House Party 0.17.0 Released to Alpha Testers
The world sucks right now, so perhaps a House Party alpha can brighten your day a bit. Let’s show you guys what we’re working on.
Derek is the main focus of this update, and so far we’re about 30% through implementing his new story. There’s a good portion of playable content, but our second alpha will have much more.
Outside of the story additions, we’re excited for you guys to check out the coveted PEE MECHANIC. Like most award winning games on the market, being able to urinate freely in a social environment is absolutely key. So we’ve added this feature, because we just wouldn’t be able to win future accolades without it.
To compliment this new feature, we’re in the process of adding more alcohol to the game so that you can, as the scholars put it, get shitfaced out of your fucking gourd. Many of these inebriators will be available in the final release of Derek’s update.
Lastly, we’ve revamped Leah and Frank and the way they detect the Player’s alcohol shenanigans. While they’ll still attack as soon as the Player TAKES alcohol into their inventory, they’ll offer a word of warning if the Player is simply holding alcohol, giving them a chance to escape an ass-beating if they put the booze down. This detection system is based around vision and distance, allowing for sneakier Players to get by if they’re loading up undetected. Play around with this system, we’ve put a lot of work into making it feel engaging and fair.
Anyway, saying “stay safe” feels so empty honestly so we just hope you all are okay in your brains. It’s tough being locked inside for this long. Enjoy breaking our shit and we’ll have another alpha for you not too far down the line.
Eek! Team
(Alpha 05/4/2020)
- In the Original Story: the Player can now drink from several more items around the house. This includes the faucet, you unrepentant savage
- In the Original Story: added new Opportunities for Derek – “Memory Lane” and “Mission Impawsible”
- In the Original Story: the beers that were formerly unusable in the liquor cabinet are now possible to make use of, in all the same ways as the other beers found throughout the house
- In the Original Story: to better coincide with many alcohol related changes in this update, looting Frank now does the following – the Player has a 50% chance to get back a beer for every beer they gave to Frank. Any beers Frank already ‘destroyed’ will no longer be usable in the story
- In the Original Story: turning in alcohol items (or rather…”sacrificing them”?) for various Drunk and Disorderly Opportunities, giving them to Patrick, etc. no longer automatically fails content like “Hunt for Red’s Thermos” etc., as there’s always more than one path to victory…
- In the Original Story: major changes have been made to Frank and Leah’s treatment of the Player and alcohol items. In some ways their behavior will be more forgiving and for sneaky
- Players, more rewarding. In other ways, well…you still need to prepare your soothing butt gel
- In the Original Story: complete “emotional overhaul” of Derek. His behavior is more deeply tied into the social meters system now, and should have more appropriate emotes in a variety of major story moments
- Add two spots for Characters to sit on the roof outside the art room. Tantalizingly close to the pizza
- Enabled more Natty Lites for use as Interactive Items in stories
- Added Bloody collar and wearable collar models
- Added oil trails/puddle and fire particles
- Added peeing effects
- Added bladder UI
- Changes to orgasm UI
- Changes to the opportunity window
- Added a memory tab in the opportunity UI
- Added another real-time mirror in the master bedroom
- Improved males giving blowjob and its animation
- Fixed Amy shirt clipping
- Made all UI now translatable
- Improved hand rigs female characters
- Updated Derek’s clothing
- Improved Frank, Derek and Patricks blendshapes/emotes
- Added animation for drinking while sitting
- Visual changes to the credits
- Fixed a bug where the buttons in the main menu were offset
- Fixed a bug where the language drop down in the main menu was not accessible
- In the Original Story: the Player can now throw beer on Madison as long as they have a beer in their inventory, or are holding a beer in their hand
- In the Original Story: Katherine won’t be able to see the Player tamper with the Rum if the Player is not roughly in front of her
- In the Original Story: fixed a bug that could prevent Katherine from ‘summoning’ the Game Grumps if the Player took certain actions in regards to “Dare Interference”
- In the Original Story: continued tweaks and improvements to various “NPC overhears a bad thing” behaviors to make certain situations feel less like an “ambush” if a wandering/moving NPC is not visible to the Player due to a wall, etc.
- In the Original Story: minor changes to Amy greeting dialogue behavior and her treatment of the Player based on a negative friendship (socials) value
- In the Original Story: it should be somewhat easier to include Vickie in Amy’s “Scavenger Hunt” finale selfie
- In the Original Story: revamped a few Hot Tub-related behaviors to allow more dynamic placement for some content that uses the Hot Tub seats
- In the Original Story: the Player can now get in trouble for just trying to open Madison’s Safe, not just for taking the Diary itself. There are now also social meter implications for these actions, in case the Player survives the consequences
- In the Original Story: the Player is also able to eat one more…sugary treat in the house, that will give a health boost and minor combat stat increase
- In the Original Story: when giving Leah alcohol, if she actually implies she is taking the alcohol or says “Hey, give me that!…”, she will actually take the alcohol item the Player tried to give her
- In the Original Story: refactored Patrick’s behavior when given beer to support the new number of total beers in the house
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Player’s “Grab” (default RMB) functionality to break entirely if they grabbed the bike lock in Ashley’s room after it falls, or the Talking Fish (Sancho)
- Fixed a critical, game breaking issue that would cause the Vibrator (Vibratron 3000, a.k.a. Waker of Doods, a.k.a. Herald of the Clitpocalypse) to stop vibrating if another item was picked up while it was Clitpocalypsizing
- Fixed an issue that would cause grabbing an item from your inventory while already holding another item to do nothing
- The Player grabbing an item can now tie into an event trigger/reaction
- Improvements and tweaks to the Player Grab/Hold system that should make it much more difficult to experience moments where an item gradually moves to an extreme direction and is held there until the Player drops it or the item is forced to drop by colliding with an object
- It should now be much harder (hopefully impossible!) to experience a “broken” radial menu after grabbing an item from the Player’s inventory
- The Player releasing an item can now tie into an event trigger/reaction
- Fixed an issue with the AddPhysicsRigidBody itemfunction that would prevent the physics behavior of the item from being maintained if the item was added to the Player’s inventory and then removed, etc.
- All alcohol items in the game (except for the Flask, which will require use of some CSC events to match functionality with other items) are now grabbable and by default have physics enabled, have collision SFX, are highlighted if dropped in the grass, and prevent unimportant events from playing when they are mounted to a Character
- All alcohol items in the game have had their carry offsets, rotations, and hand positioning set appropriately
- Fixed an issue that could cause certain items to not be highlighted in the grass even if they were supposed to, due to multiple mesh renderers being present or niche configurations of mesh renderers in our blah blah do you even care about this crap at this point? Thing was a potato. It isn’t a potato anymore, that’s all you need to know
- Characters will prioritize relationships with other Characters more than Mood when choosing an automatic emote for conversation or when another Character gets close enough to trigger an automatic “look at”
- Fixed an issue that could cause the OnAnyItemAcceptFallback Event Trigger/Reaction to fall through and also allow Refuse events execute
- Added the Item Group functionality. Characters can now check criteria and fire events based on a customized set of items within a CSC-specified Item Group. These events are checked after AND in addition to individual Item accept/refuse Interactions
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the system-default message for an NPC refusing an item from being displayed, even if none of the OnRefuse Events for that item had their criteria met
- Events that are logged via an OnDialogueStart are now labeled properly as such in the Debug Log
- Item Interactions (TriggerGiveTo’s to Characters, Use Withs between Items) now log what items/entities were involved in the Interaction within the Debug Log and what the basic outcome of the Interaction was
- Fixed an issue that was causing the “unzip pants” sound to not play correctly
- Fixed an issue that could cause a couple poses to be unavailable in the Command Console
- CSC: users can now Copy All game events in a “block” of game events (On Dialogue Start, On Dialogue Close, Responses, Event Triggers, etc.) and then paste all of those game events elsewhere
- CSC: added the PlayerGrabsItem event type for Event Triggers
- CSC: fixed an issue that was allowing users to select Characters that were not the Player for event trigger types that can only be triggered by the Player (e.g. VapesOnMe, etc.)
- CSC: added the PlayerReleasesItem event type for Event Triggers
- CSC: the Search tool now shows the total number of obtained search results
- CSC: users can now insert a new Criteria Group at any order in the list
- CSC: addition of more hover-based tooltips throughout the CSC, and cleanup of a few existing tooltips
- CSC: items can now be mounted to a Character’s neck. Note that as of the time of this writing, only one item (the new ‘Collar’) is configured to fit appropriately on a Character’s neck
- CSC: Added the Item Group aspect/page to the main story/story collection object. These will allow you to assign Items into an Item Group, and then within a Character Story, check Criteria and fire Events based on entire Item Groups instead of individual items
- CSC: Users can now find Item Group-based accept and refusal behaviors in the Item Interactions page for each Character Story
- CSC: added ItemFromItemGroup game event type, which can only be selected when working within Item Groups. This event will take item data from an Item Group Accept or Refuse event, and automatically pass a variety of item or inventory related events to that item, without having to specifically script for it
- CSC: cleanup of minor formatting issues
- CSC: limited selection of doors, chairs, and bed-type items where such selections were not appropriate
- CSC: Users can now set up Item-Group based Item Interactions for the Player, in order to assign radial/left-click interactions to broad groups of items
- CSC: Item Group Behaviors (main story collection) and Item Group Interactions (per Character) can now also make use of Item Group-based criteria. These can check to see if the item being “acted upon” meets any of the same criteria offered by the “Item” criteria type, as well as if the item being acted upon is in the Player’s inventory
- CSC: when populating Values automatically, the CSC will now also look Values used within CompareValues criteria
- CSC: translation template exports will now include Background Chatter StartEvents, and Item Interaction OnAccept and OnRefuse events, if any of those events are translatable