamp
  • Added garden paths
  • Moved the hot tub
  • Added new character specific “HD” lighting
  • Added new outdoor lamps
  • Added new gazebo rug
  • Added some peeps to the credits
  • Updated credits superusers
  • Fixed the brightness on the path shadowing
  • Fixed NPC collision issues in the backyard
  • Created and fixed blendshapes for Frank, Derek and Patrick
  • Created Penguin model
  • Fixed Madison skinning issue
  • Fixed Rachael shader issue
  • Vickie clipping issue fixed
  • Male penises recreated
  • Lighting Tweaks and Updates
  • Optimized lights and shadows system
  • Optimized Distance calls to exclude expensive square root functions
  • Enabled Multi-Threading for Graphics Jobs
  • Added new dialogues for when the player tries to speak to Madison when she’s on her way to get Frank (who will then proceed to beat you up)
  • Fixed issues with the bathroom door and the LOCK function that would cut off some story segments.
  • Sexual acts will now initiate the Embarrassed state based on the exhibitionism personality trait, and always remove the state when the sexual act is complete
  • Beer pong balls now take into account a small amount of pre-throw momentum to make premature ej…throwing of your balls a bit more forgiving.
  • Beer pong balls can now be given a little bit of post-throw curvature. This is done by moving the mouse after throwing them (the window for doing this is very small).
  • Changed the crouch mechanic so it works while “soft” info is on the screen like quest notifications or game messages
  • Tied in a different hand cursor animation to indicate the brief window allowed for post-throw curvature.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the command console from referencing dialogue-only characters like “Phone Call”
  • The debug log will now show more information about event triggers that contain/execute more than one game event
  • Save games now have a timestamp automatically added to their label in the load game window
  • Minor typo corrections in the Story Editor interfaces
  • Sexual acts will now initiate the embarrassed state based on the exhibitionism personality trait, and always remove the state when the sexual act is complete
  • Beer pong balls now takes into account a small amount of pre-throw momentum to make premature ej…throwing of your balls a bit more forgiving
  • Beer pong balls can now be given a little bit of post-throw curvature. This is done by moving the mouse after throwing them (the window for doing this is very small)
  • Tied in a different hand cursor animation to indicate the brief window allowed for post-throw curvature. Still being tweaked
  • The player’s memory has been upgraded via a limited time RAM DOWNLOAD offer. He can now remember up to 25 saved soirees
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the command console from referencing dialogue-only characters like “Phone Call”
  • The debug log will now show more information about event triggers that contain/execute more than one game event
  • Minor typo corrections in the Story Editor interfaces

(Stable Release 7/26/18)

  • Completely revamped lighting and post processing
  • All rooms now have their own lighting “feel”
  • Added rocks to the back yard flower bed
  • Madison’s clothes have been updated
  • “WantsToBeAlone” state no longer spams the Debug Log
  • Fixed rare occurrences where you could see the back of Rachael’s head through her hair
  • The “Turn” GameEvent is not logged correctly
  • Tweaked new sex animations
  • Stopped sex from starting in problematic places, the characters are now moved to a safe location first
  • Added extra code to check to make sure characters don’t get stuck after sex
  • Added Gamma slider
  • Added new Study room lamp
  • Added new Master bedroom lamps
  • Added rocks for the flower bed
  • Added a new moon
  • Added illuminated windows to the neighbourhood
  • Animated the outside fire light
  • Changed room colors for Ashley’s and Study room
  • Fixed vickie’s top becoming invisible sometimes
  • Fixed some cabinets having different color doors
  • Fixed upstairs doors having different colors in shading
  • Tweaked the fog effect
  • Tweaked the lighting in the menu
  • Frank can no longer get stuck in the bathroom during the concussion route — FRANK SMASH
  • Katherine will always be able to leave the bathroom, regardless of progression/failure of “Follow your calling.
  • Nothing can be taken freely from the liquor cabinet unless Frank is in a state that allows it.
  • Brittney will no longer follow Steph at/in situations that wouldn’t allow for it.
  • Steph will approach the “Kat sick” situation without the player if needed — after 500 seconds since Kat entered the bathroom.
  • The “Crunched bag” will no longer appear in Amy’s hand after a save.
  • “Follow Your Calling” can now be achieved through 5 different routes, ensuring that Kat will not be stuck in the bathroom without some kind of follow through.
  • Fixed an issue with a graphical trailing effect in the Anti-Aliasing
  • Fixed an issue with light bleeding into the garage from the bedroom
  • Fixed an issue in the Custom Story Creator where values would default to “Amy”
  • Fixed an issue where characters would sometimes spin in place after a sex act
  • Fixed an issue where characters wouldn’t get re-dressed correctly after getting out of the hot tub if another character sat there before they left the area
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes characters won’t go to an important location after a game load if they were blocked previously
  • Fixed an issue where Motion Blur settings are not remembered correctly
  • Fixed an issue where saving a game with the file-name “1” or “2” caused a crash on load
  • Fixed an issue where Frank sometimes couldn’t see you through the liquor cabinet door
  • Fixed an issue where the escape menu can get stuck on the screen
  • Fixed an issue where the save menu takes a reaaaaaaallly long time to come up
  • Fixed an issue where Amy would have the bag in her hand on a game load
  • ChangeLocation events are now logged to the Debug Log
  • Beer Pong balls can no longer be grabbed in mid-air when in the middle of a practice game
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing Beer Pong balls from spawning in the right place or always returning to their container/spawner
  • Minor tweaks to beer pong and minigame physics attributes
  • Tweaked kitchen and slider door colliders in order to prevent small items from getting stuck or disappearing
  • Various ChangeLocation events and their reasons for occurring are now logged in the debug log
  • Further save/load game naming convention and file system constraints added to prevent some of the rarer Save/Load issues
  • Minor UI typo and debug log formatting tweaks
  • Tweaked NoLoitering zone sizes to better reflect the geometry of high-traffic areas that the NoLoitering AI uses to prevent pathing “traffic jams”
  • Changed NoLoitering behavior to take into account a wider array of possible character states

(Beta 7/12/18)

  • Added new Missionary Sex Animations
  • Added new Doggiestyle Sex Animations
  • Added new Cowgirl Sex Animations
  • Adjusted Stephanie’s stories so as not to disrupt other opportunities
  • Any characters put into an indisposed state (like concuss or drunk) will now eventually return to normal
  • Added polish to all new content
  • Added new Staircase lamp
  • Added 2 new standing lamps
  • Added new frank lamp
  • Added new nightstand lamps
  • Added paint covered Stephanie
  • Added paint covered bag
  • Changed scene lighting
  • Changed hot tub reflections to be more accurate
  • Optimized post processing
  • Optimized/reduced performance on reflections
  • Fixed disappearing characters during sex scenes sometimes
  • Fixed some clothing clipping trough characters
  • Fixed a bug that was causing beer pong items to move or clip into each other upon loading a saved game
  • Beer pong balls can no longer be accidentally grabbed out of cups between scoring and resetting their position
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the player to become detached from the beer pong table and move around with partial and unexpected levels of camera control
  • Overwriting a save game will now properly overwrite or add to the Photos collection attached to that save
  • Debug Log now correctly Logs True/False Values for EventTriggers -> Set Enabled
  • Saving and Loading a game Named ‘1’, ‘2’, etc. that had pictures attached no longer causes a hangs or crashes on the Loading screen
  • Debug Log timestamps now shown in the in-game debug window
  • All debug log timestamps are now evenly formatted
  • Tweaked areas of the house that would force a change in character location due to excessive loitering, and these events are now logged in the debug log
  • Fixed typos in the UI

(Beta 7/6/18)

  • You can now go “All the Way” with Stephanie in her ending
  • “Special Tutor” Added refinement to the 4 new endings, ensuring that failing any of Stephanie’s new quests won’t necessarily fail other quests
  • Added 5+ lines between Katherine and Stephanie (Some currently unvoiced.)
  • All around polish to the current state of Stephanie’s revamp–including Frank’s head-butt scene.
  • Added new voice acting for Stephanie, Katherine, Derek, Madison, and Frank
  • Added a new kitchen light
  • Added new standing lamps
  • Added a state where characters will not slow down when approaching their move target
  • Fixed a rare issue where the game would crash when loading the game
  • Fixed various bugs in Stephanie’s new story content
  • Fixed some areas where NPCs were getting stuck when pathfinding
  • Fixed an issue with the hand cursor where it would sometimes disappear
  • Added a response from Ashley if you give her beer before you “meet” her
  • Fixed an issue where Kat would drop dialogue if you ask her to take a nude photo and you haven’t used the Camera on the SD card yet, but they are both in your inventory
  • Beer pong balls return to the spawner/container area after being used after a short delay, regardless of if they miss or score
  • Added a help text radial option to give instructions for how to play
  • If the beer pong container does not detect that enough playable balls are present, it will spawn more upon starting a new practice session
  • Further tweaked handcursor grab collider + grab functionality to improve player’s ability to pick up small objects
  • Fixed an issue that was causing character state transitions to be logged incorrectly in the debug log

(Alpha 6/21/18)

  • Implemented “Meltdown” Opportunity for Stephanie
  • Implemented “Special Tutor” Opportunity for Stephanie
  • Implemented “Drunk and Disorderly” Opportunity for Stephanie
  • Added 40+ additional lines of new dialogue between Katherine and Stephanie
  • Added Beer Pong (Practice) Mini-Game
  • Freed up over 2GB of VRAM usage during runtime
  • Optimized the core code of the game to reduce spikes in performance
  • Drastically reduced loading screen time
  • Added Gut Grip Interactive Item to the game
  • Added Motor Oil Interactive Item to the game
  • Added Paper Bag Interactive Item to the game
  • Added Paper Bag Crushed Item to the game
  • Added achievement UI
  • Optimized all visual assets (Textures, models, etc.) for performance
  • Added new kitchen lamp

(Alpha 6/7/18)

  • Implemented “Follow Your Calling” Opportunity
  • Implemented “Apply Pressure” Opportunity
  • Added 41 lines of new dialogue between Amy, Ashely, Derek, Frank, Katherine, and Stephanie
  • Added new lamp model to the living room
  • Added background logic for Player Achievements system
  • Fixed minor bugs in command console combat command and miscellaneous feedback responses
  • Debug Log now properly logs all information for Clothing and SendEvent game events

(Stable Release 5/25/18)

  • Grass Improvements
  • Fixed an issue where characters’ skin would poke through clothes on the main menu
  • You can now hold Alt when starting the game to pull up the old splash launcher

(Beta 5/22/18)

  • Added 10+ lines of new dialogue to Patrick
  • Added 3 new lines of new dialogue to Rachael
  • Added 4 new lines of dialogue to Amy
  • Patrick will now accept (or reject) every form of alcohol around the house
  • Improved upon Ashley’s post conversation route where players were unable to interact with her
  • Improved upon Madison’s confrontation with Ashley after Humiliate Ashley (AVVV)
  • Improved upon Vickie’s foreplay where players were unable to interact with her
  • General typo cleanup
  • Improved Ragdoll physics
  • Fixed an issue where the game would unpause in the Graphics Menu
  • Re-mastered voice acting audio files
  • Fixed an issue where saving and loading would sometimes not save ALL current NPC walking targets
  • Fixed an issue where “Opportunity Missed” messages would not display if you didn’t already have the quest
  • A Vickie Vixen Valentine: Vickie is Still Somehow Getting Stuck in the Master Bath Bathtub is fixed
  • A Vickie Vixen Valentine: Fixed an issue where Vickie would scold you if you didn’t go upstairs
  • Fixed an issue with characters ending up in weird places on loaded games
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could end up outside of the navigational area
  • Upgraded Character Textures to 4k
  • Standardized brightness of all character models
  • Updated and enhanced Katherine’s model
  • Removed Kitchen Table for better player navigation and NPC pathing
  • Added party lights model
  • Added wine rack model
  • Added painting easel model
  • Added painting stool model
  • Added painting tarp model
  • Added painting canvases model
  • Added creepy owl painting model
  • Changed Spare Room ceiling lamp color (no more rainbow)
  • Changed all character skin tones to fit the lighting and match each other
  • Added Gut Grip model
  • Added Motor Oil model
  • Added new garden light models
  • Added garage divider model
  • Debug Log now logs console command events
  • Debug Log now saves to DebugLogs instead of Errors -Combat console command now accepts ‘all’ parameter for all subcommands
  • Whereis command added to console; will give location of a target character, their current move target, etc.
  • Miscellaneous cleanup of command console and debug log

(Beta 4/27/18)

  • Added new main menu
  • Updated loading screen
  • Added hints to the loading screen
  • Added new interactions with Patrick
  • Added new lines to Amy and Rachael after finishing their stories
  • Added new Patrick voice acting lines
  • Added new Rachael voice acting lines
  • Added new Amy voice acting lines
  • Updated and Enhanced Katherine’s model
  • Added new garden light models
  • Re-positioned light switches to a more logical height
  • Updated toilet model to a more natural curvature
  • Fixed an issue where some characters were overly shiny
  • Fixed a bug where Ashley and Amy could get stuck in the floor or furniture the spare room after sex
  • Fixed a bug where toggling the volumetric lighting could cause a mysterious unnatural fogginess
  • Fixed a bug where characters, after being knocked out, would wake up stuck in furniture or walls
  • Stopped Patrick from dancing in Date Night with Brittney
  • Added credits scene
  • Adjusted and polished lighting
  • Kitchen and garage graphical touch ups
  • Improved areas where light was leaking
  • Fixed an issue where the fire light wasn’t baking into the scene correctly
  • Adjusted Front Door textures
  • Optimized lightmapping (Shorter load times)
  • Added extra code to keep characters from getting stuck or being outside the playable/walkable area
  • Added some extra handling to prevent debug log crashes and inability to export
  • Added timestamps to the debug log
  • Shortened some console commands such as eventtriggers, modifyvalue, and displaygamemessage; reference the ‘help’ command for their replacements

(Beta 4/15/18)

  • Added a framework of quests that will help guide the player down Ashley’s three new quest paths.
  • Added various thought bubbles and tie-in dialogues that will hint to the player what consequences and rewards lie ahead for the paths they’re choosing.
  • Added an intense level of polish to the new content, especially in how it meshes with old quests/dialogues.
  • Addition of volumetric fog and related lighting and graphical effects
  • Re-tweaked graphical dithering and noise
  • Improvements to object models and shaders
  • Full revamp of the reflections system and certain lighting methods
  • Quests will now be referred to in-game (not under-the-hood) as “Opportunities”
  • Added a collider for the tree in the yard. No more going inside to hibernate.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the outside tree to float.
  • Improvements to the background neighborhood and foliage
  • There are now stars in the night sky. Sonnets welcome.
  • Somewhat reduced shimmering that was being seen on certain objects (in progress)
  • Somewhat alleviated blur/trailing effect seen when AA is enabled in the in-game menu (in progress)
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing Patrick to ‘poke out’ from behind his underwear
  • Improvements and optimizations to Ashley’s model, hair, and clothing
  • New and improved light bake
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the male characters to roam to the hot tub when they shouldn’t be
  • Under-the-hood optimization of materials, prefabs, shaders, and other miscellany
  • Minor fixes for the roaming system
  • Graphic menu revamped and minor issues resolved
  • Fixed an issue that prevents the user from loading a saved game from the title screen
  • Disabled “Simon Says” quest temporarily while we port it to work solely in the custom story creator. This is an antiquated quest that is mostly hard-coded, and will come back in a later version revamped.
  • CONSOLE: Fixed an issue that prevented using ‘0’ as a value with the Personality command
  • CONSOLE: Fixed an issue that was preventing the use of ‘0’ in certain command orders with the dialogue command to trigger the default/start dialogue
  • CONSOLE: Fixed an issue that was preventing WalkTo and WarpTo commands from successfully using the ‘all’ subcommand when paired with characters
  • CONSOLE: WalkTo and WarpTo ‘all’ no longer affect the player in any way when ‘all’ is used. You will need to warp yourself separately.
  • CONSOLE: Added ‘list’ functionality to Quest command: Can now list all of a character’s quest names and their IDs
  • CONSOLE: Minor formatting fixes within success/error message texts
  • CONSOLE: Cleared up a discrepancy between how WalkTo and WarpTo were finding their destination/target and added some redundancy to ensure the ‘intended’ target was used
  • CONSOLE: Added ‘all’ functionality to the Dance command
  • CONSOLE: Added an error check to all commands in case players define too many parameters or extra subcommands
  • CONSOLE: Added ‘all’ and ‘list’ functionality to the State command
  • CONSOLE: Removed multiplicative element from ChangeSize command; user can now set size back to ‘1’
  • CONSOLE: Fixed an issue that caused a limited combination of floating numbers and string inputs to break the gameobject search for certain commands
  • CONSOLE: Removed reference to color numeric IDs for the Crosshair command. Player should simply type their new crosshair color via text input.
  • CONSOLE: Addressed an issue that was preventing the Item command from listing or utilizing all available ItemFunctions for all InteractiveItems
  • CONSOLE: Added ‘Roaming’ command. This is a replacement/upgrade to the prior deprecated roaming command. Allows the user to enable or disable roaming, force a changelocation, add allowed or prohibited roaming locations to one or ‘all’ characters, or clear these location lists entirely. Also allows the user to get a current list of a single character’s allowed and prohibited roaming locations.
    Fixed an issue that was preventing the Pose command’s ‘test’ option from working

(Beta 3/30/18)

  • Reworked Lighting
  • Reworked Occlusion
  • Combined meshes on most of the NPCS to increase performance
  • Added LOD levels to all NPCs to increase performance
  • Bug fixes and refinement of Ashley’s new story content
  • Tweaked Anti-Aliasing
  • Tweaked Color Grading
  • Tweaked Eye Adaptation
  • Gave Patrick AWESOME new dance moves
  • Moved graphical options to their own menu available on the main menu and in-game
  • Fixed an issue with the debug log not working correctly
  • Console: Lowered case sensitivity requirements for most commands and command options
  • Console: Each command now has specific example text available
  • Console: Multiple commands now have the ability to ‘list’ or ‘get’ info from the game
  • Console: Required order of input for commands and their options is generally less strict
  • Console: Added All functionality back in for BodyPart, Clothing, LookAt, Personality, Walkto, and Warpto commands

(Beta 3/23/18)

  • Added voice acting for Ashley
  • Added voice acting for Patrick
  • Added voice acting for Vickie
  • Added voice acting for Derek
  • Added voice acting for Madison
  • Added male sitting down and standing up animations
  • Revamped player movement
  • Guys can now dance
  • Updated Marijuana model
  • Updated Blue Hair Dye Model
  • Updated Chocolate Bar model
  • Updated Towel Model
  • Updated Safe Model
  • Aligned most NPC/NPC sex positions
  • Guys now cover when nude
  • Tweaked “Cover when nude” AI
  • Characters now stop covering when nude if they are too drunk to care
  • Character no longer cover when nude if they are comfortable around surrounding characters
  • Tab key now toggles Orgasm meters
  • Moved “Ashley’s Top” hitbox up slightly for better accessibility
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could get stuck behind the pouf
  • General optimization and performance tweaks
  • Added a “Limit FPS” slider to escape menu
  • Changed the default quality setting to “Good”
  • Console: Added more commands and updates to existing commands (type “help” for more info)

(Alpha 3/16/18)

  • Updated Ashley’s story in the Original Story
  • Added quest “Military Precision” to the Original Story
  • Added quest “Magic Mike” to the Original Story
  • Added quest “Runner Runner” to the Original Story
  • Updated all alcohol models
  • Increased performance of culling and gameplay
  • Optimized and enhanced Frank’s model
  • Frank now has a penis
  • Optimized and enhanced Patrick’s model
  • Patrick now has a penis
  • Optimized and enhanced Derek’s model
  • Derek now has a penis
  • Updated joint model
  • Updated eyedrops model
  • Updated Painkillers model
  • Added Allergy Medication Texture to Painkillers
  • It’s now possible for NPCs to have sex with one another
  • Improved Lighting in dim areas
  • Upgraded to Unity 2017.3.1
  • Fixed a bug where loading a save from a different story you are currently playing would break the load
  • Console: Can now change the size of characters, and certain interactive items and game objects
  • Console: Can now modify the size of several character body parts
  • Console: Added additional emotes that can be executed
  • Console: WarpTo now also accepts Vector3 (X, Y, Z) coordinates
  • Console: Can now remove most items successfully from the player’s inventory
  • Console: Can now modify personality traits for each character in a story
  • Console: Improved readability, formatting, and over time, better help text
  • Console: Misc. minor sub-command fixes and additions
  • Console: Can now rotate the cross-hair into a cross position, change its color, and change its size

Please Note: This “Release Notes” page has updates that pertain to the base “House Party” game, which is rated M, as well as the “House Party – Explicit Content Add-On” which is Rated AO.   See rating icons below.