winter holiday pack

Clothing Customization Preview Video! New Beta Build Coming to Patreon Soon!

Hey guys!

We know you’re all anticipating the customization update and we’re working hard to get it out soon! It’s taking a bit longer than we originally planned, but we’re really excited about it and we keep expanding its capabilities! It really is coming very soon though – We are hoping to start our final round of Patreon testing next week, and it won’t be long after that!

In our last update, we told you that you’d be able to customize clothing, hair color, and skin tone. We’ve improved on all of that with things like pattern size and rotation, and hair/tip color balance. We’ve also added support for eye color and make up customization, and we were even able to fit some characters’ clothing onto other characters of similar body sizes! For example, you’ll see in the video below, that Zigga puts Vickie’s pants on Amy!

Check us out on Patreon!

Clothing Customization, HDRP, Engine Optimization Coming to House Party Alpha and Beta Builds on Patreon Soon!

Hey guys!

A huge thanks to all of you who have been enjoying the Liz Katz Gritty Kitty Murder Mystery DLC.  The feedback has been very positive, and we are happy to have brought another chapter of House Party to you.

We know a lot of you are wondering what comes next, and although we are still working on one more DLC for House Party, we’ve been starting to shift our focus to Office Party as well!

We are optimizing and adding new capabilities to our engine to create a more robust foundation heading into Office Party.  This will help improve the game performance and allow for new features that Office Party will have, that House Party doesn’t.  A big one of those things is clothing customization!

Just because we are transitioning into working on the Office Party engine doesn’t mean that House Party can’t reap the benefits of some of the upgrades and optimizations that we are doing.  In the next Alpha and Beta releases of the House Party base game we will be leveraging the groundwork we’ve been laying down for Office Party, to optimize House Party’s performance, and bring some new features to the mix.

Character Customization:

The most exciting new feature that you’ll see is character customization!  You’ll be able to change colors, patterns, decals (on some characters), skin tone, hair root and tip color, and even add effects like emboss and metallic to some clothing pieces.  Check out more example outfits:

We’re Switching to Unity’s High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP):

We’ll be taking even more advantage of HDRP’s capabilities in Office Party, but we’re enhancing House Party too!  In House Party, you’ll notice amazing new lighting and shadows and visual upgrade to the house and all of the characters!  Take a look at some work in progress HDRP screenshots below:

Overall Engine Optimization:

We’ve made some major under-the-hood optimizations resulting in less of a memory footprint and improved CPU and GPU performance resulting in:

– Save file size reduced from ~35MB to ~1MB.
– Save/Load times greatly reduced.
– New game load time greatly reduced.

Check us out on Patreon!

The House Party – Winter Holiday Pack Is Out Now!

Winter is here, brahs!

Download the completely free House Party – Winter Holiday Pack to keep your party merry and bright all year long!

Party in a festive, Christmas-themed version of Madison’s house full of holiday cheer – with snowflakes falling outside, opportunities for snowball-throwing, a hysterical new short Frank side-story quest, and your favorite party-goers bundled up in themed Santa, elf, and reindeer hats and ugly sweaters!

Much like the House Party – Halloween Holiday Pack, the House Party – Winter Holiday Pack is a permanent, year-round version of the limited-time 2022 seasonal winter update.

Unlike the haunting vibes from the Halloween DLC, the Winter DLC introduces pine garlands, hanging lights, glowing candy canes, star-shaped lights, ornaments, a snowman, and snowflake window decals to the party space.

There’s plenty to explore with the return of this fun-filled holiday. Armed with a bucket of snowballs at your side, get ready to pelt your favorite NPCs with snowballs to see their hysterical reactions and collect Frank’s special holiday steam achievement in his funny seasonal side quest!

Thank you for waiting while our team worked hard to get this event permanently prepared for you!

If you missed our post on the House Party – Halloween Holiday Pack, we explained that we hadn’t expected either of these seasonal events to be so loved by players. But, many of you requested for us to keep them around permanently, and we wanted to do that for you!

Since these events weren’t originally built to be in the game full dash time, we had to essentially completely rebuild both of them so they could be in the game permanently.

We didn’t want to compromise our normal development, so we tried to keep up our original planned pace and prepare these two seasonal DLCs alongside our original plans. Of course, this took a bit longer than we expected, and these events have permanently dropped at an odd time of the year, but we hope you’re happy to finally see them back for good!

What did the full restructuring of these two seasonal DLCs include?

  • The DLCs are optional and won’t bloat your base game if you never plan to play or install them
  • You can toggle on and off the DLCs if you ever don’t feel like playing the Halloween or Winter content
  • We insured that merging the DLCs with house party wouldn’t create any major bugs or issues that would impact the short or long-term health of the base game
  • And, most exciting, we future-proofed the DLC so more content can be added in future updates!

As we mentioned with the House Party – Halloween Holiday Pack, you won’t see any gameplay or content changes or new cosmetics in this DLC yet, but we have plenty more planned to come in the future.

We’ve also laid down a framework while restructuring both of these DLCs that will allow us to add a brand new free feature for all players. It is super exciting, and something many of you requested in our Future Of House Party Feedback Form. We can’t wait to share it with you!

And, speaking of, now that both of these awesome seasonal DLCs are finally released, we have so much on the horizon.

The release of the House Party – Detective Liz Catz in a Gritty Kitty Murder Mystery Expansion Pack is right around the corner, there are exciting new updates feature updates coming in our roadmap, and, toward the end of the year, we plan to release the House Party – New Content Pack, featuring two new characters from the House Party Universe!

For now, just look forward to everything cool that’s on the way, and enjoy the winter-themed party!

Check Out Our 2023 Development Roadmap!

The rest of this year is gonna be BIG for House Party, doods and lady-doods!

Since there’s so much coming soon to the party, we wanted to share our current development timeline with you, so you know exactly what’s on the way, and when!

Keep in mind this is an estimated timeline and some plans may change – especially as we begin working more on Office Party – but hopefully this will give you a good general idea of what we’re currently hoping to bring to the game next.

So, check out the roadmap above (and read more details below) to get a better idea on timelines for all the rad stuff that we hope to add to House Party throughout the rest of 2023!

House Party – Halloween Holiday Pack

Been waiting for the party to get spooky again?

The House Party – Halloween Holiday Pack will be the first of our seasonal holiday packs to release, and we should have it ready to play within the next few weeks! 👻

While it’s taken a bit longer than expected to completely rebuild the event and get the DLC toggle feature ready (you can read more about that here), everything is looking good for the Halloween vibes to return to the party very soon! 🎃

Also, thanks to your patience, we’ve been able to work on preparing the holiday packs without sacrificing development time on the other big and exciting things coming to House Party later this year! Awesome news and cheers to you, brahs!

House Party – Winter Holiday Pack

Following hot on the heels of the permanent return of the Halloween content will be the House Party – Winter Holiday Pack! 🎅Once we have the toggle feature done for Halloween, we should be able to get everything quickly situated for the next seasonal DLC – so, expect to see this pack ready sometime next month. When it releases, you’ll be able to get into the winter holiday spirit all year long! ⛄

Please keep in mind that neither of these holidays will have any additional content compared to what was in their original 2022 events, but we have plans to add plenty more to them in future updates!

House Party – Detective Liz Katz in a Gritty Kitty Murder Mystery

Now, here’s the big news: the awesome murder mystery DLC featuring the sexy, hilarious, and amazing cosplay heartthrob Liz Catz will be coming this Summer! But…when exactly? A lot of you’ve been asking, so here’s an update on the release window for the mysterious new expansion. 🕵️We are hoping to have the DLC ready for you to play as soon as late May or June this year! We’ll keep you all updated on the specific timing as we get closer to the release, and we’ll provide you with an official launch date as soon as we can. 🤘

In the meantime, we hope you’re stoked to solve this exciting whodunnit (and maybe get dirty along the way, too). If you want to get a preview of what’s coming ahead of time, you can always check out this blog to learn how to get access to early Alpha and Beta builds.

House Party – Base Game Feature Updates

Wait…there are new features coming to the original House Party experience? Say what?!While we haven’t shared too much about this yet, we’re planning to release some awesome new free feature updates for the base game – implementing some of the feedback we got from you brahs in our Future Of House Party Feedback Form! 🎉

This won’t be any sort of big new character, story, or content patch, but we think you’re going to love what we’re planning on adding. More details coming soon! 👀

House Party – New Content Pack

Around the end of the year, we also plan to release a sweet new DLC set entirely in the House Party universe! It’ll include a cool new side story (separate from the original story), two brand new characters to interact with (one female, one male), and a couple new clothing items! 🔥The theme of this DLC and much of the story inspiration will be drawn directly from your responses in the Future of House Party Feedback Form! We’re still in the conceptualization phase on this, so this means that we’ll announce what the winning clothing and story themes are for the DLC as soon as we can! 🍻

What’s even cooler is that this DLC will be enriched by the free House Party base game feature updates that we release just before the expansion drops. If you’ve been wanting more of that original House Party goodness, this one’s for you!

What about the future? And Office Party?

As shown in the timeline, the estimates for when some of these things will launch depends a lot on Office Party (House Party’s sequel).

While near-future releases are less likely to change, the stuff shown further out on our timeline could be shifted, delayed, or removed for the sake of working more on Office Party sooner. That’s why we avoided putting exact dates on the image itself.

Where are we at with developing Office Party? Right now, we’re still planning, concepting, and laying out the early framework for it in the background, though it will be a while before we share anything new. But Office Party is coming, brahs, and it’s gonna be awesome! 😱

And what about VR? Although we don’t have any new updates for you right now, we still plan to add it in the future! Anyway, that’s all for now, partiers. We hope you’re excited to see what the rest of 2023 has in store for House Party! 🙌

Winter & Halloween: Limited-Time Events vs. Permanent DLCs

We’re nearing the end of a long road of development with turning the 2022 Halloween and Winter limited-time events into permanent House Party seasonal DLCs!


Soon, we’ll share an official roadmap with the exciting news that both of our seasonal DLCs should (fingers crossed!) be releasing by the end of May to all players! These are free DLCs made to enrich the base game experience with holiday themes, so we hope you pick them up and enjoy the seasonal aesthetics!


We want to thank everybody for being so patient. These took longer than expected to get ready, but, thanks to moving a bit slower on getting them ready, we’ve actually been able to work on them these past few months without sacrificing too much time on our regular development schedule – which is awesome for those of you who are excited about the big things (like Liz Katz) coming soon to the party!



So, what took so long, anyway, Eek? Weren’t these events pretty much done already? 


To really answer this question, we have to look back at last year. We decided, right before Halloween, to drop a couple of fun things into the game with the intention that they would be removed after the event. They weren’t built to stay in the game long-term, both because of base game bloat and because there was no framework in place to actually support their existence.


When you doods loved the Halloween event, we decided to try to squeeze in some Winter content, too. Winter was even bigger, since we tried to fit in more of your feedback from the Holiday Feedback Form, and it also wasn’t built to be in the game long-term. Instead of just cosmetics, we added in a snowball throwing mechanic, voice line reactions for characters being hit by snowballs, new shirts, new headbands, falling snow, new decorations, an achievement, and an entire Frank side-quest.


And that was awesome! So awesome that a bunch of you wanted both the Halloween and Winter holiday content to be permanent, which we definitely weren’t prepared for. But we thought that was a great idea, and we really wanted to make that happen for everyone – but we wanted to make sure we were doing that the right way.



What IS the right way? And will these events look any different?


Both the Halloween and Winter permanent DLCs will look exactly like the seasonal events you remember from 2022, but they are actually very different on the inside.


We know this isn’t super exciting from a player standpoint, but we hope that you’re excited for the future: Since we built these events properly for permanent use as DLCs, we’ll be able to add more content to them easier, and it’ll bring you a better gameplay experience long-term!


House Party Stable Release 1.0.3 - Halloween Update

So, what’s been restructured, exactly? 

  • We made it so the event won’t bloat your base game if you don’t want it added!
  • We made it so you can toggle the DLC on and off if you don’t feel like seeing the Halloween (or Winter) aesthetic during a certain play session!
  • We made it so the content won’t cause any foreseeable major bugs/issues with the base game long-term by being added!
  • And, best of all, we future-proofed this baby! 🤘



What does “future-proofed” mean?

First, it means we made it so we can add extra content (cosmetics, decorations, side-quests, achievements, etc.) to the Halloween (or Winter) Holiday Pack as time permits!

They’re built to support more content updates, brahs! But, even better, it means we can add some exciting new features to the DLCs in the future.



While we don’t want to spoil everything, we’ve also started running an invisible framework beneath this DLC for something really exciting.


You shouldn’t see a difference, but it’s there. We’ll share more info on this soon!


In the meantime, remember, the permanent seasonal DLCs won’t “look” much different from the original limited time 2022 events (besides a toggle on/off DLC button)!


Still, we hope those of you who have been waiting for them to return again! Thanks a ton for your patience. You won’t have to wait much longer, partiers!

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