Monthly Archives: November 2021

House Party 0.20.3 Stable Release

Boots on the ground, troopers! The long-awaited Vickie ending (House Party version 0.20.3) is here. Thanks for your patience as our team worked to put together and polish her steamy new content!

Unless you’ve been living deep inside your man-cave for the past couple of months, you already know that Vickie’s update brings sexalicious threesomes to the party. Complete Vickie’s Training and she’ll now give you the opportunity to convince another NPC to join you and her in a scorching hot ménage à trois.

Relationships matter when it comes to schmoozing your favorite partygoers, so be sure to get on good terms with NPCs before you try to flirt their pants off. Some sexaholics like your good ol’ brah Pat and Vickie-obsessed fanboy Frank won’t turn you down even if they hate your guts, but other NPCs (like lovable southern belle Brittney and domineering sexy genius Katherine) won’t even consider you if you haven’t been intimate with them. Most of the other partiers will reject a threesome offer unless you’re a charismatic god. If you work for it, though, you’ll be in for a spicy new array of intimacy rewards, animations, and cutscenes.

Vickie’s crotch-melting story content aside, we also listened to feedback from all of you awesome doods about how you’ve been hearing a lot of the same ambient NPC conversations around the house. We get it. We know you’re playing for a while chasing those achievements, so we freshened up the background chatter with a variety of clues about hidden items, NPC backstories, and endgame story content.

Not only that, but we heard your requests for more guidance around the party. We know with House Party being such an open sandbox game, it’s sometimes difficult to know how to perform certain actions or approach various in-game Opportunities. In previous updates, we added an awesome new Opportunity menu, but alongside Vickie’s finale we introduced a variety of in-game Tutorials to help, too. Opt into these by clicking the check box in the Main Menu or Title Screen UI. They’ll show up one time while playing, and you can reset them manually in the Main Menu. Here’s hoping this helps all of our brahs have an easier time exploring the party!

For those of you who follow our social media and testing update posts, you’re well aware that our team took longer than expected to release this update. Did we mention how amazing you dudes are for being so supportive and patient? Anyway, this was because we added a fuckton of polish to Vickie’s content and House Party overall. With each passing day, we’re getting closer to releasing the game from Early Access, and it’s important to us that we release a quality final version of House Party that our community is happy with. If you’re curious about every little thing we fixed and spruced up, check out the patch notes below.

Anyway, fuck reading! What you really want to do is go check out the threesomes, right? Enjoy, dudes, and be sure to let us know what you think about Vickie’s finale!

– Eek Team


House Party 0.20.2 Released to Beta Testers

To become a Patron and get early access to new House Party versions click here.

We’re crossing the battlefield, cadets!

Beta 0.20.2 is ready for you doods to bug test the hell out of. Thanks for your patience and awesomeness as we’ve worked through these last few updates to get the bugs with Vickie’s new content sorted out. At this point, Vickie’s finale is looking very close to where we’d like it to be, and we’re just one final march away from wrapping up her stable release.

In addition to adding almost all of the voice acting, we targeted a major issue with the Achievements log that interfered with loading Story Data. Now that this is resolved, fewer of you should have issues starting a game only to find that the house is…whoops, empty!

We tweaked and added a number of text hints in older content to hopefully help you doods stay on track and not get “stuck” as easily while exploring the party. Based on ongoing feedback we’ve also decided to remove in-game advertising from the game world (TVs, billboards, etc.).

We’ve started to integrate the in-game options into the title screen, so players can control settings without having to be in-game. The UI for this isn’t fully functional yet, but we’re laying down the framework. We’ve improved UI alignment for Ultra Wide monitors, too.

There’s also a sweet new Achievement called “The Magic Number” for all of our completionist partiers to work toward.

We know you guys are looking forward to the stable release for Vickie’s ending, and we are hyped to share it with you. Once that’s done, we have a roadmap of cool shit leading up to House Party’s release from Early Access. We can’t thank you dudes enough for all of the support and testing feedback you’ve given us throughout our development journey.

Enjoy the Vickie content and check out the patch notes below.

  • Eek Team

Note: Older save files may no longer be compatible. Custom stories may no longer function as intended. No translations for this version have been completed at this time.


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