Monthly Archives: July 2022

4 Ways You Can Destress Playing House Party

People are looking for one thing when they go to a house party – to destress and forgo responsibility for a little while. But what if you’re stressed on a Tuesday, with the weekend seemingly being so far out of reach? Here are 4 ways you can destress by playing House Party:

Find your Alter Ego

At a house party, everyone wants to make a good first impression so that they’re invited back.

At our House Party, you can forget about that.

As a player-choice game, you should be more concerned about finding the dumb to your dumber so that you can pull off your outrageous pranks while simultaneously testing your charm on whichever character strikes your fancy.

Avoid a drink actually being spilled in your face – or getting beat to a bloody pulp – by making sure you find allies that will have your back throughout the night. That’ll be a lifesaver when you inevitably piss off the wrong NPC!

Stimulate your Head

…the One Above your Shoulders.

With hundreds of stories, side-quests, and narratives – and the thousands of branching storylines – House Party is like a never-ending psychedelic trip. Consider it a mental vacation. 

No matter how many times you play, you’re bound to encounter new NPCs, new player-choice-driven storylines, and, most importantly, new opportunities for debauchery. 

Take a Dopamine Hit

The best medicine is laughter…with a side of vice. 

House Party is a hilariously designed, interactive video game that will have you doing double-takes throughout.

The games’ vibrant storylines featuring parodical personalities will make you feel like you’ve just entered the Twilight Zone – scary? Maybe. Unforgettably adventurous? Definitely. 

F*ck Around…It’s that Simple

House Party encourages you to adopt the ultimate stress-free attitude – consequences? Never heard of em’.

Free your inhibitions while meeting NPCs and playing through the thousands of storylines available. You can be the antagonist or instigator – it’s up to you.


Eek! Games’ House Party is here to keep you sane by letting you do the insane – stop stressing and start playing!

House Party Exits Early Access with the Release of V1.0.0!


The time is finally here! After a long and incredible journey, House Party is officially out of Early Access! Check out the release notes for House Party 1.0.0 right here, brah!

Wow. We can’t believe how much House Party has changed since its original concept and first build. Because of your financial support, we’ve been able to expand Eek! Games from a one man operation into a small, close-knit team of artists, writers, and programmers, and it has greatly improved the quality and amount of content in the game.

Just because we are coming out of Early Access, though, doesn’t mean we are going to stop working on the game. We feel the game is ready enough to no longer be considered Early Access, but translation updates will continue to be rolled out over the next week or two, and there will still be more polish, cutscenes, and Easter Eggs in the pipeline.

We really can’t thank everyone enough for buying, playing, translating, bug testing, and sharing the game with friends over these past few years. Your support has made House Party the super fun and expansive story-rich 3D comedy-adventure it is today.

Not only that, but House Party has always had to battle against censorship and it’s constantly been a struggle for us to get the game listed on new platforms. We’ve been faced with so much journalist negativity and censorship, but you guys have had our backs through all of it. We couldn’t ask for a more brahsome community of brahs! And the community keeps growing – we love all of you for partying with us.



Today, House Party has overly positive reviews on Steam, good press, a strong player base, and is allowed both censored and uncensored on many platforms. Thanks to you, we’ve been able to add celebrities (with Doja Cat on the way), globalization/translation, a combat system, cutscenes, controller support, and even a female playable character to the game. We can’t wait for you to experience the full game we always wanted to make for you.

We couldn’t be more thankful, and we hope you’ll all continue to show our future House Party DLC and Office Party the same love you’ve been showing House Party! We’ve been listening closely to your feedback on socials, Discord, and our contact forms to hear things you’d love to see in House Party and its sequel game!

In addition to updating the base game and Explicit DLC, we’ll be releasing expansion packs like the Doja Cat DLC this fall, and slowly starting work on Office Party alongside everything!

Other House Party updates to look forward to in the near future will be more female player cutscenes and that awesome VR port we promised. And we even have some super secret projects that could see Eek! Games branch out into different genres of gaming and storytelling!

We’re stoked to explore the future of House Party with everyone, and this has been a wild and amazing ride through Early Access. Cheers to the future and let’s keep partying, doods!


Wishlist the Doja Cat DLC here!

Women in Gaming

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

This is a PSA for all badass gamer girls: House Party is officially out of Early Access today! The full launch featuring a playable female character is available now.

In honor of our new female playable character, let’s talk video gaming…stats. More specifically, let’s talk Women in Gaming. Contrary to popular opinion, gamer girls are on the rise and have continued to crush stereotypes and break barriers. That’s right, boys – we’re coming for ya! 


Women Taking the Lead in Gaming:

We’re busy taking over the market AND the number of gamers (Anderton, 2019) –  it’s safe to say we’re here to stay. Worldwide, the number of gamer girls is increasing exponentially, from France to Taiwan and back to the U.S. This is despite the male-dominated and male-centric field that video gaming has evolved into – but what else is new? So who exactly are these women? Well, they may be the ones that raised you – that’s right, they’re not like a regular mom; they’re a cool mom. Yeah, you heard us right the first time. Women between the ages of 50-65 are playing more video games than the average man at that age (Anderton, 2019).  

And the best part? They raised kickass daughters leading the charge in redefining a woman’s place in the video game industry, especially concerning sponsorships and Esports competitions. The OG sisters to break ground in the gaming industry are none other than Brady and Dalton, AKA the badass PMS Clan or Pandora’s Might Soldiers. The group gained traction after building relationships with other women over Xbox, which they describe as “Pure Awesomeness!” We couldn’t agree more. The two have recently received the ESports Lifetime Achievement Award (Ong, 2021). 


Female Representation in Gaming:

Twitch has long been a boys club, but they’re in for a rude awakening! The women of Twitch are here to tell you that the amount of clothing does not define the “realness” of a gamer. We’re all gamers, no matter how we look, so shouldn’t our playable female characters represent that?! Emma Pearl on Twitch says we need to change the perception of what women should do online (Strapagiel, 2021). 

Often, women are underrepresented as characters and protagonists in video games. Feminist Frequency advocates for online representation crunched the numbers for 126 games featured at the 2019 E3 conference. Out of the 126, only six centered exclusively on female protagonists, and 28 centered on men…yeah, 6 (Sarkeesian and Petit, 2019). 


Play with Us!

Here at Eek! Games, we’re proud to say that our ladies of House Party have the beauty to turn your head and the brains to keep you in check. Say hello to Amy, Ashley, Brittney, Katherine, Leah, Lety, Madison, Rachael, Stephanie, and Vickie Vixen. Eek! Games believes female representation in video games, especially concerning playable characters, is essential. We’re proud to say that House Party is now included in the rising percentage of video games with a playable female protagonist


Why is this important? Progress starts by making noise, and those equipped with the loudest voices (i.e., video game development companies) are responsible for changing the visual narrative gamers are exposed to daily. At our House Party, you can play the way you want to, however you want to – and maybe f*ck around while you’re at it. 





Yokoi, T. Female Gamers Are On the Rise. Can the Gaming Industry Keep Up?. Forbes. (March 4, 2021). Retrieved June 28, 2022, from

Anderton, K. Women Over 50 Are Playing More Video Games Than Men. Forbes. (January 29, 2019). Retrieved June 28, 2022, from

Ong, A. The PMS Clan Blazed a Trail for Women in Competitive Gaming. PC Gamer. (November 13, 2021). Retrieved June 29, 2022, from

Strapagiel, L. No One Wins When Women Are Pitted Against Each Other. BuzzfeedNews. (June 10, 2021). Retrieved June 29, 2022, from

Sarkeesian, A. and Carolyn P. Female Representation in Videogames Isn’t Getting Any Better. Wired. (June 14, 2019). Retrieved June 29, 2022, from


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